Unit 3 Television-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:02b22).doc

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Unit 3 Television-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:02b22).doc_第1页
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Unit 3 Television-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:02b22).doc_第2页
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Unit 3 Television-Lesson 3-教案、教学设计-县级公开课-外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:02b22).doc_第3页
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1、Join in Unit 3 TelevisionKevin Dee Teaching aims: 1. To understand new words and phrases: telly, smile, thousands of, switch on. 2. To understand the meanings of “like” and “what”. 3. To use the new drill: He stops and looks at you. 4. To understand and read this poem. 5. To understand the pace, str

2、ess and rhyme of the poem.Teaching difficulties: 1. To understand the meanings of “like” and “what”. 2. To use the new drill: He stops and looks at you.3. To understand and read this poem.Teaching steps:Warm up: I. Lead in (情景导入)1. Greetings: Free talk while I play the drumT: Hello, boys and girls!S

3、s: Hello,Miss He!T:How are you today?Ss: Im fine,thank you! What about you?T: Im good. What programme do you like?S1:T: What programme do you like? S2: T: Do you know what programme does Miss He like? Can you guess? T: Whats this? S: TV. Television. T: We can call it telly.老师带读telly,板书telly,拼读。T: Ok

4、, lets turn on the TV and watch for a while.带读switch on,板书并拼读switch on & switch on the telly. )【telly及switch on这两个词汇是平时较少用到的,学生通常会用其近义词TV及turn on。教师在设计这一学习环节时,让学生进入真实的“开电视”生活情境,通过相近词义的对比达到了解,既给了学生直观的感受,又使难点迎韧而解。】Liyuchun is a star on TV. Look,she is with a big,big smile.【在课堂上适时地播放一段学生熟悉的短广告,给学生耳目一新的

5、感觉,既为后面的学习打基础,同时使学生理解AD这个单词。而广告上的明星露着笑容,正好对应阅读中出现的a big,big smile内容。】二、民主导学Task1: Ask and answer. Listen ,read and underline the answer in the text. 1. 出示图一及“Who is he? Whats Kevin Dee?”2个问题,让学生带着问题阅读第一段。T: Who is he? Please listen and read part one.S: He is Kevin Dee.T: Whats Kevin Dee?S: He is a s

6、tar on TV.(教师板书He is a star on TV,学生齐读此句。)T: OK! Lets read part one together. T: A big, big smile.(教师板书A big, big smile.) Why is he with a big, big smile?【这篇阅读采取带着问题,逐段逐段听、读的方式,让学生深刻、透彻的理解诗歌每一段的内容,从而培养学生阅读的习惯和能力。】 2. 出示图二及“Whats he doing? What does he say?”2个问题,让学生带着问题阅读第二段。T: Lets look at the pictu

7、re 2. Whats he doing? What does he say? Please listen and read part two. Then answer my question. (学生阅读后回答问题,教师板书He is eating sweets./He says:I love these sweets. 全班齐读。)呈现知识点:He stops and looks at you.T: Look at this sentence: He stops and looks at you. Whats the meaning of this sentence? (播放CAI,理解s

8、top and look at you. )拓展理解:Open the door and go out. Stand up and say.T: In this poem, there are two sentences like this. Can you find?学生再次阅读诗歌,找到句子,并读出来。【学生不会想到在英语中可以用and将两个动词连在一起使用,这样句子的表达既简洁又清晰。在此,教师精心设计CAI课件,把抽象的知识变为生动形象的事物,使学生很容易理解stop(停)和look at you(看)这两个动词以及句子的意思,并且留下深刻的印象。接着让学生自己找诗歌中出现的另外两句类

9、似的句子,培养学生的阅读和理解能力。】T: Lets read part two together.T: Well done. One more time. Who want to be Kevin Dee and perform?【全班齐读第二段,并请一名学生来表演,使学生在朗读的同时再现诗歌中的广告,帮助学生更深刻的理解诗歌。】T: He eats and eats and eats sweets. Sweets (CAI展示大量零食、甜品的图片)Are they good for us? S: No.T: Yes, the sweets are bad for your teeth an

