Unit 5 I love reading-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:22939).zip

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Unit 5 I love readingPart 2a & 2bUnit 5 I love readingSing the song.What does the writer love? Unit 5 I love readingWhats my favourite book ?DoDo youyou knowknow thethe answer?answer?My favourite comic is about a cat and a mouse . They livein a big city in the USA. The cat wants to catch the mouse.The mouse is very clever ,so the cat cant catch the mouse. Do you know the answer. Unit 5 I love readingDoDo youyou knowknow thethe answer?answer?My favourite comic is about a man. He is a hero . He can climb houses. He fights bad pepole. He catches them in a web. television audiencelistener readerradio programme If we read more books, we can get much information (信息)信息) and knowledge(知识)(知识).How can we get much information and knowledge ?TV programme Unit 5 I love readingFionaMiketwo guests客客 人人2a 1.Fiona is a thirteen-year-old girl. She loves reading. Her favourite book is about a girl.Lets say together. 2.Mikes favourite comic is about the people in a village. The hero in the comic is short but clever. The comics name is also the heros name.AsterixDeenieMatildaSupermanThe demon headmaster这是法国最成功的长片漫画之一,有近这是法国最成功的长片漫画之一,有近50年的历史,讲述了法国人的年的历史,讲述了法国人的祖先高卢人的故事。在一个高卢人聚集的部落里,巫师祖先高卢人的故事。在一个高卢人聚集的部落里,巫师帕罗拉米帕罗拉米能制能制造出一种神奇的药水,人只要喝一点就能拥有超人的力量和胆量,但造出一种神奇的药水,人只要喝一点就能拥有超人的力量和胆量,但药效只能持续十分钟。而部落里的头号英雄人物药效只能持续十分钟。而部落里的头号英雄人物奥普里克斯奥普里克斯却因为小却因为小时候不慎掉进熬制药水的锅里泡了一宿,从此便永久性地拥有了巨大时候不慎掉进熬制药水的锅里泡了一宿,从此便永久性地拥有了巨大无比的力量,他和机智过人的好友无比的力量,他和机智过人的好友阿斯特里克斯阿斯特里克斯负责保卫着部落的安全。负责保卫着部落的安全。AsterixDeenie是一个十三岁的女孩。她长相甜美,因此她母亲希望她成为一名模特,是一个十三岁的女孩。她长相甜美,因此她母亲希望她成为一名模特,但迪妮自己却不想当模特。所以当她被确诊为患有脊柱侧凸时,迪妮几乎是但迪妮自己却不想当模特。所以当她被确诊为患有脊柱侧凸时,迪妮几乎是如释重负,以为自己可以躲过妈妈为她所做的安排。但当她被告知在未来的如释重负,以为自己可以躲过妈妈为她所做的安排。但当她被告知在未来的四年里,她需要一直佩戴丑陋的腰部支撑护具时,四年里,她需要一直佩戴丑陋的腰部支撑护具时,这个漂亮的小姑娘又陷入这个漂亮的小姑娘又陷入了另一场烦恼当中了另一场烦恼当中。DeenieMatilda 是个聪明又特别的女孩,她是个聪明又特别的女孩,她3岁时就已经把家里的书读完了,岁时就已经把家里的书读完了,7岁时就把图书馆里的书全部都看完。岁时就把图书馆里的书全部都看完。因为她那个迟钝又极度愚笨的因为她那个迟钝又极度愚笨的二手车商爸爸和嗜赌的妈妈根本不读书,他们只专注在他们自己的生活二手车商爸爸和嗜赌的妈妈根本不读书,他们只专注在他们自己的生活中,而忽略了中,而忽略了Matilda 在阅读和学习上的天份,甚至连她几岁都搞不清在阅读和学习上的天份,甚至连她几岁都搞不清楚,所以也想不到为异常聪明的女儿买书读。楚,所以也想不到为异常聪明的女儿买书读。Matilda自己提出上学的自己提出上学的要求,要求, 老师欣赏老师欣赏Matilda的聪慧,鼓励她继续向上;的聪慧,鼓励她继续向上; Matilda后来用她自己后来用她自己Matilda意外发现的超能力赶走女校长,让学校丶房子重回意外发现的超能力赶走女校长,让学校丶房子重回Honey老师的怀抱。老师的怀抱。 超人出生于氪星超人出生于氪星 (Krypton),本名卡尔),本名卡尔-艾尔(艾尔(Kal-El) 。在氪星面临。在氪星面临毁灭之际,他的父母为其找到了浩瀚宇宙中的新家园毁灭之际,他的父母为其找到了浩瀚宇宙中的新家园地球,用飞船送走了地球,用飞船送走了尚在襁褓中的爱子。飞船坠落在美国堪萨斯州,卡尔尚在襁褓中的爱子。飞船坠落在美国堪萨斯州,卡尔艾尔被农场主肯特夫妇艾尔被农场主肯特夫妇拾获,并以克拉克拾获,并以克拉克肯特(肯特(Clark Kent)的地球名字抚养成人。长大后,克拉)的地球名字抚养成人。长大后,克拉克成为大都会克成为大都会星球日报星球日报 的一名新闻记者。他有着与生俱来的超能力与极的一名新闻记者。他有着与生俱来的超能力与极强的正义感与同情心,每每在危机时刻,他便穿上蓝色紧身衣,披上红色斗强的正义感与同情心,每每在危机时刻,他便穿上蓝色紧身衣,披上红色斗蓬,化身超人挺身而出,行侠仗义,拯救世人。蓬,化身超人挺身而出,行侠仗义,拯救世人。Superman恶魔校长是吉莲恶魔校长是吉莲克洛斯最著名的系列作品。恶魔校长讲述的是:学克洛斯最著名的系列作品。恶魔校长讲述的是:学校里的孩子们都迷上了一种长鼻子、流着口水的猪哼唧校里的孩子们都迷上了一种长鼻子、流着口水的猪哼唧帕克。聪明的迪娜发帕克。聪明的迪娜发现了问题,正要举报,却发现录像带神秘失踪了。她与斯普拉特小组成员们现了问题,正要举报,却发现录像带神秘失踪了。她与斯普拉特小组成员们追踪到了帕克公司,就此遭遇了许多惊险曲折,经历了时而冬雪时而夏阳的追踪到了帕克公司,就此遭遇了许多惊险曲折,经历了时而冬雪时而夏阳的奇幻境遇,而口水猪与巨猿的阴谋也一步步浮现出来。斯普拉特小组成员们奇幻境遇,而口水猪与巨猿的阴谋也一步步浮现出来。斯普拉特小组成员们用机智、用勇敢、用生命与他们的老对手恶魔校长展开了激烈的抗争。用机智、用勇敢、用生命与他们的老对手恶魔校长展开了激烈的抗争。The demon headmaster Unit 5 I love reading book is I think Fionas favourite book is I think Mikes favourite book is Can you guess what Fionas / Mikes favourite book is? Unit 5 I love reading book is Fionas favourite book is Deenie by Judy Blume. Mikes favourite book is Asterix 。