Unit 1 Reading ll 语言点 同步ppt课件(含练习)(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册(含文档) -.rar

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  • Unit 1 Reading ll 语言点 同步ppt课件(含练习)(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册(含文档) -
    • Unit 1 Reading ll 语言点 同步课件【新教材】牛津译林版(2020)高中英语必修二(含配套讲义)
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      • B2U1 Reading II 语言点讲义.docx--点击预览


U1 Lights, camera, action!U1 Lights, camera, action! Reading II Language points Reading II Language points Reading II Language points Reading II Language points1.与其说.倒不如说._2.大量的 _3.的简介_4.熟悉_5.首先_6.使某人注意,吸引注意到._7.重视_more . than . a huge amount ofa brief introduction to be familiar with to begin with draw ones attention to attach importance to Revision - phrases8.与.分离/分开_9.使.能够做某事 _10.促成,有助于_11.更不用说,且不说_12.恰当处理,公平对待_13.对.有更好的理解_14.在.的帮助下_ be separated from enable . to do sth contribute to not to mention do justice to have a better understanding of with the aid of 15.除.以外_16.武术 _17.在后台,在幕后_in addition to martial art behind the scenes Word study1 Line 5 - brief adj. 简洁的,简单的;短时间的 (1)短时间的会议/交谈a brief meeting/ conversation (2)本文简要介绍了计算机的历史。This article gives a brief introduction to the history of the computer. (3)总之,那会议很成功。In brief, the meeting was successful/a success.简明扼要的描述/总结a brief description/ summary a brief introduction to . .的简要介绍in brief 简言之,总之 = to be brief = brieflyin short/ in a word/ all in allbriefly adv. 短暂地,简要地 单句语法填空(1) He explained _ (brief) what we needed to do. (2) We should, _ brief, spend more time on English listening and writing. 完成句子(3) _ (简言之), your work desnt satisfy the manager. brieflyinIn brief/ To be brief/ Briefly 2 Line 6 - familiar adj. 熟悉的,常见的 (1)我很熟悉他的设计风格。I am familiar with his style of design. = His style of design is familiar to me. be/get familiar with . 熟悉.be familiar to sb. 为某人所熟悉unfamiliar adj. 不熟悉的 familiarity n. 熟悉,通晓 单句语法填空(1) Charles Dickens wrote over twenty novels and many of his characters are familiar _ todays readers. (2) My grandma grew up in the countryside, so she is quite familiar _ all the crops. (3) She felt uneasy in the _ (familiar) surroundings.towithunfamiliar 3Line 16 - attach vt. 认为有重要性,重视;把.固定,附上 (1)Our government attaches great importance to education now, which enables so many people to be well educated. attach great/much/little importance/value/significance to . 认为有重要性(或价值、意义等),重视attach . to . 把.系于.,把.附在.上(2)Attach a recent photo to the application form. attached adj. 爱慕,依恋;附属于 The school is attached to Hunan Normal University. The hospital is attached to the medical college. be attached to . 附属于.,依恋/爱慕.He is deeply attached to singing. attachment n. 附属物,附件;爱慕,依恋 单句语法填空(1) She attached a stamp _ the envelope and mailed it. (2) With a label _ (attach) to each bag, it is easy for the children to recognize their own bag. (3) More and more people are beginning to attach importance to _ (live) a low-carbon life. 完成句子(4) My parents always _ (非常重视) my physical fitness. toattachedliving attach great importance to 4 Line 22 - aid n./vt./vi. 帮助;援助 (1)His classmates saw he was in trouble and came/went to his aid. (2)With the aid of their teachers, they learned how to perform first aid. come/go to ones aid 帮助某人with the aid of ./ with ones aid 在.的帮助下do/give/offer/perform/carry out first aid 实施急救(1)The Chinese government aided several African countries with money and technology.(2)The girl aided her grandma in looking after the cats. aid sb. in (doing) sth 帮助某人(做)某事aid sb. with sth. 在.方面帮助某人单句语法填空(1)_ the aid of the firefighter, they are now safe. (2) They aided me _ getting used to the new surroundings. 完成句子(3) I didnt know any Spain, but a nice girl _ (帮助了我). Withincame to my aid/ aided me5 Line 22 - prefer vt. 