10、d bad for your healthy. But Kevin Dee says: I love these sweets. He eats and eats. Does he really like these sweets?【在此提示学生吃过多的零食、甜食对身体、牙齿没有好处。Kevin Dee也知道这一点,为什么他还在电视上说自己喜欢sweets并不停的吃呢?很自然地过渡到第四段的阅读、理解。】T: Why? How do you know? Please read by yourself. And find the answer.3CAI出示图四,让学生带着问题阅读第四段,将找到的

11、答案说出来,教师板书词条,全班齐读。T: What does he like? Fruit is good for us. 呈现知识点:He doesnt like sweets like me and you.T: Look at this sentence: he doesnt like sweets like me and you. There are two likes, whats the meaning? You can discuss in your group.学生在小组内讨论后回答:The First one is love. The second one means as

12、same as. 【文章出现了多义词like,而且是在一句话中同时出现,在教学过程中教师首先让学生讨论,使学生在真正的语境中通过理解这句话的的含义来认识like的不同意思,降低了理解难度。】齐读第四段,师提示cause 就是 because,男女分别朗读。4Lets have a rest. Are you good at math? (CAI出示数学题 10010 )理解thousand、thousands of、hundreds of所表达的含义【通过一道数学题10010,学生很容易理解thousand表示”千”,这样既简单又直观。】 T: Well done. Here is prize

13、 for you. Some Ads of sweetw.CAI播放广告,学生观看。 T: When you are watching them, what do you think?Do you want to get them? 引出want to eat, want to buy,Its delicious T: Thousands of children like you and me.【在这里运用CAI播放两段美味的食品广告,让学生身临其境地体会作者的感受,并说说自己看完广告后的感觉,加深理解厂家做广告的用意。】5. CAI出示图三,让学生带着问题阅读第三段,将找到的答案说出来,教师

14、板书He doesnt like sweets./You go and buy. 全班齐读。T: Kevin Dee doesnt like sweets. He only eats them on TV. Why? Lets listen and read part3.S:呈现知识点:Thousands of children like you and me want to have what they see on TV.引出句子:Thousands of children like you and me want to have what they see on TV.T: This s

15、entence is too long. We can divded it into four parts.CAI出示意群的划分,老师带读、教学生连读及换气的方法。T: Whats the meaning of this “like”?S: 好像.T: Whats the meaning of this “what”? I will give you three answers, choice one. (学生通过选项理解what)T: There is another what in the poem. Please find it. And tell me whats the meanin

16、g of it? 分男、女整体读此句,教授换气的方法。【在本节课中,疑问副词“what”的理解和长句的朗读对学生来说的确不容易,教师抓住“what”让学生联系上下文来理解,通过意群的划分断句、换气及连读的方法来练习长句的朗读,训练和培养学生朗读能力。】T: Lets read this part together.T: You cant believe some AD. They are not true. For example: The first AD is not true. If the girl eats more chips. She will become very fat.

17、The second AD is not true, either. If they eat more cakes. They will become very fat.三、Read the poem:1. Listen to the poem.T: This is a poem. Please pay attention the pace, it sounds nice. Please listen and mark the stress of the poem. CAI 出示整篇诗歌,同时播放录音。2. T: Great. When you read poem, you should pa

18、y attention to the pace, stress and rhyme. Now, lets listen to the poem again. You can mark the rhyme words like this. CAI 展示压韵单词的例子。【帮助学生在理解诗歌的基础上,欣赏诗歌的韵律美。教学生找出诗歌中的重音词、压韵词以及诗歌的节奏、速度,这是教给学生朗读诗歌,理解诗歌,欣赏诗歌的方法。】3Play a match. 请男、女同学配合读押韵的句子。四、Consolation.1Match and read。2. CAI播放几段所学诗歌。3Homework:a,Read the poem fluently. b,Find more poem in the text. C,Make your own poem.


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