Module 6-Unit 2 There is a small monster.-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:41bda)-外研版(一起)三年级下册英语.zip

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Lets singHead,shouldersHead,shoulderskneesknees andand toes.toes.kneesknees andand toestoesHead,shoulders,kneesknees andand toes.toes.kneesknees andand toestoes. .Head,shouldersknees and toes.knees and toesEyes and ears and mouth and noseLets point and say.headeyesmoutharmslegshandsfeetnoseposterListen and answer:Whats on the poster? Lets discuss.How manyhands/arms/legs/feet?用“is”或者“are”填空。1.There_ two books on the desk.2.There _ a tiger under the tree.3.There _ twenty ducks. They are swimming.4.There _ a peach and two apples on the box.areisisare5.There _ fifteen boys and a girl in the clasroom. . areLets say.There be 句型有特点,单数主语用 is.复数主语要用are.多个主语并列时,就近原则记心间。变否定很简单,be后要把not添。4.There _ a peach and two apples on the box.is5.There _ fifteen boys and a girl in the clasroom.areReading time:1.Each student read one picture. 每人读一幅图每人读一幅图 得到一个一个怪物怪物2.Read in roles.分角色朗分角色朗 读读 得到两个怪物个怪物 3. read and act. 得到三个怪物三个怪物朗读并表演朗读并表演.Lets retell the text.Introduce your monsters.You can say:This is our poster. There is./There are. Homework:基础作业:Read the text two times.能力作业:用”There is/ are “句型,描述身边的物品。 B6 Module 6 Unit2 There is a small monster.Teaching aims: a. 知识目标 Listen and say the sentences: There is./are. b. 能力目标 C. 使用“There be ”句型说明物体存在和数量。 情感目标 让学生学会与人合作.Important points: Listen and say the sentences: There is./are. Difficult points: 正确使用“There be ”句型说明物体存在和数量。Teaching prepare:ppt, cards,CD-ROM,pictures, posterTeaching procedure: Step 1 Warming upa. 交代评价 T: Today, we have eight teams. If you do very well .You can get a monster. Come on ,boys and girls.b. Sing a song.”Head,Shoulders,Knees and Toes”.(设计理念:利用孩子们喜闻乐见的歌曲进行热身,(设计理念:利用孩子们喜闻乐见的歌曲进行热身,同时复习身体部位,为新课做准备。同时复习身体部位,为新课做准备。 ) Step2 Pre-taska. T shows a picture of snowman. T: DO you like snowman? SS:. T: A girl is making a snowman. Whats the snowman like? Lets have a look.( 设计理念:利用雪人图片轻松自然导入要学习的韵设计理念:利用雪人图片轻松自然导入要学习的韵句。句。 )b. Ss watch CD-ROMc. T:Whats the snowman like? T points a snowman and say the sentences: There is a nose /two eyes/ a mouth Ss learn to say.d. listen and repeat.e. Ss do the actions and say the sentences in pairs.Say and do the actions together.(设计理念:孩子们天生活泼爱动,为歌谣配上动(设计理念:孩子们天生活泼爱动,为歌谣配上动作,并利用了不同的方式练习说韵句,学生们比较感作,并利用了不同的方式练习说韵句,学生们比较感兴趣。兴趣。 ) Step 3 While-task a. T shows a picture of poster T: Whats this? Ss: Its a poster.b.Teach the word: posterc. T:Daming is making a poster. ( 黑板贴大名图片 )Whats on the poster? 引出课题。d. Listen and answer: Whats on the poster?e. Ss listen .f. 根据学生回答贴出“怪物海报” ,并板书句子。g. T Show a question : How many hands/ arms/legs/feet? Ss discuss in groups.(设计理念:教师引导学生自主探究知识,让孩子们设计理念:教师引导学生自主探究知识,让孩子们学会合作学习。学会合作学习。 )Do the actions and learn to say the sentences.(设计理念:教师将重点句子配上动作,由被动学习设计理念:教师将重点句子配上动作,由被动学习变主动参与,激发学生学习兴趣。变主动参与,激发学生学习兴趣。 )h. Listen and circle the sentences: Th ere is/ There are.i. Do some exercise.总结“There be”用法。j. Say the chant.(设计理念:让学生通过完成练习题感受设计理念:让学生通过完成练习题感受“there be”句型的用法。让学生学会发现问题,自主解决问句型的用法。让学生学会发现问题,自主解决问题。并利用孩子们喜爱的歌谣进行巩固,学生轻松掌题。并利用孩子们喜爱的歌谣进行巩固,学生轻松掌握了重点知识。握了重点知识。 )k. Listen and repeat.l. 学生选择喜欢的方式朗读课文。(设计理念:让学生选择自己喜欢的方式朗读课文,设计理念:让学生选择自己喜欢的方式朗读课文,激发学生朗读欲望,培养语感。激发学生朗读欲望,培养语感。 )m.Retell the text.(设计理念:利用板书让学生复述课文,做到高效课设计理念:利用板书让学生复述课文,做到高效课堂。堂。 ) Step 4 Post-taska. T shows a picture Ss try to describe the picture in groups. 汇报: There is/ are.(设计理念:让学生学会合作学习,让学生在交流中设计理念:让学生学会合作学习,让学生在交流中习得语言,运用语言。习得语言,运用语言。 )b. 各组用所得到的怪物图片,粘一个海报,派代表介绍。 汇报:Look, This is our poster. There is ./ There are.(设计理念:将整个评价贯穿在课堂,并用所得怪物设计理念:将整个评价贯穿在课堂,并用所得怪物粘一个海报并介绍。学生的听说能力,与人合作的能粘一个海报并介绍。学生的听说能力,与人合作的能力都得到了锻炼。力都得到了锻炼。 )Step 5 Summary T: What have you learnt today? Ss:.Step 6 Homeworka. 基础作业:Read the text two timesb. 能力作业:用”There is/ are “句型,描述身边的物品. (设计理念:不同的作业满足了不同程度学生的需设计理念:不同的作业满足了不同程度学生的需求,真正做到了分层教学。求,真正做到了分层教学。 )
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