Unit 6 Adventures-Lesson 2-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--外研剑桥版五年级下册(编号:d011a).zip

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Read and fill in the blanks.Hello, Im Daniel. Im from the UK. This is my hometown. I love adventures, because I love new places. Im not afraid of new places. And Im not afraid of spiders. Im not afraid of horror films, but they are so boring. Im not afraid of the cold, but I like hot weather. Im not afraid of hot food, but I dont like hot food, because it is too hot. Theres one thing I am afraid of. Do you want to know what I am afraid of? Im afraid of sleeping alone. What are you afraid of? Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. But theres one thing Im afraid of: _.UnitUnit 6 6 AdventuresAdventuresspidersspidersafr aidFridaysnailThisisDaniel.HeisfromtheUK.Listen and match.Im not afraid of.Im afraid of.A AB BC CD DE EF FG GH HF FB BG GH HC Chorrorhorror filmsfilmsthethe coldcoldhothot foodfoodhot pothot hot hotsleepingsleeping alonealoneGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishGametimeIIIIIIIVVVI0swimmingdancingghostfinishDear Sarah,IdliketoshareyousomeotherthingsthatImafraidornotafraidinmylife.WhenImintheforest.Imnotafraidoflionsortigers.ButImafraidofspiders.Becausetheyarescared.Intheschool,ImnotafraidofMathsorScience.ButIamafraidofPE.BecauseIdontlikerunning.Whataboutyou?Yours DanielIntheforestIntheschoolImnotafraidof.Imafraidof.Because.Read the E-mail and fill in the blanks.IntheforestIntheschoolImnotafraidof.lionstigersImafraidof.spidersBecause.scaredRead the E-mail and fill in the blanks.IntheforestIntheschoolImnotafraidof.lionsMathstigersScienceImafraidof.spidersPEBecause.scareddontlikerunningRead the E-mail and fill in the blanks.WriteWrite anan e-maile-mail toto DanielDanielDearDaniel,Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.ButImafraidof_,because_.Yours,_Dear Daniel, Im not afraid of my father.Im not afraid of my mother.Im not afraid of my teachers.But theres one thing Im afraid of: My little brother!Because he is always crying.YoursLilyHomeworkWriteapoem.Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.Imnotafraidof_.ButImafraidof_,because_.UnitUnit 6 6 AdventureAdventure Part1Part1 教学案例分析教学案例分析行为目标:行为目标:1.能理解并听、说、认读单词及短语:the dark,big dogs,the cold,hot food,spiders,horror films,rats,sleeping alone;2.能在阅读文本的过程中,理解句型 Im afraid of Im not afraid of;3.结合不同的情景,运用 Im afraid of Im not afraid of表达自己害怕或不害怕的事情及理由;4.理解新朋友的 E-mail,围绕主题进行沟通,培养学生敢于冒险,挑战自我。结构句型:结构句型:Im not afraid of .Im not afraid of .And Im not afraid of .But theres one thing Im afraid of: .because.核心句型及单词:核心句型及单词:Im afraid of Im not afraid of(the dark,big dogs,the cold,hot food,spiders,horror films,rats,sleeping alone)教学过程:教学过程:I.Pre reading1.Greeting.2.Free talk. (贝尔大冒险节目) T: Who is this man? He experienced lot of difficulties. 引出课题II.While reading1. What can you see in the programme,are you afraid of spiders? 引出句型: Im afraid of Im not afraid of 新授单词及词组:afraid /afraid of2. Can you tell me something you are afraid of? Can you tell me something you are not afraid of?3. 介绍新朋友 My friend also likes adventures,heres a video from him. (1). Listen and match. Whats he afaid of? (2). Check the answers. 