Unit 1 Time-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-外研剑桥版四年级下册(配套课件编号:5004e).doc

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1、Time教学案例(设计) 设计教师:陈教学年级:四年级课题名称及课型:Time 新授课教材版本:JOIN IN小学剑桥英语Book 2 Unit 5课时:第一课时一、学生分析1.学生虽然已经踏入四年级,但仍然是直观思维为主,好模仿、爱表达,对英语学习兴趣浓郁,但注意力容易分散仍是其年龄的特征,无意注意占上风。2. 我班的学生具有较好的英语基础,对数字112能正确认读和识别,要学习时间的表达法并不困难。3. 学生能大胆发言、喜欢和老师一起完成学习任务,喜欢同学间的合作活动,彼此融洽。二、教材分析1. 本课是第五单元的第一课时;2. 以前学过的数字派上用场;第四单元学习表达“can/cant”的时

2、候学了一批动词,因此我把本课内容扩展到“在某时候做某事”,而非单纯地学时间表述。3在本课时学习后,能向别人讲述Its time to ,为五年级教学My day打下了坚实的基础。 三、教学目标 教学内容我班的学生具有较好的英语基础,要学习时间的表达法并不困难。另一方面,单纯地看钟说出时间会很枯燥。于是我预先在黑板上贴出一个大钟面的刻度数字,Grandpa Time用他的双臂(一长一短的双臂)示范整点钟和某时30分的表达方法。起初是老师戴起头饰扮演时间老人,待学生接受了这种方法后交由学生扮演Grandpa Time。在这两个阶段不时地进行师生、生生问答及操练,学生已经自然而然地学到了知识。在此基

3、础上讲一个动物一天的生活的故事,在其中继续巩固。 根据我为教材做的补充和拓展,确定教学目标如下:1. 整点表达 oclock;几点三十分的表达half past2. 动词词组:get up,wash,go to school,clean up,go to bed;3. 运用句型:Its time to 四、教学策略1我采用的教学方法是TPR(全身反应)法、游戏法、活动法、情景教学法、故事教学法。小学四年级的学生好奇心重,模仿性强,可是注意力集中的时间短,无意注意占优势。老师设计的教学步骤都照顾了学生的性格特征和心理特征,最大限度地提升学生的注意力水平,充分调动起他们的积极性。老师创设的情景让学

4、生活用语言,学以致用。2. 采用CAI辅助手段及图片、音频、动画等直观手段,吸引学生注意力,创设模拟真实的情景,提供给学生听、说、读、写的机会。五、教学过程1.GreetingT: Hello, children. How are you today?2.Warming-upSay a chant and do the actions.T: Jump,jump,jump.Ss:The rabbit can jump.T:Run,run,run.Ss:The dog can run.T: Swim, swim, swim.Ss:The fish can swim.T:Fly, fly, fly.

5、Ss: The budgie can fly.3.Leading-inT: Wow!There are more animals in the story. The animals can do many things. What do they do? What time is it ? Listen to the story and find out.4.Learn the new expressions of time(1)watch the story for the first time to get a general idea.(2)Show “Grandpa Time”,lea

6、rn how to say“ oclock”.30T: This is Grandpa Time and he will show us how to tell the time. He has two hands: one is long and the other is short.(3)Learn how to say: : (4)(CAI)practise asking and answering(5)Pairwork: Ss use their own clocks to show the time and then ask and answer about the time.(6)

7、Several pairs of Ss talk before the class and show their dialogues.5.Learn the new phrases(1)watch the story for the second time, learn the action verbs:get up,wash,go to school,clean up,go to bed; and answer Ts questions.(2)read the story along with the speaker.6.retell the story7.practice(1)T: Wha

8、t time is it? Ss: Its Its time to (2)practise in pairs8.Make a timetable(1)T show a timetable and tell Ss “Its 7 oclock. Its time to go to school”etc.(2)Ss make their own timetables.(3)Sa talk in class ,tell the class about his own timetable (4)Group work 9.homework 六、课后反思在小学阶段掌握一些入门的英语知识,为高一级的学习打好基

9、础,这是老师和家长所期待的。但我不想把语言知识硬塞进学生的脑袋,更不想学英语成为孩子的负担。我以一个故事串起教学的各个环节,并创造出Grandpa Time(时间老人)的角色,通过“他”来教孩子讲时间,老师这种设计激发孩子们热切地去探究、去追求英语知识。这节课达到了我预期的目的,学生在课堂上由始至终都保持着良好的心态,积极参与教学的每个环节,课堂“活”起来了。另外,这节课也很实在。在宝贵的40分钟里,学生听听故事、听对话;学生看看图、看实物、看动画;学生说说词组、说时间、说故事;学生写写出了自己的时间表,还急不可待地告诉旁人。学生的能力得到了训练。附件:(除教材以外在堂上使用教学材料,如阅读材

10、料、练习等)Flash storyWhat time is it? Its six oclock. Its time to get up.What time is it? Its seven oclock. Its time to wash.What time is it? Its seven thirty. Its time for breakfast.What time is it? It is eight oclock. It is time to go to school.What time is it? It is eleven oclock. Its time to play.Wh

11、at time is it? Its three oclock. Its time to clean up.What time is it? It is nine oclock. Its time to go to sleep.Good night. Good night.What time is it? Its ten oclock. Its time to get up.“Oh,no!”cry the other animals.板书设计 Time Its oclock/ half pastIts time to get upwashgo to schoolclean upgo to bed


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