较喜欢,更喜欢 (preferred/preferring) (1)我宁愿步行去那儿也不愿乘公交车。I prefer going there on foot to going by bus. = I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus. = I would rather walk there than go by bus. = I would walk there rather than go by bus. (2)当下雨时,我更喜欢待在家里。When it rains, I prefer staying/ to stay at home. (3)我喜欢水胜过奶茶。I prefer water to milk tea. prefer A to B 喜欢A胜过喜欢Bprefer to do sth/ doing sth 更喜欢做.prefer doing A to doing B 宁愿做.而不愿做.= prefer to do A rather than do B = would rather do A than do B = would do A rather than do B preference n. 偏爱,爱好;偏爱的事物 have a preference for . 对.偏爱 单句语法填空(1)The professor preferred _ (give) lectures to students to _ (invite) to attend meetings. (2) Rather than drive all the way every day, he prefers _ (cycle) to his office.(3) My mother would rather _ (go) to work than _ (stay) at home. givingbeing invitedto cyclegostay6 Line 23 - approach n. 方法;接近,靠近;道路,路径 vt.接近,靠近;临近;处理 (1)随着2021年的临近,我越来越焦虑。With the approach of 2021, I become more and more anxious. (2)增强你的体质的最佳方法就是每天锻炼。The best approach to building up your body is to do exercise every day. (3)所有通往机场的道路都被警察封锁了。All the approaches to the airport were blocked by the police. an approach to . .的方法;通往.的道路with the approach of . 随着.的来临/临近用这种方法做某事的方法approach/the approach to doing sth wayin this way the way to do/ of doing sth meansby this means the means of doing sth methodwith this method the method of/for doing sth (1)As I approached the house, I noticed a light upstairs. (2) Winter is approaching/ drawing near/ around the corner. (3) What is the best way of approaching this problem? vi.临近vt.靠近,接近vt.着手处理,对付单句语法填空(1)_ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (2) The job market has changed and our approaches to _ (find) jobs must change as well. Approachingfinding7 P5 - award n. 奖,奖品,奖金 vt. 授予,给予(1)他因对社区做出贡献而获得一个特别奖。He received a special award for his contribution to the community.(2) President Xi gave Dr. Zhong Nanshan Chinas highest award, the Medal of the Republic, in an award ceremony. win/get/receive an award (for sth)(因某事赢得/获得/得到奖项)give sb. an award 给某人颁奖an award ceremony 颁奖仪式(3) Andy won first prize in the English Writing Competition. (4) He won the best actor award four years in a row. (5) You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 用这种方法award多指官方颁发或由评委经过认真考虑后颁发奖品、奖金,强调荣誉prize在竞赛、竞争或抽奖中所赢得的奖品reward 对某人的帮助、工作或服务等的回报、报酬,可以是金钱、物品或精神奖励(6) 裁判授予我一等奖。The judge awarded me first prize. = The judge awarded first prize to me. award sb sth = award sth to sb 把某物颁发给某人单句语法填空(1)Two students in our school _ (award) first prize in the National English Speaking Competition last month. (2) Medals will be awarded _ the top three players in each group. were awardedto8 P5 - in addition to 除.之外(还)选词填空:in addition/ in addition to (1) Mr. Black is a specialist in chemistry. _, he is a famous writer. (2) _ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support. In additionIn addition toin addition “除此之外,另外”,是副词短语,单独作状语in addition to “除.之外”,是短语介词,+名/代/动名词9 Line 2 - Whatever your answer is, theres always a lot more to it than first meets the eyes. (1)我无论去哪里,总会遇见有趣的人。Wherever I go, I always meet interesting people. (2)无论发生什么,我们都必须保持镇定。Whatever happened, we must keep calm. (3)我们必须完成这项任务,不管花多长时间。We have to finish the task, however long it takes. “疑问词+ever”:可引导让步状语从句 = no matter + 疑问词Whatever you do should do no harm to others. You can take whichever book you like. Ill take whoever wants to go. “疑问词+ever”:可引导名词性从句,不能转换为 “no matter + 疑问词”10 Line 20 - The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made in this way with actors jumping up and down in front of a green screen. (1) With the final exam _ (approach), your parents will not probably allow you to spend too much time on the Internet. (2) With nothing _ (leave) to burn, the fire became weak and finally went out. (3) With a lot of homework _ (do), I decided not to watch the performance with you.approachingleftto do 11 Line 35 - Hopefully, next time you go to the cinema, youll spare a thought for all those talented people behind the scenes. (1)每次去北京,我都会去参观长城。