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1、What are they doing?,What can you see in the picture?,Welcome to our party,Lets enjoy more kinds of parties,A stag party 只有男性参加的聚会,据说这是男人们为了摆脱家庭烦恼,回忆“快乐单身汉”的美好时光而举行的。,Hen Party,只有女性参加的聚会,Welcome Party,毕业晚会,graduation party,Christmas party,Garden Party,Dinner Party,晚宴,1,2,3,4,weather,transportation,g

2、ift,clothes,What should we pay attention before we go to the party?,Factors,sunny,cloudy,windy,rainy,snowy,foggy,Use the words to fill in the blanks.,晴朗的 _ 有雾的 _ 有风的 _ 多云的 _ 下雪的 _ 下雨的 _,sunny,foggy,windy,cloudy,snowy,rainy,Exercise-1-1,Activity 1,Listen and match. 听录音,将聚会、天气和需要的物品连线。,birthday party

3、Christmas party welcome party garden party,snowy,rainy,windy,sunny,coat jacket umbrella sunglass,1.A:Im going to Lindis birthday party.Whats the weather like tonight? B:Its a little windy.Remember to put on your jacket. 2.A:Can I wear my new skirt for the Christmas party? B:The weather forecast says

4、 its snowy.Youd better wear your coat. 3.A:We have an outdoor welcome party for Mr. Green. B:Its going to rain.Dont forget to bring your umbrella. 4.A:Whats your planning for the garden party? B:Its sunny.Youd better wear your sunglass.,Whats the weather like today?,Its sunny.,How is the weather tod

5、ay?,Its windy.,Whats the weather like ?/ How is the weather ?,Its sunny.,超越一下,in Beijing,in Beijing,summary,parties,Birthday Party,Hen Party,Stag Party,Welcome Party,Graduation Party,Garden Party,Christmas Party,Dinner Party,cloudy,snowy,sunny,windy,rainy,foggy,weather report,Weather,Whats weather l

6、ike in.? How is the weather in?,Its.?,让未来的你感谢 现在奋斗的自己!,Reading and writing,Before you attend a party ,what do you need to think of?,dress,Sometimes , you can take some gifts for the party.,A box of chocolates,a bunch of flowers,a bottle of wine,Exercise-9-1,Read and underline.,Li Xiaonian: Hello, Mr

7、 Smith! Welcome to our party! Mr Smith: Hello, Xiaonian!Its very cold today. Li Xiaonian: Yeah,its sunny but cold.Would you like something to drink? Mr Smith: Uh, tea, please. Li Xiaonian: With or without milk? Mr Smith: Without milk, please. Li Xiaonian: Heres your tea, Mr Smith. Mr Smith: Thanks.

8、Li Xiaonian: Youre welcome. Please help yourself.,英美国家的人在别人家做客时,对于吃什么、喝什么往往比较直率。 比如: Would you like some coffee? Yes, please. 或者 What would you like? Coffee, please. 如果不想要,可说: No, thanks. 这时候主人也不会继续劝客人。,(Several minutes later.) Mr. Smith:Is it always cold at this time in Xian? Li Xiaonian:Yes,its us

9、ually cold and windy. Whats the weather like in Australia now? Mr. Smith:Well,its usually warm and cloudy at this time.,Would you like something to drink? eg:Would you like something to eat? 您想吃点儿什么? Would you like some fruit? 您想来点儿水果吗? Would you like a cup of tea? 您想来杯茶吗?,With or without sugar? 加不加

10、糖? 通常在确定喝什么以后再问是否 要加点儿什么。 eg Id like some pure water, please. 我要纯净水。 OK. With or without ice? 好的。加不加冰?,New York(纽约) 温暖但是有雪,Australia(澳大利亚) 凉爽并且多云,Speaking Practice,Weather,Summary,warm、hot、cool、cold、 sunny、windy、rainy、 cloudy、foggy、snowy,Whats the weather like? How is the weather (in)? Its,words,sen

11、tence,Grammar,_eats apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,_eats apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,_eat apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you they them me their her she,_eat apples.,us I your him he our my we it her you

12、 they them me their her she,He sees _.,us I your him he our my we her you they them me their it she,He sees _.,us I your him he our my we her you they them me their it she,形物代+名词=名物代,_pens are on the desk.,his I mine yours our my him she we her you their its them hers,_pens are on the desk.,his I mi

13、ne yours our my him she we her you their its them hers,Those pens are _.,I mine yours he ours my we his her you they it their its hers she,Those pens are _.,I mine yours he ours my we his her you they it their its hers she,使用形容词性物主代词时,须做到“两个三”,1)形容词性物主代词+形容词+名词 如:我的新自行车 my new bike 她年幼的儿子 her young

14、son,三注意:,2)形容词性物主代词所修饰的名词可以是单数,也可以是复数。 如: my pen我的钢笔 his books他的书,三注意:,3)在汉语中,形容词性物主代词有时可以省略, 而在英语中则不能省略。 如: 我们正在做作业.(our不能省略) We are doing our homework. 他手里有一个球. He has a ball in his hand.,三注意:,(his不能省略),1)形容词性物主代词不能单独使用,它后面必须跟名词,即在名词前作定语。 如:这是我的钢笔. This is my pen.,三不准:,2)当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时,不能再用冠词a,

15、an或the来修饰名词。 如:那是我的自行车. That is my a bike./That is a my bike. 正That is my bike.,三不准:,误,3)当名词前有形容词性物主代词修饰时,不能再用指示代词this, that, these或those来修饰名词。 如:他们的电脑在这儿。 Their those computers are here. (或Those their computers are here.) 正Their computers are here.,三不准:,误,Do exercise Page52-54,1.This is my pen, tha

16、t is _.(you) 2.Can I use your ruler? _ isnt here. 3.Is this pen _?(she) 4.This ruler is not lilys. It is _.(I),用括号中适当的词填空,编后语,同学们在听课的过程中,还要善于抓住各种课程的特点,运用相应的方法去听,这样才能达到最佳的学习效果。 一、听理科课重在理解基本概念和规律 数、理、化是逻辑性很强的学科,前面的知识没学懂,后面的学习就很难继续进行。因此,掌握基本概念是学习的关键。上课时要抓好概念的理解,同时,大家要开动脑筋,思考老师是怎样提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的,要边听边想。为

17、讲明一个定理,推出一个公式,老师讲解顺序是怎样的,为什么这么安排?两个例题之间又有什么相同点和不同之处?特别要从中学习理科思维的方法,如观察、比较、分析、综合、归纳、演绎等。 作为实验科学的物理、化学和生物,就要特别重视实验和观察,并在获得感性知识的基础上,进一步通过思考来掌握科学的概念和规律,等等。 二、听文科课要注重在理解中记忆 文科多以记忆为主,比如政治,要注意哪些是观点,哪些是事例,哪些是用观点解释社会现象。听历史课时,首先要弄清楚本节教材的主要观点,然后,弄清教材为了说明这一观点引用了哪些史实,这些史料涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件。最后,也是关键的一环,看你是否真正弄懂观点与史料间的关系。最好还能进一步思索:这些史料能不能充分说明观点?是否还可以补充新的史料?有无相反的史料证明原观点不正确。 三、听英语课要注重实践 英语课老师往往讲得不太多,在大部分的时间里,进行的师生之间、学生之间的大量语言实践练习。因此,要上好英语课,就应积极参加语言实践活动,珍惜课堂上的每一个练习机会。,2019/12/3,最新中小学教学课件,58,thank you!,2019/12/3,最新中小学教学课件,59,


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