Module 10-Unit 1 We're going to different schools.-公开课ppt课件--(含教案)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:c03ec).zip

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kindergarten幼儿园primary school小学middle schoolmiddle school中学 Are you going to go to middle school ?Im really _.this SeptemberexcitedYes. this SeptemberWhat are you going to study ? 星星期一期一星星期二期二星星期三期三星星期四期四星星期五期五第第一节一节外外语语数数学学外外语语数数学学语语文文第第二节二节数数学学语语文文数数学学语语文文数数学学第第三节三节阅阅读读品品德德科科学学体体育育外外语语第第四节四节劳劳技技体体育育作作文文美美术术体体育育第第五节五节美美术术实实践践作作文文音音乐乐信信息息第第六节六节班班会会音音乐乐品品德德自习科科学学中学课程表中学课程表小学课程表小学课程表The same :Chinese ,English ,Music, P.E. Art 星星期一期一星星期二期二星星期三期三星星期四期四星星期五期五上上午午1数数学学英英语语化化学学语语文文物物理理2语语文文数数学学美美术术音音乐乐化化学学3英英语语音音乐乐英英语语数数学学数数学学4物物理理体体育育语语文文物物理理英英语语下下午午5化化学学历历史史政政治治英英语语语语文文6劳劳技技语语文文数数学学化化学学历历史史7音音乐乐美美术术体体育育自自习习体体育育8班班会会活活动动活活动动活活动动活活动动The different : Physics,Chemistry,History Geography 物理物理 化学化学 历史历史 地理地理地理地理Im going to study _.Chemistry,HistoryPhysics, 物理 Physics 化学 Chemistry 历史 History 九月 september 兴奋的 excited What are they talking about? . A weather B school life C birthday partyBclickModule 10 Unit 1 We are going to different school.Listen and choose.( ) 1 Is Lingling going to go to middle school this Spetember? A Yes, she is. B No, she isnt. C Yes, he is.( ) 2 Where is Amy and Sams new school? A Its in China. B Its in England. C It in America.( ) 3 Will Lingling miss her friends? A Yes, she wont. B No, she wont. C Yes, he will. Listen and choose.( ) 1 Is Lingling going to go to middle school this Spetember? A Yes, she is. B No, she isnt. C Yes, he is.( ) 2 Where is Amy and Sams new school? A Its in China. B Its in England. C It in America.( ) 3 Will Lingling miss Sam and Amy? A Yes, she wont. B No, she wont. C Yes, he will. CBCRead and find”going to”.Were going to leave primary school soon and start middle school this september.Were going to study Chinese,English,Maths,History,Geography.Were also going to meet new friends there.Were going to different school.My best friends Sam and Amy are going back to the UK.Theyre going to a new school there. be going to amisare我 用 am,你用 are,is 连着他,她,它,两个以上都用are。( )1 I going to run. A am B is C are( ) 2 He going to swim. A am B is C are( ) 3 You going to jump. A am B is C are( ) 4 Daming going to play football. A am B is C are( ) 5 Daming and Amy going to watch TV. A am B is C areABCBCAmy going to . Sam going to . Amy and Lingling going to . Sam and Daming going to . isisareareplay footballswim/go swimmingplay basketballlisten to music1432going to You are I am She/He/It is We/You/They aredo( ) 6 Daming is going to to middle school. A go B going C went( )7 What are you going to ? A studying B studied C study( ) 8 Were going to Chinese. A speaking B spoke C speak( ) 9 Are you going to football this afternoon? A played B play C playing( ) 10 I am going to an email to my friend. A send B sending C playACCBA请同学们谈一谈自己对未来中学生活的打算: 1. How will you go to school, by bike, by bus or on foot? I will go to school . 2. When are you going to get up in middle school? I will going to . 3. What are you going to study in middle school? I am going to . 