What is Fionas/ Mikes favourite book?Unit 5 I love readingName favourite bookfavourite book/comic is aboutWork in your group (调查小组成员并汇报)调查小组成员并汇报).LilyTom and JerryA cat and a mouse My favourite book is. Its about . Lilys favourite book is Tom and Jerry. Its about a cat and a mouse. The mouse is very clever, so the cat cant catch the mouse. Toms favourite book is. TomJudyHomeworkAsk your partners favourite book or your parents favourite book,then write down.课题Unit 5 I love reading Part 2a , 2b课时(课时(2)Listen teaching 教学目标1. Listen and understand the programme dialogues.2. Listen and tick the correct answers.3. Talk about your favourite book.教学重点1. Listen and tick the correct answers.2. Talk about your favourite book.3. Use the target langues: I think Fionas favourite is”教学难点Listen and understand the programme dialogues.教学准备PPT. 课前预习内容学生自主预习听力材料的相关内容班级学情分析本节课是听力教学,主要是让学生通过听录音选出 Fiona 和 Mike 喜爱的书籍的相关内容。听力内容较长,难度较大,所以学生的预习是非常重要的,一定要在课前对听力材料熟读理解,并指导学生抓住要点来听录音材料。课时安排一课时师生教学活动设计过程教师活动学生活动个性教学设计课堂导入Step 1.Pre-reading 1.Sing the song : I love reading.2.After Ss sing the song, T ask: What does the writer love? Do you love reading? If you read more books, you can get much information? But how can we get much information?The students sing the song.The students guess my favourite book.合作探究Step2 New presentation1. Show three pictures and learn: If you get information by reading books, you are a reader. If you get information by watching TV, you are a TV audience. If you get information by listening to radios, you are a listener.2.Now lets listen to a radio, this radio ls for young listeners. In todays radio, here are two guests: Fiona and Mike. We will listen to something about them, please listen carefully.3.Listen to a radio programme.Listen to what Fiona says and tick the correct answers .The students listen and tick the correct answers.The students look at the answers and say something about Fiona and Mike.Listen to what Mike says and tick the correct answers4.Listen again and check the answers.5.Say some sentences about Fiona and Mike: Fiona is a thirteen-year-old girl. She loves reading. Her favourite book is about a girl. Mikes 6.T says: Do you want to know about more about Fiona and Mike, now lets look. Show six books and learn.7.Listen to Fiona and mikes favourite book, then check the answers.Say the sentences together, then know more about them.交流展示1. Ss do pairwork, ask and answer about Fiona and Mike.A: What is Fiona/Mikes favourite book?B: Fionas favourite is by Judy Blume.Mikes favourite comic is Asterix.2. Work in groups:Talk about your favourite book or comic.Do pairwork.Group work.归纳小结Summary : Wrtie about your favourite book or comic.Teacher and Ss summarize the key points.当堂练习Listen and tick the correct answers. Part2a,2bThe students listen and tick. 必做题:Talk about Fiona and Mike. 作业设计选做题:Wrtie about your favourite book or comic.板书设计 Unit 5 I love readingFionas favourite book is about a girl.Mikes favourite comic is about the people in a village. The hero in the comic is short ,but clever. The comics name is also the heros name. A: What is Fiona/Mikes favourite book?B: Fionas favourite is by Judy Blume.Mikes favourite comic is Asterix. 教学反思教学效果自评
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