Unit 4 In town 第二课时 (Part4,5,6)ppt课件(含教案+习题+素材)-外研剑桥版五年级下册英语.zip

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外研剑桥版英语五年级下册外研剑桥版英语五年级下册 Unit 4 第二课时教学设计第二课时教学设计课题 In town单元4学科英语年级五(下)学习目标1.学习单词和词组: take a taxi、past 、pool、beside、behind、 opposite、 opposite、be late、town 、ice cream . 2.学习问路和指路对话内容。3. 通过对方位名词及部分建筑的学习,联系生活,学以致用。理论知识结合生活,激发学生学习兴趣,有利于学生养成良好学习习惯。重点如何问路和指路难点如何问路和指路教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图温故导入ReviewWhere does the haircut point to?说出箭头所指的地点通过回顾上节课的知识,引领学生进入新课的学习。讲授新课1、Lets learntown n.城镇;小镇This is a small town.ice cream 冰激凌This is ice cream.opposite adj.对立的;相反的They sat opposite each other.next to 紧挨着;差不多Theyre right next to each other.behind prep.在.后面They sat opposite each other.beside prep.在旁边;与.相比Theyre right beside each other.pool n.水池,水塘 This is pool.学习词汇,会读会写。任意组合两人一组读单词。结合例句学习新的词汇,从而更能激发学生的学习积极性。past 经过,路过,过去的 One day past.be late 迟到 He was late for class.take a taxi 乘出租车 Ill take a taxi. Lets play小组活动:比一比,看谁快速、流利地从下而上读出所有单词。 taxi、beside、behind、 opposite、 opposite、be late、ice cream past 、pool、town. listenListen and sing the song.ThinkMark Tonys position on the map according to the song.See you at Tony s.At Tony s, at Tony s,You get the best ice cream in town.At Tony s, at Tony s,You get the best ice cream in townIts opposite the park.And next to the school.Please dont be late.See you there at eight.First you go left.Then go straight ahead.Then you turn right.See you there tonight.完成单词小游戏,读出单词说出词义。听录音,会读。根据歌曲在地图中标出 Tony 家的位置通过小游戏加深学习印象,利用有趣的小游戏,提高学生的学习积极性。通过相关内容练习,加深印象巩固知识;针对性的完成学习目标;通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中二、SingLets sing together!3、ListenListen and role-play the conversations.(1)A: Excuse me. Wheres the police station?B: Its behind the park.A: Wheres the park?B: The park? Thats easy. Go straight ahead.Then turn left.A: Thank you.B: Thats OK.(2)A: Excuse me. Wheres the post office?B: The post office? Go straight. First turn right, then left.A: Left, then right?B: No, turn right, Then left. The post office is beside the school.A: Thank you. Bye.B: Bye.Ask and answerPair work Make a map and talk!1.做一个地图, 如右边框。2. 两人一组进行问答。 (有表情、语气、动作表演对话。)There is a . in my city.Where is it?Its near/next to/ behind. 一起唱,练习发音,听录音,理解所学单词完成地图,并对话注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。通过反复的听力训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。通过扮演加深学生对所学内容的理解以及对本节课知识的掌握。4、ThinkWhere is she going?ListenListen to the chant. Then say in two groups.Wheres the museum?Excuse me, excuse me.Wheres the museum?Please tell me, please tell me.Please tell me the way.Thats easy. Thats easy.First left, then right.Then straight ahead,Then right, then left again.Go past the park.And past the pool.Then youre there.Just past the school.Oh, thank you. Oh,thank you.Thats easy.I know what I can do.I think Ill take a taxi.Sing songadapt the songCompare that group to change better.5、Lets do it(1)How do you get from A to B or C?A to B:turn right,turn right.Then turn left and then 思考问题听录音学习词汇,会读会写。理解如何问路以及为他人指路。分组改编歌曲,并进行小组比拼。通过问题导入,便于学生集中注意力。通过反复的听说读训练,巩固词汇;针对性的完成学习目标;学习形式生动多样化,使学生集中注意力,同时保持学习的积极性。生动有趣的课堂环境有利于学生集中注意力。通过有趣的分组演唱形式,提高学生学习积极性。go straight ahead,past park、pool and school.A to C:turn right ,then go straight ahead,past the police office(2)Choose the right answers. A, B or C?1. Your desk mate is C you .A. past B. behind C. next to2. The elephant is B the tree . A. on B. beside C.pool3. A:Excuse me,where A it opposite the post office? A.is B.are C.was六、Make a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了 P34、P35 的内容。2、学习了单词和词组: take a taxi、past 、pool、beside、behind、 opposite、 opposite、be late、town 、ice cream . 3、学习了问路和指路对话内容。六、Homework1、了解熟记如何指路问路;2、练习对话;3、预习 P36。完成练习通过课后练习,加深学生对本节课所学知识的掌握。课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是学习单词和词组:take a taxi、past 、pool、beside、behind、 opposite、 opposite、be late、town 、ice cream . 以及学习了问路和指路对话内容。本课为新授课,词汇的学习主要通过听,跟读为主要形式。通过灵活多样,丰富多彩的课堂形式的进行,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。