Module 4-Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.-ppt课件-(含教案)-县级公开课-外研版(一起)五年级下册-(编号:40384).zip

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runrun fastjump highjump farplay footballplay basketballCan cant-Can he play basketball?Can he play basketball?He can play well. He got forty points.Yesterday , Sam, Amy and Lingling played basketball in the park.How many points did their team get ?How many points did the other team get ?How many points did their team get ? They got seventy points.How many points did the other team get ? The other team got sixty-four points.How many points did Sam get ?How about Amy? And Lingling?How many points did Sam get ? Sam got thirty-six points.How about Amy? And Lingling? Amy got thirteen points. And Lingling got twenty-one points.playgetwinareplayed_gotwonweretwentyeightyfortysixtyfiftythirtyninetyseventythirteeneighteensixteenfifteenfourteennineteenseventeen1319-teen20/30.90-tyteenteenteenteenteenteenteentytytytytytytytythirty-seven375649fifty - sixforty - ninePoint and say. He got thirty-six points. She got twenty-two points.They got _ points.The other team got _ points.Their team won.They were very happy.70-64seventysixty-fourHe got _ points.He won.He was very _. 54 21-16fifty-fourhappy12-2121-16They got _ points.Their team _.They were very _. 8425-22eighty-four25-1719-2525-23wonhappysummaryBelieve yourself! Nothing is impossible! 相信自己!一切皆有可能!相信自己!一切皆有可能!1. Listen and repeat the text.2.Try to count the numbers from 1 to 100 with your friends. 3. Talk about the points you got on the sports day.Homework:新标准英语(一年级起点)第十册Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring. 教学目标:教学目标:1、知识技能目标(Knowledge & skills):学生能够听、说、读、写单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter, season;能够认读、表达和运用重点句 My favourite season is . Its . I can . ;能够运用所学词汇、句子表达或描写出自己喜欢的季节及原因;能够正确朗读语篇、获取语篇的信息,在阅读的基础上进行仿写。2、过程方法目标(Process & steps):学生通过给单词分类的热身活动,对前置知识进行复习巩固,如colour, weather and activities 等,为本课进一步谈论季节话题奠定一定的语言基础;学生通过看短文的课件,整体感知文本,并找出文中 What are their favourite seasons?提高学生抓主要信息的能力;通过回答“Why do they like these seasons?”这一问题,学生自主细读短文,采用划关键词的方法,找出答案,完成表格,提高学生整理、分析信息的能力;通过猜季节的游戏活动,初步培养学生的阅读能力,并对我国不同地方不同季节的特色有所了解;学生在谈论最喜欢的季节中继续巩固本课的重点句型,结合自身感受和经历进行初步的仿说,再到仿写,提高学生的语言运用能力及写作能力。3、情感态度与价值观(Emotional attitude & values):学生通过独立阅读、同伴阅读,提高自主探究、合作学习的能力;通过谈论喜欢的季节及原因,提高学生实际运用语言的能力;通过品读短文,感受四季之美,培养学生热爱生活,热爱大自然,积极乐观的生活情感态度。教学内容:教学内容:本课是第四模块第二单元,按照教材设计意图和高年级段阅读教学的建议,本课主要是学习有关季节的短文,在正确朗读、回答问题、理解短文的基础上培养学生的阅读能力和初步的仿说、仿写能力。学情分析:学情分析:学生在二年级已经学习过有关季节的知识,能够熟练说出季节词汇spring, summer, autumn, winter, its warm/ hot/ cool/ cold. We can wear T-shirts.;学生喜欢谈论季节话题,并对不同季节中的人们的衣着变化有一定的感受和经历,这样就为本课学习谈论并初步表达出自己喜欢的季节、天气、自然景物特征及其原因奠定了良好的语言和心理基础。学生能在创设的语境中,通过一系列的课堂活动以及谈论自己能做的事情,抒发对大自然的赞美和热爱之情。教学重、难点:教学重、难点:进一步巩固有关季节的单词和句型 spring, summer, autumn, winter, its . I can wear .;指导学生在理解的基础上有感情的朗读课文;运用所学知识谈论自己喜欢的季节及原因,并且能在生活中灵活运用。主要教学步骤:主要教学步骤:I. Pre-reading.1. Enjoy a song then let the Ss to find out the theme. 播放迪士尼 season 歌曲。T: A beautiful song. Do you like it? What s the song about?Ss: Seasons.T: Great. Its about seasons.Elicit the word “season”. 2. Talk about the four seasons.Q: How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?Ss: 4 seasons. Spring, summer, autumn and winter.3. Show some words and let the Ss classify the words (include colour, weather, clothes and activities) by seasons.T: When we talk about seasons, what do you think of them? Here are some words for you, maybe you can find the words about the 4 seasons.4. Ask the Ss “What is your favourite season?”T: Well, children, youve know something about the seasons. Whats your favourite season? 