译林版英语5B Unit 6.doc

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1、Unit Six【词汇】1. game运动,比赛2. smell 有气味,闻起来3. meat(猪、牛、羊等的)肉4. vegetable蔬菜5. tomato西红柿,番茄6. potato马铃薯,土豆7. I cant wait. 我等不及了。8. look for找,寻找9. ready准备好10. yummy好吃的,美味的11. love喜欢, 喜爱12. bread面包13. win获胜,赢14. yeah太好了,太棒了15. angry生气的,愤怒的16. spot斑,点17. catch抓,抓住18. driveaway赶走19. queen 皇后20. through 穿行21.

2、 golden 金色的,金黄色的22. crown皇冠23. chopsticks筷子24. fork 叉子【词组短语】1. come home from a football game 从一场足球赛上回到家2. cook dinner in the kitchen 在厨房做饭3. smell nice 味道很好4. cook meat煮肉5. wash vegetables洗菜6. cook tomato soup 做番茄汤7. cook meat with potatoes 做土豆烧肉8. I cant wait.我等不及了。9. look for 找,寻找10. apple juice苹

3、果汁11. orange juice橙汁12. Dinner is ready.晚饭准备好。13. eat the meat吃肉14. a great cook 一个伟大的厨师15. drink water喝水16. wash the dishes洗碗碟17. eat with chopsticks用筷子吃饭18. eat with a knife and fork 用刀叉吃饭19. a lot of pests and ladybirds 许多害虫和瓢虫20. come to help sb.来帮某人21. on ones hand 在某人的手上22. eat grapes吃葡萄23. dr

4、ive away把赶走24. catch a ladybird from 从上抓住了一只瓢虫25. You win. 你赢了。【语法】一、可数名词和不可数名词1. 英语中的名词按其表示的事物性质的不同可分为可数名词与不可数名词。2. 可数名词有单数、复数之分,如:map maps;story stories;peach peaches不可数名词没有复数形式,只有单数形式。如:water;bread3. 可数和不可数都可以用 some 和 a lot of 来修饰,可数名词还可以直接用量词来修饰,如:some maps, two maps, some water, a lot of bread4

5、. 本单元主要学习食品类单词的可数和不可数,当用 There be 句型来组句时,不可数名词前面总是用 is,而可数名词复数前用 are。如:There is some bread in the basket.篮子里有些面包。There are some apples in the basket.篮子里有些苹果。5. 可数名词有单复数形式,名词单数变复数时后面要加 s 或 es。如:tomato tomatoes,potato potatoes, mango mangoes (有生命的单词)radio radios,photo photos,zoo zoos (无生命的单词)6. 到目前为止,

6、我们学过的食品类单词有:可数名词:potato, tomato, apple, pear, banana, mango, orange, watermelon, pineapple, grape,pea, carrot, peach, sweet, hamburger, sandwich, ice cream, noodle, egg,不可数名词:milk, water, bread, rice, meat, chicken, soup, juice, coffee, tea, porridge7. 有些单词既可作可数名词又可作不可数名词,如:fish(表示一类鱼), fishes(表示各种鱼

7、); fruit(表示一种水果),fruits(表示各种水果)二、现在进行时一般疑问句形式其结构为:be(am, is, are) + 主语+ v.ing 形式 + ?肯定回答:Yes, .否定回答:No, .如:Is Liu Tao cleaning the windows? 刘涛在擦窗吗?Are they playing football?他们在踢足球吗?练习:将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。(注意时态)1. Helen is washing the dishes._2. Mike is playing with his cat in the garden._3. I am

8、listening to the radio._4. The students are having an English lesson now._5. He makes the bed every day._6. There is some milk in the bottle._【知识点分析】1. Liu Tao comes home from a football match.刘涛从一场足球赛上回到家。come home from 从到家, 如:He comes home from work.他下班回家。She comes home from the shop. 她从商店回到家。2. H

9、is parents are cooking dinner in the kitchen. 他的父母正在厨房做饭。cook 煮,做饭,如:cook dinner/ breakfast/ lunch,cook fish/ meat/ soup/ vegetables3. Im cooking meat with potatoes. 我正在做土豆烧肉。meat with potatoes 土豆烧肉, 介词用“with”,如:egg soup with tomatoes西红柿蛋汤4. Liu Tao is looking for some juice in the fridge.(1)look fo

10、r 找,寻找, 如:What are you looking for? 你在找什么?Im looking for my pen.我在找我的钢笔。(2)find 与 look for 的区别find 和 look for 都有“找”的意思, 但含义不同。 find 强调“找”的结果, 而 look for 强调“找”的过程。如:Im looking for my key. But I cant find it. 我在找我的钥匙,可没找到。Do you find your dog? No, Im looking for it.你找到你的狗了吗?没有,我正在找呢。5. There is some o