新授文本单词及词组: horror films /the cold/spiders/sleeping alone Im afraid of horror films . What about you? Im /not afraid of horror films.4. Daniel likes adventures,do you want to play an adventures game? 介绍游戏规则,示范,学生操练,学生自评5. Daniel wrote an email and told us about him. (1).(呈现第二篇文本,在不同情境中表达的感觉) Dear Sarah,Id like to share you some other things that Im afraid or not afraid in my life.When Im in the forest,Im not afraid of lions or tigers.But Im afraid of spiders.Because they are scared.In the school,Im not afraid of Maths or Science.But I am afraid of PE.Because I dont like running.What about you?YoursDaniel(2). Read the E-mail and fill in the blanks.In the forestIn the schoolIm not afraid of.Im afraid of.Because. (3). Check the answer,describe the reason.III.Post reading.1.T:Now we know what is Daniel afraid of ,and what he isnt afraid of .How abot you? Please write your reply to Daniel.Dear Daniel, Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. Im not afraid of _. But Im afraid of_, because_. Yours, _案例设想:案例设想:如何激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,如何培养学生实际运用语言的能力,让学生大胆的开口说英语,是我在新课改下需要认真思考的问题。我认为,在课堂教学环境中,采用新式喜欢的方式,如做游戏、唱歌、朗读歌谣、讲故事、自编自演课本剧等,能激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣。而在本次教学设计中我主要运用的是故事教学。所谓故事教学法,即利用“故事”这个载体,在生动有趣的故事情节中学习语言知识的一种方法。没有一个孩子不爱听故事,从幼儿园的孩子到初中生,甚至高中生,爱听故事是他们共同的心理特征。因此,如果教师能利用好故事教学法,巧妙地运用到课堂中,以跌宕起伏的故事情节吸引他们的注意力,生动夸张的表演调动他们的情绪,满足他们的好奇心,让他们沉浸在故事营造的氛围中不知不觉地学习新知识,何尝不是一种教学相长的好事。案例描述:案例描述:我依据课程的总体目标并结合教学内容,创造性的创编了一个英语故事。Pre reading,用贝尔的图片引出主题 Adventures。He is Bear, he experienced a lot of difficulties.引起学生学习本课内容的兴趣。While reading,1.What can you see in the programme, are you afraid of spiders? 引出句型:Im afraid of Im not afraid of新授单词及词组:afraid /afraid of 2. Can you tell me something you are afraid of ? Can you tell me something you are not afraid of?围绕话题让学生打开自己的思维。3.介绍新朋友 My friend also likes adventures,heres a video from him. (1)Listen and match. Whats he afraid of?(2) Check the answers.新授文本单词及词组: horror films /the cold/spiders/sleeping alone.Im afraid of horror films . What about you? Im /not afraid of horror films.用外教的故事吸引学生的目光,进一步理解短语 afraid of 和 not afraid of.4.Daniel likes adventures,do you want to play an adventures game?介绍游戏规则,示范,学生操练,学生自评。让学生在游戏中进一步操练和运用句型。5.Daniel wrote an email and told us about him.(1).(呈现第二篇文本,在不同情境中表达的感觉)(2). Read the E-mail and fill in the blanks. (3). Check the answer,describe the reason.让学生理解在不同情境中的害怕与不害怕,同时开拓学生的思维。Post reading.T:Now we know what is Daniel afraid of ,and what he isnt afraid of .How about you? Please write your reply to Daniel.在经过大量的输入以后,学生对这两种句型已经非常的了解,他们可以结合自己的实际生活,综合运用句型,并且整理成篇,然后在班级展示,互相学习与交流。课后随想:课后随想:这节课的成功得益于英语课程标准中“英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。课程特别强调要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的学习兴趣,帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心,使他们的学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力,提高人文素质,增强实践能力,培养创新精神”这一新的教学理念。在课堂上我因势利导,充分利用每个活动内容落实双基教学,使学生们不但在外教 Daniel 的故事中复习了教材上的旧知识,还发散了学生的思维,回顾旧知创造自己的故事。人人说英语,个个都参与,充分展示了孩子们的组织能力和合作意识。在以上的活动中孩子们的双基得到了落实,英语口语得到了发展,综合语言运用能力得到了提高,体验到了快乐感和成功感。同时,我享受到了一个策划者、参与者、欣赏者的快乐。 这节课还有一些不尽如人意的地方,比如在课堂的最开始,我对课程的导入还不够生动,以至于没能调动学生的积极性,只有个别学生在发言;再如最后因为时间有限,没能让学生一一上台展示自己的成果。所以在今后的教学中应该合理安排好教学的各个环节所用的时间,提高课堂效率。
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