Unit 6 The world of my dreams-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--公开课-外研剑桥版六年级下册(编号:60079).zip

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Unit6 The world of my dreams.Have a dreamIts true that I love my school.And my teachers are OK.But every now and then I startTo dream in the middle of the day.Then I see a wonderful world.People have enough to eat.Everywhere are parks and woods.Where we all can go and meet.There are only happy kids.There are friendly grown-ups, too.And parents have a lot of timeTo listen to me and you.Im sure you love your school.And your teachers are OK.But why dont you just close your eyes?Have a dream in the middle of the day.Free talkMay come true!your dreams4. A story:The rabbits dream.I want to see the ocean.the ocean.Whats the rabbits dream?What do you think about the ocean?Do they want to go to the ocean? Why?The rabbits friends.I want to see the ocean.Dont go .Its too far.Dont go.Its too dangerous.Its too dangerous. situationsdangerous Dont play with the fire. Dont . Dont . dangerousdangerous.Lets read.I want to see the ocean.Dont go .Its too far.Dont go.Its too dangerous.4 A story The rabbits dream.How does the rabbit get to the ocean? ask for help向他人求助向他人求助 sbowlhowcowExcuse me. How do I get to the ocean?Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ocean?I want to see the ocean. Can you tell me the way?Can you tell me the way to the ocean?How does the rabbit ask the animals for help?Excuse me. How do I get to the ocean?Come with me ,Ill show you.Ill get you.Im glad Im faster than the lion.What do they say ?Sorry, I cant hear you .Come closer.Got you! Oh, no!Phew! That was close.Sorry, I cant help you.Ask the owl.Sure, its this way.I can take you there.No, thank you.2人小组找出兔子和其他人小组找出兔子和其他3个动物间的对话。个动物间的对话。Read in pairs. Pair work . Make a new dialogue. 师生合作,创编新对话。Pair work . Make a new dialogue.师生角色互换,创编新对话。Pair work . Choose anyone to make a new dialogue.两人合作,任选一幅图片编对话。2 minutesThe next day, the rabbit gets to the ocean.Its not easy for him to make his dream come true. What does he say to himself?当兔子终于圆梦看到大海时,他想对自己说些什么?当兔子终于圆梦看到大海时,他想对自己说些什么?Lets think.Wow, the ocean. It looks beautiful.I wish my friends could see it. The sky was full of stars. The rabbit was very tired. He remembered all the dangerous situations, but he was very happy. Then he closed his eyes, made his bed in the sand and started to dream.Before , The rabbits friends say.I want to see the ocean.After, The rabbit says to his friends. ?Group work. Whats the rabbit to say the his friends.小组合作,想一想兔子圆梦后想对他青蛙和老鼠说些什么小组合作,想一想兔子圆梦后想对他青蛙和老鼠说些什么?In our pursuit to the dreams, we may face difficulties or dangerous situations.Please work hard for the dream and believe in yourself!Wish your dreams come true.新编Join in六下 Unit6 - The Rabbits dream.设计方案授课班级授课教师:一、教学内容:新编Join in六下 Unit6 The world of my dreams.Part4 A story-The Rabbits dream. 二、教材分析: 本篇为故事教学。是整套书最后一个单元的故事。在前期的学习中,学生已能用正确的句子描述自己梦里的世界。通过本文的学习,学生不仅能听懂、理解这篇小故事,并明白要坚持自己的梦想并机智应对各种问题。激发学生对未来生活的向往,并激励学生为自己的梦想努力拼搏。相信自己、努力坚持,定能梦想成真。三、学情分析:我校学生从 1 年级开始学习英语,目前的授课班级已学完Join in老版本的三五年级的全部内容和新版六年级的上下两本教材。