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1、 WillWill youyou pleaseplease telltell JohnJohn toto comecome toto mymy office?office? - _._.A.Yes, I doB.Ill be gladC.Thank youD.Ill be glad to【参考答案】: D2.2.2.2. I Iveve nevernever seenseen _ matchmatch before.before.A.such an excitingB.so an excitingC.such an excitedD.so anexcited【参考答案】:

2、A3.20.3.20. TheThe doctordoctor workedworked forfor _ afterafter twelvetwelve o oclock.clock.A.two more hoursB.two another hourC.more two hoursD.anothertwo hour【参考答案】: A4.7.4.7. - HowHow manymany peoplepeople werewere therethere atat thethe meeting?meeting? -_.-_.A.NobodyB.No oneC.NoneD.Nothing【参考答案

3、】: C5.9.5.9. _ ofof usus feltfelt veryvery tiredtired butbut quitequite happyhappy afterafter _ sportssportsmeeting.meeting.A.Everyone, a two daysB.Every one, the two daysC.Every one, thetwo-dayD.None, a two-day【参考答案】: C6.15.6.15. CanCan youyou rememberremember thisthis park?park? WeWe _ here.here.S

4、ure.Sure. ButBut nownowI I _ inin thatthat swimmingswimming pool.pool.A.are used to take a walk, am used to swimB.are used to taking a walk,am used to swimmingC.used to take a walk, used to swimD.used totake a walk, am used to swimming【参考答案】: D7.19.7.19. WhichWhich sweatersweater dodo youyou prefer,

5、prefer, thethe yellowyellow oneone oror thethe pinkpinkone?one? ?-?- _._. I I likelike a a lightlight blueblue one.one.A.EitherB.BothC.AnyD.Neither【参考答案】: D8.12.8.12. ItIts s _ thatthat wewe willwill nevernever forget.forget.A.such a nice cityB.a such nice cityC.a so nice cityD.so anice city【参考答案】:

6、A9.10.9.10. - WillWill youyou pleaseplease _ youryour radioradio a a little?little? I I cancan hardlyhardlygogo toto sleep.sleep. - Oh,Oh, sorry.sorry.A.turn offB.turn onC.turn downD.turn up【参考答案】: C10.16.10.16. GirlsGirls likelike toto _ themselvesthemselves inin modernmodern dresses.dresses.A.dres

7、sB.makeC.put onD.wear【参考答案】: A11.6.11.6. I I thinkthink hehe mustmust bebe inin thethe officeoffice now,now, _?_?A.dont IB.mustnt heC.isnt heD.cant he【参考答案】: C12.18.12.18. WhoWho cleanedcleaned thethe blackboardblackboard yesterday,yesterday, Dick?Dick? - JohnJohn_._.A.cleanedB.doesC.didD.is【参考答案】:

8、C13.3.13.3. WeWe usuallyusually _ hellohello toto eacheach other.other.A.tellB.talkC.speakD.say【参考答案】: D14.4.14.4. SheShe diddid thethe exerciseexercise again.again. SheShe forgotforgot _ it.it.A.to doB.doingC.doD.did【参考答案】: B15.5.15.5. ThereThere _ a a greatgreat numbernumber ofof studentsstudents

9、overover there.there. TheThenumbernumber ofof thethe studentsstudents _ fivefive thousand.thousand.A.are, isB.are, areC.is, areD.is, is【参考答案】: A16.11.16.11. I Illll spendspend asas muchmuch timetime asas I I cancan _ afterafter thethe flowersflowersinin thethe garden.garden.A.lookB.to lookC.lookingD

10、.looked【参考答案】: C17.13.17.13. I Im m afraidafraid I Illll spendspend _ twotwo hourshours onon thethe problem.problem.A.otherB.moreC.anotherD.else【参考答案】: C18.14.18.14. ThereThere usedused toto bebe a a house_house_ onon thethe toptop ofof thethe mountain.mountain.A.standingB.standsC.stoodD.stand【参考答案】

11、: A19.8.19.8. I I _ thethe mousemouse forfor 1818 yuanyuan inin thethe supermarket.supermarket.A.paidB.boughtC.costD.spent【参考答案】: A20.1.20.1. -Which-Which wouldwould youyou like,like, a a cupcup ofof teatea oror a a glassglass ofofmilk?milk? ?-?- _._. I I thinkthink I Illll justjust havehave a a gla