Each time I went to Beijing, I would visit the Great Wall. (2)第一次看到这个图书馆时,我就喜欢上了它。I fell in love with the library the first time I saw it. (3)上次我见到你时,你还是一个大一新生。The last time I saw you, you were a college freshman. every time/ each time/ the first time/ the last time等名词词组用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。HomeworkHomework1. Review the usage of these words and expressions.2. Finish the exercises on the assignment.B2U1 Reading II Language points 讲义讲义I. Phrases 1.与其说.倒不如说.2.大量的 3.的简介4.熟悉5.首先6.使某人注意,吸引注意到.7.重视8.与.分离/分开9.使.能够做某事 10.促成,有助于11.更不用说,且不说12.恰当处理,公平对待13.对.有更好的理解14.在.的帮助下15.除.以外16.武术 17.在后台,在幕后II. Word study1. brief adj. 简洁的,简单的;短时间的简洁的,简单的;短时间的 单句语法填空(1) He explained _ (brief) what we needed to do. (2) We should, _ brief, spend more time on English listening and writing. 完成句子(3) _ (简言之), your work desnt satisfy the manager. 2. familiar adj. 熟悉的,常见的熟悉的,常见的 单句语法填空(1) Charles Dickens wrote over twenty novels and many of his characters are familiar _ todays readers. (2) My grandma grew up in the countryside, so she is quite familiar _ all the crops. (3) She felt uneasy in the _ (familiar) surroundings.3. attach vt. 认为有重要性,重视;把认为有重要性,重视;把.固定,附上固定,附上 单句语法填空(1) She attached a stamp _ the envelope and mailed it. (2) With a label _ (attach) to each bag, it is easy for the children to recognize their own bag. (3) More and more people are beginning to attach importance to _ (live) a low-carbon life. 完成句子(4) My parents always _ (非常重视) my physical fitness. 4. aid n./vt./vi. 帮助;援助帮助;援助 单句语法填空(1)_ the aid of the firefighter, they are now safe. (2) They aided me _ getting used to the new surroundings. 完成句子(3) I didnt know any Spain, but a nice girl _ (帮助了我). 5. prefer vt. 较喜欢,更喜欢较喜欢,更喜欢单句语法填空(1)The professor preferred _ (give) lectures to students to _ (invite) to attend meetings. (2) Rather than drive all the way every day, he prefers _ (cycle) to his office.(3) My mother would rather _ (go) to work than _ (stay) at home. 6. approach n. 方法;接近,靠近;道路,路径方法;接近,靠近;道路,路径 vt.接近,靠近;临近;处理接近,靠近;临近;处理单句语法填空(1)_ (approach) the city center, we saw a stone statue of about 10 meters in height. (2) The job market has changed and our approaches to _ (find) jobs must change as well. 7. award n. 奖,奖品,奖金奖,奖品,奖金 vt. 授予,给予授予,给予单句语法填空(1)Two students in our school _ (award) first prize in the National English Speaking Competition last month. (2) Medals will be awarded _ the top three players in each group. 8. in addition to 除除.之外(还)之外(还)选词填空:in addition/ in addition to (1) Mr. Black is a specialist in chemistry. _, he is a famous writer. (2) _ the school, the village has a clinic, which was also built with government support. 9. “疑问词疑问词+ever”:可引导让步状语从句:可引导让步状语从句 = no matter + 疑问词疑问词(1) 我无论去哪里,总会遇见有趣的人。(2) 无论发生什么,我们都必须保持镇定。(3) 我们必须完成这项任务,不管花多长时间。10. with 的复合结构的复合结构(1) With the final exam _ (approach), your parents will not probably allow you to spend too much time on the Internet. (2) With nothing _ (leave) to burn, the fire became weak and finally went out. (3) With a lot of homework _ (do), I decided not to watch the performance with you.11. every time/ each time/ the first time/ the last time 等名词词组用作从属连词,引导时间等名词词组用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句状语从句(1)每次去北京,我都会去参观长城。(2) 第一次看到这个图书馆时,我就喜欢上了它。(3)上次我见到你时,你还是一个大一新生。
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