对 Join in 教材模块已非常熟悉。对故事教学兴趣浓厚,已能联系上下文猜测故事意思,并能按自然拼读法较准确的读出生单词。基本的认读和表演已不能满足本班学生的求知欲。如何从文本出发激励学生探讨梦想成真的条件是我本节课设定的突破重点。四、教学目标:1.语言技能目标:能看图说出意思,能认读故事中的句子并有感情的流利读课文。2.语言知识目标:学会 dangerous situation 的发音和意义。能根据文中对话创编完整的问路对话、同时总结出兔子梦想成真的条件并能将圆梦的条件成文的分享给大家(从兔子的角色转述给它的朋友们) 。3.情感态度: 通过故事的学习体会英语学习的乐趣,激发学生用英语交流的兴趣。并增强学生坚定梦想、努力付出的动力。4.学习策略:培养学生合作意识,遇到问题主动向老师或同学请教,在课堂交流中,注意倾听,积极思考,提高学习效率,增强学习效果。5.文化意识:了解英语的语言表达,渗透梦想无论大小都值得努力付出的意识。体会不同动物的语言表达,促进心智发展。五、教学重点及难点:1.教学重点:词汇:dangerous situation 2.教学难点:兔子在遇到不同动物后的内心独白。 Im glad Im faster than the lion.庆幸庆幸Phew! That was close.害怕害怕 六、教学基本策略及设计思路:七、资源的开发及说明:本节课采用多媒体课件辅助教学,利用图片、声音、动画来刺激学生感官,让学生在愉悦中学习,体验学习的乐趣,增强的学习效果。八、教学过程:Step1:Warming (热身活动)1. 课前一直播放该单元中的歌曲“Have a dream” 。营造氛围, 让学生清晰明了当天所学内容。2. 师生互相问好,学生开始带动作的、分段落的演唱“Have a dream”【设计意图】利用歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣,在歌曲较长的过门期间,各小组分别齐读 Have a nice / great / wonderful / fantastic dream.4 组短语,直指课文主题、活跃课堂气氛;老师和学生同唱,也拉近了师生的距离,促进了师生的交流。Step2:Revision and Presentation(新课呈现)Ask the owl.坚定的接受坚定的接受No,thank you.自信的独自前往自信的独自前往1. 老师由歌词引出自己梦想的世界,并让学生来说说他们梦想的世界。 (由于本单元之前的内容学生已能自由说说梦想,可由旧知进入,开启课堂第一次讨论)师:In the world of my dreams, pupils study happily at school. Can you tell me what the world of your dreams.生: 自由说梦想。2. PPT 中展示兔子图片,老师导入今天课堂主题,兔子的梦想。提出问题“兔子的梦想是什么” ,让学生带着问题听完兔子的描述。 (I want to see the ocean.)师:Look at the rabbit, he has a dream. Lets listen. What is it?生: I want / The rabbit wants to see the ocean.3. 展示不同状态下的 ocean 的图片,让学生感知 ocean 的不同,能根据图片说出看到海洋的感受:beautiful,dangerous,funny或是 peaceful。老师在不同的感受下提问学生是否还愿坚持去看海。初次渗透坚定梦想的决心。师:Do you know the ocean? What do you think about the ocean?生:beautiful / dangerous / funny / peaceful4. 回到兔子和朋友谈论梦想的图片,先让学生假设自己是兔子的朋友(青蛙和老鼠) ,说说自己对海洋的感受,是否会支持兔子前往;随后,让学生根据青蛙和老鼠的面部表情,猜测他们是否支持兔子去看海。引出朋友的话。 Dont go. Its too far. / Dont go. Its too dangerous. 师:Do you want to see the ocean? Why? What about his friends?生:Dont go. Its too far. / Dont go. Its too dangerous. 5. 利用学生熟悉的危险片段,教授 dangerous situations,突破重点.老师在 PPT 中出示 孩子独自玩火、马路中间玩耍、高空扔垃圾的图片,引导学生说出 Dont Its dangerous.不要做这些危险的动作,太危险了。师:Look at three pictures. Are they dangerous? Look at the boy. He is playing with the fire. Its too dangerous. Her mother says: Dont playing with the fire. Its too dangerous. 手指另外两张图片,让学生说。生:Dont playing in the street. Its too dangerous. Dont throw rubbish out of the window. Its too dangerous. 学生顺势猜测 dangerous situations 的意思,并认读。Practice:师读兔子,男生读青蛙,女生读老鼠。有感情的认读第一张图片。师:So, what should the rabbit do? Stay at home or go to see the ocean? 教师留下悬念,进入故事发展情节。【设计意图】用听音猜句子的环节,进行第一步输入,带领学生直达主题。再用直观的图片让学生感受不同状态的海洋,激发学生对海洋的感观,去体验兔子、青蛙和老鼠对海洋不同看法的原因。进入角色。在学生认知基础上,学习 dangerous 的内容,最终达到能主动运用课文句子“Its too dangerous.”解说图片内容的效果。最后师生分角色朗读,能快速找准角色语调,师生一起顺利进入故事发展情节。Step3:New Lesson(新课)1. 老师播放自制的课文短片。开始提问。师:Does the rabbit know the way to the ocean?How does he get to the ocean?PPT 中呈现可供选择的内容: Look at map? Use GPS? Ask the other animals?生:He asks the other animals.师:How man animals does he ask? Who are they?生:There are four animals. They are the lion, the snake, the elephant and the owl.2. 教读 owl。根据已学单词,how,cow 的读音,自行认读 ow a的发音。3. 通过 PPT 中动物图片的位子,渗透 ask somebody for help (向默认求助)的表达方式,为课文拓展做铺垫。