Unit 1 My cousins and I-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册-(配套课件编号:441ed).docx

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1、Join in 六年级下六年级下 Unit 1 第六课时教学设计第六课时教学设计教学内容:教学内容:Part 6,Unit 1教学目标:教学目标:1.能借助图片听懂、 读懂介绍 Lisa 家乡的短文, 并完成判断句子正误、回答问题等。2.能理解介绍澳大利亚的短文,帮助学生了解澳大利亚的概况和风土人情,并且在此基础上能够摹写短文。教学重难点:教学重难点:能借助图片听懂、读懂介绍 Lisa 家乡的短文。过程与方法:过程与方法:1以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧。教学过程:教学过程:Step1 Warming-upSi

2、ng the song :My family.Step2 Revision1. Talk about Lisa.T: What do you know about her?S: Her name is Lisa. She is fromAustralia. She is Ma Taos cousin.Her mother is a nurseStep3 Part61. 老师利用图片介绍澳大利亚的风土人情。2. 学生借助图片初步感知澳大利亚,并回答问题:What is it? What animals are they?引出单词: Sydney, Sydney Opera House, kang

3、aroo, koala, 让学生拼、读。3.Ask: Which city do you think of?利用图片引导学生回答:Australia.继续提问:When isAustralian Day?注意介词 on 的使用,体会其与介词 in 的区别。4.展示图片,问:Who is this? Where is she from?老师:Yes, she is Lisa fromAustralia.5.老师扮演 Lisa: Hello! I am Liza, a girl fromAustralia. What do youknow about Australia? Here are som

4、e facts about my country.然后请学生扮演 Lisa,向其他学生开始介绍澳大利亚。6.Task One:老师播放前两段录音, 学生关上书听录音, 然后回答问题。(1)Australia is the worlds _ biggest country.A. thirdB. sixth(2)Its capital is _.A. CanberraB. Sydney(3)There are many_ in the country.A. ChineseAustraliansB. Japanese7.Task Two: Read Paragraph 3 and fill in t

5、he blanks.The koala is a _ animal from Australia. It looks like a _, butit is not a bear. It has got no_. Koalas climb _ and eat_.They sleep for _ a day.8.Task Three: Read Paragraph 4 and tell the following sentences are trueor false.(1) My hometown is Canberra. ()(2) Sydney is the biggest city inAu

6、stralia . ()(3) There are many beautiful lakes around the city. ()师生共同核对答案,并借助课件帮助学生了解 Canberra 等。9. Consolidation:老师播放完整录音,学生跟读。学生关上书,完成以下短文:Hello! I am Liza, a girl from Australia. Let me introduce Australia toyou. Australia is the worlds _ biggest country. Its capital is_. The koala is a _ animal

7、 from Australia. It looks like a_. My home town is _. It is a _ city. It is the_ city in Australia. There are many _ and _ aroundthe city. Welcome to visit Sydney.师生共同核对答案, 学生大声朗读短文。Show timePlay a video of Australia. Invite some Ss to be Liza to show other SsaroundAustralia.Homework1. Read the passage five times.2. Write aboutAustralia in your own words.Bb design:Australia Day is on 26 JanuaryAustralia is the worlds sixth biggest country.Sydney is the biggest city inAustralia.


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