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1、1Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary(第二部分 语音、语法和词汇)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)21. Playing video games is not as _ as exercising.A. goodB. betterC. bestD. the best22. Where are _ two dinner plates in the set? I can only find four.A. otherB. the otherC. anotherD. others23. At first, the

2、students didnt seem _ with their new teacher. Now they love his lessons.A. happyB. happilyC. happinessD. unhappy24. The story of Robinson Crusoe is about a man living _ a desert island.A. inB. onC. atD. for25. _ amazing car! Is it powered by gasoline or electricity?A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. What an26

3、. My most memorable toy is a scooter. My sister and I practiced _ with one foot everyday.A. pushB. pushedC. pushingD. to push27. Like all Greeks, she _ the legend of Odysseus since childhood.A. knowsB. knewC. has knownD. will know28. The villagers are angry with the decision _ the railway station.A.

4、 closeB. closedC. to closeD. closing29. This method is rarely used in research, _?A. is itB. isnt itC. is the methodD. isnt the method30. It was a cold winters night. It _ but it was very windy.A. isnt rainingB. didnt rainC. doesnt rainD. wasnt raining31. I dont have much _ of German history but I t

5、hink choice A is most likely.A. knowledgeB. materialC. jokeD. interview32. I laughed when he fell in the mud, _ then I felt sorry for him.A. andB. orC. soD. but33. Do you kind _ difficult to learn new skills like how to ride a skateboard?A. /B. itC. thisD. that34. Bill Gates became interested in com

6、puters _ in those days they were not verycommon.A. becauseB. althoughC. unlessD. so that35. - Kevin falls asleep in class every morning.- He _ be out late every night or maybe he works at night.A. canB. needC. mustD. shouldIII. Complete the following passage with the words in the box. Each can only

7、be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(A)A. attentionB. no longerC. competedD. comparedE. conclusionAccording to a recent study, dogs get jealous(嫉妒)just like humans do. In the study, twogroups of dog owners were _36_. The authors of the study drew a _37_ that dogs displayedmore jealous behaviours

8、when their owners showed affection toward another dog. Here are some2signs of a jealous dog.Pushing you awayHave you ever moved toward a member of your family, only to have your dog push youaway? This behavior is your dogs way of telling you that it needs more _38_.Unkind actionsYour dog might show

9、jealousy by barking, biting or even attacking others.Doing a trickA jealous dog will perform tricks in hopes youll look their way.Going to the toilet indoorsIf your dog _39_ uses the toilet outdoors, this could be a sign theyre feeling jealous.(B)A. calmB. basicC. faithfullyD. depend onE. get along

10、withHow do you deal with a jealous dog? Try one of the following tips.Train your dogPractice _40_ commands like sit and stay. This will help you manage your dog when younotice bad behavior.Encourage good behaviorGive your dog treats and attention when its _41_. This will help your dog understand how

11、you want it to behave.Make friendsTrain your dog to _42_ others. The dog park is a good place for your dog to practiceplaying with other dogs.When a dog loves someone _43_, its natural for it to feel jealous. Helping a jealous doglearn to share its favorite person wont happen in a day. But all the h

12、ard work will pay off whenyour dog starts to change its behavior. Like us, our dogs just want to feel loved.IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填一词)44. We went to the theatre last night. We had _ at the front row. (seat)45. After Rita found h

13、erself locked on the _ floor, she soon had an escape plan. (two)46. A straight line is the _ distance between two points. (short)47. Knowing that you are doing good and needed work can add _ to life. (mean)48. Being kidnapped had been the most _ exprience of his life. (frighten)49. The helicopter wa

14、s damaged by lightning, but landed _. (safe)50. One _ of reading e-books is maybe the lighting or small screen. (advantage)51. If they _, the machines of the future will have longer and healthier lives. (success)V. Rewrite the following sentences as required(根据要求改写句子)52. He denied stealing the vase

15、from the safe.(改为否定句)He _ _ stealing the vase from the safe.53. You can press the ESC button to exit the programme.(对划线部分提问)_ _ can I press to exit the programme?54. I think online learning can be eye-opening for both teachers and students. (保持句意基本不变)3In _ _, online learning can be eye-opening for b

