Unit 3 Television-Lesson 1-教案、教学设计--外研剑桥版五年级下册(配套课件编号:622bd).doc

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1、Unit 3Television教学设计(第1课时)【教学内容】Part1, Part2【教学目标】(一) 知识与技能1. 学会和熟练地使用有关电视节目的词汇;2. 能根据听到的单词和词组cartoon, nature programme, detective film, sports programme, science fiction film, romantic film指认图片或节目,并能根据图片说出、认读、写出单词。(二) 过程与方法1以小组合作与情景教学为主,运用游戏帮助学生理解与运用所学知识;2指导学生通过听音获取正确的信息,掌握一定的听音技巧;3. 采访身边同学的电视观看情况。

2、(三)情感、态度与价值观1. 通过电视话题的讨论与访谈,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。2. 提高他们获取信息和组织语言的能力;培养他们团结合作的学习精神。【教学重点】掌握关于电视的相关句型。【教学准备】关于电视的图片、教材相配套的录音带和课件、视频。【教学过程】T: Class beginsS: Stand up, please.T: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Hu. Sit down, please.Step 1 Warming up出示一张图片,引出TV。T: Look! Whats it?S: TVT: Yeah, i

3、t is a TV. Step 2 Read 老师利用图片或课件出示“电视”,并提问:Whats it? 学生回答:TV.展现重点单词,本次课题:Television1. 老师指出:We also call it television. 引出本单元话题Television,学生理解并学说单词。2. 老师在黑板上板书:TV short for television. 学生理解并学说句子:TV is short for television.3. 学生尝试通过连线联系进一步巩固理解short for的含义。VIP United States of AmericaUSA United Kingdom

4、UK Peoples Republic of ChinaPRC very important personT: A TV. We also call it television. The class we study television. TV is short for television. Read after me “t-e te l-e le v-i vi s-i-o-n sion”. Television.This line one by one read.TV is short for television. TV-t-v. Read TV is short for televi

5、sion, short for, TV is short for television.This line one by one read.T: Who can try?S: VIP is short for very important person. USA is short for United States of America. UK is short for United Kingdom. PRC is short for Peoples Republic of China.T: Great/ Wonderful/ Excellent/ Good.Step 3 Listen and

6、 answer1. 学生打开课本到20页,仔细听读短文。2. 老师提问,学生根据短文内容分别回答问题:Whats on TV? What do children usually like?3. 老师提问:Do you like watching TV? Lets look, whats on TV? 老师引导学生听短文,学生学说句子:There are many different TV programmes. 老师重点让学生理解单词different.4. 老师依次出示每一种节目的图片,教授节目单词:cartoon (Toby and Garfield), sport programme,

7、science fiction film, detective film, nature programme, romantic film. 学生边听边说单词。5. 老师在教授节目单词时,可穿插问句请学生进行讨论,例如:Do you like? Do you usually / often / sometimes / never watch? What do you think of them? (I think they are boring / interesting / great / )6. 老师介绍在很多不同的节目里,老师喜欢卡通节目和说明原因,让学生试着模仿说出自己喜欢的节目以及原

8、因。7. 短文回答第二个问题,学生学说句子:Children usually like cartoons. 8. 出示图片中的卡通动画,同时可以在手机上看,回顾复习Unit1 A phone call的短语,让学生再次说出手机用途,并且说出频率副词。usually, often, sometimes, never。T: Open your book, turn to page 20. Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Listen the text. And answer the questions. 1. Whats on TV? 2. What do children usu

9、ally like?S: There are many different TV programmes.T: Different means I wear a grey cloth. She wears red cloth. He wears black cloth. Grey red and black are different colors. And we all wear different clothes. Different understand? Read different. Read there are many different TV programmes.This li

10、ne one by one read. T: Whats on TV?S: Together say There are many different TV programmes.T: Do you like watching TV? Lets watch TV. Look,.Whats on TV?( Garfield )S: A cat.T: Its Garfield. Do you like?S: Yes.T: I think it is cute. I like. What about you/ What do you think of it?S: I think it is.( on

11、e by one ) (interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant)T: And Toby. Do you like?S: Yes.T: What do you think of them?S: They are/ I think they are.one by one(interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant)T: Gre

12、at/ Wonderful/ Excellent/ Good.T: There are many different TV programmes. This programme, we also call it cartoon. Read cartoon cartoons. What are they? S: They are cartoons. T: Next programme. Who know? What are they?S: They are ( sports programmes ). T: What are they doing?S: They are ( watching s

