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1、Unit 10 Air沪教牛津沪教牛津六年级上册六年级上册Lead-inNew wordsair空气空气everywhere处处;到处处处;到处alive活着的活着的factory工厂工厂smoke烟烟dirty脏的脏的clean干净的;洁净的干净的;洁净的fresh清新的清新的plant种植种植Listen and say It keeps them high in the sky.It has no colour or shape. It has no smell or taste. We cannot see it, but we can feel it. It is everywher

2、e. It is important to all people. It is also important to animals and plants. We all need it to keep us alive. Look at the Kite and the balloon. Look at the plane and the bird. They all need it too. It keeps them high in the sky.What is it?Ask and answer the questions.What is it, Jill?Does it have a

3、ny colour or taste?Can you see or feel it ?Why is it important?What is it, Jill?Its air. Does it have any colour or taste?No, it doesnt. Can you see or feel it ?We cannot see it, but we can feel it.Why is it important?Because we all need it to keep us alive.Language pointskeep 使使保持某种保持某种(状态状态、位置位置或或

4、动作动作等等)这时要在这时要在 keep 的宾语后面接补足语的宾语后面接补足语,构成,构成复合宾语复合宾语。其。其中宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词和中宾语补足语通常由形容词、副词、介词短语、现在分词和过去分词等充当。过去分词等充当。例句:我们应保持教室清洁。例句:我们应保持教室清洁。 We should keep our classroom clean.1. It keeps them high in the sky. 它使它们在天空中保持它使它们在天空中保持得得高高的。高高的。(1)用作动词,用作动词, 意思是意思是“保存;保留;保持;保守保存;保留;保持;保守”。 例句:

5、这本书我可以保留几天?例句:这本书我可以保留几天? How long can I keep this book?拓展:拓展:keep的其他的其他用法用法(2)用作动词,用作动词, 意思是意思是“遵守;维护遵守;维护”。 例句:我们必须遵守校规。例句:我们必须遵守校规。 We must keep the school rules.(3)用作动词,用作动词, 意思是意思是“记记(日记、帐等日记、帐等)”。 例句:她坚持每天记日记。例句:她坚持每天记日记。 She keeps a diary every day.(4)用作连系动词用作连系动词,构成系表结构:构成系表结构:keep表语表语,意为,意为

6、 “保持,继续保持,继续(处于某种状态处于某种状态)”,其中表语可以,其中表语可以 是形容词、副词、介词短语等。是形容词、副词、介词短语等。 例句:课堂上请保持安静。例句:课堂上请保持安静。 Please keep silent in class.(1)no在本句中用作在本句中用作形容词形容词,可直接,可直接放在名词的前面放在名词的前面。(2)no还可以作还可以作副词副词,是,是yes的反义词的反义词,用在回答问用在回答问 题的场合题的场合,表示表示“不不”的意思。的意思。例句:这座小城市没有公园。例句:这座小城市没有公园。 There is no park in the small city

7、.2. It has no colour or shape. 它没有颜色和形状。它没有颜色和形状。 拓展:拓展:not 的意思是的意思是“不是不是”,是副词,可以用于,是副词,可以用于修饰动词、形容词修饰动词、形容词。如果名词的前面有。如果名词的前面有a, any, much, many, enough等词,就要等词,就要用用not,不用,不用no。 例句:我们没有水。例句:我们没有水。 We have no water. = We dont have any water.句型句型结构:结构:It is important to 对对来说它是重要的来说它是重要的 例句:例句: 这本书非常有用。

8、它对我来说是重要的。这本书非常有用。它对我来说是重要的。 This book is very useful. It is important to me.3. It is important to all people. 它对所有人都很重要。它对所有人都很重要。need 既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,在既可以作情态动词,也可以作实义动词,在本句中本句中need作实义动词。作实义动词。4. They all need it too. 它们也都需要它。它们也都需要它。need实义动词实义动词需要需要直接跟名词直接跟名词接动词接动词need to需要做需要做 例句:我需要一辆自行车。例句:我需

9、要一辆自行车。 I need a bike. 我需要买一辆新自行车。我需要买一辆新自行车。 I need to buy a new bike.Look and learnfactorysmoke工厂工厂烟烟dirtyclean 脏的脏的干净的;洁净的干净的;洁净的Say and act Ben: Whats the matter, Kitty? Are you crying?Kitty: Im not crying. My eyes hurt. Its the smoke. Ben: Where is the smoke from?Kitty: Its from the cars and bu

