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1、=【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 八年级英语阅读理解竞赛试题 姓名 _ 得分 _ I. 阅读理解 A In the evening Alice listened to her grandpas story. When he finished, Alice said, “When I grow up, I will visit different places, and I will live next to the sea.” “That is very well, little Alice,” said her grandpa, “but there is a third thing you

2、 must do.” “What is that?” “You must do something to make the world more beautiful.” And pretty soon Alice grew up. She visited here and there. One day, however, she got hurt. “Wel l, maybe it is time to find my place by the sea,” said Alice. And it was, and she did. “But there is still one more thi

3、ng I have to do,” she said. “I have to do something to make the world more beautiful.” But what? The next spring Alice still couldnt walk. She had to stay in bed most of the time. Through her bedroom front window she could see the beautiful lupine (扁豆 ) flowers in her garden. Then another spring cam

4、e. Alice could take walks again. One day she came to a hill. On the other side of the hill were lots of lupine flowers! “It was the wind,” she said. “It brought the seeds ( 种子 ) from my garden!” Then Alice had a wonderful idea! It was to buy lots of lupine seeds. All summer, wherever she went, Alice

5、 would bring seeds there. The next spring there were lupine flowers everywhere. Alice did the most difficult thing of all. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 1. Alice was _ in the evening. A. doing her homework B. reading an interesting book C. playing the piano D. listening to her grandpa s story (

6、 ) 2. After she grew up, Alice _. A. became a great writer B. visited lots of places C. moved to another city D. tried different jobs ( ) 3. Where did the beautiful lupine flowers first appear (出现 )? A. In Alices bedroom. B. Behind Alices house. C. In Alices garden. D. On a hill. ( ) 4. The underlin

7、ed word “it” refers to “_”. A. the wind B. the idea C. the garden D. the sea ( ) 5. What can we learn from the end of the passage? A. Alice found her way to make the world more beautiful. B. Alice did the most difficult thing with her friends. C. Alice didnt know how to do the third thing. D. Alice

8、didnt follow her grandpas advice. B My favourite place to visit is Florida. There are a lot of fun things to do there. This March, I went to Florida to visit my relatives (亲戚 ). I will share about my family there, some fun I had and my best fishing trip. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = I have two sides of family.

9、My mums side lives in Minnesota. For my dads side, its a little different. They all started in New York, and then they all moved to Florida except my uncle. He teaches English at a high school in New York. My family lives in Minnesota with my mums si de. So we often take holidays to Florida. There a

10、re some “must -dos” in Florida. Going to the beach is one of them. Everyone loves the beach, because we can go fishing and swimming there. There are many big theme (主题 ) parks and these are my favourites. Another thing to do is going to the Port St. Lucie County Fair. I went to a rodeo (竞技表演 ) for t

11、he first time. It was great. One of my favourite hobbies is fishing. One morning my dad and I went fishing with my grandpa, and my twin cousins. I caught an octopus (章鱼 )! It was really cool and exciting. I think everybody should try deep-sea fishing. It is wonderful. Family, theme parks, and fishin

12、g are the three best things of Florida. I hope you can take a holiday to Florida one day. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 6. When did the writer go to Florida this year? A. In January. B. In March. C. In May. D. In July. ( ) 7. Where does the writers uncle live? A. In Florida. B. In Minnesota. C. In Hawaii. D. In

13、 New York. ( ) 8. Which of the following is NOT a “must -do” according to the third paragraph? A. Going to the beach. B. Going to theme parks. C. Going to an octopus show. D. Going to the Port St. Lucie County Fair. ( ) 9. How many people did the writer go fishing with? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D.

14、 Five. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = ( ) 10. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The writer went fishing in the afternoon. B. The writer often takes holidays to New York. C. The writer went to the Port St. Lucie County Fair twice. D. The writer thought deep-sea fishing a wonderful activit

15、y. C Molly was eight years old. This year she spent the summer with her Aunt Cathy. Her parents took a six-week trip to Europe and let Molly stay at her aunts house. She was very unhappy, because she couldnt spend the summer with her f riends at the neighborhood pool as she did every summer. Mollys

16、Aunt Cathy did everything to make her happy. She took Molly to the park, the zoo, and even went shopping with her, but nothing made Molly happy. One afternoon, Aunt Cathy was working in her garden. She found that Molly was watching her. “Come and help me, Molly,” Aunt C athy said. Molly slowly walke

17、d out to the garden and began looking closely at the flowers. “What kind are these?” Molly asked. She pointed to some small yellow flowers. “Those are called snapdragons,” Aunt Cathy answered. “Do you want to grow some flowers?” “Yes,” Molly said. Aunt Cathy and Molly spent lots of time together in

18、the next few days. They watered the garden every day. Then one day, Molly saw a green leaf. Molly was very happy. Aunt Cathy looked at Molly and said, “Molly, I am proud of you. You did a good job. You are good at gardening.” When Mollys parents got back from their trip, she showed them her flowers.

19、 Aunt Cathy told Molly how to look after her flowers when she got home. Molly thanked her for the best summer. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 11. Why was Molly unhappy at the beginning of the story? A. Because she did not like flowers. =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = B. Because she did not like Aunt Cathy. C. Because she could

20、nt go with her parent s to Europe. D. Because she couldnt go swimming with her friends. ( ) 12. Where didnt Aunt Cathy go with Molly? A. To the zoo. B. To the pool. C. To the park. D. To the shops. ( ) 13. The underlined words “am proud of” mean “_” in Chinese. A. 为 ? 感到自豪 B. 对 ? 感到失望 C. 为 ? 感到难过 D.

21、 对 ? 感到紧张 ( ) 14. How did Molly show Aunt Cathy she enjoyed the summer? A. She thanked Aunt Cathy. B. She gave Aunt Cathy a flower. C. She sang a song for Aunt Cathy. D. She showed Aunt Cathy her flowers. ( ) 15. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Aunt Cathy liked to read in

22、 the garden. B. Mollys parents went on a one -month trip. C. Aunt Cathy grew snapdragons to make Molly happy. D. Molly learnt how to look after her flowers from Aunt Cathy. D “How are frogs ( 青蛙 ) different from us?” the teacher asked. The class was happy to tell the teacher. The class knew that fro

23、gs are different from people. They knew that frogs are amphibians (两栖动物 ). Raina said, “I know we are different from frogs. We are not amphibians. We do not live in the water. But there is one frog that is different from other frogs. It is wood frog. This frog can freeze (冰冻 ). This frog can thaw (解冻 ). This frog can wake up from a frozen (冷冻的 ) sleep.” =【 ;精品教育资源文库 】 = “How can a frog wake up from a frozen sleep?” asked the class. “How can a frog thaw? Are you sure this is a real frog?” “The frog is real! The frog lives in the USA and Canada. When it gets col


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