Module 6-Unit 1 Here are his hands.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:13d1c)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Module 6 Unit 1Here are his hands. head head andand shoulders shoulders foothandbodyheadarmhandhands1 foot feetooeeheadslegsfeethandsarmsModule 6 Unit 1Here are his hands.应该应该应该应该应该应该应该应该They will draw a monster.1.Talk about Damings monster.2.Show our own(自己的) monsters.Module6 Module6 Module6 Module6 unit1unit1unit1unit1Whats it like?找出Here is .和Here are .的句子。 Here is his head.And here is his body.Here are his arms.Six arms.Here are his hands.Ten hands.Here are his legand his foot.HereHereHereHere is HereHereHereHere are s. 12Here are his arms.Here are his hands.Here are his legs.Here are his heads.Look ,read and choose is/are.Here _ hands.Here _ an arm.Here _a leg.Here _feet.Here is are his .Here is his head.Here are his hands.Here are his feet.Here is his eye.Here are his hands.Here are his legs and his feet.Here is his head.Here are his eyes.Here are his hands.Here are his feet.Here is his body. Draw Draw and show yourand show your monster monster1 The words:stamp,computer,shall,arm.2 The sentences:Here is his head.And here is his body.Here are his arms.Here are his hands.Here are his leg and his foot.HomeworkHomework1 Recite the text2 Try to make a poster talk about your monsters. 教学教学设计设计参照格式:参照格式: 教学设计教材分析本课是外研社出版新标准一年级起点三年级下册第六模块第一单元:Here are my hands.教材分析:Here are my hands.本课老师在机房交给学生如何是用电脑画图。Daming 提议画一个怪物,老师同意了。老师开始边说边画,她先画了头,然后画了身子,接着按照大明的要求画了 6 条胳膊,10 只手、1 条腿、1 只脚。最后老师向全班同学介绍了大家一起完成的怪物。学生情况本阶段的学生已经具备一定的语言基础,可以简单描述想要表达的事物,这节课通过怪物来复习身体器官,并区分简单的单复数名词。学生可以发挥其想象力,使他们有很好的兴趣,并乐于表达和展示自己的作品。课时教学目标1.语言知识目标:在阅读课文、句型和运用中学习以下词汇:stamp, computer, shall, arm学习句型:Here are his hands. Here is his head. Here are his arms.语法:复习身体器官,并区分简单的单复数名词。(1) 话题:说说自己的怪物,介绍身体部位。2.语言技能目标:听:1)能够在图片的帮助下听懂课文内容 。 2)能听懂课文中的提问、说;能复述课文,能正确区分单复数名字描述怪物的身体部位 读:1)能够准确认读课文 。 2)能认读重点句型。3. 情感与态度目标:通过本课学习学生能够主动的听英语说英语,敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励中树立孩子自信心,增强学生的语言表达能力。在小组合作中培养他们的团队合作意识。培养学生的想象力和创造力,促进学生的心智发展。教学重点与难点教学重点:重点词汇:stamp, computer, shall, arm1.重点句型:Here are his hands. Here is his head. Here are his arms.3.复习身体部位,区分单复数名词教学难点:介绍怪物的身体部位同时区分单复数名词教学方法1.目标-导学法, 2.直接-体验法 ,3.交际-习得法教学策略1.先行组织者策略, 2.语境-内化策略 3.任务-迁移策略教学活动教学过程(含时间设置)教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: Warm up and lead in.1. Greeting Hello.boys and girls!2.Do you remember this song? Who can come here? Lets sing. Ok? Whats the song about?(head shoulders knees and toes)It is about our bodies.3. Now look this,who is he? Lets talk about his body sections.(Review the body sections)2.通过以前学过的熟悉的歌曲来导入今天的话题。不仅复习学习过的身体部位,而且轻松愉快的节奏能够在开课伊始就调动学生的视觉、听觉、触觉等感觉器官。激发4 .OK ,lets follow the cartoon:one hand, two hands Clap clap clap One foot, two feet Stamp stamp stamp(然后介绍单复数feet 是 foot 的复数形式)5.Lets look at another one.学生的学习兴趣。3.以轻松的谈论为主,通过熟悉的卡通人物形象,复习身体部位的单词,为本课学习做好铺垫。4.通过模仿声音训练学生听说能力。Step 2: Task presentationIn the class,the teacher and students drew a picture.Today we will know it. Draw and show our own monsters.布置本课的活动目标,直观清晰的让学生知道本节课的任务.Step 3: Text learning1.Whats shall they draw? T: ( show them learning tips one)Lets watch the cartoon. 2.Whats it like? the cartoon and see the monster 听课文Here is his _ .And here is his _.让学生带着问题看动画读课文,让学生的每一次学习都具有目的性,使学习循序渐进。操练重点句型,通过图片回忆怪物的形象Here are his _.Here are his _.Here are his _ and his _.总结 here is 和 here are 的区别2.Work in pairs(4 个人) try to talk about the monster.3.Now read by yourselves and fill in the blank.The monster has got one _. Ten _, six _,one_,one foot and one _.4.通过一个微课总结这个怪物,一起复述 让学生自己总结is,are 的单复数名词区别。 带着问题读课文,更深一层次了解课文。 Step 4: andand choosechoose通过轻松的游戏更好1.看图说句子 2.we have know their monster,Now lets draw our own monster用白板笔和学生合作一只怪物,然后讨论。的巩固本课重点并且及时缓解学习疲劳。用更多的不同形象的小怪物,来拓展训练。用白板笔和学生一次画怪物,亲自体验,身临其境说出句子,为下一步自主绘画做铺垫。Step 5 Production3.Now draw your monster.take a piece of paper.任务完成,让学生利用投影仪展示学生们的作品。用所学进行书面表达Step 6 SummaryV V SummarySummary 1 The words :stamp,computer,shall,arm.2 Here isare his hands.总结本课单词,主旨句。家庭作业:1 Recite the text 2 Try to make a poster talk about your monsters.板书设计: Module 6 Unit 1 Here are his hands. Here is his head. Here are his arms. stamp His body. his hands shall Arm Computer 教学反思:我认为本课在任务呈现部分由原本的我提问题改成学生根据文本小组探究合作提出问题会更好。这样学生不仅可以加强对文本的理解,培养了自主学习能力,也能培养学生的合作意识。其次在 Guessing game 部分,图片过多,耽误时间,应及时调整,为后面 letter 展示腾出更多时间。在今后授课时需及时调整。本教学设计特色:1.以任务型教学为途径,先抛出一个简单问题,理解课文,再自读课文,回答更多问题。使学生的学习循序渐进,让学生的每一次聆听都具有目的性和层次感2.通过描述怪物来学习句型,为了以后描述自己的房间做铺垫,同时利用多媒体白板,和制作微课形象直观深入语境。
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