11、range juice. 有一些橙汁。Is there any apple juice in the fridge? 冰箱里有苹果汁吗?There is some + 不可数名词.一般疑问句: Is there any + 不可数名词?如:There is some tea in the cup. Is there any tea in the cup?6. How is the meat? 肉的味道怎么样?How is the soup? 汤的味道怎么样?当问到某个菜味道怎么样时,我们可以用“How”来问,如:How are the vegetables?这菜的味道怎么样?7. You ar

12、e a great cook.你是个伟大的厨师。此句中 cook 是名词,意为“厨师”,cook 也可以是动词,意为“煮,做饭”。如:My father is a cook. He can cook nice food. 我爸爸是个厨师,他会做好吃的食物。8. Sam catches a ladybird from the grapes. 山姆从葡萄上抓了一只瓢虫。catch 意为“抓住”,它的第三人称单数形式:catches。如:catch butterflies 抓蝴蝶catch birds 抓鸟catch the bus 赶上公交车9. Sams ladybirds drive the

13、bad ladybirds and the pests away.山姆的瓢虫把坏瓢虫和害虫赶走了。drive away把赶走, 此处 drive 意为“驱赶”, 以前我们学过的 drive 意为“驾驶”。 如:He drives the mouse away. 他把老鼠赶走了。My father drives the car to work.我爸爸开车上班。【语音】qu kw 这个音是由k和w组合而成。queen,quick,quiet,quite,question,quackUnit Six 单元练习卷单元练习卷班级_姓名_得分_听力部分听力部分(共(共 30 分)分)一、听录音,选出所听到

14、的内容。(共10小题;每题1分,共10分。每小题读两遍)()1.A. gameB. nameC. garden()2.A. prettyB. potatoC. point()3.A. spotB. stopC. shop()4.A. readyB. readC. red()5.A. quickB. quietC. quite()6.A. chickenB. kitchenC. city()7.A. whiteB. meatC. wish()8.A. morningB. afternoonC. evening()9.A. growB. brownC. blue()10.A. washB. wha

15、tC. watch二、听录音,选出相应的答语。(共5小题;每题1分,共5分。每小题读两遍)()1.A. Yes, there is.B. No, there arent.C. No, they arent.()2.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I am.()3.A. Its late.B. Its six oclock.C. Its a clock.()4.A. Yes, I do.B. Yes, I am.C. No, I cant.()5.A. Its time for class. B. Its time for playing.C. Its ti

16、me for dinner.三、听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分。短文读两遍)()1. Its fine in the morning.()2. Many students are in the playground.()3. Some students are playing basketball in the playground.()4. Helen is chatting with the girls under a big tree.()5. Five boys are cleaning their classroom.四、听录音,完成下列句子。(共 1

17、0 个空格;每空一词,每词 1 分,满分 10 分。短文读三遍。 )Its Saturday afternoon. Helen and Mike are at home. They are _ theirmother with _. Mike is _ _. Helen is cleaning the_. The mother is cooking _ _. But wheres theirfather? Look, he is _ in _. Hes not _ today.笔试部分(共笔试部分(共 70 分)分)一、单词辨音,选出下列每组单词划线部分字母发音与其余三个不同的选项。 (共5

18、小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)() 1. A. peachB. readyC. meatD. please() 2. A. queenB. quickC. quietD. cook() 3. A. chopsticksB. headacheC. checkD. choose() 4. A. winB. pointC. withD. white() 5. A. tomatoB. goldenC. metroD. from二、英汉词组互译。(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,共 10 分)1. 洗蔬菜 _2. Dinner is ready. _3. 煮一些番茄汤_4. cook dinner

19、 in the kitchen _5. 寻找_6. I cant wait. _7. 赶走 _8. eat the meat_9. 在晚上六点钟_10. You win._三、单项选择。 (共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,共 10 分)()1. Can you help _?A. theyB. IC. myD. them()2. -_washing dishes? -Jims mother.A. WhoB. WhosC. WhatD. What is()3. -_there any juice in the fridge?-Yes. There _ some juice and some eg

20、gs in it.A. is; areB. are; isC. is; isD. are; are()4. His father is a great_. He _ nice food.A. cook; cookingB. cooking; cooksC. cook ;cooksD. cooking; cook()5. - _ his brother _ books now? No.A. Does; readB. Is; readingC. Do; readD. Is; read()6. Dinner _ready. You can _ now.A. is; eatB. does; eatin

21、gC. is; eatingD. can, eat()7. We always watch TV_ seven oclock _ the evening.A. at; inB. at; onC. in; inD. in, on()8. Its time _ school.A. toB. atC. forD. in()9. He shouldnt drink_ eat in the library. He shouldnt talk_.A. or; eitherB. or; tooC. and; eitherD. and; too()10. -Does your mother like shop

22、ping? -Yes, She_ now.A. shopsB. is shopC. is shoppingD. shopping四、用所给词的正确形式填空。 (共10个空格;每词1分,满分10分)1. Listen, Yang Ling _(sing) in the room.2. Jims mother _(wash) the dishes every evening.3. There _ (be )any bread on the table.4. _(be) they_(dance)?5. What _(be) in the fridge? There are three _(tomat

