
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2226429 上传时间:2022-03-23 格式:PPT 页数:127 大小:7.74MB
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1、Warming up&readingWarming Up1. Match the food with the festivals it is for Moon cake Zongzi Dumplings Yuanxiao Chocolate Turkey Pumpkin Lantern Festival Spring Festival Thanksgiving Day Dragon Boat Festival Mid-autumn Festival St Valentines Day HalloweencornfisheggsfruitsWhat do we eat in our daily

2、diet?carrots cucumber cabbage tomatoessweetschocolatepotato chipsricedumplingsnoodlescakepizzahamburgerWhat can we get from the food? sugar , starch, protein, fat, fibre, vitamin, minerals, etc.fruits Fibre &vitamin& sugarvegetablesFibre & vitaminproteinfat & sugar junk food : fried chicken ,chocola

3、tes, ice-cream,sugar ,chips , healthy food : fruits ,vegetables ,fish , meat ,noodles ,dumplings ,2. What is your favorite food? Is it junk food or healthy food?Useful wordsUseful wordsfat, sugar, vitamin, protein, fibre,mineral, Useful structuresUseful structuresI likevery much/best. I thinkis/are

4、junk / healthy food, because it / they has / have/contain is/are high/rich in is/are low/poor inClassify the foods we usually eat in the following way: foods to give you energy foods foods to grow bones and muscle foods that give fibre for digestion and healthbreadWhat will happen if we dont eat a b

5、alanced diet?Presentation Look at the title of the reading passage and the pictures. Predict what the passage is about.Pre-readingFast reading Read the text quickly to find out which sentence is the main idea of the text.1.The two restaurants supplied the healthy food.2.The reason why Yong Huis rest

6、aurant was so popular with customers.3.Wang Peng found out why he had lost his customer and decided to win them back.Language Points for Reading 2) The government provided plenty of _ and drink to the people who suffered from the flood.food 1.Everybody has to eat, but do you eat a healthy diet? diet

7、 指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维指的是习惯的食物或规定的食物,特指维 持健康的定量或定质的食物。持健康的定量或定质的食物。 food 是一般的用语,凡能吃能喝的具有营养的是一般的用语,凡能吃能喝的具有营养的 东西都称为东西都称为food.强调种类时,强调种类时,food 可用复数可用复数3) As Im too fat, the doctor has ordered me a special _.4) Proper_ and exercise are both important for health. 均衡饮食均衡饮食 a low-fat diet 节食节食diet diet 1. D

8、iet cures more than a doctor. 2. The best physicians are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, and Dr. Merry man. 食物治疗胜过于医生的治疗食物治疗胜过于医生的治疗(药补不如食补药补不如食补)。 节食博士,静心博士,欢喜博士,三者都是最好节食博士,静心博士,欢喜博士,三者都是最好的医师的医师(饮食少饮食少,休息好休息好,快乐多是却病延年之方快乐多是却病延年之方).balance1) v. 权衡、平衡、对比权衡、平衡、对比 eg: 1) We must balance the two plans. 2) Can you

9、 balance yourself on skates?2) n. 天平、称天平、称 eg: weigh sth. in the balance 用天平称用天平称be out of balance 不平衡不平衡keep ones balance 保持平衡保持平衡lose ones balance 失去平衡失去平衡a favorable balance 入多于出入多于出a unfavorable balance 入不敷出入不敷出幽默英语幽默英语 单词速记单词速记 旅游去趟旅游去趟France (法国法国) 巴黎舞厅巴黎舞厅dance (跳舞跳舞) 正在大步正在大步advance (前进前进) 忽

10、见美女忽见美女glance (匆匆一看匆匆一看) 脚下失去脚下失去balance (平衡平衡) 踩高跟鞋抓住了踩高跟鞋抓住了chance (机会机会) (假装失足,找机会接近。假装失足,找机会接近。) unbalance v.使心情紊乱使心情紊乱n.失去平衡失去平衡 energy n. 能量,精力,干劲能量,精力,干劲 Energy 物理定义物理定义“能能”。用于人时,指人的能力,精力,多做。用于人时,指人的能力,精力,多做不可数名词。不可数名词。Power 影响力,势力,政权;电力,影响力,势力,政权;电力,动力。动力。Force 自然力,物理力自然力,物理力(in force有效有效) s

11、trength身体的力量,人的强点,长处,力气身体的力量,人的强点,长处,力气1Bill was doing a lot of physical exercises to build up his _.2Tom is a(n) _ boy; he is always playing hard.3The _ of peace becomes stronger.4To regain their _ after an exhaustinggame ,the players lay in the grass.5Knowledge is _ .strengthenergeticforceenergyst

