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1、2019-2020第第一一学学期期期期末末教教学学质质量量自自主主调调研研 七七年年级级英英语语(测测试试时时间间:75分分钟钟,满满分分:100分分)考生注意:本卷有 7 大题,共 81 小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在 答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。Part 1 Listening (第第一一部部分分听听力力共共25分分)I. Listening comprehension (听听力力理理解解)(共共25分分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你所听到的内容,选出相应的图片) : (共 5 分)B.Listen to th

2、e dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你所听 到的对话和问题,选择最恰当的答案): (共 8 分)6.A. He is in.B. Yes, he is out. C. He is out.D.No, he is out.7.A.At school. B.At home.C. On the way home. D. In the bookshop.8.A.At 6:30.B.At 6:00.C.At 7:00. D.At 6:15.9.A. By plane.B. By train.C.By ship

3、. D.By car.10. A. Hotel. B. Traffic.C.Weather. D.Food.11. A. Bobs father.B_ Bobs brother.C. Bobs uncle.D.Bobs grandfather.12. A. 350 yuan.B. 700 yuan.C. 315 yuan.D.630 yuan.13. A. Because its easy to guide a group of tourists.B.Because she likes the beautiful mountains and rivers.C.Because she think

4、s its exciting to travel around.D.Because she likes to make more friends from different places.B.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false子子是是否否符符合合你你听听到到的的短短文文内内容容,符符合合的的用用“T”表表示示,不不符符合合的的用用T”表表示示):(共共6分分)()14, Before Christmas people buy too many things.()15

5、 . “Buy Nothing Day” means “No shopping” on that day.()16.Ads (广告)in newspapers and TV programs tell people how to choose what they want.()17. The idea for “Buy nothing Day” started from some people in America.()18. In New Mexico, high school students made posters to tell people how to buy good gift

6、s.()19. Most people liked the new idea of buying nothing on that day every year.C.Listen to the passage and complete the sentences (听听短短文文,完完成成下下列列句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词)(共共6分分).20. Lucy does well in cooking, but Lily is_ _ washing and cleaning.21. They have breakfast in the_ .After that, her husband g

7、oes to work at_ oclock.22. At five oclock,they have_ _ with fruits, bread and small cakes.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar(第第二二部部分分词词汇汇和和语语法法共共 41 分分)II.Choose the best answer (选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案,用用 A、B、C 或或 D 表表示示填填入入空空格格内内)(18分分)()23. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciatio

8、n from the others?A.pityB. ingredientC. icingD. if()24. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation of the word “balloon” ?A./blum/B./baIain/C./baIum/D. /balun/()25. My father used to have_ walk in my neighborhood after _ supper.A. a, aB. an, theC. the,/D.a,/()26. What happened_ a cold winte

9、r morning?A. onB. inC. atD.for()27. Shanghai Oriental Pearl TV Tower is one of_ in the world.A. tallest TV towerB. the tallest TV towerC. tallest TV towersD. the tallest TV towers()28. Its raining hard outside, so I had better_ at home.A. stayB. to stayC. stayingD.stayed()29.1 used not to like this

10、book, but now I_ it very much.A. likedB. likeC. was likingD.have liked()30. John didnt come to school and_.A. so did his brotherB. so didnt his brotherC. neither did his brotherD. neither didnt his brother()31. _ will it take to get all the things ready?About half an hour.A. How muchB. How soonC. Ho

11、w fastD. How long()32. They can go to the Century Park_ underground.A. takeB. byC. inD. on()33. The old man couldnt walk any more in the end. The underlined part means_ .A. each otherB. at lastC. over thereD. just now()34. Dont be late for school next time, _?A. shall weB. will youC. dont youD. wont

12、 you()35. It is_ to make such toys. You can learn to make it soon.A. difficultB. easyC. boringD. impossible()36. The firemen the fire and rescued the old woman.A. put awayB. put offC. put outD. put on()37. The mother looks_ at her child. The child is very beautiful.A. happyB. happilyC. angryD. angri

