Unit 5 School life-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:e0075).zip

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A story-The dog小小学学英语英语四四年年级级WhatWhat happened?happened? ( (发发生了什生了什么么事事?)?) On the way to school 第一天上学路上第一天上学路上Emma Benson MikeThe dog is sad. Why? (为什么)为什么)He is hungry.How do Emma and Mike help the dog?方案一方案一42哪哪幅幅图图?方案二方案二9? 方案三方案三11? The next day 第二天方案一方案一56man发生了什么发生了什么?从哪幅图从哪幅图看出?看出?Guess the meaning:Go away!( )A.请离开请离开 B.滚开滚开BA day later一天以后方案二方案二A Read and choose.Whats the idea? ( )A.Write a poster(海报). B.Give the dog food.chain10从哪幅图从哪幅图看出?看出?结果呢?结果呢?posterHe needs (需要)需要) food, water and love.At last, Emma and Mike have got the best idea方案三方案三12结果怎样?结果怎样?从哪幅图从哪幅图看出?看出?13WhoWho doesdoes EmmaEmma call?call?EmmaEmma 给谁打电话?给谁打电话?A.A. A A policeman.policeman.B.B. A A manman in in thethe RSPCA.RSPCA.RSPCA(英国皇家防英国皇家防止虐待动物协会)止虐待动物协会)英国防止虐待动物协会英国防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA) 于于1824年在伦敦成立,至年在伦敦成立,至今已有近今已有近180年的历史,是年的历史,是全球历史最悠久、最知名的全球历史最悠久、最知名的动物福利组织。现今,每年动物福利组织。现今,每年RSPCA收到了收到了157万通报的万通报的报案电话,受理了报案电话,受理了13万万2千千多件虐待事件,其中有多件虐待事件,其中有3千千多万被判刑是裁判起诉。他多万被判刑是裁判起诉。他们进行了们进行了9900次救援行动,次救援行动,帮助了帮助了2万万9千只狗、千只狗、4万万6千千只猫找到了新的认养家庭。只猫找到了新的认养家庭。How is the dog at last (最后最后)?1 12 2( 3 )( 1 )( 4 )( 5 )( 2 ) 1.Go away, stupid children2.You stupid dog1.Here you are2.He is on a chain.1.Mike ,the blue pen, please.2.Look at that poster1.Ive got an idea. 2.Hello, this is Emma speaking.看图选出句子并大声读出来看图选出句子并大声读出来。Design a poster about protecting animals.自己设计一个关于保护动物的海报。自己设计一个关于保护动物的海报。Design a poster about protecting animals.自己设计一个关于保护动物的海报。自己设计一个关于保护动物的海报。Milk, milk, I need(需要需要) milk.Bread, bread, you need bread.Water, water, she needs water.Beef, beef, he needs beef.Love, love, it needs love.Unit5 A story-The dog一教学目标:1.知识目标Sentences: Look at that dog. Hes hungry . Look ,theres a man. Go away. Hes on a chain. He needs food,water and love. .2.能力目标:1)利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识基本理解故事内容;2)运用简单的语言回答与故事相关的问题;3)运用所学语言复述故事。3.情感态度激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养合作精神,培学养生爱护小动物的良好品德。教学重难点:1.Sentences: Look at that dog. Hes hungry . Look ,theres a man. Go away. Hes on a chain. He needs food,water and love.2.利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识基本理解故事内容;3.运用简单的语言回答与故事相关的问题;4.运用所学语言复述故事。教学准备: 多媒体课件, 录音机。教学过程:一激情导课1导入课题:1)Greeting:T:Hello,everybody,nice to meet you.Ss : Hello, miss Zheng,Nice to meet you ,too.T: Have you got a pet? What have you got?S answer.T : You are very good. Im happy. How are you feeling now?S: Im2) look at the screenT:look here, there is a dog. Guess how is he feeling? Ss guess.T: I think its sad. Because hes on a chain.(T writes the sentence on the blackboard.)T: .OK, today well learn the story :The dog.2.明确目标:1)Sentences: Look at that dog. Hes hungry . Look ,theres a man. Go away. Hes on a chain. He needs food,water and love. Two hours later.2)利用上下文、插图以及已有的知识基本理解故事内容;3)运用简单的语言回答与故事相关的问题;4)运用所学语言复述故事。3 效果预期:This story is very interesting, there is a poor dog ,it s hungry, But Its owner dont like it.it needs food ,water and love.two children help it. I hope you can learn it well.二 民主导学1.任务呈现:Listen to the tape, then answer the questions:1) situation 1: on the way to school.a) .who are the two children?b).what did they see on the way to school?T : Emma and Mike see that dog is hungry. So they give him some food.Read the sentences.2) situation 2: the next daya).Make a chant:Today is Tuesday. The next day is Wednesday. A day later is Thuresday.b) . What happen?T: theres a man .he shout at Emma and Mike: Go away. And shout at the dog: You stupid dog.3) situation 3:A day latera). What did happen with the dog?b). Emma has got a good idea. Whats the idea?Idea 1: write a poster.c).Whats on the poster.d). Is it a good idea?e).What can they do?Idea 2: get helpOn the phone box:a) .what does Emma do?Ss practice to call each other.Hello,this is xxx speaking.b). At last, does the dog get help?2 自主学习:Ss read the story by themselves.3 展示交流:1).Read the story.2).act out the story.三 检测导结1. 目标检测:1)Fill in the black:Look_ that dog.Hes_. Go_.Hes _a chain.He needs_,water and_.2). act out the story.2.结果反馈We know animals are our friends, we must look after them.
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