12、rength/power feeling very frustrated(做伴随状语)(做伴随状语)(再好不过了再好不过了) 结构结构: 否定词否定词+adj./adv.的比较级的比较级I cant agree more. 我完全赞同。我完全赞同。see sb. doing sth. 看到看到 某人正在做某事某人正在做某事see sb. do sth.看到看到 某人做某事某人做某事(看到整个过程看到整个过程)I saw a thief stealing something in the shop.I saw a thief steal something from the shop.be/ge

13、t tired of对对厌烦厌烦 be tired with因因.感到疲劳感到疲劳Samuel Johnson (塞缪尔约翰逊): When a man is tired _ London, he is tired _ life; for there is in London all that life can afford. ofofWe were tired _ the extra work.withCuriosity drove him inside.v. 驾驶驾驶, 驱使驱使, 迫使迫使He drove his car round the corner.The noise almost

14、 drove me mad.curiosity n. out of curiosity出于好奇出于好奇adj.curious be curious about sth. be curious to do sth. have sb. doing sth. 使某人一直做某事使某人一直做某事Eg: She had us working day after day. I wont have you waiting long.have sb. do 使某人做某事使某人做某事 表示动作的完成或可能发生表示动作的完成或可能发生have sth. to do 有某事要做有某事要做have sth. done

15、使某事被做使某事被做 sth. 为身体一部位时,意为为身体一部位时,意为“受伤受伤”Eg: 1) They had me repeat the message. 2) I wont have you say such words. 3) I have a lot of work to do. 4) I had my watch fixed yesterday. 5) She had her legs broken when she got off the bike. He had better do some research. research n.& v.研究;调查;探索研究;调查;探索d

16、o research into / on对对进行研究调查进行研究调查research into / in / on对对进行研究调查进行研究调查 他们正在对一些社会问题进行调查研究。他们正在对一些社会问题进行调查研究。They are doing some research on some social problems.他们的研究证明了什么他们的研究证明了什么? What have their researches shown?他们正在研究如何改进人们饮食的方法。他们正在研究如何改进人们饮食的方法。Theyre researching into ways of improving people

17、s diet. The competition between the two restaurants was on! on作副词与作副词与be连用时,可以表示以下几个意思:连用时,可以表示以下几个意思:(1)(电灯、水等电灯、水等)开着开着(2)正在进行,举行正在进行,举行(3)上演,演出上演,演出 灯都亮着。灯都亮着。The lights were all on. 他们家的电视总是开着。他们家的电视总是开着。 The TV is always on in their house. 电影院在上演什么片子电影院在上演什么片子?Whats on at the movies? The film h

18、ad been on for five minutes when I got to the cinema.1. Perhaps he would be able to earn his living after all and not have to close his restaurant. 也许他仍然能够谋生也许他仍然能够谋生, 而不至于关张了。而不至于关张了。1) earn one living by.=live by.=make a living by. He earned his living by begging from door to door.Explanation 表示表示

19、“谋生谋生”的短语:的短语:earn a living earn ones living make a living make ones living2) earn vt. 挣得;赢得挣得;赢得His success earned him a prize.He earned fame by helping the students.He and his wife _ 20 yuan an hour.A. to earnB. earnC. spendsD. takesB2. He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaura

20、nt was no longer popular.他可不希望他可不希望由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。由于餐馆不受欢迎而负债。 debt:【C】sum of money owed to sb. that has not yet been paid 债务债务; 欠款欠款 I. Divide the whole passage into three parts, and give the general idea of each part .Comprehending ExercisesPart 1Part 2Part 3Wang Peng is worried because his restauran

21、t is not as full as usually is.He follows his friend to a newly opened restaurant which is very popular.Worried, he does some research to win his customers back.Paragraph I :1. Who is Wang Peng?2. What happened on that strange morning?3. How do you like the food in his restaurant?He is a restaurant

22、keeper.There was no customer in his restaurant that morning, which was unnatural. It is delicious but it can make us get fat quickly. Paragraph II :1. What did Wang see when he followed Li Chang?2. What kind of food was served in this restaurant? He saw that a new restaurant was opened and there was

23、 a sign in its window.Only slimming food was served there.Paragraph III:1.Who is Yong Hui?2.What amazed Wang in Yong Huis restaurant?She is the owner of the new restaurant.The menu and the price in Yongs restaurant amazed him very much.3.What did Wang decide to do after he left there?He decided to g

24、o to library to find out whether his restaurants food made people fat.Paragraph IV :1. What did Wang find out after reading?2. What did he do then ?He found out that Yong Huis restaurant was not giving its customers energy-giving food. He wrote a sign to win his customer back!3. What happened afterw

25、ards?The competition between the two restaurants was on.1.Usually Wang Pengs restaurant was full of people. TTRUE or FALSE:2.Yong Hui could make people thin in two weeks by giving them a good diet. Fnot giving them energy-giving food.3.Wang Pengs regular customers often became fat. T4.Yong Huis menu

