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五年级下册五年级下册 Project: Jobs 教学设计教学设计一、课程分析一、课程分析:本课选自五年级下册 project,以 jobs 为话题,围绕“职业”这一主题来开展的英语综合实践活动。1. 通过查阅资料了解并识记部分表示职业的词汇。2. 能运用部分表示品格特点的形容词,简单描述自己喜欢名人。3. 通过小组活动,采用不同方式运用简单语句,初步了解不同领域内的六个名人。4. 通过教师问题引导、协作学习的方式,在基本表达清楚的基础上能有条理写出自己的职业梦想。5. 小组合作制作海报,能正确流畅向同学介绍自己的职业梦想。6. 通过了解名人和其身上的品质,初步确立个人品质基础上的职业梦想。二、学情分析二、学情分析本课的话题非常贴近学生们的生活,五年级的学生已具备一定的英语基础,同学们会积极参与并能够通过小组合作的方式进行展示。三、学法设计三、学法设计本节课是在以研究“小学英语综合运用实践课程”为主题的内容下设计的。在进行教学设计时,我将本着“以学生为主体,教师为引导;以学生搜集资料在先,教师整理资料在后;以学生动手动脑为方法,教师启发升华为主线”这一思路来进行课堂教学,旨在提高小学生的英语综合实践运用能力。1. 自助收集资料自助收集资料课前,教师以“My idol”为主题,引导孩子们自己搜集偶像资料,并结合所学英语知识,能用 35 句话写下来。教师收集资料后,根据孩子们所写偶像的职业,初步将他们分为六大板块:体育类,音乐类,文学类,科幻类,美术类和科学类。2. 课前小组准备课前小组准备 首先, 教师根据孩子们收集的资料,将他们分为六组,每组约六人。接着, 通过组内交流,每个小组将选出一位名人进行全班展示,要求组内每一名成员都能介绍该名人的相关特点。最后,教师辅助学生完善偶像资料的介绍,并结合各个小组的特点,引导学生进行相关的才艺展示。3. 课堂展示交流课堂展示交流课上,六个小组将分别展示出组内选出的名人事迹,教师将进一步引导学生总结职业类的词汇,并结合名人特点介绍相关的形容词。最后,教师将帮助学生结合所学,写出自己的梦想,并通过海报的形式展示出来。四、教学过程四、教学过程1. Listen to the music.Be what you wanna beT:What job did you hear?Ss:I heard2. Free talkT: What other jobs do you know?Ss: 3. About idolsT:There are kinds of jobs. But it says “One may distinguish himself in any trade.” Today, lets try to share famous people who take different jobs. The six groups will show us the famous people in the class. And they will also give the talent show in the class. The group one will talk about a painter. He was a Chinese painter. In 1919, He learned painting in France. He was good at Chinese ink and wash painting. He loved painting horses and birds. He combined Chinese painting with western ways of painting. He died in 1953. Then a museum about him was built in Beijing.The group two will talk about a singer. He is a Chinese singer. He is also a TV presenter and an actor. He has got beautiful eyes and a charming smile. His dancing is cool. His singing is beautiful. He has a lot of fans He is a member of the TF Boys. His English name is Roy.The group three will talk about a writer. She was an American writer. She couldnt see. So she was blind. But she was very helpful. She could help other bind people. She couldnt hear. So she was deaf. But she was a very clever girl. She couldnt talk. Her life was very sad. But she could learn. She learned to read and write. It was very hard for her. She wrote books about her life. She was very famous. The group four will talk about a wizard. He is an English boy. And he is an orphan(孤儿). He is a kid like you and me. But he is a wizard, too. He is a student at school. But it is a magic school. His best friends are Ron Weasley and Hermione Grenger. They learn many skills to kill Lord Voldemort. He is a role in a very famous book written by J.K. RowlingThe group five will talk about a football player. He is a Belgian football player. He is born in 1993. He is a forward or midfielder. He is in Dalian Football Club. I like him. Because he is handsome. And he is good at football.The group six will talk about a scientist. She is a Chinese chemist and educator (化学家,教育家) She is best known for Qing Haosu. She helped people to treat malaria(疟疾). That saved many peoples lives. She got the 2011 Lasker Award. (拉斯科临床医学研究奖) She won the Nobel Prize. 