10、ses.11 Ben: Look at the black smoke from the factory. It makes the air dirty.Kitty: Lets go to the park, Ben. The air is clean there. Ben: OK.Kitty: The air is so fresh here. Ben: Yes. There are a lot of trees in the park. Trees keep the air clean.Kitty: We should plant more trees and keep the air c

11、lean. Ben: Yes! We should keep our city clean.2Complete the notes. The smoke in the street comes from the _, _and a _. The air is_ in the street. The air is_ and_ in the park. There are a lot of_ in it. Trees keep the air_.carsbuses factorydirtyclean freshtreescleanLanguage pointsWhats the matter? 常

12、用来常用来询问对方的身体状况询问对方的身体状况、病情病情或其他不适或其他不适。如要说明对象,则需要用介词。如要说明对象,则需要用介词with表示。表示。 例句:你怎么了?例句:你怎么了? 我感觉不舒服。我感觉不舒服。5. Whats the matter, Kitty? 怎么了,凯蒂?怎么了,凯蒂?Whats the matter with you? I dont feel well.拓展:与拓展:与Whats the matter? 有相同用法的句子还有:有相同用法的句子还有: Whats wrong with sth. / sb.? Whats the trouble with sth.

13、/ sb.? 注意:注意:wrong是形容词,前面是形容词,前面没有没有 “the”; matter 和和 trouble 都是名词,前面应都是名词,前面应有有 “the”。这是一个这是一个祈使句。祈使句。建议某人做某事建议某人做某事的句型:的句型:Lets + 动词原形动词原形 + 其他其他.其中其中lets是是 let us的缩写形式,后接动词原形,的缩写形式,后接动词原形,us是人是人称代词的宾格形式。称代词的宾格形式。6. Lets go to the park, Ben. 让我们去公园吧,本。让我们去公园吧,本。常用常用肯定答语肯定答语:OK.(好的)(好的)/Great.(好极了)

14、(好极了)/ All right.(好吧)(好吧)常用常用否定答语否定答语: Sorry , I等。等。例句:让我们去动物园吧,萨姆!例句:让我们去动物园吧,萨姆! 好极了!好极了!Lets go to the zoo, Sam. Great ! so既可用作副词,又可用作连词,表示既可用作副词,又可用作连词,表示“这样这样,如如此此;因此因此,所以所以”等意思。等意思。(1)so作连词作连词时,意为时,意为“因而,所以;为了,以便因而,所以;为了,以便”等。等。 例句:我既高又壮,所以我可以跑得很快。例句:我既高又壮,所以我可以跑得很快。 Im tall and strong, so I c

15、an run fast. 7. The air is so fresh here. 这里的空气真清新。这里的空气真清新。(2)so用用作副词作副词,在句中可以修饰形容词或副词,表示,在句中可以修饰形容词或副词,表示 程度程度,意为,意为“那么那么,如此;太,很如此;太,很”等。等。 例句:我太累了。例句:我太累了。 Im so tired.Ask and answerLook at the pictures. Talk about them with your classmates.S1: What makes the air dirty?S2: The smoke frommakes the

16、 air dirty.S1: What should we do to keep the air clean?S2: We shouldPlay rolesWhat makes the air dirty?The smoke from the cars makes the air dirty.What should we do to keep the air clean?We should ride bikes to school.What makes the air dirty?The smoke from factories makes the air dirty.What should

17、we do to keep the air clean?We should plant more trees.Make and sayTake a piece of cloth.Tie a piece of string to each corner.拿一块布拿一块布。在每个角系上一根绳。在每个角系上一根绳。Bring the four pieces of string together and tie them to a small toy.Throw up the toy in the air.把玩具扔向空中。把玩具扔向空中。把四根绳放到一起并把把四根绳放到一起并把它们系到一个小玩具上。它

18、们系到一个小玩具上。What happens?The toy moves slowly in the air.发生了什么?发生了什么?玩具在空中慢慢玩具在空中慢慢地移动。地移动。Think and writeDear friends,Air is important. It keeps_,_ and _ alive.The air in our city was clean, but now it is dirty.Smoke from _, _ and _makes it dirty.Help Ben and Kitty complete the letter.peopleanimalspl

19、antsfactoriescarsbusesWe should_.We should_.Lets keep the air clean!Ben and Kittyride bikesplant more treesLearn the soundss usually pleasure televisionch chair China rich eachg giraffe age orange dangerj job juice jam jump sh share shirt fish brushListen and circle.1 job shop2 cheap jeep3 choose juice4 skirt shirt5 chair hair6 giraffe usually 同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!


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