1、课题Bunny and the Monster课型绘本教学执教人教学目标一知识与技能1.能在图片的帮助下听懂,读懂绘本故事。2.能体会绘本故事所表达的寓意:Try to know something from different ways。3.能学会绘本阅读的一些基本方法:从绘本图片中寻找信息,猜测词意,体会人物情感。二过程与方法:不同形式的情感朗读体会人物情感;小组合作表演加深绘本故事理解;自由辩论提升学生思辩能力;思维导图强化绘本梳理;中外故事联想帮助理解故事寓意。三情感态度价值观:1.Try to know something from the different ways.2.Read
2、ing makes people wise. Lets love reading.教学重难点教学重点: Understand the story and act out。教学难点:从故事中明白道理:Try to know something from the different ways。教学资源准备PPT,音频, 教学过程教学设计设计意图Warming up 1.1 Greeting 1.2 Guess: Whats the book? Do you like reading? Whats your favorite book? Guess my favorite book.引入课题1.2
3、通过五年级学生熟悉的读物封面引入课题。Pre-reading2.1 what can you see from the cover?自读封面,获取信息。2.2 Look at the title, what do you want to know about the story?学生质疑提问。21 教会学生绘本阅读的第一步:看封面.2.2学生看故事封面,提问质疑。While-reading 3.1 watch the video and answer the questions. 3.2 根据when who where what等处理故事背景部分3.3 Lets read the backg
4、round 3.4 listen ”stomp, stomp ,stomp” T: what happened ?听怪物脚步声,有感情朗读.“who is there?”said Bunny. “Its a monster!” said Sunny. “Run!” said Jack.3.5 Task2:Look at the Picture8 to Picture 10, Read and match: Where did they hide and what did they see?结合板书与道具理解故事内容。 根据板书梳理第二部分Group work: Role play 小组合作,表
5、演这个部分 T: They hopped back to the car and go home. At home, they made pictures of the monster. 3.6 What did they argue? 分角色、有感情的朗读。Group work: If you were the rabbits, what else would you say? 叽叽喳喳法,自由讨论,并进行小组间的辩论,体会人物情感,提升学生思辩能力。 3.7 Task 3: Read and think: Whats the monster? Who find it ? How did B
6、unny find? 思维导图形式帮助理解Did we see three monsters?/ she looked and looked at the pictures./ she made some lines. 3.8 At last Bunny find its not a monster and she said: we saw the same monster but it was not a monster at all. 3.1 整体感知故事3.2通过自读绘本,圈出关键信息,了解故事发生的背景,培养学生读绘本抓信息的能力。3.3学生跟着音乐有感情的齐读第一段,体会故事背景。3
7、.4. 故事起因:学生听到脚步声并分角色体会朗读,激发学生表演的兴趣,强调读的技巧:语言、动作、表情。3.5故事发展:学生自读思考解决where和what两个主要问题。通过自读回答问题、复述、分角色朗读,表演等方法理解故事内容。3.6故事高潮:兔子们争论的过程通过朗读辩论体会感情,提升学生思辩能力3.7故事结局: 通过几个问题的设置解决最关键的问题whats the monster?理解故事内容,同时感知Bunny 的优秀品质。Post-reading4.1 Enjoy reading:自由朗读全文。.4.2 Is there a similar story in China? 感知中外文化的
8、相同之处。4.3 What do you think of Bunny? Learn from Bunny.4.4 Homework: What do you learn from Bunny? Write your feelings down and share. 渗透情感态度价值观:Try to learn something from different ways. Reading makes you wise.4.1朗读全文,体会故事人物个性特点和寓意。4.2中外文化联想,引出中国相似的故事:盲人摸象。4.3体会Bunny的个性特征和善于学习、发现问题的精神品质。4.4学生书写自己的感受体会,并渗透本课的情感态度价值观板书设计