Unit 3 Television-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:73d8d).doc

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Unit 3 Television-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:73d8d).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 Television-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:73d8d).doc_第2页
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1、Unit3 Television教学设计第一课时I. warming up 1. 拿出一个评价盒子,示意:里面是拼图,得分则由组长从绿盒子里拿一片拼图到红盒子作为prize,减分则从红盒子退一张拼图到绿盒子,分数超出则采用“正字”记录,最后等分最高者获得线索最多,优先破解拼图游戏。2. Review words:频率词和黑板上的形容词3. Free talk 拿出手机:Do you like mobile phones?What do you often do with mobile phones?(复习Unit1短语)II.Presentation1.I often watch TV wit

2、h mobile phones.Do you like watching TV?(揭题Unit3Television,教读)2.”short for”: 课件显示TV is short for television,接着match 练习内化3.“different”:1)There are many different programmes,lets watch.(边放边介绍英文节目) 2)Different people like different programmes.What does “different”mean?4.Cartoon引出3 例句(随问随贴):1)Lets watch

3、 cartoons.Do you like cartoons?引出板书I (dont) like2)Why?引出板书I think they are,教授interesting3)usually:Yes,children usually like cartoons.What does “usually”mean?4)(翻下页PPT,指着提示)Do you usually watch cartoons?引出板书I watch指明几个不同意见的问Why?5.romantic film: Lets watch next film,what programme is it?1) 教授发音,点到面2)

4、指着板书模式问答3) 启发学生问老师:Do you want to know me?6.detective film:1)Look,this is a boy?Who is it?.Yes,Kenan is a detective,(教读发音)any detectives do you know?.So what programme is it? 2)Practise in pairs(出示PPT提示) 3)Show7.sports programme: Do you like sports?What sports do you like?.So,what programme is it?贴卡

5、片8.nature programme:1)Listen and guess: what programme is it? 2)分解教读9.science fiction film:1)出部分猜节目 2)教读,贴板书10.指着这三个节目问:Whats your favourite programme?IIIConsolidation1. Bomb game:3组减分游戏,突破science fiction film的发音(简单词为bomb)2. Read quickly:first加分3. Listen and number:now lets test you one by one.Then

6、check together.板书What programmes do you like?.4. 情境对话:So many films are interesting.I want to see films.(ppt出示)Look ,Ill make a phone call to my friend(拿出电话按电话号码)Who is my friend?1)T-s 2)s-s 3)pairwork 4)showIV.Summary拿short fordifferent总结We have learnt TV is short for television.There are many diff

7、erent programmes.Different people like different programmes.2)What about you? Please write.Then read to your partner. V.Expanision1)Do you like running man?(like Dengchao,Angelababy)Recently entertainment programmes are popular.Why?(出示PPT)2)But we must love our eyes.3)推荐影片4)评价结果,玩拼图游戏5)收卡片板书设计Unit3 Television short for differentWhat programmes do you like? 图片 cartoonI (dont)likeWhy?I think they areI often/watchfunny/interesting/.boring/stupid


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