4. Which middle school do you want to go? I am going to .Read the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. ARead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!1( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AARead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!12( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABRead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!123( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABBRead the passage quickly. Hello, Im Lingling. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to go to Beijing with my parents and we are going to visit some places. We are going to climb the Great Wall and see a film about Beijing. My parents are going to buy some postcards and take lots of photos. Im going to meet my pen friend in a restaurant. I think my holiday will be interesting!1234( ) 1 Where is Lingling going to go? A Beijing B Shanghai( ) 2 Are they going to climb the Great Wall? A Yes, they are. B No, they arent.( ) 3 What are linglings parents going to buy? A Some stamps. B Some postcards.( ) 4 Where is Lingling going to meet with her pen friend? A In a library. B In a restaurant. AABBWrite down your summer holiday plan. This summer holiday, I have a plan. I m going to . In the morning, I m going to . In the afternoon, I m going to . In the evening, I m going to . And I m going to at ten. I think my holiday will be interesting!go to Hainan/visit Hainanread books/read a bookswim /go swimmingwatch TVsleep/go to bedHOMEWORK1 Read the words and the passage.2 Write a short passage about your summer plan.THANK YOU!课题:一年级起点第十二册(一年级起点第十二册(NSENSE)ModuleModule 1010Unit 1 Are you going to go to middle school? 【教材分析】语言功能:谈论将来的计划和打算。语言结构:be going to do sth教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Are you going to go to middle school? What are you going to study?b.语言技能目标:能够听懂、会说并认读本模块句型,能运用所学语言询问将来的计划和打算,并对此类询问给予回应。c.情感态度目标:引导学生热爱即将到来的中学学习生活,积极地投入到各门课程的学习中。教学重、难点:重点:Are you going to go to middle school? What are you going to study?middle school,really,study,Geography,useful,难点:能在实际情景中运用 be going to do sth 的句型。【学生分析】学生在三年级时学习过 be going to 的句型。本册教材的 Module 3 也对此句型进行了进一步巩固。所以,学生已经熟悉这个语言结构。在本课学习中,将重点解决运用 be going to 的句型表达意义。同时,感受它与 will 的微妙区别。 【设计理念】依据“用英语完成各种真实的生活、学习等任务”的思想设计本课教学活动。主要采用“任务型”教学方式,小组合作学习方式,让学生就本课所学句型:be going to do sth,询问和谈论将来的计划和打算。 教学准备 录音机、卡片、课件(内含问题提示) 、VCD。【教学过程】、WarmWarm upupa. 师生间亲切问候。b.老师播放录音机,学生拍手齐说小韵诗 What are we going to do today?通过轻松愉快的韵句,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造学习英语的氛围,初次感知重点句型 going to 。、PresentationPresentationa.教师扮演成记者进行采访,询问周末即将举行的活动,What are you going to do this Saturday/Sunday? Are you going to go shopping/play tennis/watch TV ? 。b.学生回答完问题,教师给予适当的评说,解决部分教学重点单词句子。如:生:Im going to play tennis.师:Im going to play tennis, too. And Im really excited.(教师边说边做出兴奋的表情与动作),领学生说做;生:Im going to go to a library .师:Thats useful for your reading and writing.(教师出示 useful 的卡片),在句子中教授单词。教师提问:What are you going to do this September ? ,引导学生回答:Im going to go to middle school.同时,教师提出争当校园小记者的倡议。c.引入课文内容,提出问题 What about Amy,Sam and Lingling ? Are they going to go to middle school? 。学生带着问题观看课文 VCD。通过采访式的对话,教师引领复习旧识,以旧引新。同时前置教学重点,教授部分单词和句子。通过观看课文 VCD,让学生知道今天要学的语言知识是在什么样的语境下进行的。并且在课前倡议:“做一名校园小记者” ,让学生明确本课学习任务。、PracticePracticea. 看书,听录音,并且在 going to 的句子下划线(小组内反馈)b. 看书,带着问题再次听录音。 