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1、专题专题1 名词名词专题专题1 1 名词名词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标要求课标要求命题预测命题预测名词的分类名词的分类能够识别可数名词与不可数名能够识别可数名词与不可数名词,掌握其基本用法。词,掌握其基本用法。考查词义辨析及不可数名词考查词义辨析及不可数名词的用法。的用法。名词名词的数的数掌握可数名词复数的规则变化掌握可数名词复数的规则变化和不规则变化及不可数名词量和不规则变化及不可数名词量化的表示法。化的表示法。考查考查般名词复数的构成及用般名词复数的构成及用法;合成名词的复数变化规法;合成名词的复数变化规则及则及“数词名词形容词数词名词形容词”构成的复合形容词中名词

2、的构成的复合形容词中名词的变化规则及不可数名词的数变化规则及不可数名词的数量表达法。量表达法。名词所有格名词所有格掌握名词所有格的构成及用法。掌握名词所有格的构成及用法。 考查名词所有格的具体使用。考查名词所有格的具体使用。专题专题1 1 名词名词1名词分类名词分类 专题专题1 1 名词名词 提示提示 (1) (1)集体名词不与集体名词不与oneone连用,且其前不能加不定冠词。连用,且其前不能加不定冠词。如:如:“一名警察一名警察”不可以译为不可以译为a policea police,但可以译为,但可以译为a a policeman/a policemenpoliceman/a police

3、men。(2)(2)名词的词义辨析包括语境辨析和近名词的词义辨析包括语境辨析和近/ /同义词辨析两类。同义词辨析两类。解答这类题目时,一是要运用生活经验、知识积累,根据上下解答这类题目时,一是要运用生活经验、知识积累,根据上下文语境推测所要表达的意思;二是要正确掌握一些同义词或者文语境推测所要表达的意思;二是要正确掌握一些同义词或者近义词的用法及区别。近义词的用法及区别。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例1 1】 What _ do you have for Paul? What _ do you have for Paul? I think he should study harder th

4、an before. I think he should study harder than before. A Anews Bnews BadviceadviceC Chelp Dhelp Dinformation information 解析解析 B B本题考查名词词义辨析。本题考查名词词义辨析。newsnews意为意为“新闻新闻”;adviceadvice意为意为“建议建议”;helphelp意为意为“帮助帮助”;informationinformation意为意为“信息信息”。根据答语。根据答语“我认为他应该比以前更努力学习我认为他应该比以前更努力学习”可知可知上句表示上句表示“你有什

5、么建议给保罗你有什么建议给保罗”。故选。故选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例2 2】 Mr. Li regards Hefei as his second Mr. Li regards Hefei as his second _ because he has been here for over twenty years._ because he has been here for over twenty years.A Afamily Bfamily BHouse CHouse Croom Droom Dhomehome 解析解析 D Dfamilyfamily指指“家,家庭家,家

6、庭”,强调家庭中的成员;,强调家庭中的成员;househouse意为意为“房子,住宅房子,住宅”,强调房屋和居住点;,强调房屋和居住点;roomroom指指“居住居住的房间的房间”; homehome作作“家家”讲时,既指住处也含有对家的依恋之讲时,既指住处也含有对家的依恋之情,有情,有“故乡故乡”的意思。句意:李先生把合肥视为他的第二故的意思。句意:李先生把合肥视为他的第二故乡,因为他已在这里生活了二十多年了。乡,因为他已在这里生活了二十多年了。 故选故选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词2 2名词的数名词的数 (1)(1)名词复数的规则变化名词复数的规则变化种类种类变化方法变化方法例词例词般

7、情况般情况词尾加词尾加sbookbooksbagbags以以s, x, ch, sh结尾的结尾的词词加加esbusbuseswatchwatches以以“辅音字母辅音字母y”结尾的结尾的词词变变y为为i,再加,再加escitycitiesfamilyfamilies以元音字母加以元音字母加y结尾的词结尾的词直接加直接加sdaydays boyboys 多数以多数以o结尾的词结尾的词加加sphotophotos radioradios 专题专题1 1 名词名词个别以个别以o结尾的词结尾的词加加esheroheroestomatotomatoespotatopotatoes 以以f或或fe结尾的结

