译林版四下英语4B unit4 -1.doc

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1、4BUnit 4 Drawing in the park1. 词组:词组:1._在公园2. _画一些画3. _好主意4. _在那边(指较远处)5. _ 一些花6. _ 画它们7. _干得好8. _在小河上的船9. _画它10. _制作一份沙拉11. _在这个大盒子里12. _看一看13. _极大的乐趣14. _再试一次15. _ 在湖面上16. _九点五十 (十点缺十分)17. _十点前18. _在树上2. 句子:句子:1. lets=let us 让我们吧。_. 让我们在这里画一些图画吧。Yes/OK/All right. 好的。Good idea! 好主意!1. Shall we? 我们,

2、好吗? _? 我们去动物园,好吗?Yes/OK/All right. 好的。Good idea! 好主意!3._在那里你看见什么?_.我能看见一棵树。4. _ 你能画它们吗?Yes, I can. 是的,我能。No, I cant.不,我不能。 Can 开头,回答开头,回答 can 结尾。结尾。5. Its easy. 这很容易。 _这很困难。6. This is the tree and these are the f;owers.这是一棵树,这些是花。7. _这是一条船吗?Yes, it is . No, it isnt.is 开头,开头,is 结尾。结尾。8. Whats in this

3、 big box?在这个大盒子里有什么?9 ten to ten 十点缺少十分钟to 缺少_八点五十10. in the tree 在树上 on the tree 长在树上(指水果)11Would you like a pie?你想要一个派吗?Yes, please. 是的,请帮我拿来。No, thank you. / No, thanks.不,谢谢。12._ ?你会干什么?I can dance.我会跳舞。 do 做,干3. 语法:语法:1. draw 考点考点draw 表示画画;是一个动词动词; 动词后接人称代词人称代词时要用宾格宾格形式; 如:draw them 画它们;画她_画他_ 画

4、我_ 画你_画它_2. have a look/ look at .考点考点have a look 表示看一看看一看; 其后若接看的某个物体时要加介词 at; 如:have a look at your shirt看黑板_3. in/on the tree 区别区别in the tree 表示外来物外来物在树上,如小鸟、猴子、气球等。on the tree 表示长在树上的长在树上的东西,如树叶、果实等。4. 含有情态动词含有情态动词 can 的一般现在时结构和考点的一般现在时结构和考点can 是情态动词情态动词,表示能、会、可以能、会、可以,没有人称和数的变化,can 后接动词动词原形原形。肯

5、定句:肯定句:主语主语+can+动词原形动词原形+其它其它如:Mary can draw and she can make a cake.否定句:否定句:主语主语+cant+动词原形动词原形+其它其它如:He cant play basketball. 他不会打篮球。一般疑问句一般疑问句:Can+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其它其它?肯定回答:Yes,. can. 否定回答:No, . cant.如:Can you make a salad? 你会做沙拉吗?Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 是的,我会。/不,我不会。特殊疑问句特殊疑问句(1)对动词后短语动词后短语提问: 特殊疑

6、问词特殊疑问词+can+主语主语+动词原形动词原形+其它?其它?(2)对动词短语动词短语提问:特殊疑问词特殊疑问词+can+主语主语+do+其它?其它?5. Lets . 和和 Shall we . ?Lets=Let us. + 动词或动词词组原形原形。表示 让我们让我们.吧吧。如:Lets draw some pictures here. 让我们在这画一些图画吧。Shall we? 让我们,好吗?(表示建议,是 Lets 的疑问句句式)如:Shall we go to the zoo? 让我们去动物园,好吗?名词性词组名词性词组例:例:the boat on the river 湖面上的船

7、 统一翻译为:统一翻译为:.(哪里哪里)的的.; 中间不能用中间不能用 be 动词连接动词连接结构为:名词词组结构为:名词词组 + 介词短语介词短语如:山上的一些花山上的一些花 要先写 some flowers 再写介词短语 on the hill答案为答案为: some flowers on the hill()山上的一些花山上的一些花 some flowers are on the hill() 一些花在山上一些花在山上【练习】搭配题。选择相应的答句,搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。将序号填在题前括号类。() 1. What lessons do you have ?A.