问题:1.When is Lingling going to go to middle school? 2. What is she going to study? 3.Where are Sam and Amy going to go? 4. What is useful for Amy/Sam? 5.Can they write and send emails to each other?c.小组内讨论回答问题,加深对课文内容的理解并练习重点句型。d. 跟录音朗读课文,模仿正确的语音语调。e.小组内分角色朗读或表演课文。f.扮演书中人物和校园小记者,进行采访活动。教师以文字形式提供问题提示:1.What are you going to do this September? 2. What are you going to study? 3. Where are you going to go? 4.Will you miss Lingling/Sam and Amy? g.说说 be going to 与 will 的差别。不要求学生掌握,学生只要了解就可以了。利用小组合作学习的方式,突破教学重难点。同时培养合作学习的意识,提高语言实际运用能力。通过学生对课文的感知理解模仿学说加工表演,小梯度,多台阶,多层次,反复地强化了学生对语言知识的理解与掌握。结合学习内容进行德育教育,引导学生热爱即将到来的中学学习生活,积极地投入到各门课程的学习中。、ProductionProductiona. 完成 SB 活动 3:以记者采访的形式进行小组内问答。b. 比一比哪个记者最敏感,推测得准。学生看提示写出计划,如 Im happy ,so Im going to have a picnic.然后说出前半句 Im happy. 校园小记者进行采访 Are you going to? 猜测活动计划。 提示内容:1.Im happy/sad/tired/bored/angry/hungry. 2.It is going to rain/snow/be cold/hot/windy. 3.Its eight oclock/(time).学生在组内交流,巩固拓展所学过的词汇以及句子。通过写句子,说一说、猜一猜、比一比,达成学习任务,加强对重点句型的运用,梳理内化所学知识。、HomeHome workwork全班完成:1.听录音,复习本单元。 2. 预习下一个单元。调查你即将升入的中学的情况,作好记录。个别完成:调查下一周的校园生活计划,写下来与同学进行交流。任务延伸,扎实掌握本课学习内容。课题:一年级起点第十二册(一年级起点第十二册(NSENSE)ModuleModule 1010Unit 2 There are 2,500 students at the school. 【教材分析】语言功能:用一般将来时的句子询问和描述即将升入的中学的情况。语言结构:Which/Howwill? I will/am going to.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Which/Howwill? I willb.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言询问和描述即将发生的事情。c.情感态度目标:引导学生珍惜现在的生活,喜爱即将升入的中学。教学重、难点:重点:Which/Howwill? I will. student ,并能在实际情景中运用。难点:will 的特殊疑问句在实际情景中运用。【学生分析】学生已经学习过用 will 表示将来的句子。在上一个单元的学习中刚接触了含有 will 的陈述句,并且还体验了它与 be going to 的区别。但本课将 will 运用在特殊疑问句中,会成为学生感到生疏和难掌握的知识点。【设计理念】教师采用“任务型”教学方式,让学生就本课所学句型:Which/Howwill? 询问和描述即将升入的中学的情况,完成制作一期访谈节目的任务。让学生在用中学,学中用。另外,进行阅读回答问题的训练,提高学生语言的综合运用能力。 教学准备 录音机、卡片、课件(内含问题提示) 、VCD。【教学过程】、WarmWarm upupa.观看 VCD,感受韵诗,School is nearly finished. Its time to start anew.。b.反馈上节课作业,汇报新学校情况。内容可包括:学校名称、位置、规模通过轻松愉快的韵句,激发学生的学习兴趣,营造出学习英语的氛围。引入学习主题,为进行新的知识教学做好铺垫。、PresentationPresentationa. 布置学习任务:以“即将升入的中学”为主题做一期访谈节目。b.引入课文:先来看书中同学即将升入的中学。在课前给出学生具体任务:“做一的访谈节目” 。呈现具体任务让学生明确学习目标。引导学生珍惜现在的生活,喜爱即将升入的中学。、PracticePracticea.听音,看课文,进行整体感知。b.带着问题听音,进一步理解课文。 出示问题:1.Which school is she going to go? 2.Where is it? 3.How many students are there? 4.How will she go to the new school?c.出示单词卡学习生词 student。说说本校和其他学校学生数。d. 跟录音读课文,模仿正确的语音语调。带着问题学习课文,拥有明确学习目的。从而加深对句子的理解运用,对课文的整体掌握。、ProductionProductiona. 在小组内进行访谈活动,其中一名学生作为主持采访其他三名学生。各小组间展开竞赛。教师出示采访问题:1.Which middle school are you going to go to? 2. Where is it? 3. How many students are there? 4. How will you go to your new school? (SB 活动 2 中的问题)b.独立完成阅读理解,全班订正答案。 NameNew SchoolAddress of the schoolNumber of Students at the schoolThe Way to go to SchoolXiaoqiangNo. 18 Middle SchoolHonggang Road2,500WalkGanggangNo. 78 Middle SchoolWangjia Bridge1,800By busJiaojiaoNo. 80 Middle SchoolDafang Road2,300By bike1.Which school is Jiaojiao going to go? 2.Where is No. 18 Middle School? 3.How many students are there at No. 78 Middle School?4.How will Ganggang go to the new school?让学生在仿真的情境中运用知识,进行表格式的阅读回答问题的训练,使学生熟练掌握本课知识,并达到综合运用、HomeHome workwork全班完成:听录音,复习本单元,预习下一个单元。个别完成:制作关于你的新学校的宣传单,要求图文并茂。复习旧知,预习新知,养成自主学习的好习惯。写写、画画,在运用所学知识的过程中,进一步巩固本课重点,使扎实掌握知识。
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