4. About dreamsT: What do you want to be in the future? Why? Lets make a poster about “My dream”a) Make a poster with group membersb) Read the poster7Summarya. Look at the blackboard and make a summary b. Rewrite the poem “I have a dream”.五、板书设计五、板书设计六、教学反思六、教学反思孩子们对“我的偶像”这一话题非常感兴趣。在课前准备环节,他们非常积极,能够自主地通过上网或书籍整理等形式搜集资料,并尝试书写。在阅读资料时,我发现部分同学表达准确,语言丰富,但有少部分同学语言运用不够准确。本节课,教师帮助孩子们拓展了相关的职业类词汇及描述人物性格特征的形容词,如:devoted, kind, helpful及句型 Ive got He canwell. He is good at 但在运用中发现:大部分孩子对描述人物特征的形容词积累量较少,教师在课上的操练方式也比较单一,使得孩子们在运用时不够得心应手。在口语展示环节,大部分孩子口语比较流利,但表达句型及句式仍然比较单一,课后有待于进一步培养与训练。通过这一节课,孩子们提升了自主学习能力,口语表达能力和小组合作等方面的能力。总体上看,孩子们在课堂上表现积极主动,课后也能够熟练的将自己的职业梦想写下来,同时也培养了他们乐观向上的品质,这些对今后同类课程的开展有一定积极的启发。Project:Jobs五年级下册Whatjobcanyouhear? doctor医生 actor男演员 lawyer律师 singer歌唱家 firefighter消防员 policeman警察 postman邮递员 president总统 doctor医生 actor男演员 editor编辑员 author作家 lawyer律师 singer歌唱家 firefighter消防员 driver司机 player演奏者/运动员 worker工人 policeman警察 postman邮递员 businessman商人 salesman推销员 president总统 scientist科学家 journalist记者 pianist钢琴家 artist艺术家 doctor医生 actor男演员 editor编辑员 author作家 lawyer律师 singer歌唱家 firefighter消防员 driver司机 player演奏者/运动员 worker工人 policeman警察 postman邮递员 businessman商人 salesman推销员 president总统 scientist科学家 journalist记者 pianist钢琴家 artist艺术家Whatotherjobsdoyouknow?XuBeihong WangYuanHelenKellerHarryPotterCarrascoTuYouyou群马图Artisaliethattellsthetruth.美术是揭示真理的谎言Shoeshinemyshoes,putonmysuit皮鞋擦亮,换上西装GottolookmybestwhenImdreaming梦想着做最好的自己EachstepItake,eachmoveImake我走的每一步,我做的每件事Holdmyheaduphighkeepontrying抬头挺胸努力尝试Itslikemovingmountains就像愚公移山Itmightbehardbutnothingcanbreakme看上去很难,但没有什么可以难倒我Itsanuphillbattle这是一场硬仗Butseeingyoumakesmestrong但你让我更加强壮Keepmyfaith,keeppushingon坚持信念,努力前行FollowmyrighthandlefthandasItakethefloor跟随我右手左手的动作,我们一起跳舞LefthandrighthandIcanshowyoumore左手右手的动作,我还有更多Isingthissongforyoualone我把这首歌单独唱给你听Sotellmedoyoulovemenow告诉我,你现在是否爱上了我HelenKellerLovecanttouch,butyoucanfeelthesweetnessofher.Theycanworkindifferentplaces.Theycanworkatanytime.Theyoftenwearredsuits(制服).Theyusuallyhelpthepeopleinthefire. 2月10日, 四川省凉山州木里县境内发生森林火灾。 四川森林消防总队凉山州支队人员和地方扑火人员共689人在海拔4000余米的原始森林展开扑救。 扑火行动中,30名扑火人员失联。4月1日18点30分, 所有遇难者遗体均已找到,包括27名消防队员和3名当地群众。devoted乐于奉献的serious认真的brave勇敢的clever聪明的helpful乐于助人的aggressive有进取心的capable有能力的careful仔细的TheyareWhatareyoulike?Whatsyouridol?Whatsyourdream?Writeaboutyourdream!devoted乐于奉献的serious认真的brave勇敢的clever聪明的helpful乐于助人的aggressive有进取心的capable有能力的careful仔细的creative富有创造力的Together:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeafirefighter.Girls:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeadancer.Boys:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeafootballplayer.S1:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeaS2:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeaS3:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeaS3:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbeaTeacher:IhaveadreamthatonedayIwillbea
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