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1、艾滋病英文 ppt课件What is AIDS?AIDS medical full name is acquired immune deficiency syndrome, is the HIV causes a severe infectious disease.HIV invades the body damage the bodys immune function, to make the human body in a variety of difficult to cure infections and tumors, and ultimately death.There is no

2、t able to cure AIDS drugs, have developed some of the drug can only to a certain extent to alleviate the symptoms of AIDS patients and to extend the life of the patientsRoute of infectionSexually transmitted Through the opposite sex or sex propagationBlood spread Through the Shared no disinfection o

3、f syringe and needle inject drugs, input contains the AIDS virus blood or blood products, use or without disinfection disinfection is lax of various medical equipmentMother-to-child transmission Through the placenta, genital tract and lactation propagationDaily life contact is not infected with the

4、virus that causes AIDSWith the AIDS virus infection to shake hands, hug, touch, courtesy kissingWith the AIDS virus infections have a meal together, drink and Shared bowl chopsticks, cupsWith the AIDS virus infection with use of public facilitiesMosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and insect bitesGlobal

5、AIDS statusGlobal world 3340 0000South Africa 2240 0000Asia 470 0000North America&Western Europe 230 0000Latin America 200 0000Eastern Europe 150 0000Each year the global new HIV infections 270 0000Over a long period of time, AIDS are rendering become a terrorist color with the disease, those unfort

6、unate people infected with the virus that causes AIDS, and therefore living in difficult situation, be lingering shadow hanging, as we used to, for the group with misunderstanding, cool detachment and even discrimination, we clearly have forgotten as a disease, they are the need to love a vulnerable

7、 groups, for the life they have a strong desire for more competent than the average2022-3-2072022-3-2082022-3-2092022-3-20102022-3-2011World Health Organization (WHO) recognized December 1st as the World AIDS Days. 世界卫生组织将12月1日定为世界艾滋病日 Red ribbon meaning: red ribbon like a link, will the people of t

8、he world together tightly, common to fight HIV/AIDS, which symbolizes us to AIDS patients and HIV care and support; A symbol of our love and lifes desire for peace; We want to use the symbol of heart to participate in the HIV prevention work. 红丝带标志的意义:红丝带像一条纽带,将世界人民紧紧联系在一起,共同抗击艾滋病,它象征着我们对艾滋病病人和感染者的关

9、心与支持;象征着我们对生命的热爱和对和平的渴望;象征着我们要用“心”来参与预防艾滋病的工作。2001 I care, and You? “你我同参与”2003 Live, let Live “相互关爱,共享生命” 2008 stop AIDS, keep the promise “遏制艾滋 履行承诺”2009 Universal Access and Human Rights “普遍可及和人权”2010 Keep the light on H and human rights “正视艾滋,重视权益,点亮反歧视之光”2011 Getting to Zero “行动起来,向零艾滋迈进”I have

10、 a dream One day I can say to everyone YesI have AIDSI have a dream One day I can return to Colleagues and friends sideTo return to the arms of parents I have a dream One day all of the patients Standing in the sun Breathe freely Peace and equality to enjoy life I have a dream My family and I can co

11、me to Beijing Hand touch Summer PalaceWitness national flag uprising我有一个梦想有一天我能坦然的对别人说是的我是一名艾滋病感染者我有一个梦想有一天我可以重新来到同事和朋友身边重回父母亲的怀抱我有一个梦想有那么一天所有的感染者都站在生命的阳光下自由地呼吸平静而且平等地享受生活我有一个梦想我和我的家人可以来到北京亲手摸一摸故宫的红墙亲眼见证五星红旗在空中飘扬Here it is the hunan instrument factory, there are two a red building, now changed to ca

12、re center, is 39 AIDS patients home.这里原来是湖南仪表总厂,有两栋红这里原来是湖南仪表总厂,有两栋红色砖头建的楼房,现在改成了关爱中色砖头建的楼房,现在改成了关爱中心,是心,是39位艾滋病患者的家。位艾滋病患者的家。 On December 8, tian tian her doll on the swing, oneself in the back looking at. Here, facilities are very simple, just learn some simple course, children have to very few to

13、ys, most of the time, they are in the care center yard looking for wild flowers. In fact, they want a hug, be loved.12月8日,恬恬把她的芭比娃娃放在秋千上,自己蹲在后面注视着。这里的设施都很简单,除了学习一些简单的课程,孩子们能玩的东西其实很少,更多的时候,他们是在关爱中心的院子里找野花,玩呼啦圈。其实,他们的内心渴望拥抱,渴望爱。Lao hong with the kids to play, here is not only for AIDS service, patient

14、s can also study the labor skills, leave after center can live on his own.老洪在逗孩子玩,这里不仅是为艾滋病人服务,病人还可以学习劳动技能,离开中心后可自谋生路。The sun, Miss pan is the teacher to hold the xiao yun ride a bike, warm and quiet. Here is their harbor, no discrimination only love.阳光下,小潘老师扶着小云骑车,温暖而恬静。这里是他们的港湾,没有歧视只有爱。 You have t

15、o study hard, I will help you to mother intercede, come here, we hook, promised to aunt. Nana because didnt study hard, so be outside by his mother, Miss pan comforting her. “你要好好学习,我就帮你向妈妈求情,过来,我们拉钩,答应阿姨。”娜娜因为不好好学习被妈妈关在了铁门外,潘老师安慰着娜娜。 Miss Pan for care center purchasing articles for daily use, very

16、heavy bags one takes. 大潘老师为关爱中心采购生活用品,几十斤的包一个人抗。 Children are grateful. Often understanding of the teachers hard work, cooking, Nana active on one side for help. 孩子们是懂得感恩的。常常会体谅到老师的辛苦,做饭的时候,娜娜主动在一旁帮忙。 “Who did the best this week? We will send him a prize. Sister Pan to the children themselves select

17、ion this week performance star, paintings on the wall is the childrens masterpiece. “ “这周谁表现得最好呢?我们要给他发奖品了”。大潘修女要孩子们自己评选这一周的表现之星,墙上的画都是孩子们的杰作。 Evening together singing the birthday song, today is Nana seven years old of birthday,here sisters will celebrate each patients birthday.晚上大家一起唱起生日歌,今天是娜娜七岁生

18、日,在这里修女会为每个艾滋病人过生日。 It was said,in the world the most beautiful word is not I love you, but together.Hope from now on, When meeting AIDS patients, Our love can realize this beautiful expectations. Also hope that from today on, we can lend a helping hand.曾经有人说,这世间最动听的一句话不是我爱你,而是在一起。希望,从今以后,当遇到艾滋病患者的时候,你我的爱心能实现这个美丽的期许,也希望,从今天起,你我能伸出援助之手。2022-3-2022Care and love them


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