Module 1-Unit 2 I’m going to help her.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:d0a49)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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学科English教师授课时间年级3课题Module 1 Unit 1课型New课时 1教材分析本单元的课文情境是 Panpan 向大家介绍自己的好朋友,并逐一描述他们的性格特点。学情基础分析及预习导学已知:用英语介绍人;未知:如何用英语描述人物性格特征;能知:个别描述性格词汇;想知:用英语介绍人物特征;怎样知:通过朗读课文及教师讲解。本单元的教学内容学生掌握起来不是很费劲,但是由于假期刚结束,学生的精神状态不是太好。教师应通过行之有效的教学活动激起学生的学习兴趣。课程目标知识与技能:Vocabulary: nice, shy, clever, quiet, always, e-card, another Sentences: This is Xiaoyong. Hes very clever. But hes a bit quiet.过程与方法:Listen and say, look and describe.情感、态度、价值观:Through learning this unit, students can know their friends well and have good relationship with others.学习重点Grasp words and sentences.Describe peoples characters.学习难点Use knowledge and describe peoples characters.教具准备CD-ROM, PPT学习过程学习内容学习形式教师指导时间I. Warm-up and lead-in Greeting Activity 1II. Task PresentationIII. Text learningLook and say.Listen and know the meaning.Enjoy the video and try to understand the meaning.Listen and repeat the sentences with “nice, shy, clever”Emphasize: clever naughtyPoint to a student and say: This is Hes . ShesIntroduce the main idea.3215IV. Practice and consolidationV. Task completionVI. TestVII. Summary and homeworkRead sentences.Listen and read the text.Role-play the dialogue.Copy sentencesIntroduce your friends and say what she /she is likeShow sentences on the blackboard and ask students to read.Correct the pronunciation 8552当堂检测判断划线部分发音是否相同 相同 T 不同 F( )1. nice bit ( )2. clever help( )3. my shy ( )4. make another根据课文,用所给词完成句子 nice clever loud quiet naughty shy5. Maomao is _ but a bit _.6. Xiaoyong is _ but a bit _.7. Parrot is _ and _.作业布置Copy words and sentences.Introduce your friends.板书设计Module 1 Unit 1 This is Maomao. This is Xiaoyong. Shes very nice. Hes very clever. But shes a bit shy. But hes a bit quiet.课后反思学科English教师授课时间年级3课题Module 1 Unit 2课型New课时 1教材分析本单元的课文情境是 Parrot 告诉大家自己乐于助人,它看到小女孩不会算数,就去帮忙,并帮助小女孩顺利解出了数学题。学情基础分析及预习导学已知:用英语介绍人以及描述人物性格特征;未知:如何用英语表达加法算式;能知:1-29 数字;想知:用英语表达加法算式;怎样知:通过朗读课文及教师适当的点播。本单元的教学内容学生掌握起来比较容易,通过开学近一周的适应期,学生的精神状态恢复的较好。教师利用这一点及生活中的实例进行教学。课程目标知识与技能:Vocabulary: twenty, helpful, plus, maths, more Sentences: Im going to help her. Whats ten plus eleven? Its twenty-one.过程与方法:Listen and say, say and read情感、态度、价值观:Through learning this unit, students can know their friends well and be helpful to others.学习重点Grasp words and sentences.Do some Maths exercises学习难点Use knowledge and give students some help.教具准备CD-ROM, PPT学习过程学习内容学习形式教师指导时间I. Warm-up and lead-in Greeting Free talkII. Task Presentation Activity 1III. Text learningLook and say.Listen and say.Enjoy the video and try to understand the meaning.Show pictures.Understand the usage of “and”Introduce the main idea.3210IV. Practice and consolidation Activity 3V. Task completionVI. TestVII. Summary and homeworkListen and read.Read the text.Role-play the dialogue.Copy sentencesMake dialogues.A: I cant do myB: Im going to .A: Oh, thank you.Understand “plus”Correct the pronunciation Copy:Im going to help her.Whats ten plus eleven?Its twenty-one.10852当堂检测一、将单词补充完整,并写出汉语意思1. h_lpf_l ( ) 2. _l_ven ( ) 3. pl_s ( )4. tw_nt_( ) 5.Chin_s_ ( ) 6. qu_ _t ( )二、读一读,填一填 his her my7. This little boy cant do _English.8. I like animals. _ favourite animal is tigers.9. This girl is Amy. Its _ computer.三、写写你自己的特征10. _.作业布置Copy words and sentences.Introduce your friends.