Module 5-Unit 1 Your bag is broken.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:608a1).zip

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Module5Unit1Yourbagisbroken. Say a chant(关于形容词的韵句).Red and green, yellow and blue, purple and pink, black and white. Big and small, long and short, fat and thin, new and old, clear and dirty, cheap and nice, heavy and light, Light, light, light. The bag is_.heavyThe box is_.lightn nightightightightl l( (夜晚夜晚) )( (轻的轻的) )listen and look.Little SixSales assistantlisten and answer.1. Where is Little Six?2. What will he buy?At the shop.At the shop.He will buy a bag.He will buy a bag. 3.How much is that bag? 4.Whats the bag like? Its very_.But it looks_. cheap dirty Its only_yuan.thirty 新课学习目标: How to describe the characteristics in English. (如何用英语来谈论事物的特征)Listen and answer.1. Whose bag is broken?2. What will Ms Smart do?1.A: Whose bag is broken?B: s bag is broken.Lingling2.A: What will Ms Smart do?She will buy Lingling a new bag.B:She will buy for Lingling. will+动词原型a new bag At the shopAt the shopWhat bags do they look at the shop?A: B: C: D: black bagblack bagred bagred bagyellow bagyellow baggreen baggreen bagE: pink bagpink bagWhat bags do they look at the shop?What bags do they look at the shop?A: B: C: D: black bagblack bagred bagred bagyellow bagyellow baggreen baggreen bagE: pink bagpink bag1.Whats the black bag like?2.Whats the green bag like?3.Whats the red bag like?Think and answer:Whats the black bag like?Its_.Thisblackbagis_.Butitsvery_.BlackbagYour bag is broken.nicelightheavybigsmallwheels愉快的、令人满意的、美好的、和蔼的Whats the bag like?Its_.GreenbagButitsvery_.Your bag is broken.RedbagIthasgot_.lightsmallwheelshave got有Its_.Thisblackbagis_.Butitsvery_.BlackbagGreenbagRedbagIts_.Butitsvery_.nicebigheavylightsmallYour bag is broken.Ithasgotwheels.用来修饰人或事物性质、状态和特征的词叫形容词。形容词Which bag do they buy?A: B: C: Because it will be easy for her to carry.Why?容易的 提,抱,扛,背,搬Linglingcarrycat(提,抱,扛,背,搬)I will carry the cat.A: How much is it?C: B: Its 30 pounds.(RMB:266.68 yuan)(英镑)poundround(英镑)(圆的)Its a round pound.Please remember:1.No matter what you do, you have to choose the one that suits you best.无论做什么事情,一定要选择最适合自己的。2. In life, we have to learn to be grateful.在生活中我们要学会感恩。Thank you!1.Reading time.b: Act out the dialogue in groups.(三人小组表演对话)a:Look at your book and repeat. (自读对话)2.Read and answer.3.Look and say .3.Look and say .The blue kite is big.The red kite is small.The green bag is heavy.The red bag is light.The small bag is heavy.The big bag is light.The white shoes are dirty.The yellow shoes are clean.4. Read and guess.Its very big.Its heavy and strong.It has got a long nose.It can work hard.What is it ?Its an animal(动动物).4. Read and guess.Its round and high.Its a very big wheel.It is famous (著名的)in London .It can turn around.What is it ?The London Eye4. Read and guess.They have got wheels.Theyre very nice and cool.Theys so fast .What are they ?We can wear them on our feet .Roller skate shoesIts on childrens arms.4. Read and guess.Its powerful and perfect.Its light and small.But its very expensive.Its useful for children.We can telephone and see the times on it.What is it ?telephone watchLets watch a short film. 我们要为山区的孩子们选购一批适合他们的书包,请同学们把你所选购书包的特征描述并写出来。Think and write:Think and write:What colour is it? (nice / beautiful /big/small /heavy/light) Has it got wheels? How much is it? For:Has it got pockets(兜)? Whats the bag like? 这节课你们学到了什么?SummarySummary(总结)(总结): :1. Listen and repeat the text two times. 2.Write the characteristics of the schoolbag for children in mountains.Homework:Homework:我的邮箱:Goodbye!Goodbye! 1 / 6外研社 新标准英语(一起)第十册Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken. 2 / 6外研社 新标准英语(一起)第十册Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken. 一、教学内容: Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken.二、教学目标:1.知识目标:(1)能够听说读写新单词 light、sales assistant、carry、pound 以及运用 How much?句型。(2)能够掌握功能句: This black bag is nice. Its big.Look at the green one. Its light.2.能力目标:通过对功能句的学习,使学生能用形容词对身边事物的明显特征进 3 / 6行描述和比较。3.情感目标:(1) 让学生通过语言来完成任务,感受成功,从而进一步培养学生学习英语的兴趣,形成积极学习英语的态度。(2)培养与人沟通,团结合作的意识。三、教学重点 :( 1)单词 light、sales assistant、carry、pound 以及运用 How much?及其他形容词的运用。(2)学习功能句:This black bag is nice. Its big.Look at the green one. Its light.四、教学难点:能够灵活地运用形容词,对事物的鲜明特征进行描述。五、教学准备:PPT 课件、粉笔、单词卡片六、 教学流程:Step1: Warming-up1 Greeting: 4 / 62 Say a chant.3 Look,listen and say.(教学单词 light 用课件进行对比教学,同时记忆 light) 。Step2:Pre-taskStep2:Pre-taskToday well learn Module5 Unit1 Your bag is broken HowHow toto describedescribe thethe characteristiccharacteristic inin English.English.(如何用英语来谈论事物的特征)Step3:Step3: While-taskWhile-task1: Listen and answerWhos bag is broken?What will Ms Smart do?(回答问题)2: Listen and answerWhat bags do they look at the shop?Whats the black/green /red bag like?WhichWhich bagbag dodo theythey buybuy?Why?HowWhy?How muchmuch isis it?(Writeit?(Write onon thethe board)board)Step4:Post-taskStep4:Post-task 5 / 61:Reading1:Reading timetime2:Read2:Read andand answeranswer3:Look3:Look andand say.say.4:Read4:Read andand guess.guess.5:Think and write.Step6:Step6: SummarySummary Today we learned how to describe the characteristics of things in English.Step7Step7:HomeworkHomework1、Listen and repeat the text two times.2、WriteWrite thethe characteristicscharacteristics ofof thethe schoolbagschoolbag forfor childrenchildren inin mountains.mountains. 板书:Module 5 Unit1 Your bag is broken. This black bag is nice.Its big. But its very heavy.图片 6 / 6 This green one is light.But its small. This red bag has got wheels.It will be easy for her to carry.图片图片
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