Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:92942).doc

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Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:92942).doc_第1页
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Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:92942).doc_第2页
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Module 6-Unit 1 We’ll see lots of very big stones-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(配套课件编号:92942).doc_第3页
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1、Module 6 Unit1 Well see lots of very big stones.教学设计Step 1 1. 唱英文歌曲Take a Trip2. T: Do you like to take a trip? Today well travel many places of interest. 3. T: Lets guess a riddle. 利用华师京城电子白板,出示中国地图,并利用书写功能,写出谜语提示词:long wall.学生猜出谜底: the Great Wall4. T: A robot and a boy are talking about the Great

2、Wall. Lets listen.听读活动一chant.5. 学习chant 中的单词build,以及What did they build it for? = Why did people build it?Step 21. T: Amy is talking to Lingling about her trip. She is going to Stonehenge. Its a famous place of interest. 电子白板介绍Stonehenge. 播放Stonehenge的视频。学生感受巨石阵的壮观。2. 看活动二课文动画视频,判断对错。学生利用白板笔到白板上书写。(

3、1) Stonehenge is about four thousand years old. (2) Well see lots of big trees.(3) Well get there by bus.(4) It will take three hours.3. 再看一遍课文动画,回答以下问题:(1) How old is Stonehenge?(2) What will we see there? 相机板书课题: Well see lots of very big stones.(3) Whats Stonehenge like?(4) How will we get there?

4、在学生回答时,学习答句中涉及到的新单词:place, thousand, circle, on top of, get, hour并复习交通工具的表达方法。*在学习circle时,利用白板中的圆规画圆,新颖独特,加深孩子的印象; *在学习on top of 时,充分发挥白板的互动功能,邀请学生到讲台上拖动图片,随意摆放位置,并用on top of 描述。例如:The ball is on top of the house.并且,在这一环节,向学生介绍世界第一高建筑迪拜塔/哈利法塔。老师对着高塔施魔法:I put something good on top of the tower. Do yo

5、u want to know? 在学生“top!top!”的呼喊声中,老师拖动高塔,最后解开面纱一盒糖果。师:现在,老师把糖果从塔上取下来了!本课我们进行男女生评比,优胜的小队就可以品尝到糖果!4. 打开书,跟读课文。随文学习单词answer, hope, so.Step 31. T: This weekend, we will take a trip to some places. 老师与一名学生示范对话。同桌练习,汇报。2. T: Our hometown Dalian is a beautiful city. There are many places of interest in Da

6、lian. Do you want to visit? 视频领略大连城市风光。 邀请学生到台前来,余生一起问: Where will you go? 台前的学生利用电子白板聚光灯功能,学生选择自己想去的景点,并回答: Ill go to the Zhongshan square.3. T: The world is so big, we shall go to have a look! 视频领略世界各地风景名胜。 出示导游词范文,指名朗读。四人一小组写导游词。以小组为单位汇报导游词。Step 41. T: When we travel the place of interest, will you write on the wall?When we visit a museum, will you speak loudly?教育学生做文明游客。2. Homework: Read the text and try to recite.3. 总结评比结果。


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