8、Its five oclock.() 2. Who is the girl in red dress ?B. What a pity !() 3. How many books does Mike have ?C. .All right.() 4. What time is it now ?D. Ten.() 5. Yang Ling can see a thin boy over there.E. She is my sister.() 6. When do Jim and Su Yang go home every day ?F. She likes English and Science

9、.() 7. Where is my new cap ?G. What a thin boy !() 8. Lets go to the library.H. We have PE and Art.() 9. Sorry. I have a football match on Sunday.I. At four fifty.() 10. What subjects does she like ?J. Its on the table.选用括号里适当的词填空。选用括号里适当的词填空。1.I get up _ (in / at ) six every day.2. Lets go and play

10、 football_ (in / on) Sunday.3. Nancy has a skating lesson_ (for / after) school.4. My brother_ (have / has) a swimming match on Saturday.5. Do you have_ (any /some) English matches on Wednesday?No, I dont.6.We can see many stars(星星) _ (at / in) night.7. Its five in the afternoon. Its time_ (for / to

11、) go home.8. Lets do_ (our / we )homework at seven. OK.八、阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用八、阅读短文,判断句子与内容是否相符,相符用“T”,不相符用,不相符用“F”表示。表示。I usually get up at seven oclock. I have a cup of tea and some sandwiches for my breakfast.Then I go to school by bus. I go to school at seven fifteen, and I go home at four ocloc

12、k in the afternoon.At about six thirty I have dinner, and I watch TV at seven. Its my day.()1. I get up at seven.()2. I go to school by bike.()3.At 7:50 I go to school.()4. I go home at 4:00 in the afternoon.()5. I watch TV after dinner(晚饭后).订正栏一、英汉互译。一、英汉互译。1. 在七点起床_2. do my homework _3. 两节游泳课 _4.

13、watch TV at night _5.九点钟睡觉_6. have dinner after school_7.过来吃中饭_8. on Tuesday morning_9.在公园里 _10. Welcome back to school._二、单项选择题。二、单项选择题。() 1. I have breakfast_ six thirty _the morning.A. on; inB. at; onC. at; in() 2. Its time for _ .A. go to schoolB. schoolC. goes to school() 3. Yang Ling _this Fri

14、day.A. have some lessonsB. has some lessonsC. has any lessons() 4._?Some cute dolls.A. What can you see over there ?B. What is it ?C. Where are thedolls ?() 5. Wang Bing and Mike usually _ at six fifteen.A. has dinnerB.have a dinnerC. have dinner() 6. -Its eleven thirty. -Its time to_.A. have lunchB

15、. have breakfastC. get up() 7. _ a nice schoolbag! I like it very much.A. HowB. WhatC. Whats() 8. -_do you watch TV ?-I watch TV_ eight.A. When; inB. When; onC. When; at() 9. What time_ ?-Its _.A. is it; twelveB. is it; a cakeC. it is; one() 10. Li Lei usually _ lunch at twelve.A. haveB. goC. has按要求

16、改写句子按要求改写句子1. My sister like flying a kite. (改为一般疑问句)_.2. She can dance well.(改为一般疑问句)_.3. Peter is chatting with his parents at home.(对划线部分提问)_.4. She likes playing chess with her sister.(改为否定句)_5. They have four lessons in the morning.(对划线部分提问)_6, I watch TV in the evening.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)_ you _

17、TV in the evening?No, _ _根据中文,翻译句子。根据中文,翻译句子。1. 我每天放学后踢足球。I usually _ _ _ _ after school.2. 迈克在下午有一节美术课。Mike has _ _ _ in the afternoon.3. 他们在晚上六点十分吃晚饭。They have dinner _ _ _ in the evening.4. 玛丽会游泳,莉莉会打篮球Mary can _ and Lily _ _.5. “你能看见那边的一棵树吗?” “是的,我能。树上有一些鸟。”Can you _ a _ _ _?Yes, I _. There are _ _ _ _tree.


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