8、尾的词词变变f或或fe为为v,再加,再加esknifeknives leafleaves lifelives 专题专题1 1 名词名词 (2)(2)名词复数的不规则变化名词复数的不规则变化种类种类例词例词改变名词改变名词单数形式单数形式中的元音中的元音字母字母footfeet; toothteeth; manmen; womanwomen; policemanpolicemen; policewomanpolicewomen; EnglishmanEnglishmen单复数形单复数形式相同式相同Japanese; sheep; Chinese只有复数形式只有复数形式trousers; glas

9、ses; clothes; people其他其他mousemice; childchildren 专题专题1 1 名词名词(3)(3)不可数名词量化的表示法不可数名词量化的表示法不可数名词没有复数形式,如果表示复数概念,常用不可数名词没有复数形式,如果表示复数概念,常用“数数词量词词量词( (复数复数) )ofof不可数名词不可数名词”结构。如:结构。如:three pieces three pieces of music of music 三首曲子;三首曲子; two cups of watertwo cups of water两杯水两杯水专题专题1 1 名词名词 提示提示 名词作定语时,一

10、般用单数形式。如:名词作定语时,一般用单数形式。如:an apple an apple tree tree 一棵苹果树;如果一棵苹果树;如果man, womanman, woman作其他名词的定语,表示复作其他名词的定语,表示复数意义时,数意义时,man/womanman/woman和被修饰的名词都要用复数形式。如:和被修饰的名词都要用复数形式。如:two women doctorstwo women doctors两名女医生两名女医生“数词名词数词名词”作定语时,该名词用单数形式,并用连作定语时,该名词用单数形式,并用连字符将数词和名词连接起来;表示时间、距离的定语还可以用字符将数词和名词连

11、接起来;表示时间、距离的定语还可以用名词的复数形式构成所有格。如:名词的复数形式构成所有格。如:a ten days holidaya ten days holidaya a tentenday holiday day holiday 一个一个1010天的假期天的假期专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例3 3】 Could you take _ for these Could you take _ for these _? They are very beautiful.They are very beautiful.A Aany photos; tomatoes any photos; tom

12、atoes B Bsome photos; tomatoes some photos; tomatoes C Csome photos; tomatos some photos; tomatos D Dany photoes; tomatoesany photoes; tomatoes专题专题1 1 名词名词 解析解析 B B句意:你能为这些西红柿拍一些照片吗?它们句意:你能为这些西红柿拍一些照片吗?它们很漂亮。本题考查很漂亮。本题考查photophoto和和tomatotomato的复数形式,前者的复数形式的复数形式,前者的复数形式直接在后面加直接在后面加s s;后者加;后者加eses。表示

13、请求、建议或希望得到肯。表示请求、建议或希望得到肯定回答的疑问句中用定回答的疑问句中用some, some, 故选故选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例4 4】 There are a lot of _ in the There are a lot of _ in the hospital. They work very hard.hospital. They work very hard.A Awoman doctor Bwoman doctor Bwomen doctorwomen doctorC Cwomen doctors Dwomen doctors Dwoman docto

14、rswoman doctors 解析解析 C C句意:这家医院里有许多女医生,她们工作很句意:这家医院里有许多女医生,她们工作很努力。努力。womanwoman修饰其他名词,表示复数意义时,两个词都要变为修饰其他名词,表示复数意义时,两个词都要变为复数形式。故选复数形式。故选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例5 5】 Could I help you? Could I help you? Id like to have 100 _. I want my Id like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures on them.

