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1牛津英语新教材牛津英语新教材 4A Unit7 第二课时教案第二课时教案一、教学内容一、教学内容Unit7 How much? (Fun time & Cartoon time)二、教学目标二、教学目标1、能够在教师的示范下自由谈论价格。2、能够说出 1-50 的英文,通过自主发现归纳出数字中的规律。3、能够充分理解享受动画内容并表演。三、教学重点三、教学重点1、能够在教师的示范下自由谈论价格。2、能够说出 1-50 的英文,通过自主发现归纳出数字中的规律。3、能够充分理解享受动画内容并表演。四、教学难点四、教学难点1.能够说出 1-50 的英文,通过自主发现归纳出数字中的规律。五、教学过程五、教学过程(课前热身a song about numbers 课前布置学生了解自己的衣服、鞋子、文具等物品的价格)Step1 Greeting and free talk1.GreetingT:Hello,boys and girls. Im very happy to be your new English teacher today. Id like to know something about you. Whats your name? Nice to meet you.(问 23 人)2.Free talkT: Oh, your pencil box is cool! How much is it? Your shoes are very nice. How much are they ? Your jacket is smart. How much is it? T: Look at my coat. Is it nice? Its a magic coat. I have some toys in my coat. If you did a good job, you can get them. (展示物品 1 个单数 1 个复数)问学生 How much is it? How much are they? They are nice and cheap.I bought them at a charity sale.Step2 Presentation1.Revision2T:Here is a charity sale too. Our friends Su Hai and Su Yang want to sell things . How many things can you see?(带读复习单词 umbrella、fan、socks 和 shoes)Look ,here are the customers.(课件展示义卖场景和 Liu Tao、Yang Ling、Mike) 引导学生提问Q1 What would Liu Tao like?(关注 umbrella 读音。分人提问,课件展示物品图片到相应人物下方)How much are they?Q2 引导学生在小组内进行提问。Can you ask some questions like this? Ask and answer in your group.Q3 How much money do Su Hai and Su Yang have?(课件展示 5+4+19=28)T: We know they have four things but they sold three of them. Which one has been left? Ss: A fan.T: Right! How much is it? Guess.(课件上打出问号) 引导学生猜,生生互问,用up and down 进行提示。2. Fun time T: We know the price of the fan now. But there are many things at a charity sale.Do you want to have a look?(课件展示义卖桌以及玩具熊猫、雨伞、鞋子、袜子、扇子、短裙、一筒蜡笔、一套动画书)T: Are they nice? Can you guess the price? They are very cheap.The price of all the things are among 1 to 50. Can you count from 1 to 50?Lets count one by one. 学生开火车说数字。T:Well done! I have an envelope here. Look at the fan,how much is it?面对全班进行提问,运用 up and down 进行提示。Socks 的价格找 4 人上台,一人取出图片提问 How much are they? 3 人猜价格。教师引导全班运用 up or down 帮助。(课件出示具体要求,帮助学生阅读要求,一人两次机会)T: Its your turn. Please guess in your group! Go Go Go!学生在小组内进行游戏。T: Do you know the price now ? Lets check!(共享价格并通过课件展示)T:You did good job. I can talk about the price ,I can get three stars,how many stars can you get?提醒学生进行 Ticking。3T:I know you can talk about the price ,and you can count from 1 to 50,but can you find the rules of the numbers?课件出示数字规律。3.Cartoon timeT: You can find the rules and you are so clever . You did very well. So Ill give you a present. Look, I have a magic box here. Whats in the box? Can you guess?学生猜测盒子里的物品T: Look ! (课件展示一个卡通光盘缓缓上升,画有 Sam 和 Bobby 的图画) Its a VCD of cartoons about Sam and Bobby! You know many stories about them.Today I will show you another story. what will happen? (课件出示第一幅图)引导学生看图。T:Look at the picture. Where are they? Ss:In a shop.T: Yes. And Mr Pig is the shop keeper.What would Bobby like? (引导学生看图回答,教授 bowknots)T: How many bowknots would Bobby like? Why? Lets watch the cartoon and choose.(课件出示动画) Watch and choose.1. Bobby would like bowknots. A ten B eight2. The bowknots(用图片) are for Bobbys . A brother B sister3. Her tail is . A short B long T: You did a good job. Lets listen and repeat. Try to imitate the pronunciation.And I have a question for you. T:Is Tina happy? 