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1、Unit8 单元知识单元知识短语短语1.on the eleventh of May 在 5 月 11 日2.Su Yangs birthday 苏阳的生日9. on her birthday 在她的生日那天4.eat (some)noodles 吃面条5.have a big dinner with our parents ans grandparents 和我们的父母和祖父母吃大餐6.a birthday cake 一块生日蛋糕7.have a party 开派对8.play(some) games 玩游戏9.play with Kitty the cat 和凯蒂这只猫玩10. have

2、a great time 玩得愉快11.a lot of fun 许多乐趣12.in a play 在一场戏剧中13.be good at Maths 擅长数学14.the fourth number 第四个数字15.start fighting 开始打架e out from a room 从一个房间里出来17.run away 逃跑18. What a play!怎样的一场戏剧啊!句型及语法:句型及语法:1.Whens your birthday ? 你生日在何时?When is his birthday? 他的日生在何时?Its/My birthdays on the eleventh o

3、f May.Its/His birthdays on the eighth ofApril.它在五月十一日。 他的生日在四月八日。生日五词=on+ 日期四词日期四词= on+ the 日日 + of 月月2. Five students have their birthdaysin March.五个学生在三月在三月份过生日。3.firstsecond third fourth fifth(five)1st2nd3rd4th5th4.sixth/seventh/eighth/ninth( nine)/tenth5.twelvetwentytwenty-onetwelfthtwentiethtwe

4、nty-first12th20th21th6.What do you do on your birthday?We usually have a big dinner.在你的生日你做什么? 我通常吃大餐。play with Kitty the cat 玩凯蒂猫have a party/have parties开聚会go to buy a birthday cake 去买一生日蛋糕play games 玩游戏eat noodles 吃面条eat the birthday cake together 一起一起吃蛋糕7.We have a great/good time.= We have a lo

5、t of fun.我们玩得痛快。8. Bobby is a hero in a play.How can I open the door?波比在一戏剧戏剧里是英雄英雄。我怎样打开门呢?9.Bobby sees some numbers on the door 波比看到一些数字数字在门上。Thats easy for me. Im good at Maths.对我来说简单简单。 我擅长擅长数学。passwordBobby has the answers.密码波比有答案答案。10.start fighting 开始打架The pig runs away 猪跑开跑开。11. It comes out

6、 from a room.它从房间出来。Unit8 练习卷练习卷一、用所给词的适当形式填空1. My mother(eat) a cake now.2. Janes birthday is on(four) of December.3. -Can I(open) the present now?4. Fifteen students have their(birthday) in September.5. Bobby cannot find his cat and starts(cry).6. Mike(live) in a small town.二 、短语互译。1.在一月2.打游戏3.团聚4

7、.重阳糕5.父亲节6.春节7.月饼8.我的生日三、选择。()1. Whens her birthday? Its _the fifteenth September.A. inB. atC. on()2.I live at2 Garden Street?A. NoB. numberC. a or b()3.Superman is a great.A. teacherB. heroC. doctor()4.There arestudents standing near the piano.The _one from the left is a tall girl.Afour , fourB. fo

8、ur, fourthC. fourth, fourth()es after November.A. DecemberB. SeptemberC. October()6.The first number is seven. The second number is _seven.A. tooB. bothC. also()7.On Childrens Day , the students usually watch.A. filmsB. playC. game()8.likes playing with the ball.A. Kitty the catB. Kitty a catC. Cat Kitty()9.Mr Green lives onfloor of this building(楼房)A. ninthB. the ninthC. nine()10.People in the West usually open their presents.A. after the partyB. the next dayC. at once


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