Module 3-Unit 2 The sun is shining.-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频+素材)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:403b0).zip

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Look at the bird.Its flying.Look at the elephant.Its walking.Look at the dog.Its running.Look at the girl.Shes singing.What animals are there in this picture?What are they doing?Whats Daming doing? Whos Daming writing to?随机 应变In this photo,its raining.The ducks are swimming.12345To childrenDear children,How are you?I had a special day on Monday.I took some photos of children at school.Im sending you some photos.My dear children,I love you all.Lets write lots of letters to each other.Love,Miss Shi.In this photo,its. Im .windyskipping In this photo,its. Im.coldrunningIn this photo,its. Im .hotdrinking waterIn this photo,its . Im .sunnyplaying footballIn this photo,its . Were .warmdoing exercisesIn this photo,its. Were .cloudyreading booksHomework必做:1、流利朗读课文;2、收集家人或朋友的相片,用现在进行时 向同桌简单介绍。 选做: 制作个人相册,标注英文。 Mazhuang Primary Shi ZhaoyunLook at the bird.Its flying.Look at the elephant.Its walking.Look at the dog.Its running.Look at the girl.Shes singing.What animals are there in this picture?What are they doing?Whats Daming doing? Whos Daming writing to?随机 应变In this photo,its raining.The ducks are swimming.12345To childrenDear children,How are you?I had a special day on Monday.I took some photos of children at school.Im sending you some photos.My dear children,I love you all.Lets write lots of letters to each other.Love,Miss Shi.In this photo,its. Im .windyskipping In this photo,its. Im.coldrunningIn this photo,its. Im .hotdrinking waterIn this photo,its . Im .sunnyplaying footballIn this photo,its . Were .warmdoing exercisesIn this photo,its. Were .cloudyreading booksHomework必做:1、流利朗读课文;2、收集家人或朋友的相片,用现在进行时 向同桌简单介绍。 选做: 制作个人相册,标注英文。ModuleModule 3 3 TheThe sunsun isis shining.shining.教学目标:教学目标:1、知识目标:能识读新单词:shine ,everyone 。用 be+动词 ing的句型描述正在发生的事情。2、能力目标:用 be+动词 ing 的句型描述正在发生的事情。3、情感目标:激发学生学习英语的热情,学会用英语来与人交流正在做的事情。教学重、难点:1、重点:使用 be+动词 ing 的句型描述正在发生的事情。2、难点:能正确运用英语表达正在做的事情。教学过程:教学过程:StepStep 1 1: Warming up1、Greetings.Game:Lets do together.StepStep 2 2:Lead in1、Tell the game .Group A and Group B. 2、T:Whats the weather like today ?Ss:Its sunny.T:Look at the sun.The sun is happy.The sun is shining.3、Listen!T:Whats that?Ss:Its a bird. Look at the bird.Whats it doing? Its flying.Learn “flying”.And then learn .StepStep 3:3: Presentation1、Show the picture.T:What are they?Ss:The bird and the dog.T:What are they doing?T:Whats the bird doing?Ss:The bird is flying. .Listen and repeat the chant.StepStep 4 4:Text teaching1、T: Our friend Daming had a picnic in the park last Saturday.It was very interesting.He took some photos.Now he went to share his happiness