Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy Workbook ppt课件-(2020)新牛津译林版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修二课件Unit 2 Be sporty, be healthy.WorkbookExploring language A. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the brackets. P63 1.John was extremely excited to pass the driving test, and I sent him my _ (congratulate). 2. People tend to get great _ (satisfy) from helping others.

2、congratulationssatisfaction 3. Snow provides _ (inspire) for many poets and artists who produce great masterpieces(代代表作;表作; 杰作;名著杰作;名著). 4. We have access to (有机会使用有机会使用) the _ (equip) in the school labs.inspirationequipment 5. I went to see my uncle in hospital yesterday. He suffered a back _ (inju

3、re ) when he fell off his bike. 6. My brother got _ (admit) to his dream university last year.injuryadmitted 7. Troy tr made a sudden _(move) and scared the dog away. 8. One of the selling points of this table is its _ (flexible): you can easily fold it to save space.movementflexibility B. Fill in t

4、he blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box below. P63 play a role in make up for no wonder bring about 导致;引起导致;引起 in response to under the weather try out试用(某人);测试;试验试用(某人);测试;试验 keep up使处于高水平;使不低落使处于高水平;使不低落 sign up for报名(参加课程)报名(参加课程) work ones way to/through(通过努力通过努力)逐逐步达到;缓慢而费力地移

5、到步达到;缓慢而费力地移到 /穿过某处穿过某处 1.You should _ your spirits. If you continue to make an effort, youll surely do well in the next exam. 2. In order to make good preparations for the party next month, Im considering _ a cooking course.keep upsigning up for keep sthup A. 使某事物保持在高水平使某事物保持在高水平 The high cost of r

6、aw materials is keeping prices up.昂贵的原料费用使价格居高不下。昂贵的原料费用使价格居高不下。 B. 使某事物保持(在同一水平,通常使某事物保持(在同一水平,通常指高水平)指高水平) Well done! Keep up the good work/Keep it up !干得好!继续好好干吧!干得好!继续好好干吧! C. 使处于高水平;使不低落使处于高水平;使不低落 They sang songs to keep their spirits up.他们唱歌以保持高昂的情绪。他们唱歌以保持高昂的情绪。 D. 沿用(或沿袭、保持)某事物沿用(或沿袭、保持)某事物

7、 to keep up old traditions保持老传统保持老传统 Do you still keep up your Spanish?你还坚持说西班牙语吗?你还坚持说西班牙语吗? E. 保养,维护(房屋、花园保养,维护(房屋、花园等)等),=maintain keep sb up使某人熬夜(或开夜车、不睡觉)使某人熬夜(或开夜车、不睡觉) I hope were not keeping you up.希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。 keep up(天气)持续不变(天气)持续不变 The rain kept up all afternoon.雨下了整整一个下午。雨下了整

8、整一个下午。 keep up (with sb/sth)(与(与)齐步)齐步前进,并驾齐驱;跟上前进,并驾齐驱;跟上 Slow downI cant keep up!慢点慢点我跟不上了!我跟不上了! I cant keep up with all the changes.我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。 Wages are not keeping up with inflation.工资赶不上通货膨胀。工资赶不上通货膨胀。 keep up with sb与(某人)保持联系与(某人)保持联系 How many of your old school friends do y

9、ou keep up with?你与多少老同学保持着联系?你与多少老同学保持着联系? keep up with sth A. 熟悉,了解(消息、形势等)熟悉,了解(消息、形势等) She likes to keep up with the latest fashions.她喜欢赶时髦。她喜欢赶时髦。 B. 继续支付;继续做继续支付;继续做 If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home.如果你不继续如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。 3. We spent half an h

10、our waiting for the bus and now we have to move fast _ the lost time. 4. The engineers developed the new software _ the growing demand from customers(顾顾客日益增长的需求客日益增长的需求).to make up for in response to 5. The Internet _ maintaining long-distance relationships. 6. I started as an assistant in the compa

11、ny, and eventually I _ a high position.plays a role inworked my way to 7. Before a new product is put on the market, the company usually invites some potential customers _ the samples s:mplz . 8. Alice has been feeling _ these days, so she wants to sleep late this morning and have a good rest.to try

12、 outunder the weather 9. _ the exchange students are excited-this is the first time theyve been to China. 10. Mike had agreed to our plan but changed his mind at the last minute/moment (重大事情前的重大事情前的)最最后一刻,紧要关头后一刻,紧要关头. I wonder what _ his change in attitude.No wonder brought about D. Translate the f

13、ollowing sentences into English. Use the words and phrases in the brackets. P64 1.经常锻炼的人往往要比不锻炼经常锻炼的人往往要比不锻炼的人健康。的人健康。(tend to) People who regularly exercise tend to be healthier than those who do not. 2.我和朋友保持联系,让他们了我和朋友保持联系,让他们了解我们家乡的最新发展。解我们家乡的最新发展。( maintain; update) I maintain contact with my f