13、ly()38. Teachers often tell us_ in the street.A. not playB. not to playC. to not playD. dont play()39. Lets have a food festival this weekend.-_.A. Thats a good ideaB. Yes, I willC. Thats all rightD. No, thanks()40. Would you like a cup of tea or coffee?-_.A. Coffee, pleaseB. Yes, I like coffeeC. No

14、, I dont like teaD. Yes, pleaseIII. Complete the following passage with the words or expressions in the box. Each can onlybe used once (将将下下列列单单词词或或短短语语前前的的字字母母填填入入空空格格。每每个个单单词词或或短短语语只只能能填填一一 次次): (共共 5分分)A.throwB. for exampleC. collectD. moreE. yourselfF. coolerWe love to be popular. So we buy clot

15、hes to make us look brighter or (41) _. So youcan find a problem: How to deal with (处理)those old clothes? Dont just (42)_ them out.You can do something different!Donate (捐赠)your old clothes to charities (慈善团体).Some charities (43) _ old clothesfor those who need them or send them to foreign countries

16、.Keep them. Fashion is a thing that goes around in cycles. So an out-of-date (过时的)coat maybe the hottest thing on the market next year.Do it (44)_. Ifs not too hard. But you have to think it over before you do. Its easy tofind some tips online. If you are good at fashion designing (设计),you could eve

17、n sell yourcreations (创作)to make some money.Recycle(再利用)them. Some clothes like those made of denim(牛仔布)can be recycled.Denim can be used again, (45) _to build houses for people who are made homeless bynatural disaster. Keep clothes out of landfills (垃圾填埋场)! You can do it!IV. Complete the sentences

18、with the given words in their proper forms (用用括括号号中中所所给给单单词词的的 适适当当形形式式完完成成下下列列句句子子):(共共 6 分分)46. Our classroom is not as big as _, but its cleaner, (they)47. A_ is someone who does well in baking bread and cakes, (bakery)48. The house has many large rooms and there is a _ garden, (love)49. Lets put

19、 the_ into the bottle.(mix)50. Bright posters often_ the streets during the holidays, (decoration)51.I think Im going to talk about_ fish, (freeze)V. Rewrite the sentences as required (按按要要求求改改写写句句子子,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词): (共共 12 分分)52. We need another hour to finish the operation.(改一般疑问句)_ you_ another h

20、our to finish the operation?53. Simon looks tall and thin.(对划线部分提问)_Simon look like?54. Why not play basketball with us?(改为同义句)_ _you play basketball with us?55. The young hunter (猎人)made a fire to drive away the wolves.(对划线部分提问)_ _the young hunter make a fire?56. Lucy is not old enough to drive a c

21、ar.(保持句意基本不变)Lucy is_ young_ drive a car.57. a plate of, I,two raisin scones, fish and chips,and,have (连词成句)_Part 3 Reading and writing (第第三三部部分分读读写写) (共共 34 分分)VI. Reading comprehension (阅阅读读理理解解) :A.Choose the best answer (根根据据短短文文内内容容,选选择择最最恰恰当当的的答答案案,用用 A、B、C、D 等等表表示示)(6 分分)For years, I fought w

22、ith the “birds nest” on top of my head. My mother thought my hairwas naturally beautiful, but my classmates didnt agree. They made fun of it,calling my hair “themop” (拖把).When I got to university, I decided to change my hairstyle. I had my curly (卷曲的)hairstraightened (拉直). However, it cost me $700 o

23、nce every six months to do this. People said I wascrazy to spend that much on my hair. But I would do anything to never again see that curly-hairedgirl in the mirror.But when I had to rent my own apartment, the cost became too high. So I turned to Google. In&e end, I found a “curly haired” salon,a p

24、lace designed for girls with crazy hair. When I arrivedthere, the stylist, Jacquai, was waiting for me.“Do you really think this will work?” I asked.“No curly hair is hopeless,” she replied. “You just havent found a way to work with it. That,sall.”After the hour was over, Jacquai had completed her t