16、oth teachers and students.55. In order to concentrate well, you must be relaxed.(保持句意基本不变)You must be relaxed _ _ you can concentrate well.56. For a long time, people recorded music on vinyl records.(改为被动语态)For a long time, music _ _ on vinyl records.57. Is the shoe department on this floor? Could y

17、ou tell me?(合并成一句)Could you tell me _ the shoe department _ on this floor?58. more often, will die, waters, it, the plant, she, unless(连词成句)_.Part 3Reading and Writing (第三部分阅读和写话)VI. Reading comprehension(阅读理解)A. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)Meet Techno - Boy1. Harry Hunker looks like an ordinary

18、 boy. He goes to school with ordinary children, but theydont know who he really is: In the daytime, Harry works hard at school. At night, hesTechno-Boy.2. Techno-Boy is half-boy and half-computer. Scientists created him. They put a micro-computerinside his brain, and taught him to save the world. Ev

19、ery night, Techno-Boy chases villains andprotects the city. He doesnt need to sleep, and hes got some amazing super-powers. He can see inthe dark, and he can catch a bullet in his hand. He wears a white Techno-Boy suit and specialrocket shoes. When Harry becomes Techno-Boy, he has red eyes and he do

20、esnt wear his glasses.3. Techno-Boy is very intelligent. He builds tiny robots, and he uses them to fight his enemies. Healso designs super-fast cars, jet planes and motor boats. These are very useful when hes chasingvillains. They never escape.4. Techno-Boy can run fast, and he often leaps between

21、high buildings when hes in a hurry. Hecant fly, but he can levitate with his special rocket shoes. This is much quicker than climbing thestairs! Techno-Boy has also got a special thought reader in his head, he can understand what hisenemies are thinking.5. When Harry Hunker isnt Techno-Boy, he feels

22、 very lonely. Harry has some amazingadventures but his friends dont know his secret. Sometimes he just wants to be ordinary.59. The scene of Picture One is set _.A. at homeB. at a cinemaC. at schoolD. at a lab60. The underlined word villains in Picture Two means _.A. heroesB. criminalsC. the richD.

23、the innocent61. Techno-Boy is lonely because _.A. he looks different from othersB. he has lost his beloved familiesC. nobody in his school knows himD. his friends dont know his secret62. Techno-Boy is catching a bullet in Picture _.A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four63. Which of the following powers is NOT

24、mentioned?A. Lifting heavy objects.B. Making machines.C. Reading peoples minds.D. Seeing things in the dark.64. The theme(主题)of the story is _4A. strength vs. brainB. peace and warC. good vs. evilD. courage and fearB. Choose the words and complete the passage(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)Looking back to when I was

25、 younger in the 1980s, I can remember dreaming of twoinventions that I thought would change my world bet were probably not likely to happen in mylifetime. One was a tiny _65_ that I could carry around in my pocket and film momentswhenever I had the opportunity. The other was something I could use to

26、 see and speak to peoplemiles away.It is unbelievable that during my adult life these two dreams have become a reality. And noteven two separate inventions. Just one phone, small enough to keep in my pocket so that I _66_know its there. I can video call or chat to friends and relatives, catch up wit

27、h the latest news,watch videos of my favourite bands, check the weather forecast or send messages. I can shop asmuch as I want and even take a course in any subject I want . the _67_ goes on.Along with the Internet, the mobile phone must be the biggest change in technology ever. Sowhy do many of us

28、feel a little _68_ how much time we spend on the phone in our lives? Itspuzzling that the opportunities it has offered us for communication seem to have _69_ the timewe actually spend talking to each other. We are all used to seeing friends and families who arealways looking at their screens and tak

29、ing very little notice of those around them.The mobile phone is here to stay and we have to find a way of dealing with the problems itmight create. I believe these are challenges we have to solve independently rather than _70_something or someone else to come to our rescue. Its up to use to be caref

30、ul about the time wespend online and remember that its good to talk with those sitting nearby. We can still feelamazed to have such a powerful piece of technology available when we need it.65. A. radioB. DVD-ROMC. TV setD. video camera66. A. especiallyB. hardlyC. immediatelyD. accurately67. A. listB