学生跟读。T:Is Tina happy?How do you know ? 重点模仿第四幅图的语音语调T: Read in 4.(根据角色全班朗读,读到自己角色拿起麦克风大声读)T:Act in 4.(反馈 3 组,教师帮助学生站位及道具使用)Step3 Consolidation1. Summary4T: Bobby knows how to buy things. I think you know how to do shopping. We know how to ask the price now , what else?引导学生思考。课件上出示以下句子 Can I help you ? What would you like ? .,please. Id like please. How much is it ? How much are they? Its yuan. They are yuan. How many would you like ?2. Show timeWe know how to buy things and how to be a shop keeper now . I think you can do shopping now. Here are three shops. Choose one to make a dialogue in 4.(课件出示小吃店、玩具店和服装店以及相应图片) 示范一组。六、作业设计六、作业设计1. Read Cartoon time three times.2. Preview Sound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time after class.七、板书设计七、板书设计Unit 7 How much?How much is it?Its yuan.How much are they?They areyuan.123I can talk about the prices.我会谈论价格。我会谈论价格。I can say the numbers and find the rules.我能说出数字并找到其中的规律。我能说出数字并找到其中的规律。I can enjoy and act out the cartoon.我能享受并表演出动画。我能享受并表演出动画。2学学 习习 目目 标标Fun time & Cartoon time5419 12+= 28 1 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 32 5 50 26 29 30 13 48 32 50 26 48 30 13 1人手持卡片提问,其余人手持卡片提问,其余3人猜,人猜, 每人两次机会,猜对者可获得卡片,每人两次机会,猜对者可获得卡片, 若两轮无人猜对则卡片属于持卡者。若两轮无人猜对则卡片属于持卡者。Ticking timeI can talk about the prices.13 thirteen14 fourteen 15 fifteen16 sixteen17 seventeen18 eighteen19 nineteen30 thirty40 forty50 fifty你能找出它们的规律吗?你能找出它们的规律吗?20 twenty9013-19后面用后面用“teen”20-90后面用后面用“ty”sixty seventy eighty ninety60708021 twenty-one34 thirty-four57 fifty-seven68 sixty-eight82 eighty-two24你能找出它们的规律吗?你能找出它们的规律吗?表示表示20以上的几十几以上的几十几连 ,用十位加上,用十位加上个位数字,个位数字,连 忘添加忘添加连连 符符“-” 哦哦! twenty-four sixty-five65764298 forty-two seventy-six ninety-eightTicking timeI can say the numbers and find the rules.bowknot蝴蝶结蝴蝶结Watch and choose1.Bobby would like . A. ten B. eight2.The are for Bobbys . A. brother B. sister3. Her tail is .A. short B. longWatch the cartoonWatch and choose1.Bobby would like . A. ten B. eight2.The are for Bobbys . A. brother B. sister3. Her tail is .A. short B. longWatch and choose1.Bobby would like . A. ten B. eight2.The are for Bobbys . A. brother B. sister3. Her tail is .A. short B. longWatch and choose1.Bobby would like . A. ten B. eight2.The are for Bobbys . A. brother B. sister3. Her tail is . A. short B. longListen and repeatIs Tina or ? Read in roles分角色朗读要求:分角色朗读要求: 4人一组分角色朗读课文,人一组分角色朗读课文,轮到自己角色时请轮到自己角色时请拿起麦克风拿起麦克风大声朗读,注意模仿语音语调大声朗读,注意模仿语音语调哦,读完哦,读完传给下一位传给下一位。Act the story表演要求:表演要求: 4人一组,每人扮演一个角色人一组,每人扮演一个角色,看谁模仿的语音语调最棒,看谁模仿的语音语调最棒,别别忘了忘了表情还有动作表情还有动作哦!哦!Ticking timeI can enjoy and act out the cartoon. Can I help you? Would you like? How much is it?What would you like? What about a/an/some? Its yuan.Anything else? Yes,please. How much are they?What about you? No, thank you. They areyuan.How many would you like? Id like,please. Shopping营业员和顾客会说些什么呢?营业员和顾客会说些什么呢?Shopping(购物)(购物)Show time在三家商店中选择一家,在三家商店中选择一家,4人一组,一人扮演售货员,人一组,一人扮演售货员,其余三人为顾客,用手中的钱进行购物吧!其余三人为顾客,用手中的钱进行购物吧!Homework 1. Read Cartoon time three times . 2. Preview Sound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time after class.
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