Module 9-Unit 1 We laughed a lot.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-外研版(一起)五年级下册--(编号:d051a).zip

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Simon888W 16th StreetNew York , NY 10001U. S. Amanmen woman women an actor an actress They are crosstalk actors. They told lots of jokes .worewent toworetoldlaughedwent toate1.A. tell B. wear C. told D. love2.A. ate B. read C. run D. did3.A. told B. eat C. wore D. drank4.A. played B. watched C. sent D. laughed5.A. is B. am C. were D. are1.watched TV, ate apples, drank some milk,read books, ate sweets, sent an email, slept on the sofa, played with the toys. 2. watched, ate, drank, read, sent,slept , played. NSE Book 10 Module 9 Unit 1 Teaching PlanModuleModule 9 9Topics:Topics: UnitUnit 1 1 WeWe laughedlaughed a a lotlotTeachingTeaching contentscontents: : TheThe menmen worewore womenwomens s clothes.clothes. TheThe actorsactors toldtold lotslots ofof jokes.jokes. WeWe laughedlaughed a a lot.lot. TeachingTeaching aimsaims: : KnowledgeKnowledge objects:objects:1.1. ToTo learnlearn thethe newnew words:words: “theatre,theatre, manman men,men, womanwoman women,women, actor,actor, andand jokejoke”. .2.2. TheThe SsSs cancan useuse somesome simplesimple sentencessentences toto talktalk aboutabout whatwhat happened.happened.AbilityAbility objects:objects:1.1. ToTo developdevelop thethe SsSs abilitiesabilities ofof listening,listening, speaking,speaking, readingreading andand writing.writing.2.2. ToTo traintrain thethe SsSs abilitiesabilities ofof workingworking inin pairs.pairs.MoralMoral objects:objects:1.1. ToTo enableenable thethe SsSs toto bebe interestedinterested inin thethe culturescultures ofof thethe differentdifferent countries.countries.2.2. ToTo raiseraise theirtheir interestsinterests ofof learninglearning English.English.KeyKey pointspoints: : UnderstandUnderstand thethe structurestructure ofof thethe sentencessentences inin thethe pastpast tense.tense.DifficultDifficult pointspoints: : TheThe SsSs cancan useuse somesome simplesimple sentencessentences toto talktalk aboutabout whatwhat happened.happened.TeachingTeaching aidsaids: : WordWord cars,cars, tapetape andand PPT.PPT.TeachingTeaching stepssteps: : StepStep I I: : PreparationPreparationNSE Book 10 Module 9 Unit 1 Teaching Plan1. Greetings2. Sing the song and do the actions: We had a lovely day.StepStep IIII: : PresentationPresentation1. Review the sentences in the past tense. Look at the pictures. Teacher asks and students answer.(Questions: Where did he go yesterday? What did she wear yesterday? What did they eat yesterday? What did he drink? What did she play last week? What did you do last night?)2. Watch a funny video. Elicit the title: We laughed a lot.3. Are you ready for your class?StepStep IIIIII: : PracticePractice1. Listen to the tape, and then think about two questions: What has Daming got? Where are they from?2. Listen to the tape; circle the words in the past tense. And then follow it. . Listen, follow and circle. Show the answers. (go-went, wear-wore and so on)3. Look at the pictures, What do you want to know? You can ask me some questions. Just like where did they go?4. Read the text by yourselves, and then answer the questions you asked just now. Questions: (1).Where did they go last week?(2).What did the men do?(3).What did the actors do?(4).What did the children do?(5).Do English children love the theatre?NSE Book 10 Module 9 Unit 1 Teaching Plan(6).Where did they go after the show?(7).What did they eat?.Read the seven questions in the group, ensure the students know the meaning. Then point to the volunteers to read the questions .Read the text by yourselves, and then think about the questions.Answer the questions one by one, and pay attention to the pictures of the key words. Question (1): Where did they go last week? (theatre)(2).What did the men do? (man-men, woman-men)(3).What did the actors do? (actor, actress, joke)(4).What did the children do? ( laughed a lot)(5).Do English children love the theatre?(6).Where did they go after the show? (show)(7).What did they eat? 5. Listen to the tape and follow it. Pay attention to the pronunciations.6. Describe the pictures with the words in your group. Then point to the volunteers to show.StepStep IVIV: : ProductionProduction1. Make sentences in the small group. (Give them some words in the group, and then make a sentence in the right way. At last show it together.)2. Group competition. Talk about the four topics you choose. The groups which speak the most sentences will be the NSE Book 10 Module 9 Unit 1 Teaching Planwinner.A. Last week, we went to the park. I_.B. Last year, we went to the Great Wall. I _.C. Yesterday, I stayed at home. I_.D. Last month, we went on a school trip. I_.Talk about the topic in the small group. Show the answers. Ensure the students know the rules.3. Writing.Choose one of them which you can finish it by yourselves. You can also write the topic you like.任务一提示词:任务一提示词:watchedwatched TV,TV, ateate apples,apples, drankdrank somesome milk,milk,readread books,books, ateate sweets,sweets, sentsent anan email,email, sleptslept onon thethe sofa,sofa, playedplayed withwith thethe,Yesterday, I I stayedstayed atat home.home. I I_.任务二提示词:任务二提示词:watched,watched, ate,ate, drank,drank, read,read, sent,sent, slept,slept, played.played.Yesterday,Yesterday, I I stayedstayed atat home.home. I_I_任务三任务三: :看你的了看你的了NSE Book 10 Module 9 Unit 1 Teaching PlanYesterday,Yesterday, I I stayedstayed atat home.home. I_I_StepStep V V: : SummarySummary1. Setting homework. Please finish the others writing after class.2. Teacher sticks the goatee on the face. Am I beautiful? What did you do just now? S: We laughed a lot. ModuleModule 9 9 UnitUnit 1 1WeWe laughedlaughed a a the theatrein a restaurantThe men wore womens clothesThe womenwore mens clothesThe actorstold lots of jokesEnglish childrenlove the theatreChildrenate hamburgers and chips.wherewhowhat
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