Module 5-Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the river.-公开课ppt课件--(含公开课教案+视频)-外研版六年级下册(一起)英语-(编号:d095e).zip

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What is the weather like? Its.Lets chant.look- lookingeat- eatingrain- rainingplay- playinghave- havingwrite- writingtake- takingcome-comingmake- makingswim-swimmingrun- runningget- gettingput- puttingcut- cutting Module5 Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water.学习目标:学习目标:1.学会运用单词:学会运用单词: hardly raincoat tunnel2.学会运用句型:学会运用句型: I am looking out of the window. A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat. Some children are jumping in the water.3.能用现在进行时描写一个场景。能用现在进行时描写一个场景。Whats the weather like?Its sunny and windy.What is the boy doing?He is flying a kite.hardhardlyI can hardly see you.Whats the weather like?Where is the girl?What is she doing ?It is raining.She is on a train.She is looking out of the window.Some pigs are sleeping under a tree.People are carrying umbrellas.raincoatraincoat/renkt/A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.Some children are jumping in the water.Read and number.( )( )( )( )( )tunnel/tnl/The train goes into a tunnel. It is very dark.We come out of the tunnel.The rain stops.The sun is shining.The train arrives at the station.arrive in 大地方大地方-country, cityat 小地方小地方- station Listen and repeat.自读课文划出自读课文划出be+ving.1.I am looking out of the window.2. It is raining.3. Some pigs are sleeping under a tree.4.People are carrying umbrellas.5. A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.6. Some children are jumping in the water.7. The sun is shining.Read the textFill in the blanks.I am on a _. I am looking out of the _. It is _. Some pigs are _ under a tree. People are _ umbrellas .A man is wearing a big hat and a _. Some children are _ in the water.The train goes into _. It is very dark. We come out of the tunnel. The rain _. The sun is _. Now the train arrives at the _.trainwindowrainingsleepingcarryingraincoatjumpinga tunnelstopsshiningstation看图复述课文:看图复述课文:Practise.What is she doing?She is playing ping-pong.What is he doing?He is swimming.What are they doing?They are jumping.Look and say.仿照示例说一说图片中的天气和活动。仿照示例说一说图片中的天气和活动。Its raining. The children are jumping in the water.Its windy. The children are flying the kites.Its sunny. The children are eating ice creams.Describe the pictures.(描述照片)描述照片)小练笔:小练笔:In the park.Its Sunday today. Its sunny. Some people are in a big park. Look! Amy is_. Two boys are_. A girl _. Some girls _. A boy _.Some old people _. They are very happy!Homework:1.新单词写五遍。新单词写五遍。2.课文读熟并试着背诵。课文读熟并试着背诵。3.写一个作文:运用现在进行时太描写课间操场上同学们都在干什么。写一个作文:运用现在进行时太描写课间操场上同学们都在干什么。Look! The children are playing on the playground. Some boys are .China America England Australia Canada Beijing Harbin London New York学校备课教师模块Module5单元Unit2教学内容 小学新标准英语一年级起点六年级下册Module 5 Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water.教学目标1、知识目标:1)掌握单词: hardly raincoat tunnel2)掌握句型: I am looking out of the window.A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat. Some children are jumping in the water. 2、技能目标: 学会运用现在进行时态描述正在发生的事情,能根据图片的提示,用现在进行时描写一个场景。3、情感态度及价值观: 引导学生注意观察生活或媒体中使用的简单英语,积极用英语描述所见所闻。教学重点及难点1、掌握新单词和现在进行时的句子。2、如何让学生在实际语境中运用现在进行时描述看见的一个场景。教具准备白板课件,单词卡片及各种与教学内容相关的实物,DVD,教学方法情境教学法,任务教学法,小组合作探究法。