26、 gave customers more energy-giving food.Ffibre5.Wang Pengs menu gave customers more protective food.Fenergy6.Wang Peng decided to compete with Yong Hui by copying her menu.Frewrite his own signWang Pengs restaurantYong Huis restaurantFooddrinkmutton kebabs; roast pork; stir-fried vegetables; fried r

27、iceraw vegetables; fruitcola; ice creamwaterIII. Compare the two restaurants:pricestrength of the dietweakness of the diet expensivecheapgiving its customers energy-giving foodmake its customers thin cause the customers to be fatthe customers become tired quicklySummary:Wang Peng felt _in an empty r

28、estaurant because no _have come to his restaurant ever since he got up early in the morning. He wanted to find out why. He hurried out and _ Li Chang into a newly-opened restaurant. He found that the owner named Yong Hui was serving _ foods to make people thin. Driven by_, Wang Peng came _to take a

29、close atfrustratedfollowedcuriosityforwardcustomersslimming/fiberthe menu. He could not even _ his eyes. He was _ at what he saw. He hurried outside and went to the _to do some _. After a lot of reading, he _ that Yong Huis food made people become _quickly because it was no _ food. Arriving home Wan

30、g Peng rewrote his own sign. The _ between the two restaurants was on!believeamazedlibraryresearchrealizedtiredenergy-givingcompetitionTalkingUseful expressionsHomework1. Retell the text.(1) Use the first person to retell the story.(2) Try to use proper prepositions and conjunctions.2. Prepare for t

31、he language learning and do Using Words and Expressions on WB (Page 49and 50).ConclusionHealthy EatingLearning about LanguageWarming UpPrepare for “discovering useful words and expressions” on page 12.Ex 1.1.lie 2. get away with 3. raw4. curiosity 5. customer 6. benefitEx 2.2. ought to 4. diet 5. ra

32、w 8.balanced9. energetic 10. slim1.become thinnerlose weight3. being laughed at by her friendslosing face6. felt so sad and hopeless about herselflose heart7. was unwilling to visit any morelose interest in visitingPrepare for “Discovering useful structures” on page 13.Ex 2.1. ought to; shouldnt; ne

33、ednt; dont have to/neednt; will2. have to; mustnt3. ought to; shouldPresentation主要情态动词主要情态动词 Can, could May, might Must Ought to Need Dare, daredcan 表能力:表能力:I can read very fast. 表客观可能性:表客观可能性:Mary cant be the leader. 表允许:表允许:You can take it away. 表怀疑:表怀疑:How can you finish it?could 表能力表能力/可能性:可能性:C

34、ould you finish it soon? 表怀疑:表怀疑:He could not be 50. 委婉地提出问题:委婉地提出问题:Could you show me the passport? 用于虚拟:用于虚拟:If you had come, you could have got a wonderful gift.may 询问或说明可不可以做:询问或说明可不可以做:May I ask you a question? 表可能会发生:表可能会发生:He may get angry. 表目的或让步的从句:表目的或让步的从句:Come here in time so that you ma

35、y see the singer.might 表可能的事:(表可能的事:(同同may) 表目的从句:表目的从句: (同同may) 用于虚拟:用于虚拟: If you had finished it, the boss might have given you some promotion. must 表必须做的事:表必须做的事:You must hand in your homework this Friday. 表揣测:表揣测:It must have rained last night. 表表“偏偏偏偏”的意思:的意思:He must get a fever when we were re

36、ady to get off.ought to 表应该做的事:表应该做的事:You ought to do it carefully. 表非常可能的事:表非常可能的事:He ought to be here by now.need 表需要;主要用于否定句或疑问句:表需要;主要用于否定句或疑问句:We neednt hurry. 可用于否定意思的句子:可用于否定意思的句子:I dont think you need do it. 作及物动词,和不定式连用:作及物动词,和不定式连用:He didnt need to say that to her.dare 表表“敢于敢于”,主要用于疑问句、否定句

37、和,主要用于疑问句、否定句和条件从句:条件从句:He dare not tell him the news. 作及物动词,与不定式连用:作及物动词,与不定式连用:We dont dare to enter the house.shall用于第一,三人称疑问句,用于第一,三人称疑问句,征求意见或请求征求意见或请求 shall 第二,三人称陈述句第二,三人称陈述句, 命令命令,警告警告,允诺允诺,威胁威胁 should 表劝告,建议,命令,顺理成章表劝告,建议,命令,顺理成章 ought to 表应该,语气表应该,语气should美语中,美语中,ought to用于否,疑句时用于否,疑句时to 可

