Unit 2 Friends-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-县级公开课-外研剑桥版四年级下册(编号:f1532).zip

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1四年级英语说课稿Friends 一、说教材1.教材内容 本节课是 join in 版小学英语教材四年级下册 Unit 2 Friends 中的第一课时,内容包括 Tell your friend what healthy food you like 和 Talk with your friend about the subjects you learn atschool 两部分。本课的主要内容是:1.能认读单词 subject,Chinese,Maths,Music,PE,Art,Englis 进行简单的交际。3.能灵活运用人称代词或物主代词来描述他人喜爱的课程。 2.教材的地位 本单元围绕 friends 展开教学,重点学习学科和爱好的词汇与句型。教师在教学中,可以通过以旧引新的方式,进行教学,降低知识点的难度。二、教学目标1、教学目标 依据新课标要求、本课的内容和学生现有的认知水平我确定以下教学目标:知识目标:能听、说、认、读本课时的主要的单词fruit,vegetable,subject,Chinese,Maths,Music,Science,PE,Art,2技能目标:能综合运用所学语言进行交流,向别人介绍自己的爱好。情感目标:通过本课的学习使学生乐于听、说英语,乐于模仿,积极参与,培养学生的合作精神。2.教学重难点(1)重点:学科类词汇(2)难点:会运用句型 what subject do you like?whats your favorite subject?I likeMy favorite subject is三、说教法1、教法设计 英语的习得过程是新旧语言知识不断交替复现的过程。在本节课导入新课时,我充分利用新旧知识的联系温故知新。在操练单词时,利用新旧知识之间的相同点强化记忆。我还发挥英语歌曲、chant、游戏比赛以及 TPR 活动的激趣作用,让学生在愉快的气氛中,通过多种活动来操练重点单词和句型,突破教学重难点,并在教学过程中贯穿对学生的形成性评价。2、学法指导 通过说、唱、玩、演、比赛以及小组合作交流等多种形式,让学生在轻松愉快的氛围中习得英语,提高综合语言运用能力,在小组学习中培养和发展合作意识。3、教学手段 在本节课中,我采用了多媒体课件辅助教学,并借助实物、3图片、单词卡片等多种媒体进行教学,以及利用活泼的歌谣、激烈的竞赛、有趣的游戏把教学内容和学生的兴趣点结合在一起,实现教学目的。四、说过程一.Step1-Leadin1.Greet3.Lead in二.Step2-Presentation听单词的读音,模仿单词的发音。邀请某个学生读单词,如果他/她的读音是正确的,用手势示意他/她带领全班读;如果他/她的读音存在问题,让其再听几遍,老师在旁边纠正错误的读音,直到读正确为止,再让他/她带领全班读)1s:Chinese.Ss:Chinese.T:I like Chinese./My favourite subject is.3Step3-Practice41s:Ilike.T:What is your favourite subject?1s:My favourite subject is.T:How many.classes are there in a week?1s:.T:Her/His name is4She/He is.years old.She/He likes.Her/His favourite subject is.There are.classes in a week.Name Age Likes Favourite Times四Step4-Consolidation1.Listen and write.T:Take out your exercise book2.Listen again and check your answer.4.Conclude.五Step5-HomeworkUnit 2 Friends(part 5a) My best friend My best friend,my best friend. She is Linda,she is Linda. She likes music,she likes music. Shes my friend,shes my friend. My best friend,my best friend. He is Terry,he is Terry. He likes sports,he likes sports. Hes my friend,hes my friend.教学目标教学目标:1 培养良好的阅读习惯。培养良好的阅读习惯。2 学习谈论朋友的句型。学习谈论朋友的句型。(年龄、喜好、生日等)(年龄、喜好、生日等) 3 能根据个人情况和经历谈论自己的朋友能根据个人情况和经历谈论自己的朋友。Chen is my family name .I am ten years old .My birthday is in October.I like maths and sport.My favourite sport is American football.Ann,Eve,Jimmy and Max are my best friends. AnnMaxJimmyEveTask1. Read about Ann and Eve. Read loudly by yourself, fill in the blanks.(自自己大声阅读,填空己大声阅读,填空) Name:_ Age:_ Likes:_ Birthday:_ Favourite book:_ Favourite sport:_Annten books and sportMaytable tennisJulia and wolvesa wolfwolves Name: _ Age: _ Likes: _ Birthday: _ She can : _ Has got : _ Eveninedogs and musicJuneplay the pianotwo dogs a. Read silently .(自己默读自己默读) b. Circle the new words.(圈出新词圈出新词)Task 2. Read about Jimmy.The Crazy CatsThe Crazy CatsAugustTask 3 Read about Max.a. Read in your group of four.(四人四人小组内读小组内读)b. Maxs favourite basketball team is _.L.A.Lakersc. Write “Yes” or “No”.1. Maxs birthday is in December. ( )2. Max likes football and music.