15、students to draw pictures on them.A Apiece of paper Bpiece of paper Bpieces of paper pieces of paper C Cpieces of papers Dpieces of papers Dpiece of papers piece of papers 解析解析 B Bpaperpaper为不可数名词,表示数量时,用为不可数名词,表示数量时,用“数词数词量词量词( (复数形式复数形式) )ofof不可数名词不可数名词”结构。根据句意结构。根据句意“我想要我想要100100张纸张纸”可知选可知选B B。专题

16、专题1 1 名词名词3 3名词所有格名词所有格 类型类型构成方法构成方法例词例词有生命有生命的人的人或物或物单数名词的所有格在名词的末尾加单数名词的所有格在名词的末尾加sToms book,teachers desk复数名词的所有格直接在复数名词的所有格直接在s后加所有后加所有格符号格符号 ;个别不以;个别不以s结尾的复数名词结尾的复数名词在词尾加在词尾加sstudents books,Childrens Day表示两者所共有的人或物时,只需在表示两者所共有的人或物时,只需在后面那个名词的词尾加后面那个名词的词尾加s;若表示两;若表示两者各自所有,则应在每个名词后加者各自所有,则应在每个名词后

17、加sLucy and Lilys room,Lucys and Li Mings fathers专题专题1 1 名词名词无生命的无生命的事物事物表示时间、国家、距离、世界等的名表示时间、国家、距离、世界等的名词后一般加词后一般加s,复数名词在,复数名词在s后加所后加所有格符号有格符号 Todays newspaper,Chinas population,Three minutes walk其他的用其他的用of结构结构The windows of the room,a map of China双重所有双重所有格格表示部分表示部分a friend of my mothers专题专题1 1 名词名词

18、【典例典例6 6】 This is not my dictionary. Its _. This is not my dictionary. Its _. She lent it to me this morning.She lent it to me this morning.A Amy sister Bmy sister Bmy sistersmy sistersC Cmy sisters Dmy sisters Dmy sistersmy sisters 解析解析 C C句意:这不是我的词典,它是我姐姐的,她今句意:这不是我的词典,它是我姐姐的,她今天早晨把它借给了我。表所属关系用名词所

19、有格。根据主语天早晨把它借给了我。表所属关系用名词所有格。根据主语sheshe,可知选可知选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例7 7】 This is _ room. The twin sisters This is _ room. The twin sisters like it very much.like it very much.A ALucys and Lilys BLucys and Lilys BLucys and LilyLucys and LilyC CLucy and Lilys DLucy and Lilys DLucy and LilyLucy and Lily

20、 解析解析 C C 句意:这是莉莉与露西的房间。这对双胞胎姐妹句意:这是莉莉与露西的房间。这对双胞胎姐妹很喜欢它。根据句意可知,用名词所有格。由很喜欢它。根据句意可知,用名词所有格。由roomroom和和itit可知这可知这间房子为两人所共有。故选间房子为两人所共有。故选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例8 8】 Mrs. Brown is an old friend of _. Mrs. Brown is an old friend of _. A AJack mother BJack mother BJack mothersJack mothersC CJacks mother D

21、Jacks mother DJacks mothers Jacks mothers 解析解析 D D句意:布朗夫人是杰克的妈妈的一位老朋友。句意:布朗夫人是杰克的妈妈的一位老朋友。根据句意可知要使用双重所有格。故选根据句意可知要使用双重所有格。故选D D。 专题专题1 1 名词名词考点过关考点过关.单项填空单项填空( ()1. )1. 20192019安徽安徽More and more people come to More and more people come to visit Mount Huangshan.visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true. It ha

22、s become the _ of Anhui.Thats true. It has become the _ of Anhui.A Apride Bpride Befforteffort C Cpraise Dpraise DcouragecourageA A根据句意可知,黄山是安徽的根据句意可知,黄山是安徽的“骄傲骄傲”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()2. )2. 20192019安徽安徽What is Miss Gaos favorite What is Miss Gaos favorite _? She is always in pink. Dont you know?She is