12、ssglass ofof water.water.A.BothB.NeitherC.NoneD.Either【参考答案】: B21.We21.We mustmust makemake goodgood useuse ofof thethe resourcesresources wewe hashas now.now.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B22.Because22.Because ofof thethe heavyheavy rain,rain, therethere areare traffictraffic jamsjams everywhere.everywhere.T.对F.错【

13、参考答案】: A23.At23.At present,present, moremore thanthan oneone millionmillion touristtourist traveltravel toto GuangzhouGuangzhoueveryevery year.year.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B24.All24.All studentsstudents areare requestedrequested toto attendattend thethe meetingmeeting toto bebe heldheldtomorrowtomorrow andand

14、 toto getget therethere onon time.time.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A25.We25.We shouldshould taketake anan activeactive partpart inin communitycommunity service,service, whichwhich cancanenrichenrich ourour life.life.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A26.Even26.Even ifif itit takestakes meme sixsix weeks,weeks, I I amam determinedete

15、rmine toto finishfinish thethejob.job.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B27.Actually,27.Actually, therethere areare a a numbernumber ofof waysways toto learnlearn EnglishEnglish well,well,suchsuch asas byby recitationrecitation andand reading.reading.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A28.Their28.Their relationshiprelationship isis basedba

16、sed uponupon yearsyears ofof openopen communicationcommunicationwithwith eacheach other.other.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A29.Believe29.Believe itit oror not,not, wewe havehave graduallygradually becomebecome ableable toto expressexpressourselvesourselves fluentlyfluently inin English.English.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A30.Th

17、e30.The governmentgovernment shouldshould comecome upup withwith a a betterbetter solutionsolution toto thetheproblemsproblems causedcaused byby thethe highhigh priceprice ofof petrol.petrol.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A1.2.1.2. YourYour dressdress isis veryvery beautiful,beautiful, Mary.Mary. - _._.A.Not at allB

18、.Just so-soC.No, it isntD.Thank you【参考答案】: D2.11.2.11. AllAll ofof usus preferredpreferred _ toto _ therethere byby bus.bus.A.walking; goB.to walk; goC.to walk; goingD.walking;going【参考答案】: D3.15.3.15. -Would-Would youyou likelike somesome moremore rice?rice? -Yes-Yes, JustJust _._.A.a fewB.fewC.a li

19、ttleD.little【参考答案】: C4.1.4.1. WhoWho isis thethe manman overover there?there? IsIs itit MrMr Li?Li? - No,No, itit _ bebe him.him.MrMr LiLi isis muchmuch taller.taller.A.mustntB.may notC.cantD.neednt【参考答案】: C5.9.5.9. YouYou wontwont passpass thethe examexam _ youyou studystudy hard.hard.A.ifB.whenC.a

20、fterD.unless【参考答案】: D6.14.6.14. _ ofof usus hashas readread thethe storystory,soso wewe knowknow nothingnothing aboutaboutit.it.A.SomeB.BothC.NoneD.All【参考答案】: C7.10.7.10. -Could-Could I I useuse youryour bikebike? -Yes-Yes, ofof coursecourse youyou _._.A.canB.couldC.mustD.will【参考答案】: A8.3.8.3. We_We

21、_ spendspend tootoo muchmuch timetime inin watchingwatching TV.TV.A.told dontB.told not toC.were told not toD.were told tonot【参考答案】: C9.4.9.4. HeHe saidsaid hehe _ nevernever seenseen _ anan excitingexciting footballfootball matchmatchbefore.before.A.has, soB.has, suchC.had, soD.had, such【参考答案】: D10

22、.12.10.12. I Iveve givengiven youyou everythingeverything _ I I have.have.A.whichB.thatC.whoD.whom【参考答案】: B11.20.11.20. -Why-Why notnot comecome andand joinjoin usus inin thethe game?game? ?-_.?-_. ButBut I I mustmustmeetmeet MrMr SmithSmith atat hishis officeoffice now.now.A.Id like toB.Lets goC.Ye

23、s, pleaseD.Its a pleasure【参考答案】: A12.18.12.18. _ hehe failedfailed inin thethe mathsmaths examexam againagain, _ hehe nevernevergavegave up.up.A.Because,soB.Because,/C.Although,butD.Although, /【参考答案】: D13.19.13.19. -Would-Would youyou mindmind mymy openingopening thethe windows?windows? -_.-_.A.Sorr

24、y. I wouldntB.No, of course notC.It doesntmatterD.Yes, please【参考答案】: B14.5.14.5. WeWe studystudy fivefive daysdays _ weekweek andand onon SundaysSundays wewe oftenoften playplay_football._football.A.a;theB.不填;aC.an;aD.a;不填【参考答案】: D15.7.15.7. HeHe toldtold meme thatthat hehe _ herehere forfor fivefiv

