
上传人(卖家):淡淡的紫竹语嫣 文档编号:2135996 上传时间:2022-03-01 格式:DOC 页数:6 大小:1.17MB
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1、六年级下册期末测试卷六年级下册期末测试卷听力部分(听力部分(30 分)分)一、根据所听内容选择正确的图片一、根据所听内容选择正确的图片。6 分分()1. A.B.C.()2. A.B.C.()3. A.B.C.()4. A.B.C.()5. A.B.C.()6. A.B.C.二、二、听录音,听录音,用数字给用数字给图片图片排序。排序。6 分分()()()()()()三、根据所听内容选择正确的应答。三、根据所听内容选择正确的应答。6 分分()1. A. Yes, he is.B. Yes, he does.C. Yes, he can.()2. A. No, Im not.B. No, I do

2、nt.C. No, I wont.()3. A. Its Sunday.B. Its sunny.C. Its June 30th.()4. A. In July.B. For a month.C. On Friday.()5.A. Hes fine.B. Its seven now.C. Hes ten.()6. A. I feel sleepy. B. I have a rest.C. I sit on a chair.四、根据所听的对话选择正确的答案。四、根据所听的对话选择正确的答案。10 分分()1. Miss Li has breakfast at.A. 6:45B. 7:15C.

3、7:45()2. Miss Li hasfor breakfast.A. an orangeB. a bananaC. an apple()3. Miss Li has lunch.A. at homeB. at schoolC. at a snack bar()4. Miss Li hasfor lunch.A. some rice, some fish and vegetablesB. some vegetables and a little riceC. an egg, some bread and milk()5. Miss Li has dinner with her.A. frie

4、ndsB. studentsC. family笔试部分(笔试部分(70 分)分)五、五、根据句子意思选择方框中的短语填空。根据句子意思选择方框中的短语填空。5 分分1. You canthe metro at Maigaoqiao Station.2. I want toChina when I have time.3. Letsa play at the party.4. You shouldcars and bikes on the road.5. Pleasethese children. Theyre too young.六、六、选择所给的句子完成对话选择所给的句子完成对话, 将序号填

5、在横线上。将序号填在横线上。10 分分A. Which dress is better?B. Have fun!C. When and where are you going to join the party?D. What are you going to do at the party?E. Im going to buy some snacks and balloons.A: Mum, Im going to a party tomorrow. _B:The blue one. _A: At Mikes house. The party is from 2 oclock to 5 oc

6、lock._B: _A:Tm going to sing an English song.B:_A:Thank you!B:Not at all.七、七、看图完成对话。看图完成对话。10 分分A:will you gothe winter holiday , Liu Tao ?A.put onB.take care ofC.travel aroundD.look out forE.get onB:I ll go to Beijingmy family .A:Will you gothe Great Wall ?B:Yes , we.Well go to Tiananmen Spuare too

7、 .What about, Su Hai ?A:Ill go to Londonmy parents .B:Thats wonderful . I wantsee the city too .A:Illyou some photos . And Illsomepresents for you .B:Thank you .八、八、完形填空。完形填空。10 分分A man had a donkey and a horse. Every day, he went to the cityto sell things, and the donkey_1_all his things._2_ a hot

8、summer afternoon9 the donkey felt very tired aftera long walk. He asked the horse_3_ him carry some things.But the horse_4_it was not her duty(职责 )to do that anddidnt help him.Soon the donkey fell down and died because of the_5_weather. The man_6_all the things on the horses back andwent to the city

9、. The horse was so tired that she _7_go at last.The man was_8_ with her and beat her. The horse was sad.She then regretted(后悔)for not helping the donkey. If she hadhelped the donkey? the donkey could still _9_things. Thehorse was sorry for being so selfish but it was too _10_.()1. A. carriedB. carry

10、C. carries()2. A. InB. OnC. At()3. A. helpingB. helpC. to help()4. A. talkedB. saidC. told()5. A. coldB. coolC. hot()6. A. putB. putedC. puts()7. A. canB. couldC. couldnt()8. A. happyB. angryC. hungry()9. A. carryB. carriedC. carrying()10. A. earlyB. laterC. late九、九、阅读理解阅读理解.30 分分ASunnyEnglishClubFo

11、rstudents16:00 18:00 Every Saturday200 Yuan a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3785290Foreignteachers,Englishsongs and films and more!Health Centre9:0017:3016 Yong Le StreetTel: 3801451Free examinations for thoseover 70.Give you good advice to keephealthy!Ocean Museum9:0017:00 From Thursdayto SundayTicket:

12、 50 yuan132 Xu Yuan StreetTel: 5439871Show you a full picture of sealives!根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。()1. Sunday English Club is for_.A. nursesB. policemenC. students()2. You will pay _ if you want to stay in the Englishclub for a year.A. 300 yuanB. 600 yuanC. 2,400 yuan()3. You can visit Ocean Museum_A. on Sat

13、urdayB. on WednesdayC. on Monday()4. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if heis_.A. 9B. 14C. 71()5. If you are interested in the life of fish, you should goto_.A. Health Centre B. Ocean MuseumC. Sunday English ClubB看图读短文, 根据短文内容将图片重新排序, 将 15 标号写在图片下的括号内。1. Last Sunday afternoon, I was in

14、 a bookshop. I wanted to buy abook about flowers.2. Suddenly, I saw a short man behind me. He stole my purseand ran out of the shop.3. I followed him along the street, but he ran faster than me. Ishouted, “Stop thief! Stop thief!”4. A policeman came to help. Then a woman came and told us,I saw him.

15、He ran along the street and turned left at the firstcrossing.5. The policeman started to run. He ran faster than the thief.Soon he stopped the thief and I got my purse back.COne day, Mr Zhang came to a town and bought fourdonkeys(驴). He got on one of them and went back home. Onthe way, he found ther

16、e were only three donkeys walking alongwith him. “One, two, three, wheres the fourth one?” He gotdown from the donkey and counted again. “One, two, three, four.Good!” He rode back on the donkey. When he got home, MrsZhang met him in front of their house. She asked, “How muchare the donkeys?” “Four h

17、undred yuan,” Mr Zhang looked at thedonkeys and said. “Oh, no! I bought four, but there are threeagain ” Mrs Zhang looked at him and said, “You are really astupid man! You see only three donkeys md I see five.阅读短文, 判断正误。正确的用“T”表示, 错误的用“F”表示。()1. Mr Zhang rode a donkey and went back home.()2. Mr Zhang lost a donkey.()3. Each donkey was four hundred yuan.()4. Mr Zhang bought five donkeys.()5.The underlined word “stupid” means “愚蠢的”.十、写作。5 分同学们, 暑假即将来临,假期生活依然会过得多姿多彩。请你围绕下面的思维导图, 合理规划一下你的暑假生活吧!注意:1. 必须包含思维导图中的三点, 可适当发挥, 词数不少于50。2. 书写工整清晰, 短文连贯通顺, 条理清楚, 时态得当。Summer holiday is coming._


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