板书句子:Whats your favourite season? Read all together.T: My favourite season is winter. My favourite season is .T: Whats your favourite season? red / white / green / goldencool / cold / warm / hota jacket / gloves / sandals / a sweaterfly a kite / go skiing / pick apples / go swimmingS1: My favourite season is spring.T: Why do you like spring?S1: Because its warm. I can fly a kite. T: That sounds great.T: Whats your favourite season?S2: My favourite season is summer.T: Why?S2: Because I can eat ice cream.T: I like ice cream, too. Its yummy.Now, please ask and answer in pairs.(设计意图:通过歌曲引入“季节”话题,教授新词 season,并通过问题导入“ How many seasons are there in a year?”复习学生已知的单词 spring, summer, autumn, winter。然后通过让学生讨论给单词归类的活动,让学生熟悉每个季节的特点,如颜色,气候,人们穿的衣服和主要活动等,对学生已有的知识进行复现,再通过老师与学生,学生与学生之间的简单问答,了解孩子们最喜欢的季节是什么,为本课的新授内容做铺垫。 )II. While-reading.1. Watch the video and find out the childrens favourite seasons.T: In todays story, 4 children are talking about their favourite seasons. What are their favourite seasons? Lets watch the video and find out.Then let the students to match the pictures.(设计意图:进入文本后,第一遍整体呈现课文,让学生看课件并找出文中四个孩子喜欢的季节是什么,对短文进行整体的理解,培养学生抓主要信息的能力。 )2. Read the whole passage.T: Why do they like these seasons?Read the passage by yourselves and underline the keywords.3. Then discuss with partners and fill in the form. Check up the answers.T: Whats the weather like in spring and what can Amy do?S1: Its warm. She can see the baby ducks.T: What can Daming wear in summer?S2: He can wear shorts and sandals. (设计意图:第二遍让学生自主阅读短文,通过问题引导分段细读,采用划关键词的方法,找出答案,同伴合作完成表格,培养学生整理信息的能力,通过表格的方式提炼主要信息,同时也为学生运用语言做好铺垫。 )In autumn, we can play with the leaves. Elicit the word “leaves”, show some pictures of beautiful leaves. Let the Ss enjoy the pictures of the fallen leaves. Then read the sentences “In autumn, the leaves fall from the trees. How beautiful!” emotionally.(设计意图:创设情境突破难点 the leaves fall from the trees。通过欣赏大量秋天树叶的图片及落叶纷飞的 flash,让学生感受秋天的美,激发起学生的情感,抒发对大自然的热爱。 )4. Listen to the video and repeat the text. 5. Choose your favourite paragraph and read it emotionally.(设计意图:让学生选择自己最喜欢的一段短文并配乐朗诵,注意培养学生有感情的朗读课文的能力,使学生对自然的热爱之情得到升华。 )III. Post-reading.1. Read other passages and guess what season it is.nameseasonweatherclothesactivityAmyspringa jacketDaming summerhotgo swimmingLingling autumna sweaterSamwinterThe wind loves me, because I let her play in the clear, blue sky. And Im cool. I colour the leaves.I give the pretty, falling leaves as gifts to everyone. Who am I?T: You see, we can swim in the sea in Hainan, and go skiing in Harbin. Different cities, different weather. Here are some pictures about snow scene. Lets enjoy them.(设计意图:高年级段的阅读课可以在学生阅读文本后,再找一篇容量相当的材料进行拓展性阅读,培养学生语言运用的能力。此处给学生提供了两段描写季节的段落,让学生通过分行阅读猜出描写的是哪一个季节,既增强了趣味性,又使学生拓展了视野,了解到不同的地方,不同的季节特色。 )2. Talk about your favourite season and write it down.T: Well, children, my favourite season is winter. Its cold. I can wear coats and gloves. But when it snows, its white everywhere. And I can make a snowman. I can get presents on Christmas Day. I love winter, because my birthday is in winter. What about you? 找一个学生仿照老师的例子说一说自己喜欢的季节及原因,然后小组同学相互之间说一说,最后仿写短文,进行展示。(设计意图:先由老师引导着学生谈论自己喜欢的季节和原因,再组织成短文,让学生写下来,这样通过让学生眼、口、耳、手多种器官并用,达到训练思维,提高技能的目的。在这个活动中,学生的写作能力得到了提高,从拓展的说到拓展的写。 )IV. Homework: Listen to the tape and repeat the text.Talk about the seasons in your city. (设计意图:课堂活动的延伸,将所学语言运用到真实的情景中。 )This season is wonderful! People can swim in the sea in Hainan, and they also can go skiing in Harbin. Children love it, because they can play firecrackers and get lucky money.
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