25、e minutes.minutes.A.has comeB.had arrivedC.had beenD.came【参考答案】: C16.17.16.17. JimJim withwith hishis parentsparents _ abroad.abroad. TheyThey _ backback inin twotwoweeks.weeks.A.have gone;will comeB.has gone;will comeC.have been to;havecomeD.has been;come【参考答案】: B17.13.17.13. FortyForty minutesminu

26、tes _ forfor thethe childrenchildren toto finishfinish allall thethework.work.A.is quite a long timeB.are quite longC.was a quite longtimeD.were quite long time【参考答案】: A18.16.18.16. -Look-Look! ThatThat manman lookslooks likelike MrMr Brown.Brown. -It-It _ bebe himhim,forfor hehe _ America.America.A

27、.cant;has gone toB.may not;has goneC.mustnt;has beentoD.cant;has been to【参考答案】: A19.6._John19.6._John _ JackJack maymay gogo withwith youyou becausebecause oneone ofof themthemmustmuststaystay atat home.home.A.Neither; norB.Both; andC.Either; orD.Not only; but also【参考答案】: C20.8.20.8. -_-_ areare the

28、the OlympicOlympic GamesGamesheldheld? -Every-Every fourfour years.years.A.How oftenB.WhenC.How soonD.How long【参考答案】: A21.We21.We thoughtthought thatthat PaulPaul waswas a a reliablereliable man,man, butbut actuallyactually hehe onlyonlycarescares aboutabout himself.himself.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A22.So22.So

29、 stubbornstubborn isis mymy sistersister thatthat sheshe wonwont t listenlisten toto anyanysuggestion.suggestion.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A23.It23.It tooktook oneone weekweek toto transporttransport thethe food,food, clothesclothes andand medicinemedicinetoto thethe disaster-hitdisaster-hit area.area.T.对F.错【参考

30、答案】: A24.John,24.John, thinkthink ofof waysways toto getget thisthis roomroom tidiedtidied up.up.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A25.It25.It waswas youryour cousincousin whowho firstfirst hadhad thethe ideaidea toto cyclecycle alongalong thetheriverriver fromfrom wherewhere itit beginsbegins toto wherewhere itit ends

31、.ends.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A26.Jack26.Jack gavegave meme a a determineddetermined look,look, whichwhich showedshowed meme thatthat hehe wouldwouldneitherneither changechange hishis mindmind nornor givegive ininT.对F.错【参考答案】: A27.Please27.Please bebe patient.patient. TheThe traintrain isis arrivearrive inin

32、tenten minutes.minutes.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B28.Because28.Because hishis carcar waswas damage,damage, hehe receivedreceived RMB1000RMB1000 fromfrom thetheinsuranceinsurance pany.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B29.Although29.Although sheshe waswas notnot fondfond ofof paintings,paintings, sheshe insistedinsisted thatthat sh

33、eshegoesgoes toto thethe exhibitionexhibition withwith me.me.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B30.He30.He keptkept persuadingpersuading meme toto taketake himhim forfor companycompany ifif I I wentwent forfora a trip.trip.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A1.9.1.9. -Whats-Whats youryour EnglishEnglish teacherteacher like?like?-_.-_.A.He

34、is goodB.He likes readingC.Hes thirtyD.Hes thin andtall【参考答案】: D2.192.19RememberRemember _ withwith othersothersA.not to be angryB.dont be angryC.dont angryD.beangry【参考答案】: A3.10.3.10. WeWe shouldshould keepkeep onon _ EnglishEnglish everyevery day.day.A.to practise to speakB.to practise speakingC.p

35、ractising tospeakD.practising speaking【参考答案】: D4.1.4.1. -Will-Will youyou pleaseplease showshow meme thethe photophoto ofof youryour family?family?-OK.-OK.I I willwill _ itit herehere tomorrow.tomorrow.A.takeB.catchC.bringD.carry【参考答案】: C5.11.5.11. ThereThere waswas a a strangestrange soundsound out

36、side.outside. MaryMary wentwent outout and_and_around,around, butbut sheshe _ nothing.nothing.A.looked; sawB.saw; sawC.watched; lookedD.looked; find【参考答案】: A6.2.6.2. KeepKeep _,_, andand youllyoull succeed.succeed.A.to tryB.triesC.tryingD.tried【参考答案】: C7.17.7.17. HeHe eats_eats_ food,food, soso hehe

