(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 3 Learning About Language 提升一练 (含答案).doc

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1、第 1页(共 12页)Unit3 Section B Learning About Language一、单句语法填空1.The boy was reminded that his homework(not hand)in.2.When I got to the school, I realized I(leave) mybackpack at home.3.The police found that the house(break)into and a lotof things were stolen.4.The new suspension bridge(design)by the end

2、of lastmonth.5.I(plan) to come over to see you last night, butsomeone called me and I couldnt get away.6.Scientists have responded by(note) that hungrybears may be congregating(聚集) around human settlements.7.When he was clipping(修剪)a tree, he was told that he shouldbe careful not to slice his finger

3、.二、完成句子1.到去年年末为止我们已经建了五座新楼。Wefive new buildings by the end of last year.2.在老师回来之前,教室已经被打扫了,这使老师感到很欣慰。第 2页(共 12页)The classroombefore the teacher came back,which made the teacher very relieved.3.当我们到达车站时,公共汽车早就已经开走了。The busalreadywhen we got to the station.4.上个月我参观了一家公司,我哥哥曾经在那里工作过。I paid a visit to a

4、 company lastmonth,.5.我刚开门,他就告诉了我这件事。(hardly.when.;倒装)the doorhe told me thething.6.学校运动会刚开始天就开始下大雨。(no sooner.than.;倒装)itbegan to rain heavily.三、阅读理解A British friend told me he couldnt understand why Chinesepeople love eating sunflower seeds (嗑瓜子) as a snack so much.“Ive met a lot of older Chinese

5、and many have a crack in theirfront teeth; I believe thats from cracking the seeds, ” hesaid.I had never noticed the habit, but once he mentioned it, Isuddenly became moreaware.Irealized thatwheneverIm第 3页(共 12页)watching TV or typing a report, I always start mindlesslycracking sunflower seeds.My fri

6、end doesnt like sunflowerseeds, and, to him, it seems unnecessary to work so much justto get one small seed.When we were young, the whole family would usually gettogether for Chinese New Year.Then, we all lived close to oneanother, usually in a small city, and sometimes even neighborswould go doorto

7、door on Chinese New Years Eve to check outwhat every household was making.I remember my parents would be in the kitchen cooking.Outin the living room, a large table would already be laid out,complete with fancy tablecloth, readymade dumpling fillings,and dishes full of candy, fruits and sunflower se

8、eds.Some ofthe dishes were to be offered to our ancestors later, whileothers were for neighbors and children to eat before the eveningfeast.I must have learned how to crack sunflower seeds backthen.I dont think its right to criticize ones choice in foodor eating habits, no matter how strange they ma

9、y seem.Its not only in China.When I went abroad, I found peoplehad all sorts of strange habits when it came to food.In Denmark,they put salted red fish on bread and eat it for dinner, no第 4页(共 12页)matter how much it ruins your breath.They think its a delicacy(美味佳肴), and its connected to their certai

10、n culture.I thinkits a wonderful tradition.1What did the writer become aware of?AShe had ever typed a report about seeds.BShe had various snacks while watching TV.CShe damaged her teeth by eating sunflower seeds.DShe had a habit of cracking sunflower seeds.2What does the writer prove by mentioning C

11、hinese New Year?AThe traditions of celebrating it disappear.BEating sunflower seeds is related to it.CThe families get together for it.DChildren can eat delicious food on that day.3The writers attitude to Denmarks way of eating breadisAneutralBcriticalCacceptableDdoubtful4What lesson can we learn fr

12、om the story?AOne kind of food doesnt necessarily suit everyone.BIt is good to form healthy eating habits.CEating habits come from a certain culture.DChanging your eating habits will change your life.第 5页(共 12页)四、阅读填句Putting children in daycare centers helps working parentstake their minds off child

13、care.1How daycare negatively affects children is related to manyfactors. One study has suggested that some children who spendlong hours in daycare centers experience more stress than thosewho spend more time in a setting with a mother.Another study has shown that children who are shy have ahigher le

14、vel of the hormone cortisol (皮质醇) which is releasedwhen an individual shows signs of stress.2And as a resultthe child may not mix well with the other children at the daycarecenter, a situation that can cause stress.Another negative impact of daycare is that there is lesscommunication between a mothe

15、r and her child.3So it isessential for a child to develop a deep bond with his or hermother. This will lay the foundation for all the relationshipshe or she will form later on in life. Children who spend a lotof time with their mothers experience healthy social andemotional development, while long h

16、ours in daycare centers candisrupt this bonding. Children who lose out on preciousmother-child bonding are observed to have behavioral problemsas they grow older.第 6页(共 12页)Children in daycare centers also feel unprotected comparedto children at home. In a daycare center, when one caregiverattends t

17、o more than one child at the same time, she may notbe able to look deeply into why a child is mixing well or not.4Another negative aspect of daycare is that children thereare more likely to fall ill if they come in contact with sickchildren.5Well-maintained daycare centers contribute a greatdeal to

18、the overall development of a child by providing astructured environment. Children become more social byinteracting with other children of the same age, and learn newactivities that are not always available if they are broughtup only at home.A. But daycare has its disadvantages.B. Look for a daycare

19、center that is well-maintained.C. However, the advantages of daycare cannot be ignored.D. This is because a shy child will not open up freely in public.E. Babies become extremely attached to their primarycaregivers.F. In such cases, a child may become either completely quietor aggressive.第 7页(共 12页)