游戏教学法,教学过程一、热身复习1、Greeting. T: Hello, how are you? Ss: I am fine. Thank you. And you? T: I am fine,too. Whats the weather like today? Ss: Its sunny. T: Sit down, please. Ss: Thank you!2、Look at the pictures. Ask and answer .(看天气的图标问答)3、Lets chant. Look looking eateating rain-raining playplaying havehaving writewriting 二、激趣导入T:Look at the picture and say “ Some children are jumping in the water.” Today we learn Module 5 Unit 2 Some children are jumping in the water.三、呈现新知1、出示学习目标。2、Look at the picture and answer the questions.Whats the weather like?What is the boy doing?Let students answer the questions.Watch a cartoon(Part One) learn new word “hardly ”.hard-hardlyI can hardly see you. 找个人读,二组读,四人组读,板书新单词。学习句型。3、Go on looking at the picture and answer the questions.Whats the weather like? Its raining. Where is the girl ?What is she doing? Listen and answer the questions. Let students answer the questions. She is on a train. She is looking out of the window.4、看图描述图片。 Some pigs are sleeping under the tree.Some people are carrying umbrellas.rain coat 有两个单词合成一个新单词。 个人读,二人组读,四人组读。板书新单词。看图描述句子。 A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.个人读,齐读。Some children are jumping in the water.先个人读,再齐读。5、Read and number.(让学生自读课文第一段给图片排序)。让学生上黑板上标序号。然后看图描述图片。6、Listen and learn the word “ tunnel”. 看图描述句子。The train goes into a tunnel. Its very dark.We come out of the tunnel. The rain stops .The sun is shining. The train arrives at the station. 讲解 arrive at , arrive in 的用法。看图和动画让学生描述图片。让学生整体感知课文。7、听音跟读课文。 (让学生逐句跟读,注意模仿语音语调)8、自读课文找出 be + v-ing . 让学生回答,然后填空。9、读课文。一分钟自读课文看谁读的遍数多奖励粘贴。 (训练学生的语速)小组展示读课文。 (先小组内分角色读课文,再给全班展示)10、自读课文进行课文填空。11、自读课文,看图复述课文。 (先一起复述,再找个别学生复述。注意语音语调。 )四、巩固拓展1、看图回答问题: 先找个人回答,再二人组看图问答。2、Look and say.(仿照示例说一说图片中的天气和活动。Its raining. The children are jumping in the water.同时利用图片进行同坐、小组练习。让学生熟练掌握句型。3、写一个作文。描述你在公园看到人们都在做什么。展示作文让学生注意书写。让学生纠正错误。五、课堂小结 看板书,找学生复述本节课所学单词和重点句型。六、情感升华引导学生注意观察生活或媒体中使用的简单英语,积极用英语描述所见所闻。达标反馈一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. They are _(write) a letter now.2. Now , Lily is _(clap) her hands.3. Look ! The boy is _ (swim) .4. Listen !They are _(talk) about the film.5. Listen! The apples are _(fall)down the stairs. 理解运用(课后作业)1.新单词写五遍。2.课文读熟并试着背诵。3.写一个作文:运用现在进行时太描写课间操场上同学们都在干什么。Look! The children are playing on the playground. Some boys are .板书设计M5U2 Some children are jumping in the water.hardly I am looking out of the window.raincoat A man is wearing a big hat and a raincoat.tunnel Some children are jumping in the water.教学反思本课是第五模块第二单元,在第三模块,第四模块的基础上本模块继续学习现在进行时态的用法,第一单元是讲大明过生日正在吹唢呐,朋友们陆续来了,打断了他正在做的事情。前一件事用现在进行时态,突然发生的事情用一般现在时态。而第二单元在第一单元的基础上继续学习现在进行时态,以火车上一个小女孩的眼睛看到很多人正在做的事情因为突然火车进洞了打断了。事情有了新的进展。 我在复习环节复习了天气,和动词现在分词,为新课的学习做铺垫。新课的导入我采用观察图片回答问题再播放动画。抓住学生的注意力。让学生观看动画的同时学习单词 hardly,我采用先听音再通过旧单词 hard 加 ly 记忆单词。同时练习句型 I can hardly see you.让学生在情境中学习和运用单词。另外两个单词 raincoat 和tunnel 我也是采用在情境中学习的。同时运用于句型当中。让学习学以致用。新课我也采用看图回答问题的方式。把学生带人到课文中。然后先听音感知课文。能自学的部分我都让学生自学。课文整体我采用看图描述的形式,让学生先理解课文。再听音跟读课文,注意语音语调。让学生很容易的理解课文,轻松的学习课文。操练环节我采用看图回答问题的方式练习现在进行时态,接着看图描述图片,在这个基础上我再让他们看图描述一个场景,一步一步循序渐进,把难点攻破。学生很容易的描述一个场景。收到了很好的效果,本节课也有不足的地方,在操练环节,看图回答问题因为时间的关系,我没有给时间让二人组先练习。而是大家一起来问答,没有检查到每个学生会不会。下回要注意时间的调控,我会更努力的研究教法和研究学生,做到事半功倍的效果。
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