Module 9-Unit 1 We laughed a lot.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:72d61).zip

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M9U1M9U1 WeWe laughedlaughed a a lot.lot.教学设计教材分析本课是第九模块的第一课时,课型为“新知与呈现”,主要语言功能是运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情。本课时的任务是向小组成员讲述自己一次有趣或有意义的跨文化经历,并写邮件或信件跟好友分享。因此,课堂上要创设真实的情景,为学生的交流创造条件。学情分析五年级的学生已经掌握了一般过去时的基本用法,但要在口语表达和写作中运用一般过去时,对部分学生来说可能有一定的困难,因此,课堂应设置不同梯度的活动练习,既能激发学生学习的积极性,也为任务的开展和完成做好铺垫。课时教学目标结合本节课的教学内容以及学生的年龄心理特点,我确定了以下教学目标:(一)知识与技能:学生能够在语境中理解,听说,认读单词theatre, men, women, told, joke, funny, show; 运用men, women, told; 并能够运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情;(二)过程与方法:通过描述过去发生的事情,讲述自己一次有趣或有意义的经历,掌握一般过去时的使用规则和方法;(三)情感态度价值观:乐于接触外国文化,增强祖国意识,增进学生之间的相互了解,学会关心他人。教学重点与难点 重点:掌握核心词句men, women, told; We laughed a lot。 难点:熟练运用一般过去时描述过去发生的事情,讲述自己一次有趣或有意义的经历。教学方法1.目标-导学法,2.直接-体验法,3.交际-习得法教学策略1.先行组织者策略, 2.语境-内化策略 3.任务-迁移策略教学活动教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1: Warm up&Lead in1. Greetings:T: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Eric!2. Listening and speaking English practice:1. first, lets do listening practice(一起作业网)2. Have a free talk: Good, now lets ask and answer in pairs.3. T: All right,! Look,Amy, Sam and Lingling saw something.Now open your book, listen and answer ”What did they see?”(播放CD-ROM)S1: Amy saw a dog, it wore a coat.(图片)S2: Sam saw a dog, it wore a hat.(图片)S3: Lingling saw a man, he wore a skirt.(图片)4.Point and read:运用一起作业网的游戏和自由问答活动,既能活跃课堂气氛,调动学生的学习积极性,又能确保学生学习的主体地位,使学生迅速进入英语课堂学习之中。 通过导入活动,聚焦新知,为接下来的课文学习奠定基础。Step 2: Task presentationT: They have different experiences, so today our task is talking about 明确学习任务,在任务的驱动下有目your experienc with the past tense.的、有针对性的进行学习。Step 3: Text learning 1. T: Look! What is Daming doing? (出示Daming读信的图片) Ss: He is reading a letter. T: Good, and how many letters has Daming got? Ss: Hes got two letters. T: And where are they from? Ss: One is from the US and one is from the UK. T: OK. Lingling wrote a letter to Daming from the UK. Look! Where does Lingling live? Ss: 15 Marling Street, NW2, London.(白板出示坐标讲解“NW”) T: “N” stands for “North”, “W” stands for”West”, so “NW” stands for”Northwest”. 2. listen and answer: T: Now Listen and answer ”Where did Lingling go last week?(白板出示问题) ” Ss: She went to a childrens theatre. T: Wonderful! Do you know the words? Ss: thank, thin, three T: pay attention to “th”, so who can come to the front to teach the word? You, please! S1 : theatre, (齐读,指生读) T: Thank you, you are a good teacher. Do you want to know more about theatre? Ss: Yes! T: Now lets watch a video.(白板播放微课视频) 3. listen again, fill in the blanks in groups: T: Lingling did lots of things in the theatre, so lets listen and underline the 课文背景介绍学习,明确文本语境。以一个关键问题为引领,整体感知课文。学生自主学习”theatre”, 发挥学生学习的主动性和自主性。sentences.(白板出示表格问题)(1). What did the men wear?(2). What did the women wear?(3). What did the actors do?(4). What did they do? T: Now fill in the form in groups. 4. T: OK, lets share the answers, who can? OK, you please! S1: The men wore womens clothes.(板书,跟读) Pay attention to “women” S2: The women wore mens clothes.(板书,跟读) pay attention to “men”T: Now look, man, men; woman women(白板出示对比词组) What do you find?(学生自主发现两个单词单复数的变化规律,a 变 e)T: Good, now lets describe the pictures:Ss: They wore. He wore.T: Great! What about the actors?S3: The actors told lots of jokes.S4: They laughed a lot.T: So whats the difference between lots of and a lot?Ss: lots of: 许多(表示数量);a lot: 很,非常(表述程度)T: Good, lets accomplish the two sentences.