Revision 1-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-外研版剑桥版三年级下册-(编号:e3d85).zip

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三年级英语(下)学科学案姓名班级自评课题组长 完成 等级组评学习任务 学 习 过 程 思 维 导 图 具体内容 自评 组评L归纳总结SR归纳总结W备注总笑脸 12-16 为 A 等,8-11 为 B 等,4-7 为 C 等,0-3 为 D 等。Watch the story and fill in the numbers.(观看Toby 情景剧,标出表情图在故事中出现的先后顺序。)Group work 1cry-cries sadMorningsmile- smileshappyAfternoonscared Toby hates the kite.angrystamp-stampsgo to sleepgoes to sleeptired12345Do it by yourself. A game -Change face 1.小组内每位同学自选一种表情卡呈现,小组其他成员说出该单词。2.小组内每位同学说一个表情单词,小组其他成员找出该表情卡。Group work 2Tobys sad, sad ,sad.And he cries ,cries, cries. Tobys happy, happy, happy and he smiles.Hes angry, angry, angry. And he stamps his feet.Hes tired ,tired, tired. And he goes to sleep.Listen and point.Sing the action song .Listen ,sing and mime .Tobys , , . And he .Tobys , , .And he .Hes , , .And he .Hes , , .And he .Group work 3Please draw your mind map.(请画出自己的思维导图。)Do it by yourself. 1.针对自己这节课表现,在学案上做出自评。2.小组长给出总评,课后交给老师。Group work 4Bye -bye课题名称 Feelings科目 小学英语 年级 四年级教学时间 1 课时(40 分钟)学习者分析 1. 小学四年级学生记忆力好,形象思维能力很强,逻辑思维能力逐步增强。 2.近一年的英语学习时间中,他们的 pair work,group work 等学习习惯已基本养成,但由于语量很小,说的能力比较弱,自信心不足,综合运用语言的能力不强。 3. 知识结构日趋完善,但层次参差不齐。 教学目标 一、知识与技能 1.能正确地听,说,读,写词汇:happy, sad, angry, tired, scared. 2.能正确理解并运用语言:He She is He She smiles cries goes to sleep stamps his or her feet .并能作出相应的动作。 3. 能在掌握本节课内容的基础上,综合运用语言进行实际描述。 二、过程与方法 Using the TPR method; playing games; singing and dancing; reading , acting and describing; saying a chant; 三、情感态度与价值观 1.Pupils can express their feelings; 2.The pupils can get great fun and be more confident from English study. 3.Lets be happy every day.教学重点 The pupils master the feeling words; They can understand and use the sentences:He She is He She smiles cries goes to sleep stamps his or her feet .教学难点 :The pupils master the sentences 教学资源 :喜羊羊,灰太狼等五幅表情图;自做多媒体课件; 表情图片 教学过程教学活动 1 Step 1. Warming up 1 Greetings and say a chant. Follow, follow, follow me. Clap, clap, clap your hands. Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet. Snap, snap , snap your fingers. Stand up, sit down. (课前热身,融洽课堂氛围,拉近师生距离,吸引学生注意力,使生很快进入课堂,同时激发学生学习英语的兴趣。) 2. Teacher draws pictures of a girl and a boy on the board to lead in “he ,she” ,then divide the students into 2 groups.(直观形象的简笔画图片,不仅起到复习旧知的作用,而且男女生分组成为了本节课的评价方式之一。) 3. Play a guessing game.(课件上呈现五福图片,分别是光头强,杨幂,谢娜,喜羊羊,灰太狼,起初图片被挡一部分。)同时板书 He is She is (通过一个猜的游戏,进一步调动了学生的学习热情,而且为后面的教学做一铺垫。通过学生熟悉的动画人物引出本课的重点,让学生的学习兴趣倍增。)教学活动 2Step 2. presentation and practice 1.Listen to a story about Xiyangyang and Huitailang . (呈现灰太狼和喜羊羊的故事,让学生在故事情境中整体感知五个表情单词的含义。) 2. Show the five figures of the story to learn 5 feeling words (利用故事中的形象直观的人物图片让孩子们回忆五个表情,有助于学生更好的理解掌握本节课的重点。) 3. Say a chant. (朗朗上口的 chant 更好得帮助学生巩固新知。) 4. Describe some children in the pictures. (通过对图片的描述,达到学以致用的目的。)教学活动 3 Step 3. presentation and practice 1. Go back to the story to lead to : He smiles. She goes to sleep. He cries. He stamps his feet.(再次回到故事,让学生通过听声音来感知领悟新知。与第一次呈现故事相比,教学有了梯度。通过故事,学生会对知识有了更加熟悉的掌握。) 2. Students have got 2 minutes to describe the figures by themselves. If they have questions ,they can ask the teacher or their classmates.(两分钟自由描述的过程,其实就是学生将知识内化的一个过程。) 3.Watch cartoons and describe .(通过描述动画片中人物的表情,起到了巩固新知的作用,并且达到了学以致用的目的。) 4.Group work. (1) Introduce and describe a girl according to some information. (形象直观的多媒体信息图,不仅有助于学生更好得理解本节课的主要句型,以及描述表情的方法,而且培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。) (2)Group work. Children choose one picture what they like and describe it. (利用信息图组织语言,运用语言,达到学以致用的目的。小组活动体现了学生的合作精神。) (3)Show the report. (小组汇报 ,达到了综合运用语言的目的。) 5.Read the new story and fill in the blanks . (1)Read the new story and fill in the blanks by themselves. (关注课外知识的延伸,既是对所学知识的运用,又对学生进行了德育渗透。) (2) Exchange the paper and check the answers. (3) Correct the mistakes.教学活动 4 Extension 1. Count the smiling faces .(Who are the winners ?) Congratulations! You are the winners. Are you happy? You are not happy. You are sad. Dont be sad, I hope you will be happy every day. Lets be happy every day.Now Im happy. I want to sing a song .Lets sing a song together.(通过评价总结,试图对失败的一组进行情感上的安慰,鼓励和加油,又将孩子们自然得带回到课本的歌曲中。) 2.Sing and dance.(本节课在孩子们快乐的歌声中结束,整个课堂,每个环节都是如此,以学生为主体,给孩子们创设一个融洽和谐愉悦的学习氛围,让他们在快乐中学习,在学习中得到快乐!教学活动 5 Home workDraw pictures、write sentences and describe them to your parents. (仿照例子,画图写句子,并描述给家长听.)
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