(2019版)新人教版选择性必修第二册Unit 5 Reading for writing ppt课件(含音频视频素材).rar

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  • Unit 5 Reading for writing ppt课件(含音频视频素材)
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Reading for Writing P56-57新人教选择性必修Book 2 Unit 5 First Aid Share your story about providing first aidShare your story about providing first aid1. Look at the first two pictures. What do you think the boy on the right is suffering from?ChokingLead inWhat do you think the Heimlich manoeuvre is? It is a way to help the choking victim.The Heimlich manoeuvreChoking can be very dangerous. To solve this problem, Henry Heimlich created the Heimlich manoeuvre in 1974. How is the Heimlich manoeuvre performed? Is it easy to learn?Lets read and learn!1. What kind of sentences are missing? First sentence in the paragraph.2. What functions does the first sentence usually serve in a paragraph? As topic sentence to give the main idea of the paragraph and/or to link up ideas between paragraphs.While-reading: Task 1 Work in groups and discuss the following questions. 3. Can you read through the passage and try to come up with some sentences to complete it, without looking at the sentences provided?Task 3 Read the article again and choose the correct words to complete the sentences.1. Chen Wei was a friend/complete stranger to Zhang Tao.2. When Chen Wei reached Zhang Tao, Zhang Tao was sitting on the chair/standing.3. The Heimlich manoeuvre is quite easy/difficult to do.4. You will know that the victim is choking if he cannot speak/stops breathing.5. To help a small child who is choking, you need to lay the child face up/down on your lap and slap his upper back.6. Chen Wei was able to save Zhang Tao because he learnt the Heimlich manoeuvre at school/from a first-aid manual. stand behind him/her wrap your arms around his/her waist make a fist with one hand place it in the upper part of his/her stomach Grab your fist with your other hand tightly push up and into his/her stomach in one motion1. Can you explain and show the class how to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre?Task 4 Role-play:Role-play: lay the child face down head lower than his/her body give firm slaps to his/her upper back2. How to perform the Heimlich manoeuvre on small child?Task 5 Read for the structure of a narrative essay. the set-upwhowhatwhere the conflicta challenge or difficulty the conclusionthe end of the story 1. Reread the article, and then answer the questions below.Part 1Who?What happened?Where did it happen?Part 2What did Chen Wei do?Part 3How does the story end?Part 4What purpose does the quote at the end of the essay serve?Background whowhere whatChen Wei: a high school student in BeijingZhang Tao: a fellow diner at a restaurantAt a restaurantZhang Tao was chocking on some steak while eatingClimax:Chen Wei performed the Heimlich manoeuvre on Zhang Tao.processgot up and ran tohelped Zhang to his feetstood behinddid the Heimlich manoeuvre The end of the story:Chen Wei saved Zhang Tao, then the ambulance came and doctors checked Zhang Tao and said that he was fine.Comment: With choking victims, every minute counts. You cannot just stand by and do nothing. Luckily, Chen had learnt how to give first aid in school. Seeing Zhang choking, he remained calm and reacted immediately. Chen later said about the incident, “How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing? We are all humans and we all have a responsibility to look after one anothers welfare.”If you were Chen Wei, would you choose to help Zhang Tao?It provides a good way to wrap up the essay. It also tells the reader about Chen Weis emotions and opinions, and gives unique insight into his character. “quote”2. Organize the structure of this article.Part 1 (Para. 1-2):the story of a choking incidentPart 2 (Para. 3-5):the introduction of the Heimlich manoeuvrePart 3 (Para. 6):comments on the choking incident Task 6 Read for the language.Read again and underline the language for describing actions. to introduce the emergency to perform Heimlich manoeuvre to perform first aid on childrento introduce the emergency choke on some steak; hold his throat with his face turning red; help his desperate friend to his feet.to perform Heimlich manoeuvre grab your fist with your other hand tightly; push up and into his stomach in one motion; continue doing this until the obstruction is forced out.to perform first aid on children lay the child face down on your lap with the head lower than the rest of his body; give firm slaps to his upper back until he can breathe again. Step 3 Language pointsinterrupt vi.& vt.打断;打扰 vt.使暂停;使中断interrupt sb./sth. (with sth.)