with his friends.He is sending some photos to his friends.Look,whats he doing? Ss: Hes writing a letter.T:But who is he writing to?Lets have a look.2、T: Is this our friend,Lingling?Look at these photos.T:What can you see in the photo?The one answer:the sun is shining.T:And else?T:What about ducks?T:What about Daming and Simon?T:Now lets talk about the picture.Read the first photo together.3、T:Now look at the second photo. Whats the weather like?Is the sun shining?Who can tell me?5、T:And just look at this.Show“Just look at this”and learn “just”.Show the Photo 3.T:What can you see?T:Whats the weather like?Is it shining?Read the passage together.6、T:Look at the Bb.归纳全文。T:Whos Daming writing to ?Ss:Daming is writing to Lingling.Practise the story.7、Open the book.Repeat the text.StepStep 5 5:Practise.1、Show and practise the pictures.For example:In this photo,its raining.The ducks are swimming on the pond.Then show them in groups.2、Now look at this letter.Dear children,How are you?I had a special day on Monday.I took some photos of children at school.Im sending you some photos.My dear children,I love you all.Lets write lots of letters to each other.Love,Miss Shi.T:Now,do you want to see the photos? Practise the photos.3、T:Today the sun is shining.The tree is getting green.The birds are singing.The flowers are beautiful.Its a beautiful day. Now Let me take photos of you .StepStep 6 6: Homework:必做 1、流利朗读课文;2、收集家人或朋友的照片并向同桌做简单介绍。选做 制作个人相册,标注英文。StepStep 7 7:Blackboard Writing:The sun is shiningShiningcrying eating starting to rain looking at教学反思The sun is shining.以 Daming 寄给 Lingling 的照片为载体,复习现在进行时的用法。六年级学生虽然对现在进行时的意义和结构并不陌生,但到此阶段应通过对课文的阅读理解与拓展运用,能够灵活、准确的描述出照片或图片中的活动情景。本课的文本材料既凸显了小学高年级阅读教学的特点,也适合培养学生灵活运用语言的能力,是一节典型的课例。课后,我对下面几点感触颇深: 一、真实自然的情境促兴趣。 高年级的孩子在学习上存在一定的消极影响,再加上缺乏语言交流实践的环境,部分学生不愿意主动开口说英语。因此,在课堂上创设真实的、贴近学生生活的情境,可以激发起学生学习的兴趣。在这节课的设计中,我从学生喜欢的运动入手,邀请学生一起做运动。在轻松热烈的气氛中的复习了旧知,也激发了学生的思维。接下来的导入环节,也通过动画图片、语言等形成语言交流环境,学生开口说语言的兴趣浓厚。而在真实自然的情境中交流,不仅培养了学生的能力,也使学生的情感和态度在创造与分享的过程中得以自然建构与生成。2、合理有效的任务显主体。新课程标准强调面向全体,关注每一个学生的主体性。本课是一个典型的阅读教学课例,我详细的研究了自己的教学设计,对阅读文本的理解采用了任务型的教学方法。先整体感知,理解文本,提出简单有整体性的问题帮助学生理解;然后阅读细节,获取信息。我们设置了 Listen and answer, Look and say 等层次性强的任务,帮助学生获取信息,整理信息。学生在完成一项项具体的任务的过程中,理解语言、归纳信息的能力得到进一步的培养。3、生动巧妙的活动助运用。阅读教学的真谛在于,从阅读材料中获取信息,提炼语言,为我所用。所以,我在备课时,秉承着“从生活入手,进入课本;跳出课本,回归生活。”的原则。在拓展运用环节,我设计了学生非常感兴趣的活动。比如:让学生现场表演,现场描述;选取学生自己生活中的照片,分组讨论描述。这些实践活动是和学生的生活息息相关的,形式也非常生动多样,所以学生运用的兴致勃勃。在合作交流的过程中,他们的综合语言运用能力得到了培养,也更积极主动去学习了。4、分层优化的作业于延伸。对于语言的运用远远不局限于课堂之上,而在于生活中。好的作业能帮助学生更好的巩固知识、运用语言。我在布置作业时注重了分层设置,尊重了学生的个体差异。并且作业的内容也是从课本提炼出来,让学生在生活中学以致用。体现了作业布置的优化性。同时,在课堂上也有些地方需要改进。1、对于课堂上动态生成的信息处理不灵活。比如,在拓展环节中学生现场表演时,没有及时引导学生生动大方的去展现自己。2、评价激励语言较单一,学生之间缺乏互动与评价。总之,这节课的设计是以学生的兴趣为基础,以有效的活动和真实的情景为媒介。使学生在学习语言知识的同时,也锻炼了自主学习的能力。
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