Module 9-Unit 2 Mum bought new chopsticks for you.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:e0014).zip

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Module 8 unit 2I made a kiteChantmake make (made) make a kite draw draw (drew) draw a dragonpaint paint (painted) paint it redcut cut (cut) cut the paperfly fly (flew) fly the kite I drew a dragon on a piece of yellow paper.What did Daming use? paper strings scissors sticksHe _ a dragon on a piece of paper.He _ it.He _ the paper.He _ sticks and strings to it.Then, he _ fly his kite.This is how he made the kite.drewpaintedcutputcouldpaper-cutWhat did she do?She made a piece of paper-cut.She had a piece of red paper.She cut the paper with scissors.She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.She put the paper-cut on the window.What did she do?She had a piece of red paper.She cut the paper with scissors.She drew a picture on a piece of red paper.She put the paper-cut on the window.How she made the paper-cut.Thank you!Homework1 Read and recite the text 2 Make something with paper.Then write how you made it.教学内容小学新标准英语一年级起点五年级下册Module 8Unit 2 I made a kite.教学目标1、 知识目标:1) 、学会单词:drew(draw)piece painted (paint) scissors stick tied(tie) string2)学会并运用句型:I made a kite.2、 技能目标:学会运用过去式句型谈论手工制作的步骤。3、情感态度及价值观:培养学生对中国传统文化的热爱,增强爱国意识。教学重点及难点如何让学生在实际语境中运用过去式句型描述手工制作步骤。教具准备多媒体课件、单词卡片以及各种与教学内容相关的实物。教学方法情境教学法,任务教学法,小组合作探究法。教学过程一、热身复习1、Greeting. T: Hello, how are you today? Ss: Im fine. Thank you. T: Great. Lets listen a song.2、Say a Chant(动词及过去式单词操练)(PPT) T: Ill show you some words. Lets say them ,OK? Ss: OK.二、激趣导入 1Watch a cartoon.(part one) T: Lets watch a cartoon together, OK? S2: OK. T: Do you know this cartoon?Ss: Yes, we do.T: Can you tell me what did this girl do? What kite is it?S1/S2: answer. (show word “dragon kite”PPT)T:Yes,its a Chinese kite. Its beautiful. I like Chinese kite. I like China. Do you?Ss: Yes, we do.2.(ppt)show the picture of“Daming”and ask: What did Daming do yesterday?S3: answer.T: Do you want to learn how to make the kite from Daming?Ss: Yes.三、呈现新知1.Today well learn Module8 unit2 I made a kite. 2、听录音(part two)初步感知课文大意。3、看课文,再听录音。小组合作找出制作风筝步骤的句子标上序号,回答问题“What did daming use?”4、听音跟读,注意语音语调,并找出句中过去式单词。组内读一读。 (教师讲解过去式变化规则及句型结构)5、PPT 出示图片,根据教师的讲解看图片用过去式补全句子.然后小组互相描述风筝制作过程。6、听音跟读课文并展示读文。四、巩固拓展1.Part three。 “What did Lingling do?” (PPT 连线,看图复述)2.Part five.Works in pairs.(二人小组问与答,说说自己昨天做的事和明天的计划。部分小组展示。)3、Part six.Write and say.五、课堂小结1.看板书,复述课文。2.学生总结本课所学。 (其他学生可补充)达标反馈一、连词成句1. a piece of/drew/I/dragon/a/on/paper/yellow_.2. paper/I/the/cut/scissors/with_.5.I / strings / tied / it / to_.二、选择1. I _ a kite. A. make B. making C. made D. makes2. I _it. A. paints B. paint C. painting D. painted理解运用(课后作业)1.熟读课文,背诵课文。 (必做)2.试着完成一项手工制作,写出 3-5 个语句介绍制作步骤。 (选作)板书设计M8 U2 I made a kite.drew a dragon a piece ofpaintedcut the paper scissorsput sticks ontied strings to教学反思
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