4. 用不同的策略学习兔子向 4 个动物提问的问题。 兔子和狮子。 (策略一:听录音,找答案)师:How does the rabbit ask the lion for help? Listen and talk.生 1:Excuse me, How do I get to the ocean? (核对后,其他同学跟读) 兔子 VS 蛇、大象、猫头鹰。(策略二:自己默读,在课文中画出答案)师:How does the rabbit ask the other animals for help? Read by yourselves and underline the sentences in the story.生 2:(Snake) Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the ocean? 生 3:(Elephant) I want to see the ocean. Can you tell me the way ?生 4:(Owl) Can you tell me the way to the ocean? (逐一核对,其他同学跟着该同学读)5. 用不同的策略学习兔子向 4 个动物问路的问答。 兔子和狮子。 (策略一:听录音,找答案)师:Lets listen to the story about the rabbit and the lion. What do they say?生:(核对后,其他同学跟读)Practice:师读狮子,学生读兔子。在认读对话基础上,师生有感情的朗读文本。同时,教师带头扩充对话内容,引导学生如何扩充文本。 兔子 VS 蛇、大象、猫头鹰。(策略二:自己默读,在课文中画出答案)师:What are the dialogues with the rabbit and other animals? Turn to you. Open your books. Silence reading, underline the answers and Read in pairs. 生:(两人一组的朗读对话)【设计意图】自制故事小短片,刺激学生感观,第一次感知全文。学习新知时,用不同的学习策略带领学生熟悉课文内容,在文本的学习中解决新词,排除障碍,感受不同动物的语气。通过师生分角色朗读、生生两人对话,调动兴趣,加深文本学习。Step4:Build up(拓展)1.基于原文,拓展对话。师示范,激发学生思维。师:The dialogues are funny but too short. If you were the rabbit. Im the lion. What will we say? Let try!Hello, rabbit! What are you doing?生 1:Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. (Can you tell me the way?) 师:Yes. I know the way. Ill show you. Follow me!生 2:师:根据学生现场发挥,老师随机应变。【设计意图】师生现场生成新对话,调动了学生兴趣,集中了所有同学的注意力,活跃思维、发挥想象,能更好的体会英语表达,为后面合作学习做铺垫。2.源于示范,合作学习,自编对话。师:How about the dialogue with snake? Elephant? Owl?Can you make a new dialogue like this? Try it with your partner.生 1:Im a rabbit. I want to see the ocean. (Can you tell me the way?) 生 2:Yes / No. 生 1:生 2:【设计意图】生生现场生成新对话,用学生的语言和思维回到了故事中,发挥想象,更好的体会英语表达,培养自主学习能力和合作意识。检验学生掌握故事内容情况。Step5:Summary(概括结尾)总结追梦历程。师:Is it easy for the rabbit to get to the ocean?生:No, its difficult / hard.师:Yes, it is not easy for him to make his dream come true. What does the rabbit say to himself?PPT 中出示兔子面对大海的图片,让孩子们自己想一想追梦成功后,对自己说的话。生 1:Oh, the ocean (终于见到海了,真漂亮。这一路虽然艰难但很值得。)生 2:I miss my friends(想念自己的朋友,希望能一起分享。)生 3:My dream comes true. (给自己点赞,追梦成功!)【设计意图】让学生自己说出感受,感受梦想成真的美好。激发学生思维,体会梦想成真的条件。Step6:Production(输出、升华)首尾呼应。想想兔子出发前,青蛙和老鼠对兔子说的话。待梦想成真后,兔子会对它们说些什么呢?小组讨论完成。师:Do you remember, before the rabbit gets to the ocean, what did the frog and the mouse say? After the rabbit gets to ocean, what the rabbit say to his friends?组 1:Memory the trip (告诉朋友们一路的艰辛)组 2:Make the dream comes true. (梦想成真的条件)组 3:组 4:【设计意图】融入故事中,进一步为学生创设真实的语言环境,训练他们的口语表达能力,将输出的语言运用在生活中。培养了学生的合作精神,迸发了新的火花,也增强了对所学英语的体验。Step7:Homework(作业)1Read the text aloud with feelings. (有感情、分角色的朗读课文)2Write. How make your dream come true? (写一写梦想成真的条件)3Write a letter to the mouse and the frog. 完成课堂上未完成的练习(假如你是兔子,看到海后想对他们说些什么)【设计意图】从课堂是生活,将知识拓展延伸。九、板书设计: Unit6 A story The rabbit dream. (评价)(评价) Make your dreams come true.( (开课唱完歌曲开课唱完歌曲“Have“Have a a dreamdream ”后直接将后直接将 dreamdream 的词条贴在黑板的词条贴在黑板上。上。 待待 Presentation 后贴上后贴上 comecome truetrue 的词条。其余单词在课堂的词条。其余单词在课堂进行时,学生表现较好及时奖励进行时,学生表现较好及时奖励) ) 呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。呈现学生在编对话时出现的精彩句子。
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