31、. legendC. saleD. memory68. A. sorry forB. worried aboutC. unaware ofD. wrong with69. A. changedB. linkedC. increasedD. limited70. A. advisingB. warningC. expectingD. allowingC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,是其内容通顺,每空格限填一次,首字母已给)One day, Jenny was taking her

32、 first art class at school. She was very excited.The art teacher, Mrs Minton, told the children to paint the flowers in a vase at the front of theclass.Dont worry if your painting doesnt look e_71_ like the painting by the person next toyou, she said. The important thing is to paint what you see.Jen

33、ny worked very hard. She spent so long painting that her hand began to h_72_ fromholding the brush. She put the brush down for a moment to rest and looked at the painting next tohers.Thats really good, she said to Carrie. Carries painting was small and neat. Every flower wasjust like the real flower

34、s in the vase.Thanks, said Carrie. She looked over at Jennys painting. Oh! What happened to yours?5What do you mean? asked Jenny. She looked at her own painting. It was very different fromCarries. It covered the whole page and the colors were b_73_ than the real flowers.It looks like a big m_74_, sa

35、id Carrie. Did you pour the paint?No, said Jenny, upset. I painted what I saw, just like Mrs Minton said.Its OK, you know, said Carrie. Not everyone is good at art.Mrs Minton heard what Carrie said, and she came over to look at Jennys work.Oh my, said Mrs Minton. I think its wonderful, Jenny. Its so

36、 full of color and happiness.Jenny was very s_75_.But Mrs Minton, it doesnt look anything like the flowers you told us to draw. Carrie said.Maybe not to you, Carrie. Everyone sees different things when they look at the world. Sheshowed them a picture in a book of a painting. This is a picture an art

37、ist painted of his own face.This is how he saw h_76_But . but . its just a few lines, said Carrie. It doesnt look anything like a real person.Mrs Minton turned to Jenny. You should read this book. Jenny. There are a lot of differentkinds of paintings and one isnt better than the other.That evening,

38、Jenny read all about the famous artists. Some of their paintings were verys_77_, but she liked to look at them all.Im going to be an artist when I grow up, she said to her mother.D. Read the passage below and answer the following questions(根据文章内容回答下列问题)Better Safe than SorryTHE BEST WAY to deal with

39、 an emergency is to avoid one, if you can. Part Four of our ongoingseries on crime prevention focuses on protecting your home against burglary. Sticky Fingers, anexperienced burglar now serving a 6-year prison sentence, agreed to talk to our reporter.Reporter: Sticky, what do you look for before bur

40、glarizing a house?Fingers: Well, first, I make sure no one is home and no one is watching. I nose aroundneighbourhoods where people dont seem to know each other very well. That way, I wont benoticed. Next, I try to find a house where the people are on holiday and not likely to return soon. Ido this

41、by looking for houses with no lights on in the evening. Then I look at doorways. Theyre asure giveaway(暴露). When newspapers, mail, and deliveries are piled up, I can tell that peoplehave been away from days. I can even count how many days from the number of newspapers.Reporter: _81_?Fingers: Well, u

42、sually its easy and effortless. Lots of times people leave a window open, or doorsand windows unlocked. Then I just slip in, when I have to break in, I look for a patio(露台)dooron the first floor. They usually have weak locks and you can force them easily. I watch out fordogs, though. If I hear a dog

43、 barking, I go somewhere else.78. The series is mainly about how to prevent crime, isnt it?79. How long will Sticky Fingers spend behind bars?80. Where are newspapers, mail and dever-lies usually piled up?81. What best fits the blank?82. What phrase can you use if you are advising someone to take ac

44、tion to avoid an emergency?I would say _.83. Write at least 3 ways to protect your home against burglary. The first one has been done foryou.61) Get familiar with your neighbours.2) _VII. Writing84. Write at least 60 words according to the given situation.(根据以下情景写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文,标点符号不占格)学校以下各社团打算在活动周开展一些竞赛活动:comics club(动漫社)computer club(电脑社)school newspaper club(校报社)super brain club(最强大脑社)debate club(辩论社)paper cutting club(剪纸社)假设你是其中一个社团的干事 Sandy,请拟一份通知告知你所在社团将要举行的活动,内容包括:1. 活动名称、目的2. 活动时间、地点3. 参加活动的相关要求4. 奖项设置等


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