(白板出示两个句子并补全)5. T: Good job! Now practice asking and answering with the form in groups. S1 asks S2, S3 asks S4, S5 asks S6: What did . do? T: Ok, stop here! Now you come here to ask and you find a person to answer. Are you clear? Ss: Yes! T: Who can? OK, you 问题引领,学生先自主发现,后小组合作解决问题,从而培养学生爱合作爱探究的精神。在自主发现并解决问题的过程中,夯实本课重点。学生自由组合问答,培养学生互相倾听和质疑的习惯和please.(学生自主任意指生回答)6. T: Wonderful! They had lots of fun in the theatre. And where did they go after the show? What did they eat? Ss: They went to the restaurant. They all ate hamburgers and chips.7. T: We know Lingling did many things in the theatre, so did lingling love the theatre?Ss: Yes, she did. T: So what did she ask at last? Ss: Are you ready for your trip to the US? Ss: Attention“be ready for”8. T: Good job, boys and girls! Now lets follow and imitate!(模仿跟读课文) T: All right. Now stand up, read and then sit.能力听音模仿,读完即坐,循序渐进,面向全体学生,为学生提供平等的学习机会。Step 4: Practice1. Retell the letter: T: Now look at the blackboard, lets retell the letter with the help of the pictures. Understand? Practice by yourself. Ss: T: stop! Who can retell? Ok, you, please! S1: S2: S3: 2. Complete the paper exercise: T: Ok, boys and girls, take out your task paper, fill in the blanks. Ss: T: Lets check the answers. Ss: 3. Play a choosing game T: Now lets play a choosing game. you choose the number, and describe the pictures.Dont forget the time, ok? S1: They went swimming last 运用白板的聚光灯功能,并结合图片情境复述课文,从而运用本课的目标语句。漏词填空,夯实文本。开展“选数字,说Sunday. S2: They went to a zoo two days ago. S3: They saw a film last weekend. S4: They flew a kite just now. S5: . S6: .图片”的游戏,通过学生描述所选图片的内容,突破本课难点。Step 5: Production T: Boys and girls, Lingling had fun in the theatre. I also had a good time in my travel. Look, This is a photo of my travel. Do you have any questions about my travel? Ss:. T: Good, I wrote a letter to my friend (白板展示我的经历) Who can read it? Last week, I went to Yunnan. I visited many beautiful places. I ate a lot of delicious food, I really had a great time in Yunnan. T: Now lets talk about your experience. First, take out your photo and talk about your experience in groups. Clear?(小组讨论) Ss: Yes. T: OK, stop! Who can share with us?(个人照片汇报) You,please! S1:T: Well, you are so great! Can you write it down?Ss: Yes!T: Now take out your test paper, and write a letter to your friend.(写作训练)Ss:.T: Now lets share together(展台展示并评价)S1:S2:S3:T: Good job, everyone. We know a lot with each other, and we should 还原真实语境,交流讨论自己的一次过往经历。让学生在运用目标语句的同时,注意一般过去时的使用方法。学生在大量充分交流自己的过往经历后,给自己的好朋友写一封信,并通过多媒体展台做以相应展示,进而提高学生的综合语言运用能力。渗透情感教育,引导学生学会相互关also care about each other.心。Step 6: Summary&Homework1.T: What did you learn today?S1: The words.S2: The sentences.S3: The grammar: The past tense.学生自主总结本课所学知识。2.家庭作业:T: OK, this is todays homework.(1). Go on retelling the letter after class.(2). Make a survey about your parents experience in the past. OK, class is over! Goodbye, boys and girls!板书设计: Module 9 Unit 1 theatre The men wore womens clothes. The women wore mens clothes. The actors told lots of jokes. We laughed a lot.教学反思:本教学设计特色:1. 多样化教学资源的融合,多层次的课堂活动设计,拓宽学生学习英语的渠道;2. 白板的使用,大大的提高了课堂的互动性;3. 从听说到读写,循序渐进,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。
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