Module 5-Unit 1 Your bag is broken.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:10190).zip

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Module 5 Unit 1Your bag is broken. 外研版(一起)五年级英语外研版(一起)五年级英语 下册下册I can sing a rainbow. Red and yellow and pink and green purple and orange and blue.I can sing a rainbow . Sing a rainbow. Sing a rainbow too. I can sing a rainbow.Turn to page 26, listen to the text and circle the adjectives. 听听课文录音,圈出形容词课文录音,圈出形容词。adjectives cheap dirty broken new black big heavy green light small red easyQuesthions: 1 .Whats the matter with Linglings bag?2. How many bags are they talking about?3. How about the black bag?/green bag/red bag?14. Which bag does Lingling buy?Why? 25. How much is the red bag?This black bag is_. Its_.But its very_.niceThis green bag is_. But its very_.bigheavylightsmallThe red bag has got wheels. It will be _ for Lingling to carry.easyQuesthion4Which bag does Lingling buy?Why?ACThis red bag has got _.wheelsIt will be _ for her to carry.easyBIt will be easy for _to_.Questhion5How much is the red bag? Its 30 pounds.Retell the text and act it out.Group Work!(小组合作)小组合作)活动要求:活动要求:1.Talk about your favourite things.(与与你你的的小组成员讨论交流后与大家分享。小组成员讨论交流后与大家分享。)2.Write it down and share it.(写写下下来来并并且且分享)。分享)。IntroduceIntroduce youryour thingsthings介绍自己的东西介绍自己的东西 For example:Ive got a _. This _is_. Its _. Its _I like it very much. Beauty is everywhere. 美无处不在。美无处不在。 We should know how to appreciate(欣欣赏赏) beauty and share(分享)(分享) it. 我们要懂得欣赏美分享美。我们要懂得欣赏美分享美。1. Retell the text.2. Talk about your favourite things and write them down.LibraryparkzooschoolYouYou areare goodgood children!children!ThankThank you!you!ByeBye byebye! !新标准外研社版五年级下册Your bag is broken 教学设计1.Teaching aims : 教学目标:1).语言知识目标:词汇:理解运用单词 light carry pound 理解 sales assistant How much.?语句:Your bag is broken.语法与功能:用形容词谈论事物的特性。2). 语言技能目标:能够听懂会说 Your bag is broken.能朗读课文,并能写出 2-3 个语句来描述事物特征。3). 情感态度目标乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语,对所学内容主动复习归纳。体会生活中的美无处不在,我们要学会欣赏美,分享美。2.学情分析五年级学生已经有四年半的英语学习经验,具备一些知识运用能力,学生在前几册中已经学过了形容词的表达方式,在这里并不是第一次接触,而且本课的设计也是从学生的兴趣出发,学生也会产生非常浓厚的兴趣。所以在此基础上,通过各种形式的操练使他们能够熟练的运用形容词来描述自己生活中喜欢东西。3.重点难点 1). 重点:light 的理解运用,用形容词来描述事物特性。2). 难点:sales assistant 的朗读;在语境中灵活运用形容词。3.教学过程:1).Greetings. Gooding morning,class.2).Warming-up: Sing an English song.I can sing a rainbow.4.New teachinga. Listen and circle the adjectives(书 26 页)b. Ask some students come to the front and underline the adjectives.c. Watch the video and answer questions.1) Whats the matter with linglimg?2) How many bags are they talking about?3) How about the black bag?/green bag/red bag?4) Which bag does lingling buy?Why?5) How much is the red bag?d. Listen and repeate. Read by yourselves and act it out.5.Practise1) Activity 32) Group workTalk about your favourite things and write down share it.6.ExpandWrite down and share it.7.Assessment8.Summary9.Homework.
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