(因某事)打断某人/某事be interrupted by 被打断Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.1句意:北京高中生陈伟在吃晚餐,这时另一桌突然传来客人的尖叫声。例1. 在上课时用玩笑话打断老师是不礼貌的。It is impolite to_ teachers _ jokes during class. 例2. 他们被突然急促的敲门声打断了。They were _ (interrupt) by a sudden and urgent knock at the door.interruptwithinterrupted【句法分析】have sth doneChen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.1例1. 我们现在已把这个问题解决了。 We now _ the problem _. 例2. 我们已把你的药准备好了。 We _ your medicine _ now.例3. Jenny hopes that Mr. Smith will suggest a good way to _ her written English _ (improve) in a short period.havesolvedprepared“have宾语宾语补足语”结构,his dinner与动词interrupt之间为被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。haveimprovedhavescream vi.& vt.(因愤怒或恐惧)高声喊;大声叫 n尖叫;尖锐刺耳的声音scream at 朝尖叫scream for 强烈要求scream out 大叫;尖声喊叫Chen Wei, a high school student in Beijing, had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.1例1. 我好像听到了一声尖叫。 I thought I heard _.例2. All sorts of chief executives will scream _ protection. 例3. Dont scream _ in the classroom. a screamfor outdesperate adj.绝望的;孤注一掷的;非常需要的be desperate about 对绝望be desperate for 极想要be desperate to do. 渴望做某事 He was now holding his throat with his faceturning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back. 2句意:只见他按着喉咙,满脸通红,他的几个朋友正拼命拍打他的背部。例1. 我很想抽支烟。Im _ a cigarette. 例2. 她无法抑制她那不顾一切的愤怒。She was unable to restrain her _ anger. desperate fordesperateslap vt.(用手掌)打、拍 slaps-slapping-slapped n. (用手掌)打、拍;拍击声 He was now holding his throat with his faceturning red, while his desperate friends were slapping him on the back. 2例:他热情地在我背上拍了一下。He gave me a hearty _ on the back. slap【拓展】动词+sb.+介词+the+部位例:He hit me on the chin.When I felt upset, my head teacher patted me on the shoulder.They pulled her by the hair.【总结】1. 动词为beat, hit, strike, knock, slap, pat等时, 介词多为on(in多与the face连用)。2. 动词为catch, grasp, seize, pull, take, lead等, 介词多为by。practical adj.切实可行的;实际的;实用性的practice n. 实践练习;习惯,常规practise vt.&vi. 练习;实践practise doing sth. 练习做某事 Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre is quick, practical, and easy.3句意:海姆立克急救法简便、实用、见效快。例1. 只要你练习说英语,很快就会进步。If you practise _ (speak)English, youll soon improve. 例2. 他的人生观很实际。He had a _ outlook on life. speakingpracticaljustify vt.证明有道理;为辩护; 是的正当理由justify (doing) sth. 证明正当justify.to 向证明合理justify oneself in doing. 在做某事证明自己How could I justify sitting there and doing nothing?4句意:我怎么能证明坐在那里无所事事是正当的呢?例1. 他们怎能证明付这么大笔薪金是正当的呢?How can they justify _ (pay) such huge salaries? 例2. 你不必向我解释你的理由。You dont need to _. payingjustify yourself to meUse what you have learnt to write a narrative essay that shares a story about providing first aid.Step 4 Writing Activity:1.Work in pairs. Discuss your experiences of giving first aid in an emergency. If neither of you have any experiences, discuss stories you have read or heard about, or think up a situation.QuestionsKey wordsPart 1Who? What? Where?Part 2The process?Part 3The end?Part 4Any comments?2. Write an outline of the three parts in your story, then think of a good quote to sum things up.【文章架构】明确体裁话题实施急救确定时态人称一般过去时为主第一和第三人称为主布局文章架构 介绍事故原因 实施急救的过程 总结 反思Now,lets write your narrative essay!Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this Exchange drafts with a partner. Use this checklist to help you revise the draft.checklist to help you revise the draft.Is the narrative essay clear?Does it have three parts?Does the first part tell you about who, what, and where?Does the second part show a conflict?Does the third part give the conclusion?Is there a good quote to sum things up?Are the details of the story easy to understand?Put up your narrative essay in the classroom or read it to your class.Sample WritingOne morning, David was working at his home office while watching his infant daughter Jane who was crawling on the floor. Suddenly, he noticed that she had picked something up and put it in her mouth. Then she began to move like she was struggling. He quickly jumped from his chair and ran over and picked her up. Going back to his chair, he held her in his lap and saw that she was still struggling with a frightened look on her face. However, she was not crying or making a sound.He carefully opened her mouth to see if there was obstruction. Not finding anything, he then gave her a few hard slaps on her back.It worked! Within seconds a small button fell from her mouth onto the floor, and she was breathing once again. Thanks to Davids quick thinking, Jane was saved.David now teaches life-saving techniques at the local college, and he uses this story to impress upon students the need for quick action. “When seconds count,” he said, “an ambulance is often minutesaway.”THANKYOU
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