板书设计Module 1 Unit 2 This little girl cant do her Maths. Im going to help her. Whats ten plus eleven? Its twenty-one.课后反思学科English教师授课时间年级3课题Module 2 Unit 1课型New课时 1教材分析本单元的课文情境是 Amy 和 Lingling 一起翻看一本介绍伦敦的书。在翻看过程中,Amy 向 Lingling 介绍了又宽又长的泰晤士河,历史悠久的大本钟和伦敦眼。学情基础分析及预习导学已知:描述景物的相关形容词;未知:伦敦的一些著名景点以及如何描述;能知:景点名称;想知:伦敦的风景;怎样知:通过朗读课文及幻灯片介绍。本单元的教学内容是伦敦地标性建筑物的名称,以及运用形容词描述某地的语句。与第一模块所学形容词的用法相同。课程目标知识与技能:Vocabulary: about, river, wide, old, clock, wheel, round Sentences: This river is very wide. And its very long. This is Big Ben. Its very tall.过程与方法:Listen and say, look and describe.情感、态度、价值观:Through learning this unit, students can know London.学习重点Grasp words and sentences.Describe a place.学习难点Use knowledge and describe a place.教具准备CD-ROM, PPT学习过程学习内容学习形式教师指导时间I. Warm-up and lead-in Greeting Activity 1II. Task PresentationIII. Text learningLook and say.Look at the pictures and know London.Enjoy the video and try to understand the meaning.Listen and repeat the sentences with “wide, long, tall, old”Show pictures of London and introduce.Introduce the main idea.Show sentences on the blackboard and ask students to read.3215IV. Practice and consolidationV. Task completionVI. TestVII. Summary and homeworkRead sentences.Listen and read the text.Role-play the dialogue.Copy sentencesLook at pictures and describe them.Correct the pronunciation Show pictures.8552当堂检测根据课文描述以下 3 个地方(用形容词) 1. River Thames: _ _ 2. Big Ben: _ _ 3. London Eye: _ _用所给词汇描述图片 tall small big short This tree is _. And this tree is_. The elephant is _. The mouse is _.作业布置Copy words and sentences.Describe your classroom板书设计Module 2 Unit 1The River Thames: long wideBig Ben: tall oldThe London Eye: high new big round课后反思学科English教师授课时间年级3课题Module 2 Unit 2课型New课时 1教材分析本单元的课文情境是 Lingling 读过介绍伦敦的书后,想去伦敦旅游。Amy 继续向 Lingling 介绍了伦敦的塔桥。学情基础分析及预习导学已知:描述一处景点;未知:如何用英语表达将要做的事情;能知:will 句型的基本结构;想知:用英语准确表达自己的计划和打算;怎样知:通过课堂学习。本单元的教学内容是伦敦地标性建筑物的名称,以及 will 的陈述句形式。课程目标知识与技能:Vocabulary: will, tower, bridge Sentences: Youll see Tower Bridge. It can open.Youll love London.过程与方法:Listen and say, say and read情感、态度、价值观:Through learning this unit, students can know London.学习重点Grasp words and sentences.Grasp “will”学习难点Use knowledge.教具准备CD-ROM, PPT学习过程学习内容学习形式教师指导时间I. Warm-up and lead-in Greeting Free talkII. Task Presentation Activity 1III. Text learningLook and say.Listen and say.Enjoy the video and try to understand the meaning.Listen and read.Show pictures.Understand the usage of “will”Introduce the main idea.3210IV. Practice and consolidation Activity 3V. Task completionVI. TestVII. Summary and homeworkRead the text.Role-play the dialogue.Copy sentencesIntroduce Lobndon.In London, youll see. Its.Understand “will”Correct the pronunciation Copy:Youll see Tower Bridge. It can open.Youll love London.10852当堂检测根据上下文将对话补充完整 (填写序号即可)Amy: _, Lingling?Lingling: Im reading a book about London.Amy: Oh, Im from London.Lingling: Look, this river is long and wide.Amy: Yes. It is _. And look at this picture.Lingling: Its _.Amy: Its Big Ben. _,too.Lingling: Whats this, Amy? It can open.Amy: Oh, its_. And this is _.Lingling: Its great! It looks my eye. _.作业布置Copy words and sentences.Introduce your classroom.板书设计Module 2 Unit 2 Youll see Tower Bridge. It can open. Youll love London.课后反思A: the River ThamesB: Its tallC: What are you doingD: an old clockE: the London EyeF: Tower BridgeG: Its round
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