新人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 1a-1d导学案(精品推荐)-(优教系列).doc

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新人教版八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section B 1a-1d导学案(精品推荐)-(优教系列).doc_第1页
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1、 1 Unit 8 How do you make banana milk shake 学习目标 1熟练掌握词汇 :sandwich, butter, piece, turkey, slices, lettuce, put.on, a slice of,a piece of 2. 熟练掌握以下句型: Do you like ? Yes, I do/No, I dont 3.熟练掌握本课出现的可数名词及不可数名词。 可数名词: sandwich, turkey, slice. 不可数名词: bread, butter, relish, lettuce 重点 难点 能够听懂有关三明治制作过程的会话

2、并能用所听内容描述食物的制作过程 课前自学 课中交流 课堂教学设计 一、 单词冲浪。(先熟记第 124 页 P28 页 的单词 ,再闭合书本测试。) 音标 单词及词性 中文 音标 单词及词性 中文 snw?t? b?t?r t?rki let?s pi?s 二,按下列要求预习书本 p60 1.观察课本 60 页 1a 中的图片,你能猜出这是 制作哪种食物的原料吗? _ 2.你喜 欢吃三明治吗?你喜欢在三明治里放些什么材料呢? 又不喜欢什么原料呢? 想一想,列举在下面。 In my sandwich, I like _ _ I don t like_ _. 3.观察与思考: sandwich ,

3、turkey, slice, lettuce 属于 _名词。它们的数量可以用其容器的数量或体积;重量等表示。 练一练: 一杯牛奶 _, 两片面包 _, 三片火鸡 _。 4.辨析可数名词和不可数名词: 可 数名词 _(有 /没有)单复数的变化, _(可以 /不可以)和冠词或数词连用。不可数名词 _(有 /没有)单复数的变化,能与 _(定冠词 /不定冠词)连用,但 _(能 /不能 )与不定冠词或数词连用。 当表达不可数名词的 确定 数量时,一般用 _等短语,如:两片面包 two_ bread,一汤勺蜂蜜 a_ _honey,当表达不可数名词的 不确定 的数量时,一般用 some,_, little

4、, _等词(组),如: much homework. 对可说名词的数量进行提问时,我们通常用 _;对不可数名词的数量进行提问时,我们通常用_。 2 当堂训练 一 .根据句意, 用括号内单词的适当形式填空: 1. How many _(slice) of bread do weekend? 2. I eat two_( sandwich) for breakfast. 3. Here are some bananas. Please cut_(they)up. 4. I need _(buy) some flowers. 5._(final),mix it all up. 6. We need

5、some _(tomato). 7. Here_(be) some milk. Drink it please. 8._(not turn) on the blender. 9. You can make fruit salad following these_(instruction). 10.If you put some _(butter)on the bread, it will taste more delicious. 二 .句型转换: 1.I like lettuce in sandwiches (变一般疑问句) _ _ _lettuce in sandwiches? 2.We

6、need a teaspoon of relish.(对划线部分提问)? _ _relish _we need? 3.There are fifty students in our class.(对划线部分提问) _ _students_ _in your class? 4.a, of, relish, first, on, bread, put, some, slice(连词成句) _ 5.Add some salt to the soup.(改为否定句) _ 三单项选择 1._ be late next time. A. Not B. Don t C. Please D. Don t do

7、 2. Do you know _ the post office? A. how to get B how get to C how to get to D. how get 3. -_ lettuce do you need? -Two pieces and I also need _ cheese. A. How much; much B. How many, many B. How much, many D. How many, much 4. I am hungry. Could you bring me some_ A. tea B milks C. waters D. bread

8、 5. I have _ for lunch sometimes. A. lettuce B. chickens C. breads D. meats 6. There are two bananas. You can have this one, and I can have _ one. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 7. There are _ on the plate A. some butters and three pieces of turkey B. three pieces of turkeys C. three pieces of turkey and some butter D. some butter and three pieces of turkey 板书设计 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 教后反思 课后 作业 1.识记新学的单词词组。(听写) 2.掌握目标句型。 3.完成课后作业。


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