Unit 3 Mary’s diary-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:800c8).zip

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Unit 3 Marys diaryPeriod 6Look and learn.231 4 Listen again. Then fill in the sentences.1.She _in the morning.2.She_ at half past eleven.3.She_after lunch.4.She_after dinner.will do maths exerciseswill listen to musicwill go ridingwill read a storybookPairworkWhat will Sally do this Saturday?She will( listen to music ). Pairwork He is going to( play football) on (Saturday morning).PairworkWhat are you going to do this weekend ? Im going to on Saturday/Sunday morning/afternoon/evening .Thank you!Unit3Unit3 MarysMarys diarydiary(PeriodPeriod 6 6)一、一、TeachingTeaching aims:aims:1.1. StudentsStudents learnlearn toto useuse “will“will dodo ”to”to describedescribe future.future.2.2. ListenListen andand numbernumber whatwhat SallySally willwill dodo thethe correctcorrect order.order.3.3. StudentsStudents cancan useuse “will“will ” “ bebe goinggoing to”to”二、二、TeachingTeaching importance:importance:willwill dodo bebe goinggoing toto dodo 三、三、TeachingTeaching difficulty:difficulty:MakeMake sentencessentences withwith “will“will ” “ bebe goinggoing to”to”四、四、TeachingTeaching process:process:Step1.WarmingStep1.Warming up:up:(1 1)GreetingsGreetings andand freefree talk.talk.(2 2)SingSing thethe songsong andand clapclap youryour hands.hands.Step2.Presentation:Step2.Presentation:1.1. ShowShow thethe pictures.pictures. LearnLearn : : listenlisten toto musicmusic ,go,go riding,riding, dodo mathsmaths exercises,exercises, readread2.2. PlayPlay thethe tapetape .Listen.Listen andand fillfill inin thethe numbers.numbers.3 3 .Check.Check thethe answersanswers together.together.4.4. PractisePractise thethe sentencessentences : : SheShe willwill 5.5. PlayPlay againagain .Listen.Listen andand completecomplete thethe sentences.sentences.6.6. CheckCheck thethe answersanswers together.together.7.7. PlayPlay thethe thirdthird timetime ,students,students readread thethe sentences.sentences.Step3.PracticeStep3.Practice1.1. AskAsk whatswhats SimonSimon goinggoing toto dodo thisthis weekendweekend ?2.2. StudentsStudents discussdiscuss inin groups.groups.3.3. ChooseChoose 3 3 oror 4 4 groupsgroups toto act.act.4.4. AskAsk studentsstudents toto practicepractice inin groupsgroups . .5.5. ShowShow inin thethe wholewhole class.class.Step4.SummaryStep4.SummaryInIn thisthis lesson,lesson, studentsstudents havehave learntlearnt toto useuse “will“will ” “ bebe goinggoing to”to” toto makemake sentences.sentences.Step5.HomeworkStep5.HomeworkMakeMake sentencessentences withwith “will“will ” “ bebe goinggoing to”.to”.五、五、BlackboardBlackboard design:design:Unit3Unit3 MarysMarys diarydiarywillwill dodo bebe goinggoing toto dodo
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