Unit 4 My heroes-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:70d66).zip

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Unit4 My heroes Part4My heroListen and answer.1. Who is she ?2.Does she only teach English ?3.Where does she teach?A. village schoolB. city schoolC .collegeShe is Miss Deng.No, she doesnt.Read and answer.Miss Deng is a young teacher of a village school. She left college two years ago, but she didnt stay in the city. She came to a village school. She teaches English. And she also teaches Chinese and Music. 1.When did she leave college?2. Did she stay in the city?1. When did she leave college?2. Did she stay in the city?She left college .2 years agoNo, she didnt.She left college two years ago ,but she didnt stay in the city.She came to a village school.They are talking about Miss Deng.Do they love Miss Deng?Yes, they do.Miss Deng came here two years ago.She was very friendly to us.But at that time we were too shy to speak.We couldnt even speak putonghua.“She gave us the first English class. She taught us to sing and dance, too. Now we all like learning English !” “She is warm and kind. It feels good to be around her. We love her!” “Now we have got lots of changes! Were becoming more confident !” Read and learn.taughtChoose and match.too shy to speakfeelconfidentB.B.变化变化 C.C.自信的自信的 D.D.太害羞太害羞而不敢说而不敢说 E.感觉感觉changeA.教教Read and discuss in groups:Why is Miss Deng a hero in her pupils eyes? . Why is Miss Deng a hero?Because they were too shy to speak ,but she was very friendly to us. “Miss Deng came here two years ago. She was very friendly to us. But at that time we were too shy to speak. We couldnt even speak putonghua.” “She gave us the first English class. She taught us to sing and dance, too. Now we all like learning English !” Why is Miss Deng a hero? She gave us the first English class. “She is warm and kind. It feels good to be around her. We love her!” Why is Miss Deng a hero?Because it feels good to be around her. We are very happy with her.“Now we have got lots of changes! Were becoming more confident !” Why is Miss Deng a hero?They are becoming more confident!Read the whole text.Try to talking about Miss Deng.Talk about Miss Deng.Y TV SW k fE C MT Yyoung teacherwarm kindfriendlyEnglish ChineseMusicvillage schooltwoyearsHomework:1.Introduce Miss Deng to your friends or parents.2.Make a profile(简介)(简介) for Miss Deng.Never too old to learn !活到老学到老!活到老学到老!Unit4 My heroes Part4 教学设计教材分析:本节课是外研版 Join in 三年级起点六年级下册第四单元第四部分,要求学生能够读懂 Miss Deng 的故事,能了解现代中国社会的英雄人物,培养学生爱国主义情怀,激发爱国主义热情。这节课是一个篇章阅读,由邓老师的简介和学生的谈论两部分组成。在第二、三部分谈到了外国的英雄 Robin Hood, Robin Hood 是一个外国历史上的英雄,而 Miss Deng 是中国现代社会英雄的代表。教材这样编排是想让学生了解古今中外的英雄人物的故事,这样学生的认知会更完整,因此这个部分是本单元不可或缺的一部分。学情分析:六年级的学生,通过几年的英语学习,能够读懂简短的、贴近他们生活的小短文。但是如果文章较长,而且又有很多生单词时,大部分学生会产生畏难情绪。课前做了一个简单的调查,通过前面几个部分的学习,大部分学生可以自由谈论自己心目中的英雄。教学目标:1. 语言技能目标:学生能够读懂关于 Miss Deng 的简短介绍和学生对她的谈论及看法。2. 语言知识目标:学生能够理解和会说单词和短语:leave college/too shy to speak/change/confident3. 情感态度:通过阅读邓老师的故事,让学生对英雄有一个新的理解,平凡的人也一样可以成为别人心目中的英雄。同时引导学生感恩他人的付出,对生活中的英雄有崇拜之情。从而培养学生爱国主义情怀,激发爱国主义热情。4. 学习策略:培养学生的合作意识,遇到问题主动向同学或老师请教,在课堂交流中注意倾听,积极思考,提高学习效率,增强学习效果。教学重点及难点:教学重点:学生能够基本读懂邓老师的故事,并可以自由谈论交流邓老师的相关信息。让学生产生对邓老师的崇拜的情感。教学难点:学生能够完全正确地理解 leave college/too shy to speak/change/confident 通过本课的学习可以更加深入的谈论自己喜欢的老师。教学基本策略及设计思路:本节课是根据本年段学生语言学习的认知规律和课标提出的学习目标来设计的。将这篇较长的短文,分割成两个部分来进行教学。同时采取分组讨论,合作学习的方式来降低学生学习的难度。教学过程中注重培养学生获取信息、提取信息和处理信息的能力。教学资源的开发及说明:本节课采用多媒体课件辅助教学,利用图片和声音来激发学生的感官,让学生体验学习的快乐,增强学习的效果。教学过程:1. Warming up :a. Greeting.b. Talk about your heroes.(营造英语学习的氛围,发展学生的思维。 )c. T: Do you want to know who is my hero? My hero is here.(设疑导入,激发学生阅读的兴趣。)2. Presentation :a. Look at Miss Dengs picture and guess:What does she do ? What subject does she teach?(调动学生的已有的知识,发展学生的思维,为后面的学习做准备。 )b. Listen to the introduction of Miss Deng and answer:Who is she ? Does she only teach English? Where does she teach?A.village school B.city school C.college Use the photo to help the Ss to understand “village school,city school, college “(以听的方式让学生初步感知介绍邓老师的文本,回答 3 个简单的问题。同时利用图片让学生理解 village school,city school, college核心词汇。)c. Read the text and answer.When did she leave college? Did she stay in the city?Use the picture to help the Ss understand “leave college”T: Do you want to go to a village school? Why ? But Miss Deng went there.She gave up the better life in the city.So Miss Deng is great! She is my hero! (阅读短文,回答两个深一点的问题,帮助学生更好的理解“leave college”以及为什么邓老师是一个英雄。)d. Listen to Ss recording and answer: Do they love Miss Deng? Read the text and learn the new words and phrases: too shy to speak, change,confident Then answer the question:Why is Miss Deng a hero in her pupils eyes? Use the oral language,body language and action to help the Ss to understand too shy to speak, change,confident eg.shy means not outgoing ,Li Qi is a shy girl in our chass.Then read and discuss in groups : Why is Miss Deng a hero in her pupils eyes? (首先听山区的学生谈论他们的邓老师,可以让学生对文本有一个初步的了解;然后让学生在具体的语言情境中理解心单词;最后让学生思考讨论:为什么邓老师在她的学生的眼中是一个英雄?旨在发展学生的思维,培养学生理解信息、提取信息的能力以及合作学习的能力。)3. Practice:a. Read the text and talk about Miss Deng in groups.b. Talk about your favourite teacher.(首先读全文加深对文章的理解,并试图用自己的话来谈论邓老师。然后试着用学过的单词和句型来谈论自己喜爱的老师,这个活动对学生的思维质量要求比较高。)4. Homework :a. Introduce Miss Deng to your friends or parents.b. Make a profile for Miss Deng.(介绍邓老师锻炼学生的口头表达能力,而为她写一个简介则锻炼的是学生的书面表达能力。)板书设计:Unit4 My heroes Part4leave collegetoo shy to speakchangeconfident
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