13、ports programmes ).T: Wonderful. Clap hands with me. You are smart.T: Look. Whats it?S: Its a science.T: Its a science fiction film.Read science (together) You read (two students)Read fiction (together) You read (two students)Together say what are they?S: They are science fiction films.T: Look these

14、 programmes. Say what are they?S: They are cartoons, sports programmes and science fiction films.T: This line say one by one.Girls together say what are they? Great.T: What do you think of them? I like . .I think they are . .S: I like . .I think they are . .(interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/ama

15、zing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant)T: Great/ Wonderful/ Excellent/ Good.T: Guess whats it? Its a detective film. Together read detective detective. One group read. Two group read. S: Detective.T: A detective film. What are they? ( one or two students of group 3 and 4 )S: They are detec

16、tive films.T: Next programme. What are they?S: They are nature programmes.T: Right. Read nature nature. You, please. What are they?S one by one.T: They are romantic films. Read after me romantic romantic. You read. You and You. T and S together say they are romantic films.T: Look.S: Detective films,

17、 nature programmes, romantic films.T: Boys together say what are they?T: What do you think of them? I think nature programmes are boring. I dont like it. I never watch them. I like detective films and romantic films. I think they are amazing and interesting. Who can say like me? Say what do you thin

18、k of them?S: I like . . I think they are . . I dont like . . I think they are . .(interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant)T: Great/ wonderful/ Excellent/ Good. T: Question2 What do children usually like?S: Cartoons.T: What do children usually like? S

19、: Children usually like cartoons.T: What do you usually like? Why?/What do you think of them?T: I usually like cartoons. I sometimes watch cartoons with my brother on the weekend. I think they are funny. What about you? NameProgrammesWhy/What do you think of them?English teacher: Miss HuLike cartoon

20、s.Because they are funny.English teacher: Miss HuDont like science fiction films.I think they are boring.Like.interesting/cute/lovely/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant/GreatDont like.boring/stupid(interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abun

21、dant).T: What is it?S: Its a mobile phone.T: You can use a mobile phone to watch cartoons. I sometimes use it to watch cartoons. (usually, always, often, sometimes, never) What about you?S: I usually (usually, always, often, sometimes, never) use a mobile phone to watch cartoons. S: I never use a mo

22、bile phone to watch cartoons. T: What can you do with a mobile phone?S: I (usually, always, often, sometimes, never) use a mobile phone to make phone calls/ visit websites/ see films/ send and get messages/ take photos.I (usually, always, often, sometimes, never) make phone calls/ visit websites/ se

23、e films/ send and get messages/ take photos.T: Great/ wonderful/ Excellent/ Good.Step 4 Listen again and tick1. 老师播放录音,学生勾出自己喜欢的节目。2. 学生说自己喜欢的节目。T: Now, we study different programmes. Different people like different programmes. Look your book. Listen Part2. One listen, and two tick what programmes d

24、o you like? Are you ready?S: Yes.T: Go.T: This line one by one. What programmes do you often watch on TV? What programmes do you like?S: I like.and.Step 5 Discuss1. 学生小组活动,谈论自己喜欢和不喜欢的节目,可用以下句子介绍:I like / dont like I usually / often / sometimes / never watch I think they are 老师巡视并加以指导。3. 根据学生的活动情况,请2

25、-3个学生进行展示。T: Its time to discuss. Discuss in group of four.I like/dont like.I usually/often/sometimes/never watch. I think they are.(interesting/cute/lovely/boring/stupid/amazing/romantic/funny/colourful/wonderful/abundant)Now, time is up. Who can try?S.( 2 Ss )T: Shake hands with me. Wonderful.Step

26、 6 Summary老师让学生看黑板上的板书,与学生一起回顾本课所学的重要单词和句型。欣赏卡通音乐Let it goT: Summary. This class we learn many different programmes on TV.T and S: They are cartoons, nature programmes, detective films, sports programmes, science fiction films, romantic films. And we can say I like/dont like. I think they are.Now, lets listen a song. I like it. Its a cartoon song. Let it go. Today, we learn television. I hope you dont spend a lot of time watching TV. Its harmful to your eyes. The class is over.S: Stand up, please.T: Good bye.S: Bye-bye.Step 7 Homework背诵本课时板书单词,了解电视节目基本词汇。【板书设计】11


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