37、 isis _ fat.fat.A.much too; too muchB.much too; too manyC.too much; muchtooD.too much; many too【参考答案】: C8.18.8.18. I Im m sorrysorry I I leftleft mymy exerciseexercise bookbook atat home.home. DonDont t_it_it toto schoolschool tomorrow,tomorrow, please.please.A.forgot to takeB.left to bringC.forgot

38、to bringD.left totake【参考答案】: C9.13.9.13. I I havehave _ forfor mymy penpen everywhere,everywhere, butbut I I justjust cantcant _it.it.A.found, findB.found, lookC.looked, findD.looked, look【参考答案】: C10.8.10.8. _ womanwoman overover therethere isis _popular_popular teacherteacher inin ourourschool.scho

39、ol.A.A; anB.The; aC.The; theD.A the【参考答案】: B11.14.11.14. AfterAfter a a shortshort breakbreak hehe wentwent onon _._.A.to speakB.speakC.speakingD.spoken【参考答案】: C12.5.12.5. WouldWould youyou mindmind _ meme howhow _English_English words?words?A.telling, to rememberB.telling, rememberC.to tell, toreme

40、mberD.to tell, remember【参考答案】: A13.16.13.16. WillWill youyou pleaseplease _us_us a a story,story, MissMiss Gao?Gao? OK.OK. ShallShallI I _it_it inin EnglishEnglish oror inin Chinese?Chinese?A.tell; speakB.talk; speakC.tell; sayD.talk; say【参考答案】: A14.20.14.20. MyMy CDCD doesntdoesnt workwork wellwell

41、IllIll gogo andand _ thisthiseveningeveningA.have them repairedB.to repairC.have it repairedD.have itrepair【参考答案】: C15.6.15.6. MaryMary doesntdoesnt likelike dancing.dancing. _._.A.Neither do IB.Either do IC.So do ID.So I dont【参考答案】: A16.7.16.7. WeWe couldntcouldnt seesee _ becausebecause thethe lig

42、htlight inin thethe roomroom waswaspoor.poor.A.enough clearB.clear enoughC.enough clearlyD.clearlyenough【参考答案】: D17.3.17.3. -I-I hearhear TomTom isis workingworking hardhard atat hishis lessons.lessons. . .-Im-Im _ hehe willwill passpass thethe examsexams thisthis time.time.A.afraidB.surprisedC.sure

43、D.sorry【参考答案】: C18.15.18.15. -Do-Do youyou likelike milkmilk oror coffee?coffee? -I-I preferprefer milkmilk _ coffee.coffee.A.withB.toC.thanD.of【参考答案】: B19.12.19.12. WouldWould youyou pleaseplease _ itit inin English?English?A.speakB.sayC.tellD.talk.【参考答案】: B20.4.20.4. MaryMary isis flyingflying tot

44、o FranceFrance soon.soon. SheShe willwill arrivearrive _ LondonLondon_ thethe morningmorning ofof JulyJuly 19.19.A.to, onB.in,onC.in, inD.at,in【参考答案】: B21.China,21.China, withwith a a populationpopulation ofof 1.31.3 billion,billion, facesfaces thethe PacificPacific ononthethe east.east.T.对F.错【参考答案】

45、: A22.It22.It isis reportedreported thatthat thethe numbernumber ofof smokerssmokers inin ourour citycity havehavereachedreached oneone million.million.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B23.His23.His jobjob waswas gonegone butbut notnot allall thethe hopehope waswas lost.lost.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A24.He24.He burstburst intoin

46、to tears,tears, rushingrushing outout ofof thethe doordoor toto seekseek helps.helps.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B25.I25.I wonderedwondered howhow thethe survivorssurvivors werewere rescued.rescued.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A26.Sixty26.Sixty percentpercent ofof thethe travelerstravelers preferprefer toto livelive inin thethe

47、 roomsroomswhosewhose windowswindows faceface south.south.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A27.The27.The rescuersrescuers werewere tootoo tiredtired toto movemove andand fellfell asleepasleep inin thetheruins.ruins.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A28.The28.The firefightersfirefighters thoughtthought littlelittle ofof theirtheir persona

48、lpersonal safetysafety andandasas usualusual rescuedrescued thethe peoplepeople whowho waswas trappedtrapped inin thethe fire.fire.T.对F.错【参考答案】: B29.The29.The schoolschool willwill organizeorganize thethe studentsstudents toto digdig outout a a channelchannel andandplantplant treestrees aroundaround thethe playground.playground.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A30.It30.It seemsseems thatthat hishis careercareer isis atat anan end.end.T.对F.错【参考答案】: A


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