( )YesNo Fill in the blank nameyears oldbirthdayfavourite sportfavourite groupAnn jimmy Max Please talk about( 谈论谈论) your friend.This is _.He/She is _ years old.He/She likes_.He/She has got _.He/She can_.His/Her favourite sport/group/book is_.His/Her birthday is in_.A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。Homework: Tell your parents about your friends.(和父母谈谈你的朋友和父母谈谈你的朋友) UnitUnit 2 2 FriendsFriends (Grade(Grade 4)4)PartPart 5 5TeachingTeaching aims:aims:A.A. LanguageLanguage knowledgeknowledge:1. The pupils can understand and read the texts.2. The pupils can repeat the text and talk about their own friends by using the main sentences.B.B. LanguageLanguage skillsskills (Teaching(Teaching importantimportant & & difficultdifficult points):points):1. The pupils can use the sentences: He/She is (Ann). He/She is (nine) years old. His/Her birthday is in (September). He/She likes (pets and books). He/She can (ski). He/She has got (two dogs). His/Her favourite (sport) is (football).And they can understand the words: basketball, Julie and the wolves, The Crazy Cats, L.A.Lakers2. The pupils can talk about their friends.C.C. Development:Development: Developing the abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing.TeachingTeaching Aids:Aids: a cassette recorderTeachingTeaching process:process:(教学前提)学生在本节课之前已经学习 Part1 关于 My best friends name is . He/She is years old. His/Her favourite is. His/Her birthday is in . He/She has got a .Step1.Step1. WarmingWarming upup1. Free talk.请几名学生针对老师提出的问题谈谈他/她的朋友。T:Whats your best friends name?(板书 Name) How old is he/she? (板书 Age) When is his/her birthday? (板书 Birthday) What does he/she like? (板书 Likes) Whats his/her favourite (food)?(纠正并强调 he/she; his/her 的用法。)NameAgeBirthdayLikesStep2.Step2. PresentationPresentation & & DrillsDrills1.请学生观察图片回答 T 提出的问题。1) How many children are there?2) Who are they?Which one do you like best(学生根据图片箭头提示说名字,T 板书) 2.请学生听 Part3 的录音,通过听找出关于他们 age, birthday, likes 的相关信息。1)学生听完一段后回答,T 将关键词板书在黑板上。NameAgeBirthdayLikesAnnMaxEveJimmy2)T 帮助引导学生复述关于 Ann 的 name, age, birthday, likes 的相英内容。接下来关于 Eve,Max, Jimmy 的几篇短文,同样用听录音找关键词的方法进行。在复述部分,挑选部分人物复述即可,开始 T 适当的引导学生复述个别学生介绍小组介绍全班介绍,逐渐将学生开口说的面扩大。3.阅读短文。1)找找短文中还有哪些除名字、年龄、生日、喜好以外的其他信息。例:关于 Eve 可以找出 She has got two dogs T 板书:OthersNameAgeBirthdayLikeshas gotcanfavouriteAnnMaxEveJimmy2)没有生词的段落,学生朗读后找关键词,再复述短文。3)有生词的段落,学生阅读短文,找关键词的同时学习生词,最后复述短文。生词部分:T 教授该生词的音和义,volleyball 用动作帮助学生理解(引导学生介绍 play volleyball),The Fireballs 用简笔画帮助学生理解。并对 Julie and the wolves(原名:Julie of the wolves 写于 1973 年,该书讲述一位爱斯基莫小女孩在阿拉斯加荒野里走迷失了路, 是一群狼把她救下.她们成为朋友.但最后狼还是被人猎杀,小女孩面临何去何从的问题的故事)和 Chelsea(该球队是英国一支非常有名的英超足球队)做适当的讲解。复述部分:按听录音,找关键词,复述短文的方式进行,选择部分段落复述,部分段落朗读,逐渐扩大学生开口说的面。)Step3.Step3. PracticePractice & & ConsolidationConsolidation1. Memory game.学生闭上眼睛,由 T 给出某一个孩子的相关信息(例:She likes books and sports.或 His favourite group is “The Crazy Cats”.)学生猜 T 描述的是哪个孩子。2. Talk about your friends.3. Homework
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