23、always in pink. Dont you know?A Acolor Bcolor BbookbookC Csong Dsong DmoviemovieA A根据答语中的根据答语中的“in pink”in pink”可知,问句应该是询问高老师最可知,问句应该是询问高老师最喜欢的颜色。故选喜欢的颜色。故选A A。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()3)3. 2019. 2019合肥合肥5050中模拟中模拟How can I get much How can I get much _ about the 2019 Rio Olympic Games?_ about the 2019 Rio O

24、lympic Games?Why not search the Internet?Why not search the Internet?A Amap Bmap Bpicture picture C Cticket Dticket Dinformation information D Dmuchmuch修饰不可数名词,而修饰不可数名词,而A A、B B、C C三项均为可数名词。故选三项均为可数名词。故选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()4. )4. 20192019合肥包河区二模合肥包河区二模The weather is The weather is getting worse.gett

25、ing worse.Yes, and it shows us that we should try to make Yes, and it shows us that we should try to make the _ better.the _ better.A Atreatment Btreatment Bdevelopment development C Cenvironment Denvironment Dgovernment government C C根据上句根据上句“天气糟糕天气糟糕”可知,这里指的是使可知,这里指的是使“环境环境”变好。变好。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()5

26、.What would you like, Madam?)5.What would you like, Madam?Id like _Id like _, please.please.A Atwo bottles of orange Btwo bottles of orange Btwo bottles of two bottles of orangesorangesC Ctwo bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of orangetwo bottle of orangeA Aorangeorange作作“橙汁橙汁”讲时,

27、为不可数名词,表示数量时,用讲时,为不可数名词,表示数量时,用“数词量词数词量词( (复数形式复数形式) )ofof不可数名词不可数名词”结构。结构。专题专题1 1 名词名词.单词拼写单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。确,语言通顺。1 120192019安徽安徽We feel it is our d _ (We feel it is our d _ (责任责任) to ) to help each other.help each other.2 220192019安徽安徽I could hear her s

28、weet v_ (I could hear her sweet v_ (嗓音嗓音) ) from the next room.from the next room.utyutyoiceoice专题专题1 1 名词名词3 320192019安徽安徽Would you please make a shopping Would you please make a shopping l_ (l_ (清单清单) for the picnic?) for the picnic?4 420192019六安裕安区模拟六安裕安区模拟Mr. Green gave us some Mr. Green gave us

29、 some k_ (k_ (小刀小刀) to cut the apples.) to cut the apples.5 520192019合肥合肥3838中二模中二模Students should have a good Students should have a good h_ (h_ (习惯习惯) of leaning English. ) of leaning English. ististnivesnivesabitabit专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()1. )1. 20192019抚州抚州You look so young! How old are You look so you

30、ng! How old are you?you?Aha! Its a_Aha! Its a_A Asuggestion Bsuggestion Breasonreason C Csecret Dsecret Dproblemproblem语法专练语法专练C C问句询问年龄,在西方国家年龄被看作个人隐私,故选问句询问年龄,在西方国家年龄被看作个人隐私,故选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()2. )2. 20192019沈阳沈阳I am just going to the I am just going to the _Do you want anything?Do you want any

31、thing?Yes, a bag of rice.Yes, a bag of rice.A Amarket Bmarket BclassroomclassroomC Clibrary Dlibrary DparkparkA A根据答语中的根据答语中的“一袋米一袋米”可知应该是去可知应该是去“市场市场”。故选。故选A A。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()3. )3. 20192019河南河南You may go to Milan for a free You may go to Milan for a free trip.trip.Its a very kind _Its a very kind

32、 _, but I really cant but I really cant accept it.accept it.A Aexcuse Bexcuse BofferofferC Cpromise Dpromise DdecisiondecisionB Bofferoffer用作名词,意为用作名词,意为“提议提议”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()4. )4. 20192019泰安泰安I hear you have to get up I hear you have to get up early every morning. early every morning. Right. Its

