Module 4-Unit 2 Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen…-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:b00fc)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Thirteen,fourteen,fifteenLets chant and find the numbers:GameplaySolve the maths problems!6+7=?9+8=?8+6=?6+6=?9+9=?9+7=?8+7=?4+7=?nineteensixteenthirteenfifteenfourteeneighteentwelveelevenSay the numbers quickly!twentyseventeenLets see who can fill in the numbers correctly!13 12 171115 17 14 21 Lets see who can listen to the text carefully!Listen and answer the questions:1.Who will go to the fruit farm?2.What fruit will they pick?Listen and answer the questions:1.Who will go to the fruit farm?2.What fruit will they pick?Sam and Amy.Listen and answer the questions:1.Who will go to the fruit farm?2.What fruit will they pick?Sam and Amy.They will pick peaches.Listen and judge “ ”or “ ”.1.They are in the park.2.They can count all the peaches.3.They feel tired and go home.TFPair work:Try to read the text in pairsAnd then act it out in front of the class.Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Lets count quickly!Homework:1.Make a plan.2.Count the numbers from 1-20 .BoysGirlsafraidAll rightfeelModule 4 Unit 2 Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen.教学设计一、教学内容分析:本节课是外研社版三年级下册第四模块第二单元内容,通过学习和模仿不同角色的不同语音语调,培养学生的英语朗读能力。本单元的主要学习任务是继续巩固 13-19 的数字,并能够谈论物品的数量,通过课文的学习后,鼓励学生尝试根据图片和提示短语表演课文,培养学生的表演能力。二、教学对象分析:三年级的学生通过三年的学习,已经养成了较好的课前预习、小组合作学习等习惯,自主学习能力比较强,他们喜欢和老师、同学一起去讨论、学习,共同解决学习上的难题。他们喜欢生动有趣的课文,乐于思考。三、教学目标:1.知识目标:能认读数字 1319,能熟练听说读写 thirteen, fourteen, fifteen;掌握十几的发音特点。能熟练运用句型 How manyare there? There are2.能力目标:通过听、说、读的技能训练,使学生能熟练谈论数量,提高用英语获取数字信息的能力。3.情感目标:能够积极与他人合作,在谈论数字的活动中培养学生对事物统计, 事物管理的兴趣和意识。4.学习策略:在课堂交流中善于倾听,并能区分数字差异,使学生感知、实践、合作完成任务,获得语言学习的乐趣和自信。五、教学重点:数字 1319 的认读,特别是 thirteen, fifteen 的正确认读和拼写。How many are there?句型的提问和回答。六、教学难点:运用句型 How manyare there? 询问数量,并能用 There are作相应回答。七、教学过程:Step1 Warm up1.GreetingT: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?Ss: Good morning, Ms Zhang.2.Have a free talk:Whats the weather like?Step2:Presentation and practice1.Have students look at the blackboard and ask where is it?Help students to answerFruitfarm ,then try to review the words :apples,pears,peaches.(设计意图:通过板书“果园”将学生带到真实的语言环境中)2.Divide the class into two groups: Boys and Girls(They will have a competition in group of two today,Girls for apple tree,Boys for peach tree)(设计意图:通过将学生分男女生两组进行竞赛,将竞争机制贯穿与整个学习中,能够充分调动学生的学习积极性)3.Look at the flash and say the chant together,and find the numbers.(设计意图:通过白板中的媒体播放功能让学生看动画视频说chant 的方式,让学生复习 13-20 的数字,为本课课文的学习做好铺垫)4.Have a Gameplay between boys and girls.(设计意图:根据三年级学生好动、爱玩的年龄特征及心理特征,通过男女生之间的闯关游戏拉开今天课堂教学的序幕,让学生通过一关一关的闯关,满足他们的求知欲与好奇心,培养孩子们的成就感与自信心)1)The first pass:Solve the maths problems Solve the maths problems!6+7=?9+8=?8+6=?6+6=?9+9=?9+7=?8+7=?4+7=?(设计意图:运用白板中的聚光灯功能,调动了学生学习英语的兴趣,并与数学学科进行整合,让学生通过解决数学问题复习13-15 的单词,锻炼学生的思维能力)2)The second pass:Say the numbers quickly nineteensixteenthirteenfifteenfourteeneighteentwelveelevenSay the numbers quickly!twentyseventeen(设计意图:运用白板中的幕布功能,将竞争机制引入整个课堂教学中,让男女生分别进行比赛,调动了学生学习英语的积极性,提高了学生的合作意识)3)The third pass:Lets see who can fill in the numbers quickly Lets see who can fill in the numbers correctly!13 12 171115 17 14 21 (设计意图:运用白板中的书写功能,让学生通过观察进行天空,提高了学生的思维能力与观察能力)4)The fourth pass: Lets see who can listen to the text carefully! (设计意图:运用白板中的音频播放功能,让学生整体感受课文,锻炼学生听的能力)5)The fifth pass: Listen and answer the questions: Listen and answer the questions:1.Who will go to the fruit farm?2.What fruit will they pick?(设计意图:运用任务型教学法,通过白板中的音频播放功能,让学生再次带着任务去整体感受课文,既锻炼学生听的能力,又锻炼学生的思维能力)6)The sixth pass: Listen and judge “ T ”or “ F ”. Listen and judge “ ”or “ ”.1.They are in the park.2.They can count all thepeaches.3.They feel tired and go home.TF7)The seventh pass: Read the text with the partner and then act it out in front of the class.(设计意图:学生两人一组进行对话练习,并运用白板中的时钟功能,限制学生在三分钟内完成,从而培养学生的时间观念,让学生养成良好的学习习惯)8)The eighth pass: Lets count quickly! (设计意图:再次进行巩固练习,锻炼学生的眼力,让学生在最快的时间内输出图片中的数量)Step3 SummaryAccording to count the numbers that boys and girlsfruit,to review the numbers we have learned today.Step4 Homework1.Make a plan.2.Count the numbers from 1-20 .Blackboard deisign:Module 4 Unit 2 Thirteen,fourteen,fifteen. BoysGirlsafraidAll rightfeel
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