14、riends, updating them on the latest development in our hometown. 3.他们没有听从我们的建议,而他们没有听从我们的建议,而是坚持自己原先的计划。是坚持自己原先的计划。(stick with)They did not follow our suggestion. Instead, they stuck with their original plan. 4.如果有什么问题,尽管问我。如果有什么问题,尽管问我。(hesitate) 5.下了整夜的雪,现在是堆雪人下了整夜的雪,现在是堆雪人的最佳时机。的最佳时机。( throughout

15、) Dont hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. It snowed throughout the night. Now is the perfect time to make a snowman. 6.人们担心机器人未来会取代人人们担心机器人未来会取代人类。类。( replace) People are concerned that robots will replace human beings in the future. 7.我们不缺机遇,缺的是把握机遇我们不缺机遇,缺的是把握机遇的能力。的能力。(lack) There is n

16、o lack of opportunities. What we lack is the ability to take hold of opportunities. 8.尽管日程安排很紧,我还是把尽管日程安排很紧,我还是把运动当作每天的常规活动的一部分。运动当作每天的常规活动的一部分。(routine) Despite my busy schedule, I make exercise part of my daily routine.Appreciating language P68 Sport is an important part of our daily lives. Read a

17、loud the essay below about the benefits of sport. Benefits of sport Whether you simply go for a long walk in the park, ride your bicycle through the countryside or go to the gym, getting your body moving will not only make you feel more energized endazd, but will also improve your overall(全面的;综合的;总体

18、的全面的;综合的;总体的) health. get moving(informal) 马上行动;迅马上行动;迅速开始(或离去等)速开始(或离去等) Its latewed better get moving.天不早了天不早了咱们走吧。咱们走吧。 get sth. Moving (informal) 使进步;推动使进步;推动 The new director has really got things moving.新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。新来的主任确实使事情有了进展。 The plan should boost employment and get/keep things moving

19、in the economy.这个计划应该能够促进就业,推动经这个计划应该能够促进就业,推动经济的发展。济的发展。 energize|endaz; 美美 enrd-| vt. (British English also ise) A. 使充满热情使充满热情 B. 给(某人)增添能量(或精力、活给(某人)增添能量(或精力、活力、干劲)力、干劲) C. (术语术语) 为为提供电力(或能量);提供电力(或能量);使通电使通电 Involving yourself in(使使)参加,参加,加入加入 an activity that makes you breathe a little more hea

20、vily will improve the development of your heart and lungs and help them work more effectively fektvli(有效地有效地) and efficiently fntl(效率高地效率高地; 有效地有效地). involve|nvlv; 美美 nv:lv| v. A. vt. 包含;需要;使成为必然部分包含;需要;使成为必然部分(或结果)(或结果) The job involves me/my travelling all over the country.这份工作需要我在全国各地跑。这份工作需要我在全国

21、各地跑。 B. vt. 牵涉;牵连;影响牵涉;牵连;影响 How many vehicles were involved in the crash?这次撞车事故涉及多少辆汽车?这次撞车事故涉及多少辆汽车? C. vt. sb (in sth/in doing sth) (使)参加,(使)参加,加入加入 Parents should involve themselves in their childs education.父母应当参与孩子的教育。父母应当参与孩子的教育。 D. vt. sb (in sth) 表明(某人参与了犯罪表明(某人参与了犯罪等)等) involve sb in sth把某

22、人牵涉(或牵扯)到某事里把某人牵涉(或牵扯)到某事里 You have involved me in a great deal of extra work.你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。你害得我添了一大堆额外的工作。 Additionally, regular exercise will tone(使更健壮;使更结实;使更使更健壮;使更结实;使更有力有力) your body by contributing to(促成促成;促使;是导致促使;是导致的原因之的原因之一一) the development of your muscles, bones and joints and will als

23、o help you maintain a healthy body weight.Another benefit of exercise is that it will improve your bodys immune system, making you better prepared to fight off( 抵抗;击退抵抗;击退) infection. Every sport has its own specific health benefits. Swimming, for example, is an excellent physical activity as nearly

24、 all muscles are used when you swim. As a result, it provides a terrific(极极好的;绝妙的;了不起的好的;绝妙的;了不起的) full-body workout, improving coordination kdnen (协调协调动作的能力动作的能力), flexibility, balance and muscle strength. Of course, swimming is also a great way to cool down on a hot day. Sport, as well as being a