33、one of the _ of my family. Right. Its one of the _ of my family. A Aplans Bplans BjobsjobsC Cprograms Dprograms Drules rules D D根据句意可知,起床早应该是根据句意可知,起床早应该是“家规之一家规之一”。rulerule意为意为“规则规则”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()5. )5. 20192019杭州杭州I am tired. This is not the I am tired. This is not the right _ to ask me to go f

34、or a walk.right _ to ask me to go for a walk.A Amoment Bmoment BchancechanceC Cplace Dplace DseasonseasonA A根据根据“我累了我累了”可知,现在不是散步的一个好时刻。可知,现在不是散步的一个好时刻。momentmoment意为意为“时刻时刻”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()6. )6. 20192019湖州湖州Look at the clouds, so Look at the clouds, so beautiful!beautiful!Wow, so many different _

35、Wow, so many different _, horses, sheep, horses, sheep, flowersflowersA Asizes Bsizes BshapesshapesC Ccolors Dcolors Dstyles styles B B根据根据“马、绵羊、花等马、绵羊、花等”可知,所缺单词表示云的可知,所缺单词表示云的“形形状状”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()7. )7. 20192019德州德州Yesterday, my father bought me Yesterday, my father bought me a new mobile phone

36、as a present, but I dont know how a new mobile phone as a present, but I dont know how to use it.to use it.Why not read the _ first before using it?Why not read the _ first before using it?A Aexpressions Bexpressions BapplicationsapplicationsC Cadvertisements Dadvertisements Dinstructionsinstruction

37、sD D不知道怎么用手机,应该读不知道怎么用手机,应该读“说明书说明书”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()8. )8. 20192019聊城聊城Excuse me, is the museum far Excuse me, is the museum far from here? from here? No, its about _ .No, its about _ .A A5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk B B5 minute walk5 minute walkC C5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk D D5 minutes walk5

38、minutes walkC C专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()9. )9. 20192019盐城盐城The online shop sells _ The online shop sells _ clothing at a very good price.clothing at a very good price.A Achild and mans Bchild and mans Bchildren and menschildren and mensC Cchildrens and men Dchildrens and men Dchildrens and menschildrens and

39、mensD D句意:句意: 这家网店以很优惠的价格卖儿童和男士服装。由句这家网店以很优惠的价格卖儿童和男士服装。由句意可知,表示各自所属的关系,所以应分别在每个名词后加意可知,表示各自所属的关系,所以应分别在每个名词后加ss。故选故选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()10. )10. 20192019白银白银The boy didnt sleep well The boy didnt sleep well because of the _ from the factory.because of the _ from the factory.A Avoice Bvoice Bnoiseno

40、iseC Cmusic Dmusic DsongsongB B根据句意可知,男孩睡不好是因为工厂制造的根据句意可知,男孩睡不好是因为工厂制造的“噪声噪声”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()11. )11. 20192019长沙改编长沙改编Is the schoolbag under Is the schoolbag under the desk yours?the desk yours?No, its my _. He left it there just now.No, its my _. He left it there just now.A Abrother Bbrother Bbrot

41、hersbrothersC Cbrothers Dbrothers DbrothersbrothersB B根据句意根据句意“是我哥哥的是我哥哥的”可知表所属关系。由可知表所属关系。由HeHe可知选可知选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()12. )12. 20192019扬州扬州What a good_ youve What a good_ youve given me! Thanks a lot.given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure.My pleasure.A Ainformation Binformation BnewsnewsC Csuggestio

42、n Dsuggestion DadviceadviceC Ca a修饰单数可数名词,而修饰单数可数名词,而A A、B B、D D三项均为不可数名词。故三项均为不可数名词。故选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()13. )13. 20192019安庆安庆模模Could you tell me the Could you tell me the _ why you were late this morning, Tom? _ why you were late this morning, Tom? Im sorry that my alarm clock didnt go off. Im s

43、orry that my alarm clock didnt go off. A Areason Breason BexcuseexcuseC Cproblem Dproblem Dmatter matter A Athe reason whythe reason why意为意为“的原因的原因”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()14.Can I help you?)14.Can I help you?Id like_ for my twin daughters.Id like_ for my twin daughters.A Atwo pair shoes two pair shoes B B