25、ask. She had fixed my hair using only herhands. I couldnt believe it: my hair looked beautiful.Now my world has changed. I am more outgoing and confident than ever. People say that Imlooking better than ever but that they dont know what has changed. Hair is not just hair. I dontneed to tell them. My

26、 hair speaks for itself.()58. The writers classmates thought her hair was _.A.beautifulB. straightC. tidyD. ugly()59. How often did the writer straighten her hair?A. Once a month.B. Once every six months.C. Every six weeks.D. Every three months.()60. The writer found that getting her hair straighten

27、ed_.A. was expensive and uselessB. did not make her look goodC. was helpful but too expensiveD. caused others to make fun of her()61. What was the reaction (反应) of the stylist in the salon when she saw the writer?A.She was very angry because the writer was late.B.She thought the writers hair was a d

28、isaster (灾难).C.She was calm (冷静)and sure of her work.D.She thought there was no way to fix the writers hair.()62. The writers world has changed because_.A. she became confidentB.she cut her curly hairC. she found a way to straighten her hairD.people knew her change()63. The best title of the passage

29、 can be _A.Asuccessful stylistB. Learn to live with my curly hairC. Road to beautyD. No curly hair is hopelessB.Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage (选选择择最最恰恰当当的的单单词词或或词词语语完完成成短短文文,用用 A、B、C、D 等等表表示示): (6 分分)One of the most necessary things in the world is making friends. If you h

30、ave a good friend,you are lucky. A good friend is more_64_ than money or anything else in the world. Youdont have to be rich but you cannot have no friends. Sometimes your friend is the only one stands_65_ you.How can we make friends in the _66_ way? First, you must know the person you want tomake f

31、riends with. If you find he often tells _67_, or he doesnt help others in trouble,youd better not make friends with him. A good friend will be happy when you win. Also, he willbe sad if you _68_. If you have some questions about your studies, he will be quite willing toteach you _69_ you understand.

32、 If you want to have this kind of friend, you must try your best tobe like this. If you do that, Tm sure you will have many good friends.64.A. lovelyB. importantC. uselessD. exciting65.A. out ofB. in front ofC. next toD. opposite to66.A. luckyB. fastC. easyD. correct67.A. liesB. storiesC. jokesD. tr

33、uths68.A. riseB. failC. moveD. change69.A. whenB. afterC, sinceD. untilC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在在輝輝文文的的空空格格内内填填入入适适当当的的词词,使使其其内内容容通通顺顺,每每空空格格限限填填一一词词,首首字字母母已已给给): (6 分分)Have a good eating habitA car needs gas to run and your body needs food to work. Eating right

34、 food is veryi_70_. It will help your body grow strong if you take care of what you eat.There are usually four groups of food in our everyday life. The dairy group (乳制品)hasfood l _71_milk and cheese. The other three groups are the meat and fish group, the fruitand vegetables group, and the bread and

35、 rice group. Each meal should have at least one kind offood from all four main groups. With all these food together, you will have e_72_ energyduring the day.It is easy to get into bad eating habits. You may eat your b_73_ in a hurry to get toschool on time. Or you may not have time for a good lunch

36、. It may seem easy to have a supper offish and chips all the time, b _74_ you will find yourself tired in the day and you may notbe able to think quickly.Having good eating habits will help you keep your body healthy and strong. It isa_75_ good to take some exercise. It will help you eat more if you

37、 take a walk or playgames in the open air.D. Read the passage and answer the questions (根根据据短短文文内内容容回回答答下下列列问问題題) : (6 分分)An interesting tree houseTerry Meredith is 65 years old this year. He is from the UK. People call him “Worlds GreatestGrandpa”. Because he built a super cool tree house for his f