25、physical activity, has a mental aspect too. cool down/off A. 变凉;冷却下来变凉;冷却下来 We cooled off with a swim in the lake.在湖里游泳后我们感到凉快了。在湖里游泳后我们感到凉快了。 B. 镇静下来;变冷淡;不再那么激动镇静下来;变冷淡;不再那么激动 I think you should wait until shes cooled down a little.我觉得你应该等她镇静一点再说。我觉得你应该等她镇静一点再说。 cool sbdown/off A. 使感到凉快(或凉爽)使感到凉快(或

26、凉爽) Drink plenty of cold water to cool yourself down.多喝点凉水,凉快凉快。多喝点凉水,凉快凉快。 B. 使冷静;使平静;使冷淡使冷静;使平静;使冷淡 A few hours in a police cell should cool him off.在警察局班房里关上几个小时在警察局班房里关上几个小时就会使他平静下来。就会使他平静下来。 cool sthdown/off使(某物)变凉;使冷却下来使(某物)变凉;使冷却下来 It can help define(阐明;明确;界阐明;明确;界定定) who you are and who you

27、can become. Sport builds character(塑造塑造性格性格) and promotes the development of a number of qualities that are essential senl (必不可少的;极其重要的必不可少的;极其重要的) for a successful and fulfillingflfl (让让人感觉有意义的;令人满足的人感觉有意义的;令人满足的) life. Included here are three qualities worthy of 值得值得(或应得或应得)的的special consideration

28、. Firstly, sport requires self-discipline self dspln (自律自律能力;自我约束能力能力;自我约束能力), without which there will always be the temptation(诱惑诱惑;引诱引诱;诱惑物诱惑物;诱因诱因) to simply give up. In order to excel ksel(出类拔萃出类拔萃;擅长;善于;突出擅长;善于;突出) in sport, you will have to set goals, make plans and persevere p:sv(r)(坚持;坚持;孜孜

29、以求孜孜以求) with thoughts and actions, even without immediate rewards. Secondly, sport will encourage you to maintain a positive and balanced outlook(世界世界观;人生观观;人生观). Everyone has their ups and downs(浮沉;兴衰;荣辱浮沉;兴衰;荣辱), their triumphs (巨大成功;重大成就;巨大成功;重大成就;伟大胜利伟大胜利) traimfs and their tragedies and, theref

30、ore, a big part of life means having to deal with success and failure. Engaging(使使)从事,参加从事,参加 in competitive sport(竞技体育运动竞技体育运动) will help you understand that winning a competition does not make you superior supri(r) (比比好的好的;比比强的强的;优于优于的的) to everyone else and that losing is only a temporary setback

31、(挫折挫折), from which you can learn and progress. Finally, sport will help you understand the importance of teamwork(团队合作团队合作). It will show you that you often need to rely on others for your success and, similarly, that you also have a responsibility to contribute to the success of others. The world o

32、f sport is a fairground (露露天游乐场天游乐场) of exciting opportunities where you can discover who you really are. Time, I think, to lace up(由带子系由带子系紧;把紧;把用带子系牢用带子系牢) your sports shoes and go play! 体育界是一个充满激动人心的机会的游乐场,在那里你可以发现真正的自己。 我想,是时候系好你的运动鞋去玩了! Guided reading This essay is about the importance of doing

33、 exercise, and the advantages of an active lifestyle. Besides the obvious health benefits, there are also a number of other rewards(回报回报): through such activities, one can develop his/her character and become a better team player. There is a clear and logical progression prgren(进展;发展;进展;发展;演变演变) of

34、ideas in the essay.(这篇文这篇文章的思想脉络清晰而有逻辑章的思想脉络清晰而有逻辑) The writer begins by presenting information that is more likely to be familiar to the reader. By doing so, the writer establishes a common ground (观点、利益和目标的观点、利益和目标的)共共同基础,共同点,一致点同基础,共同点,一致点with the audience, which makes it easier to develop a pers

35、uasive line (尤指公开表明的尤指公开表明的)态度,看法态度,看法 of argument later on in the essay. After providing a specific example to support the argument in the second paragraph, the writer moves on to开始做开始做(别的别的事事);换话题;换话题 less obvious benefits of exercise: sport builds character and helps us develop a number of import

36、ant skills and abilities. Instead of presenting a large number of arguments (论据;理由;论据;理由;论点论点), the writer chooses to highlight(突出;强调突出;强调) three key ideas that are presented in a smooth progression. The writer explores how sport helps us become self-disciplined, how it teaches us to challenges what

37、 we all face in life, and finally how it encourages team spirit. Outlining(概述;略述概述;略述) key ideas is a useful technique in essay writing, which makes the argument more focused(注意力集中的;目标明确注意力集中的;目标明确的的) and persuasive. The ideas are presented in a logical order, moving from the perspective(态度;观点;态度;观点;思考方法思考方法) of the individual to the larger perspective, namely(即;也即;也就是就是) how we interact with others.


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