板书Unit 4 In townPlease tell me the way.take a taxi.Unit 4 In town 第二课时第二课时 习题习题一、拼写单词一、拼写单词1. 在.后面_ 2. 城镇_ 3. 冰激凌_ 4. 在旁边_ 5. 紧挨着_ 6.迟到_ 7. 对立的_ 8. 水池_ 二、单项选择二、单项选择1. You can take taxi.A. a B.an C.the2. I know what I can ?A. to do B.do C.to3. .Where is the park?A.Hello B. Excuse me C.Sorry4.Do you know the way to police officeA.a B.an C.the三、翻译三、翻译1.The post office is beside the park._2.Its opposite the park and next to the school._3.你知道 Tom 家在哪吗?_4.请告诉我怎么走。_Unit 4 In town 第二课时第二课时 习题习题 答案答案一、一、拼写单词【考点】该题考查词汇识记【答案】1.behind 2.town3.ice cream 4.beside5.next to 6.be late 7.opposite 8.pool 二、单项选择【答案】1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 三、【解析】 1. 邮局在公园旁边。2. 它在公园对面,在学校旁边。3. Do you know where Toms home is?4. Please show me the way. 外研剑桥版 五年级下Unit 4 twn第二课时ReviewWhere does the haircut point to?startLets learnice cream 冰激凌This is ice cream.town n.城镇;小镇This is a small town.learnnext to 紧挨着;差不多opposite adj.对立的;相反的They sat opposite each other.Theyre right next to each other.learnbehind prep.在.后面Little monkey is behind the tree.Theyre right beside each other.beside prep.在旁边;与.相比learnpool n.水池,水塘This is pool.One day past.past 经过,路过,过去的learnbe late 迟到He was late for class.Ill take a taxi.take a taxi 乘出租车 小组活动:比一比,看谁快速、流利地从下而上读出所有单词。be lateoppositebehindnext toice creambesidetaxiLets playLets playLets playLets playtowntownpoolpoolpastpastlistenListen and sing the song.thinkMark Tonys position on the map according to the song.TonylearnSee you at TonysAt Tonys, at Tonys,You get the best ice cream in town.At Tonys, at Tonys,You get the best ice cream in town.learnSee you at TonysIts opposite the park.And next to the school.Please dont be late.See you there at eight.parkschoollearnSee you at TonysFirst you go left.Then go straight ahead.Then you turn right.See you there tonight.SingLets sing together!At Tonys, at Tonys,You get the best ice cream in town.At Tonys, at Tonys,You get the best ice cream in town.Its opposite the park.And next to the school.Please dont be late.See you there at eight.First you go left.Then go straight ahead.Then you turn right.See you there tonight.repeat the first paragraphlistenListen and role-play the conversations.A: Excuse me. Wheres the police station?B: Its behind the park.A: Wheres the park?B: The park? Thats easy. Go straight ahead. Then turn left.A: Thank you.B: Thats OK.listenListen and role-play the conversations.A: Excuse me. Wheres the post office?B: The post office? Go straight. First turn right, then left.A: Left, then right?B: No, turn right, Then left. The post office is beside the school.A: Thank you. Bye.B: Bye.Ask and answer1. 做一个地图图, 如右边边框。2. 两人一组进组进 行问问答。 (有表情、语语气、动动作表演对话对话 。)There is a . in my city.Where is it?Its near/next to/ behind. Pair workMake a map and talk!thinkWhere is she going?listenListen to the chant. Then say in two groups.learnWheres the museum?Excuse me, excuse me.Wheres the museum?Please tell me, please tell me.Please tell me the way.Thats easy. Thats easy.First left, then right.Then straight ahead,Then right, then left again.learnWheres the museum?Go past the park.And past the pool.Then youre there.Just past the school.Oh, thank you. Oh,thank you.Thats easy.I know what I can do.I think Ill take a taxi.sing song adapt the song Compare that group to change better. poolschoolparkmuseumpolice officetourist office train stationABCLets do itA to B:turn right,turn right.Then turn left and then go straight ahead,past park、pool and school.(1)How do you get from A to B or C?A to C:turn right ,then go straight ahead,past the police officeLets do it(2) Choose the right answers. A, B or C?1. Your desk mate is you .A. past B. behind C. next to2. The elephant is the tree . A. on B. beside C.pool3. A:Excuse me,where it opposite the post office? A.is B.are C.wasC B A Make a summaryWhat have we learned today?1、学习了P34、P35的内容。2、学习了单词和词组: take a taxi、past 、pool、beside、behind、 opposite、 opposite、be late、town 、ice cream . 3、学习了问路和指路对话内容。Homework1、了解熟记如何指路问路;2、练习对话;3、预习P36。
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