38、amily.The tree house is in his back yard with two beds, ten seats and a BBQ. It is five metres abovethe ground. It can hold ten people and even have a party in it. It took the old man eight months tobuild and he did most of the work and he also got some help from his good friends.Many people are int

39、erested in this tree house. They often ask if they can use the space forspecial activities and hes happy to do it “I want to share the amazing views with my family andfriends. Its a good place to watch the sunset,to hang out with family and have a laugh. I love it.”Mr. Meredith says.76. Why is Terry

40、 Meredith called “Worlds Greatest Grandpa”?77. How high is the tree house?78. Who built the tree house?79. People can use the tree house for different activities, cant they?80. Would you like to live in the tree house? Why or Why not?VII. Writing.(作作文文)81. Write a passage of at least 50 words on the

41、 topic “How to be a healthy kid”(以“怎样成为身体健康的孩子”为题写一篇不少于 SO 字的短文,标点符号不占格): (10 分)(注意:文中不得出现具体人名、校名等个人信息,否则不予评分。 )Use the following points as a reference.(以下舉罕取準擎亨)*Is it important to be healthy? Why?*What exercise do you do to keep yourself healthy?*What do you eat to keep yourself healthy?2019-2020第

42、第一一学学期期期期末末教教学学质质量量自自主主调调研研七七年年级级英英语语听听力力材材料料及及参参考考答答案案Part 1ListeningA.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (5 分)1.We need more firemen to fight Amazon rainforest fires.2.This sign means: We can go out here.3.Huawei may be best known to most people for making phones.4.President Xi

43、 Jinping attended the opening ceremony of the second China International ImportExpo (CUE).5.Jane raised a homeless puppy from SPCA.15 FBECAB.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,用 A,B,C 或 D 表示)(共 8 分)6.M: May I speak to Mr. White?W. Sorry, h

44、es outQ: Is Mr. White in or out?(C)7.W: Can you lend me your English notebook?M: Id love to, but I left it at home. I can give it to you tomorrow.Q: Where are they now? (A)8.M: We are going to Yangshan Deep-Harbour tomorrow.W: Great! Shall we meet at the school gate at 6:15?M: Pm afraid we should ma

45、ke it a little earlier. How about 6:00?W: OK. Then we will have half an hour left to catch the bus.Q: When will the bus leave? (A)9.M: Hello! What can I do for you?W: I want to fly to London sometime next week.M: Is this a round trip?W: No, just one way.Q: How will the woman go to London? (A)10. M:

46、How was your trip to Japan,Alice?W: Not bad. The hotel was comfortable and the weather was fine. But the sushi there tastedstrange. I didnt like it.Q: What didnt the girl like? (D)11. W: Oh, Bob.Aman is looking for you in the teachersoffice.M: What does the man look like?W: He is a tall man with a p

47、air of glasses and a big nose.M: Oh, it must be my unclemy fatherelder brother.Q: Who is probably looking for Bob in the teachersoffice?C)12. W: Welcome to Haiehang Ocean Park. What can I do for you?M:/Two tickets for adults,please. How much are they?W: 350 yuan each.M: OK. Here is the money.Q: How

48、much will the man pay for his tickets? (B)七年级英语听力材料及参考答案第 1 页共 3 页13. M: What do you want to do after finishing school?W: To be a guide.W: Do you think it is easy to guide a group of tourists?W: No, I dont think so. But I think its exciting to travel around.Q: Why does the girl want to be a guide?(

49、C )613 CAAADCBCC.Listen to the passage and tell whether the statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用 T 表示,不符合的用 F 表示) (共 6 分)Some people think we buy too many gifts before Christmas. So they have started a special daywith the name of Buy Nothing Day. They dont want anyone to go shopping

50、 on that day. BuyNothing Day is after Thanksgiving and it is often the first day of Christmas shopping. At that time,we see ads in newspapers and on TV telling us to “BUY! BUY! BUY!”. The idea for Buy NothingDay started in Canada. Now people all over the world celebrate Buy Nothing Day. In Californi


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