20、G. You can cut the time in daycare centers by making alternativechildcare arrangements.第 8页(共 12页)一、单句语法填空1.had not been handed考查动词的时态和语态。句意:那个男孩被提醒他的家庭作业还没有交。男孩的作业在被提醒之前还没有交,因此空格处用过去完成时,表示“过去的过去”。又因为 homework 和hand in 之间是被动关系,故用过去完成时的被动语态。2.had left考查动词的时态。句意:当我到达学校时,我意识到我把背包落在家里了。 把背包落在家里发生在 reali

21、zed 之前,因此用过去完成时。3.had been broken考查动词的时态和语态。句意:警察发现这所房子被人闯入了,并且许多东西被偷了。因为 the house 与 break into之间是被动关系,要用被动语态;又因为 break into 发生在 found 之前,即“过去的过去”,故应用过去完成时的被动语态。4.had been designed考查动词的时态和语态。句意:这座新吊桥到上个月末就设计完成了。由“by the end of+过去的时间”可知要用过去完成时 suspension bridge 与 design 之间为被动关系,应用被动语态,故填 had been de

22、signed。5.had planned考查动词的时态。句意:我昨晚本打算来看你,但是有人打电话给我,我走不开。 设空处表示“本打算”,且该动作发生在 called 之间故用过去完成时。6.noting考查动名词。 句意:科学家们作出了回应,他们指出饥饿的熊或许正聚集在人类聚居地周围。 根据设空处前的介词 by 可知,此处用动名词形式,故填 noting。第 9页(共 12页)7.off考查固定搭配。句意:当他修剪树木时,他被告知他应该小心别把手指切下来。slice.off 切下;切掉。故填 off。二、完成句子1.had built2.had been cleaned3.had;left4.

23、where mybrother used to work5.Hardly had I opened;when6.No soonerhad the school sports meeting started than三、阅读理解1.D细节理解题。根据第二段中的 I had never noticed thehabit, but once he mentioned it, I suddenly became more aware.I realized that whenever Im watching TV or typing a report,I always start mindlessly

24、cracking sunflower seeds.可知,作者意识到自己有嗑瓜子的习惯,故 D 项正确。2.B推理判断题。根据第四段中的 Out in the living room, alarge table would already be laid out, complete with fancytablecloth, readymade dumpling fillings, and dishes full ofcandy, fruits and sunflower seeds . I must have learned howto crack sunflower seeds back t

25、hen.可知,春节的时候桌子上会摆放很多美食,其中就有瓜子,小孩子可以在年夜饭前吃,作者就是在那时学会了嗑瓜子。由此可知,作者提到春节是为了证明嗑瓜子和春节有关,故 B 项正确。3.C观点态度题。根据最后一段最后一句 I think its awonderful tradition.可知,作者认为丹麦人吃面包配咸红鱼是一个第 10页(共 12页)很好的传统。由此可知,作者接受这种吃法,故 C 项正确。4.C推理判断题。 根据最后一段中的They think its a delicacy(美味佳肴), and its connected to their certain culture.可知,丹

26、麦人认为这样吃面包是美味的, 这和他们特定的文化有关, 正如作者喜欢嗑瓜子和春节文化有关。由此可知,饮食习惯来自特定的文化,故 C 项正确。四、阅读填句1.A。空前提到: 把孩子送到日托中心可以帮助有工作的父母把他们的注意力从照顾孩子上转移开。 根据下文可知, 文章接下来介绍了日托的缺点。 因此, 该空承上启下, 应该引出缺点这个话题。 结合选项,A 项(但是日托也有它的缺点)符合语境。2. D。空前一句提到: 当一个人表现出压力迹象时, 害羞的儿童体内会释放出更高水平的荷尔蒙皮质醇。 空后提到: 结果, 这个孩子可能和其他孩子不能在日托中心很好地融合在一起。结合空后的 And as ares

27、ult, 该空应该分析导致害羞的孩子不能和别的孩子很好地融合在一起的原因。结合选项, D 项(这是因为一个害羞的孩子不会在公共场合敞开心扉)符合语境。3. E。空前提到: 日托的另一个负面影响是母亲和孩子之间的交流减少。 空后提到: 因此, 对一个孩子来说, 与他或她的母亲建立深厚的关系是至关重要的。结合空后的 So 可知, 该空应该分析孩子与母亲交流减少的结果以及他们之间需要建立深厚关系重要性的原因。 结合选项, E 项(婴儿变得非常依恋他们的主要照顾者)符合语境。第 11页(共 12页)4. F。空前提到: 在日托中心, 当一个看护人同时照顾多个孩子时,她可能无法深入了解为什么一个孩子融合得好或不好。 该空承接上文,应该介绍这种情况导致的结果。结合选项, F 项(在这种情况下, 孩子可能变得要么完全安静, 要么好斗)符合语境。故选 F。5. C。前面几段介绍了日托的缺点。空后又提到: 维护良好的日托中心通过提供一个结构化的环境为孩子的全面发展做出了很大的贡献。那么该空和前文应该是转折关系, 同时引出下文, 结合选项, C 项(然而, 日托的好处是不能被忽视的)符合语境。故选 C。第 12页(共 12页)


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