23、o).6. Do you want_(eat) some rice?7. My father _(like)_(cook).五、按要求改写句子。 (共 7 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 7 分)1. There is some meat on the table.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)2. They are watching TV in the living room. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)3. The soup smells nice. (改为否定句)4. My mother is cooking in the kitchen. (对划线部分提问)5. The cakes

24、 are so yummy.(对划线部分提问)6. spots, many, the ladybird, does, how, have (?)7. he, is, apple, some, juice, drinking(.)六、翻译句子。13 分(每空 1 分,满分 13 分)1. -他的父母正在干什么?-他们正在帮助孩子们。-What are her _ _? -Theyre _the children.2. -肉味道怎么样?-它很美味- _ _the meat? -Its _.3. 冰箱里有一些面包。_ _ _ _in the fridge.4. - 你正在烧土豆炖肉吗?-是的。-_y

25、ou _meat _potatoes? -Yes, I am.七七阅读理解阅读理解。 (共(共 10 小题;每小题小题;每小题 1 分,满分分,满分 10 分)分)(A)Coco, Bobo, Jack and Lucy are playing a game in the sitting room. Bobo is closinghis eyes.Bobo: Are you sitting on the sofa, Coco?Coco: No, Im not.Bobo: Are you reading a storybook now?Coco: Yes, you are right.Bobo:

26、 Are Jack and Lucy playing the computer?Coco: Sorry, you are wrong.Bobo: Is Lucy sweeping the floor?Jack: No, she isnt.Bobo: Is she playing with a ball?Jack: Yes, she is. What am I doing?Bobo: Youre sitting on the sofa.Jack: Great! Youre right.阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)()1. The children are playing in the sitt

27、ing room.()2. Coco is closing her eyes.()3. Bobo is reading a storybook now.()4. Lucy is playing with a ball.()5. Jack is playing the computer.(B)Im David. My family and I are all at home. My father is reading a storybook in thestudy. My sister Nancy and I are in the garden. Nancy is playing with ou

28、r dog, Barbi.Im sitting under the tree and reading a picture book. My mother is in the kitchen.Shes cooking for us. Would you like to come for lunch?根据短文内容,选择最佳选项(5 分)()1. There are _people in Davids family.A. threeB. fourC. five()2. Davids family are all_.A. in the gardenB. in the kitchenC. at home

29、()3. Davids father is _ in the study.A. reading a storybook B. reading a picture book C. watching TV()4._ is playing with Barbi.A. DavidB. Davids dadC. Davids sister()5. Davids mother is _ in the kitchen.A. washing dishesB. eatingC. cooking八书面表达八书面表达。 (满分(满分 5 分)分)请你利用 there be 句型和现在进行时句型和现在进行时对图片进行

30、描述, 要求不少于 5 句。 (写得多并正确,有加分哦)Mary likes cooking. This is her kitchen,_(制卷单位:横扇小学)Unit Six 单元练习卷单元练习卷听力文字稿听力文字稿一、 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。 (每小题读两遍)1. game2. potato3. spot4. ready5. quite6. kitchen7.meat8. morning9. grow10.wash二、听录音,选出相应的答语。(每小题读两遍)1. Are they your grandparents?2. Do you usually help your teache

31、r?3. What time is it?4. Are you cooking meat?5.It is six oclock in the evening.三、听短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(短文读两遍)Its a fine day. Classes are over. A lot of students are in the playground. Some arejumping. Some are playing football. Three girls are chatting on the chair. Helen isreading a storybook under a big

32、 tree. Where is Mike? Oh, he is cleaning theirclassroom with four boys.四、听录音,完成下列句子。(短文读三遍)Its Saturday afternoon. Helen and Mike are at home. They are helping theirmother with housework. Mike is washing potatoes. Helen is cleaning the windows. Themother is cooking tomato soup. But wheres their fath

33、er? Look, he is sleeping in bed.Hes not well today.Unit Six 单元练习卷单元练习卷参考答案参考答案听力部分听力部分一、ABAACBBAAA二、CABBC三、FTFFT四、 helping, housework, washing, potatoes, windows,tomato, soup, sleeping, bed, well笔试部分笔试部分一、BDBDD二、1. wash vegetables2. 晚饭准备好了。3. cook some tomato soup4. 在厨房做饭5. look for6. 我等不及了。7. drive

34、 away8. 吃肉9. at six oclock in the evening10. 你赢了。三、DBCCBAACAC四、1. is singing2. washes3, isnt4.Are, dancing5. is, potatoes6. to eat7. likes, cooking五、1. Is there any meat on the table? No, there isnt.2. Are they watching TV in the living room?Yes, they are.3. The soup doesnt smell nice.4. What is your mother doing?5. How are the cakes?6. How many spots does the ladybird have?7. He is drinking some apple juice.六、1. parents, doing, helping2. How, is, nice3. There, is, some, bread4. Are, cooking, with七、TFFTF BCACC八、略


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