44、two pairs of shoetwo pairs of shoeC Ctwo pair of shoe two pair of shoe D Dtwo pairs of shoestwo pairs of shoesD Dpair, shoepair, shoe都是可数名词,表示都是可数名词,表示“两双鞋两双鞋”两者都用复数两者都用复数形式。形式。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()15.I plan to go out for a trip, but Im )15.I plan to go out for a trip, but Im afraid I dont know the_afrai

45、d I dont know the_A map is helpful, I think.A map is helpful, I think.A Aprice Bprice BstopstopC Cway Dway DtimetimeC C根据答语及句意可知,用地图是为了找根据答语及句意可知,用地图是为了找“路路”方便。方便。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()16. )16. 20192019合肥寿春中学模拟合肥寿春中学模拟Today, we have many Today, we have many other _ to pay besides coins and paper money. ot

46、her _ to pay besides coins and paper money. A Aexcuses Bexcuses BwayswaysC Cchances Dchances DplansplansB B根据句意可知,现在有很多付费的方法。根据句意可知,现在有很多付费的方法。wayway意为意为“方法方法”。专题专题2 代词代词专题专题2 2 代词代词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标要求课标要求命题预测命题预测人称人称代词代词掌握人称代词的主格与宾掌握人称代词的主格与宾格之间的互相转换及他们格之间的互相转换及他们在句中的位置。在句中的位置。重点考查人称代词作主格重点

47、考查人称代词作主格和宾格的用法。和宾格的用法。物主物主代词代词掌握形容词性物主代词与掌握形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词之间的相名词性物主代词之间的相互转换及其基本用法。互转换及其基本用法。重点考查形容词性物主代重点考查形容词性物主代词与名词性物主代词用法词与名词性物主代词用法的区别。的区别。专题专题2 2 代词代词反身反身代词代词掌握反身代词的人称与数掌握反身代词的人称与数的变化。的变化。重点考查反身代词在句中重点考查反身代词在句中的灵活变化。的灵活变化。不定不定代词代词掌握常见不定代词的用法掌握常见不定代词的用法及易混不定代词的辨析。及易混不定代词的辨析。重点考查易混不定代词的重点考查易混

48、不定代词的辨析及用法。辨析及用法。指示代词、疑问代指示代词、疑问代词词掌握指示代词的单、复数掌握指示代词的单、复数形式及疑问代词的语法功形式及疑问代词的语法功能。能。重点考查指示代词、疑问重点考查指示代词、疑问代词的用法。代词的用法。专题专题2 2 代词代词1 1人称代词人称代词 人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格在句中作主语和表语;人称代词有主格和宾格之分,主格在句中作主语和表语;宾格作动词或介词的宾语,也可作表语。宾格作动词或介词的宾语,也可作表语。人称代词的人称、数和格的变化如下:人称代词的人称、数和格的变化如下:专题专题2 2 代词代词人称人称单数单数复数复数主格主格宾格宾格主格主格宾格宾

49、格第一人称第一人称Imeweus第二人称第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称第三人称hehimtheythemsheheritit专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例1 1】 Mary and Gina are my cousins. _ Mary and Gina are my cousins. _ are both doctors in the hospital. are both doctors in the hospital. A ATheir BTheir BTheyTheyC CThem DThem DTheirsTheirs 解析解析 B B句意:玛丽和吉娜都是我的堂妹,她们都

50、在这句意:玛丽和吉娜都是我的堂妹,她们都在这家医院里当医生。根据句意可知,用人称代词,由于在句中作家医院里当医生。根据句意可知,用人称代词,由于在句中作主语,故用代词主格主语,故用代词主格theythey。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例2 2】 My English is so poor. Please help My English is so poor. Please help _ improve it._ improve it.A Ame Bme BI IC Cmy Dmy Dmine mine 解析解析 A Ahelp sb. (to) do sth.help sb. (to) d


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