38、省。可省。多数情况下,多数情况下,ought to可与可与should互换使用。互换使用。疑问句中常用疑问句中常用should代替代替ought to。Ought to的反意疑问句用的反意疑问句用shouldnt替代。替代。Ought to表示表示“想必会想必会”时语气较时语气较must 弱。弱。shall , should &ought to你最好不要抽烟了。你最好不要抽烟了。 You should/ ought to stop smoking.You ought to have helped him with his English, _ ?A.wont you B. ought not

39、youC. shouldnt you D. wouldnt you他们想必已到那儿了。他们想必已到那儿了。They ought to be there by now.(语气较语气较must 弱弱)比较比较had better, should & ought to 三者均表示建议,意为三者均表示建议,意为“应该应该”,“应当应当”或或“最好最好做做”. 三者的语气程度为渐强。三者的语气程度为渐强。 had better指一般性的建议,最弱。指一般性的建议,最弱。 should&ought to含义相近,常可互换。区别在于,含义相近,常可互换。区别在于,ought to常指特殊情况下的常指特殊情况

40、下的“应当应当”。Should则指一般则指一般情况。见例句。情况。见例句。 You ought to help him because he is in trouble now.(语气强,有命令意味。语气强,有命令意味。) You should have a rest after finishing your sports.(一般性建议)(一般性建议)have to have to 表示表示客观需要客观需要去做的事情,意为去做的事情,意为“必必须,不得不。须,不得不。” I have to get the station early to catch the first train. We m

41、issed the bus so we had to walk home. We have to overcome all kinds of difficulties. Have to 有多种时态。常见的有:有多种时态。常见的有: 一般将来时一般将来时 We will have to gather at the school gate at 7 tomorrow. 一般现在时一般现在时 I have to take more money with me because my girlfriend has so much to buy. 一般过去时一般过去时 Finally, we had to

42、 give up our idea to hold a picnic outside as it rained for a whole afternoon. have to (考点)(考点)Must they do? Yes, they must. No, they neednt/dont have to.must & have tomust have to主观客观主观客观 主观主观 客观客观时态时态 现在,将来现在,将来 多种多种表推测表推测询问意愿询问意愿否定意否定意禁止,不允许禁止,不允许 不必不必 must表主观意志,而表主观意志,而have to表由于客观因素表由于客观因素不得不做完

43、成的事情。不得不做完成的事情。 Must没有过去式,除在间接引语中可表示过没有过去式,除在间接引语中可表示过去的时间。在直接引语中表示过去的时间用去的时间。在直接引语中表示过去的时间用had to代替。代替。 I told her that she must give up smoking. She said, “We had to get everything ready that night.”比较比较must & have toNeed I do ? Yes, you must. No, you neednt. dare & need情态动词情态动词实义动词实义动词dare否,疑,条否,

44、疑,条 dare not do否否,疑疑dont dare to do dont dare do不用于肯定句不用于肯定句肯:肯:dare to do need否,疑否,疑 neednt do (dont) need sth (dont) need to do肯:肯:must, have to, ought to, should注意对注意对need问句的回答问句的回答: -Need I finish the work today? -Yes, _. No, _. No, _.you mustyou needntyou dont have toneednt 对其它情态动词的回答对其它情态动词的回答

45、:-Shall I tell John about it?-No, you _.-No, you _. -Must we do it now? -No, you _.-No, you _.needntdont have toneedntdont have toExercises高考链接高考链接1.-Is John coming by train? -He should, but he _ not. He likes driving his car. (高考真题)高考真题) A. must B. can C. need D. may2.It has been announced that can

46、didates(候选人候选人) _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected. (高考真题)高考真题) A. can B. will C. may D. shall3.-I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. (高考真题)高考真题) -It _ true because there was little snow there. A. may not be B. wont be C. couldnt be D. mustnt bePractic

47、e 1: 高考考题专练高考考题专练1. I thought you _like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. would D. must 2. Where is my pen? I _it. A. might lose B. would have lost C. should have lost D. must have lost3. I didnt hear the phone. I _asleep A. must be B. must have been C. should b

48、e D. should have beenB D B 4. -There were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well. -It _a comfortable journey A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been 5. Its nearly seven oclock . Jack _be here at any moment. A. must B. need C. should D. could D

49、C6. -Did the train arrive in time?-No. It _ two hours ago.A. must have arrived B. ought to have arrivedC. must arrive D. ought to arrive7. Must I drive to his house and pick up the children? No, . A. you shouldnt B. you might not C. you neednt D. you mustntB C 8. We didnt see Tom at the meeting yest

50、erday. He it. A. mustnt have attended B. cannot have attended C. neednt have attended D. would have not attendedB 9. There is someone knocking at the door. it be Tom? A. can B. must C. should D. ought toA 10. Two years ago, my husband bought me a bicycle. If you live in town, it is often faster than


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