Module 5-Unit 1 Your bag is broken.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:30098).zip

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UnitUnit 1 1 YourYour bagbag isis brokenbroken 教材分析:这一模块语言学习的功能是如何描述事物的特点及初步用句型来表达个人的意见,并会用英语说出理由。一、教学目标一、教学目标 1)语言知识目标:学会 heavy, light,broken,pocket 等单词,并会使用。学会用英语描述事物的特征。让学生学会比较事物之间的不同,能够根据描述指出说的是哪一个东西。 2)语言技能目标; 能用 Its got two pockets. Its big and light. 进行对话交流 3) 情感态度目标; 有兴趣听说英语,乐于开口,敢于模仿 4)学习策略目标; 积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,积极运用 Its big and light.进行对话交流,能根据录音模仿听说英语。 二、教学重点:二、教学重点: 1)新授单词:light broken heavy pocket 2)新授句型:Its big and light. Its got two pockets. 三、教学难点:三、教学难点:学会用英语描述事物的特征。四、四、 教学准备:教学准备: CAI 图片 教学步骤 StepStep 1 1 WarmingWarming upup1. GreetingT: Hello , boys and girls. How are you?S: Im fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine too. StepStep 2 2 WordsWords1.Review the colour words by playing the Bomb game.2.Say the opposite words to review some adjectives.3.Look at the pictures and say the sentences.StepStep 4 4 LearnLearn thethe texttext1.Watch the cartoon and answer the question:How many bags can you see?2.Listen and answerWhats the matter with Linglings bag?3.At the department storeCompare these black and green bags by the questions“What do you think this black/green bag?”“What does Lingling think this black/green bag?”“What does Ms Smart think this black/green bag?”4.Which bag did Lingling buy?Why?5.Listen ,point and read.6.Retell the text.Step5Step5 PracticePracticePair workLook at the pictures and practice describing things.Show timeShow your favourite things and describe. Unit 1Lets play a game.老师指到哪个单词,大家就读哪个单老师指到哪个单词,大家就读哪个单词,但是如果指到哪个单词前有炸弹词,但是如果指到哪个单词前有炸弹全班同学就保持安静,谁读了这个单全班同学就保持安静,谁读了这个单词,其它同学就向着他说:词,其它同学就向着他说:“oneone twotwo , , three,three, bomnbomn!”!”red green black blueyellow white light easyeasybroken hardhardwheel umbrellataketake pocketpocketdepartmentdepartment storestoresmallsmalltalltallshortshortlonglongshortshortfatfatthinthingoodgoodbadbadnewnewoldoldyoungyoungoldoldbigbigheavylight The black bag is _ .The yellow one is _ .bigsmallItsIts gotgot twotwo pockets.=ItIt hashas gotgot ItsIts gotgot fourfour wheels.How many bags can you see? Watch and answerWhats the matter with Linglings bag?Listen and answerThisThis blackblack bagbag isis nice.nice.ItsIts big.big.This green one is light.And its got two pockets.At the Department StoreBut its heavy.But its small.WhichWhich bagbag diddid LinglingLingling buy?buy?SheShe boughtbought a a blueblue bag.bag.ItsIts bigbig andand light.Itslight.Its gotgot fourfour wheels.wheels.ItllItll bebe easyeasy forfor sheshe toto carry.carry.Read and answer.WhyWhy diddid sheshe buybuy thisthis bag?bag?Please point,listen and read.Retell the storybuybrokennicebigheavylightpocketssmallbiglightwheelseasy观察你的书包、衣服、鞋子等观察你的书包、衣服、鞋子等物品并用英语向大家描述它们。物品并用英语向大家描述它们。成果展示
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